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  1. "Money" completes the project of transferring electronic financial data to banks 03/03/2020 Al-Malwal Company for electronic payment services announced, on Tuesday, that it has completed the project of transferring data and electronic financial movements of banks contracting with it to the live work environment in the company’s data center inside Iraq. The company said in a statement received by "Al-Iqtisad News", that it "with the beginnings of the month of March of this year and in compliance with the instructions of the Central Bank of Iraq, completed a project to transfer all data and electronic financial movements to Iraqi banks contracting with them, dealers and all of its customers to the live work environment in the company data center inside Iraq ". The statement added that the company’s data center is “equipped with the latest technologies and software to meet the aspirations of beneficiaries to obtain the best payment services and all operations are now being followed up to ensure the highest quality.” He continued, "The money company was established for the electronic payment industry inside Iraq, and it is the first company that enabled its banks to issue internationally accepted electronic cards, and the company today is part of a network that includes Iraq, Jordan and Palestine." It is reported that the money company is a company licensed by the Central Bank of Iraq with a license (collector, processor, source) and it serves nine Iraqi banks and a large number of merchants.
    12 points
  2. The only “source” I have is my friend that is from Najaf and my Erbil friend and they both don’t have any real “inside” Intel like a date or rate that we all seek.. my reasoning is simple.. since I first bought my first Dinar in 2004, I have never seen a better time for this to happen than right now. Too many reason why it should to list but I am looking at within around 30 days and can’t wait.. we will see.. don’t lose hope my friend.
    11 points
  3. Hey DV and Good Morning everyone Hope all is well. Sorry for the abrupt departure from posting the news, Life been changing and somewhat harsh around here in my parts. Been dealing with Family health issue. (Parents). As I have for quite some time, but things took a turn for the worse in Dec and still dealing with today, it everyday. I would like to Thank those folks that have reach out in Private message and those that have commented in threads and those that have keep my Family in Prayers. I appreciate you and your Prayers and I Thank the Lord even threw the Storms.
    11 points
  4. Wish they found a cure for there worthless currency instead.
    10 points
  5. Tonight when I saw my friend he said, “see, I told you they wouldn’t do anything!!” Lol Then he went on to say on Iraqi TV, Sadr was being interviewed and basically admitted to being behind the killings of the protestors in Najaf. He said it was basically similar to punishing a child that was being bad to teach everyone a lesson. He said if he wanted to, his militias would forceably get rid of the American forces in Iraq. My friend said he was being arrogant and cocky as if he can’t be touched.. My friend is searching for a video with English sub titles so I can pass it along to everyone but can’t find one in English yet. Didn’t we see an article a few days ago where the US is wanting to put sanctions on Sadr or something similar? Maybe I read something wrong but This could be the reason, I guess time will tell.. I will post the video here if he finds one with English subtitles..
    10 points
  6. I wish they could find real evidence of some of those billions of dollars coming back to Obama, Biden, Clinton and John Kerry. The pack of corrupt rats deserves all that would be coming to them... Thanks for the article Synopsis.
    9 points
  7. The people are still at it today. Watch: Protesters raise banners, chant slogans during demonstrations staged today at al-Haboubi Square in #Nasiriya #BaghdadPost #IraqProtests #saveIraqipeople #FreeIraq
    9 points
  8. 3-2-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick IMO...Too much, focus...on Allawi...Keep in mind, whether...Allawi is seated or not...Iraq, does have...a seated and functioning government/cabinet in place...which, continues to convene and issue directives under Mahdi...Mahdi and his cabinet (form) nothing more then a care-taker government...Yet, they are in fact a seated government... Nor, can they now or have they ever had the authority to vote on a bill, to become law...The PM and his cabinet propose bills, turn, are forwarded to parliament for a vote, which are then voted on...becoming law, or not... Parliament, on the other hand... is not, part of the executive branch... Any bill that has reached parliament, sitting in parliament (100's ) or was approved prior to Mahdis resignation can be voted on in parliament. ie: 2020 budget.. Parliament must also vote on the acceptance of a cabinet put forward by any PM... (part 1 of 2)... 3-2-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick As a caretaker government Mahdi and his cabinet cannot issue bills to parliament but they can issue directives to other branches of the government. ie: release of funds to citizens, claim a holiday, etc..These do not require a vote in parliament...I agree, and yet the CBI has been prepared for quite some time... An event, Mahdi failed twice in its implementation...Myself, I put no faith in their abiding by their constitution... They opt to select when to abide by it when it's in ones best interest... In the years since it was voted on, all sitting governments have been in violation... Article 140, HCL... only 2 of many clear violations... (part 2 of 2)... 3-2-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ I am told we have had delays but should be getting news this afternoon. ...I expect Iraq to come fully on board as soon as they are allowed to see the release…we will see everything come together…the government miraculously sat…and all those issues gone…boom. [Do you think the uncertainty of the corona virus will hamper the redemption centers?] I was thinking this was a perfect storm to get it done…but I guess it could…staff not wanting to go to work to be exposed? I don’t think we should worry about it…I think it’s a bigger scare then it should be. 3-2-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article "Delaying the approval of the 2020 budget will lead to economic stagnation and harm the people". Quote - "It is the budget of the patient Iraqi people." Do you know why it's the budget of the people? It's actually never been the budget of the people before but it is now because this is the budget that has everything in it that's post rate change that is for the people. The reforms. The reconstruction...This is the first budget that's going to rebuild their entire country. That's going to give them a better life... 3-2-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Al-Nassiri: Delaying the approval of the 2020 budget will lead to economic stagnation and harm the people" All the bounce back and forth in politics in regard to the PM, is creating even more stress on and toward the end result to be sooner now than later for the economic reforms to be completed now. The oil price decline, the fears of corona virus, unemployment, economic stagnation, etc., the list goes on! The advice it appears to be from Samir al-Nassiri, is to get the reforms done and now. imo..!
    9 points
  9. Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: “that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.”
    9 points
  10. Iraq crisis deepens after PM-designate steps down AFP March 3, 2020 Ex-Kurdistan president thanks parties for rejecting Iraq PM-designate’s government March 3, 2020 at 11:16 am Iraq president begins search for new PM-designate March 3, 2020 at 12:46 pm With Allawi's failure to form government, Iraq's political dysfunction at new heights Regardless of who Baghdad's next prime minister designate is, the political process is bound to be problematic Mina Al-Oraibi March 3, 2020
    8 points
  11. The US could have turned Iraq into a beautiful country.
    8 points
  12. As Bumper once said, "play nice." JoeB - i see youve been a member since 2011 The issue with luigie's rubies vs Ron's greens in my opinion is due to respect - which Ron has and auigi needs more of. I tried to ignore and politely and then state my disdain for the bs Luigi posts but the power of free speech wins in the end and the majority tend to see Luigi's posts for entertainment purposes and that of a warning to others. In my opinion, luigi should replace his 'opine' with "warning to newbies" - Don't fall for the BS from X, Y, or Z...especially since some of them are now convicted felons. It would take the appearance- off of him and place the ed mphasis where it should be: a message to new- comers that therrs a lot of bad people out there . I personally fell victim to someone in Vegas last September who was supposed to send a wire for 2k for 2mm dinar I sent him. He works under the guise od a reputable company named The feds and police will catch up with him in the very near future...or someone who meets him at the UPS store he gets his mail 2550 E. Desert Rd. The repurcussions he caused me have been nightmarish
    7 points
  13. First sanctions, then a sniper. Thanks GregH!!
    7 points
  14. At the 2:20 mark, you see Iranian congressmen visiting the sick-with-coronavirus Vice President in the hospital - and none of them are wearing a mask! At the 2:00 minute mark, this same infected Vice President is meeting with the Cabinet before she got sick. I think it's spread pretty well through the Iranian government already. Good 4 minute video which shows how Iran is under reporting the death rate.
    7 points
  15. Knowing these guys, only one side effect.....lead posioning.
    7 points
  16. 3-3-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "Urgent: The President of the Republic approves Allawi's resignation and demands the blocs to choose an alternative." Quote: “The President of the Republic: Consultation will be held to select a replacement candidate for Allawi within 15 days”. Then the candidate will have 30 days to get his cabinet ratified through parliament. So here we go again. I have to tell everyone this is almost the worst possible situation we could be in right now. We must all ...pray for a miracle. I am still being told that Allawi is the 3rd miracle for us in this evil fight against corruption. So I don’t know what kind of twist in fate is going to happen to bring about this miracle. Let us just relax and watch it play out...(post 1 of 2)... 3-3-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Just so you know…The legal expert, Tariq Harb, resolved Friday, the controversy over the possibility of not giving confidence to the government of the Prime Minister-designate, Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, while the constitution affirmed that the President of the Republic was given the right to assign another candidate according to his opinion and to choose him without referring to the more bloc if parliament did not give confidence To the government in charge of. One way or the other Iraq will get its new prime minister to meet the legal deadline of 30 days from February 2nd which is March 3rd...(post 2 of 2)... 3-3-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Article: "Iraq’s PM-designate Allawi steps down" Interesting development for sure... the next 36 hours are going to tell us a lot. Stay calm, everyone! ...This could turn out to be another delay or it might spark the best fire we could hope for. Taken from another sight that follows Adam's Opinions, and posts snippets from them. 3-3-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 I ask the question - What does the GOI have to do with the CBI's monetary reform? ...Nothing...there is one important thing though. The citizens of Iraq must believe in the GOI. They must believe in the plan...
    6 points
  17. Thanks Umbertino, seen it many times. That's my last name, had to live up to it, got the scars & broken bone's to prove it. What a blast. 😊 Those that lived through the '70's & 80's know what I mean. Started mellowing out after fracturing my back in '89. Thanks be to GOD I got to walk again. Need an emoji on a Harley 👍
    6 points
  18. Monday, March 02, 2020 3:52 PM Iraqi scientists announce that they have found a cure for the Corona Virus FacebookTwitterEmailWhatsApp A scientific team affiliated with Biomed Company in Iraq announced that it reached a decisive treatment for "Covid 19" disease, known as the emerging coronavirus . The company said in a statement, that it can put the drug within the reach of patients in Iraq within a period of two weeks if it gets the support of investors. She added that there is a possibility to deliver this treatment to all countries that have HIV infections within three months. The company indicated that it is promising the Iraqis that there is no need from now on to worry about this global epidemic, indicating that Iraqi scientists are ready to protect the country from the virus within a short period and then treat all the infected in the world. The statement noted that finding a cure for this new virus came after pioneering research by the Biomad company on the virus. The company called on the government, capital owners, and investors in the health sector to support it to produce the discovered medication and to market it globally to serve humanity.علماء-عراقيون-يعلنون-التوصل-إلى-علاج-لفيروس-كورونا
    6 points
  19. Well this is one way to drain the swamp, I'm wondering if there's a possibility that the Iranian parliament can have a three day conference with the Iraq parliament...
    6 points
  20. . . . a “ Where’s Waldo “ search for another “ lucky chap.
    6 points
  21. Here is my thought. THE FED CANNOT CURE THE Coronavirus. All the Central Banks need to coordinate if they are trying to soften the coming drop in business from the Corona. Adding liquidity to the markets will help some but it won’t help the supply chain. The message that needs to be addressed and I’m sure it will, is that the Fed, the other Central Banks, and Governments will do whatever it takes to get a recovery going once the virus runs its course. The market is now green. Volatility as people try to figure out how to take this news and what it means.
    6 points
  22. Looks like more than one of us is on the same sheet of music.
    6 points
  23. Unlike this fake cure, I have a real cure for the whole country of Iraq. To end their political stalemate, U.S. ships should blockade all oil shipments being exported......till they agree on a new government.
    6 points
  24. If there scientists are anything like there government they didn't figure anything out. Infact they thought that everyone meant a corana beer and they figured out that a lime goes great with it and thats the cure. On the other hand i do hope someone finds a cure soon for the real virus.
    6 points
  25. Can we start a Coronavirus topic somewhere? I've posted about in the the Health section and also in the News section and even the Crypto section. Now when I find a new article, I'm not sure where it should go. Maybe it could be an olive branch that we could reach out to Yota with since he's so good at oganzing..... It would probably make him feel good that we miss and need him........... just a thought.
    6 points
  26. Unfortunately, the only way to speak to Iranian leaders is through a Hydrogen Bomb
    6 points
  27. These guys are so frustrating that you have to wonder if it will take a third party to step in and take over.
    6 points
  28. That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in a week! Nincompoops couldn’t screw in a light bulb... They would just sit in the dark, kinda like they are this very moment! 🤣
    6 points
  29. I'm about to go Guru ( or is it coo-coo for coca puffs) on everybody! From this article we have Two weeks until RV.......🤣🤣🤣 Have a Blessed week everybody! P.S. Your knewly crowned (Prince Harry didn't want his).....Guru.....
    6 points
  30. NAUGHTY, NAUGHTY Insanians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From the article, PLEASE (oh, PLEASE) look at the red, bolded, AND enlarged text. Scary John Kerry, Bark Insane Obama, AND Sleepy Creepy Uncle Hiden Joe Biden ABOUT TO HAVE THE LID BLOWN OFF THEIR "operation"???!!! Iran’s Enriched Uranium Inventory Now Five Times Beyond the 2015 Nuclear Deal The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported on Tuesday that Iran obtains five times more enriched uranium than the limit that was set in the 2015 Nuclear Deal; Traces of uranium were found in locations Tehran never disclosed the United Nations ‘watchdog’, the IAEA. On Tuesday, the United Nations appointed nuclear ‘watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), reported that Iran has now obtained an amount of enriched uranium that puts them five times beyond the limit set by the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), or Iran Nuclear Deal. As previously reported, Iran has been taking aggressive steps away from the deal ever since the Trump administration withdrew the US in 2017. Furthermore, it has become abundantly clear that Iran was violating the terms of the agreement all along. Adding to that, the head of the IAEA voiced his concern after finding traces of enriched uranium in locations that were never disclosed by Tehran. Rafael Grossi stated that “The fact that we found traces of uranium is very important. That means there is the possibility of nuclear activities and material that are not under international supervision and about which we know not the origin or the intent. That worries me.” The IAEA is now urging Tehran to be transparent regarding these locations and what has been taking place there but Tehran has stated that they will not cooperate with any accusations about what they’ve done in the past, nor do they believe they’re required to. The limit of enriched uranium set in the 2015 JCPOA is 300kg. Iran now obtains over 1,500kg. March 3rd, 2020|News !!!BOOM!!! !!!SUDDENLY!!! NO MO Insanians!!! Go Moola Nova!
    5 points
  31. with no hand washing / face mask allowed and must share water bottles ... sounds like a Plan letsroll
    5 points
  32. ( IQD Rates - Updated: Tuesday - 03/03/2020 ) Official Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) Dinar Rate: 1190 IQD to 1 USD Dinar Market Rate: (CBI last reported 3-2-2020) 1194.360 IQD to 1 USD - Rates Are Within IMF 2% Rule: YES - Are Rates IMF 2% Rule Compliant for 90 Days: YES (maintained since ~Mar. 15, 2018 & Iraq Market since ~Nov. 14, 2018) (NOTE: rates were out of compliance for 3 days starting 11-5-2019 & 2 days starting 1-7-2020 Good Tuesday Morning Dinar Vets Blessings .... RON
    5 points
  33. They couldn’t organize a pizz up in a brewery... we’re expected to believe this ? 😂
    5 points
  34. Didn't the old lady on the Titanic throw him overboard at the end of the movie ? Just wondering.
    5 points
  35. And now for the rest of the story... Fast forward to current day........Pete and Amy..... they have worked for about a year.....gaining the trust of voters......taking money from those who believed......... But wait! 2 days, and one day, before Super Tuesday.....where about 40% of the delegates will be awarded.....where they have had volunteers working like dogs........and they bail out....throwing their support behind Biden.....wonder how those followers feel? they will back Bloomberg.... Another Party coup by the DNC.......and once again they are backing the wrong horse.... The forrest for the trees.......? CL
    5 points
  36. What the heck is Thursten Howell the III doing in Iraq?
    5 points
  37. Nice to see you my friend.
    5 points
  38. Perhaps the protesters are just about at that point where they throw gasoline onto the fire.
    5 points
  39. Iraq coronavirus outbreak throws fresh fuel on protests Iraqi protesters had been rallying against government incompetence, poor public services and foreign political meddling for months. Then the novel coronavirus hit and fueled their grievances. “The real virus is Iraqi politicians,” said Fatima, an 18-year-old protester and medical student from Baghdad. “We are immune to almost everything else.” Across squares in the capital and southern protest hot spots, the anti-government demonstrators who have mobilized since October have started to take public health into their own hands. They have distributed leaflets and delivered lectures oncoronavirus prevention, while volunteers have handed out free medical masks, which have more than doubled in price in local markets. Makeshift clinics, which were erected months ago to treat demonstrators hit by live fire and tear gas canisters, are now dispensing gloves and sanitizer. Volunteers in bio-hazard suits take the temperature of protesters lined up in queues. “Even in normal times our health care system is totally run down,” said Fatima, a volunteer in central Baghdad’s Tahrir Square, the epicenter of the protests. “Now, on top of everything, we have a coronavirus outbreak, and we are supposed to rely on these facilities?” Inside medical centers, bloodstained sinks in washrooms and ill-equipped amenities have become a common sight. Hasan Khallati, a member of the parliament’s health committee, insisted to AFP that Iraq’s “hospitals and healthcare facilities are fully equipped to deal with the outbreak” of COVID-19. But available data tells a different story. According to the World Health Organization, Iraq has fewer than 10 doctors for every 10,000 residents. Outbreak next-door Iraq reported its first coronavirus case last week in an Iranian national studying at a religious seminary in the southern shrine city of Najaf. The total number of diagnosed infections has since jumped to 19 — all traced to the Islamic republic, just across the border. Iran has recorded 66 deaths among over 1,000 cases, the largest death toll outside China, the epidemic’s epicenter. This has sparked public panic in Iraq, one of Iran’s largest export markets and a popular destination for Iranian pilgrims visiting Najaf and Karbala, another holy city. Many Iraqis also cross the frontier for business, tourism, medical treatment and religious studies. Responding to the outbreak, Iraqi authorities closed land borders with Iran and banned the entry of foreign nationals traveling from there and other badly affected countries. In the protest camps, anti-Iranian sentiment is on the rise, having surged in recent months among demonstrators who accuse Tehran of meddling in Iraq’s internal affairs. This has been compounded by accusations that Iranian officials are covering up the severity of the outbreak within their borders. Iraqi officials, protesters charge, are doing the same. “We think there are cases the government has not yet declared,” medical student Russol said at a protest camp in the southern city of Diwaniya. “They need to be transparent with the people.” ‘Snipers didn’t deter us’ With schools, universities, cinemas, cafes and other public places ordered shut until March 7, turnout atprotests had been expected to fall, especially after thegovernment said it would restrict large gatherings over virus fears. Populist cleric Moqtada Sadr, regarded as an engine of the protest movement before he withdrew his support in late January, told his loyalists they were prohibited from demonstrating because of the epidemic. But students who make up the bulk of the anti-government movement have taken advantage of suspended classes to return to the streets. On Sunday, they flowed into protest camps in Baghdad and Diwaniya to press for a government overhaul two months after outgoing premier Adel Abdel Mahdi resigned under popular pressure. The same day, prime minister-designate Mohammad Allawi bowed out, plunging Iraq deeper into political uncertainty. The protesters said they had faced much deadlier threats than the novel coronavirus, which has yet to lead to fatalities in Iraq. “Your snipers didn’t deter us, what can coronavirus do?” protesters chanted. Security forces have used tear gas, rubber bullets, stun grenades, live rounds and even machine-gun fire to disperse protests. Since October 1, around 550 people have been killed and 30,000 others injured, mostly protesters. Last week alone, four protesters were shot dead in protest camps and one activist was killed in his home. “Political parties and corruption are an epidemic that is much more dangerous than the coronavirus,” said Mohammad, a university student in Diwaniya. “This is the outbreak we want to get rid of because it has destroyed Iraq.”
    5 points
  40. We manipulated Iraq's currency value to remove value away from the currency. As I recall, the value was over $3.00 when we and the UN de-valued it.
    5 points
  41. DWS112 Thanks, Excellent article let's hope the CBI is preparing for "Suddenly". Get er done boys & girls. GO RV/RI
    4 points
  42. 4 points
  43. I bet hoping the " Professor " can cobble together some Plan to get em out of that mess, we All want this shipwreck fixed and onto a different sandy beach deserted island ... and fast ... cheers
    4 points
  44. Interesting development for sure... the next 36 hours are going to tell us a lot. Stay calm, everyone! It's time to buy when blood is in the streets, as one famous investor said. This could turn out to be another delay or it might spark the best fire we could hope for. Patiently watching
    4 points

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