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horsesoldier last won the day on February 17

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  1. Well the Damn Dawn better hurry the hell up cuz I've been living in this damn Iraqi Darkness for 20 years 😄
  2. Oh they know what to do, they choose NOT to do what they know they should do. Some might say this is the definition of insanity: continually doing the wrong thing , expecting different results each time. Their house is completely corrupt.
  3. Regardless of all the shenanigans, foot dragging & sand bagging, corruption is at the heart of why they've not pushed the button on the IQD. No doubt Maliki's thugs have paid visits to all participants regarding pulling the trigger on the IQD. You pull the trigger on the IQD and we'll pull the trigger on you and your families. After 20 years witnessing Maliki & thugs in action it shouldn't be a surprise the delays continue.
  4. All this has just gotta end very soon culminating with a RI/RV. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! Our military has better things to do than babysitting these ungrateful foot dragging sand bagging sloths.
  5. BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH...SHUT the hell up !!!!!!!!! Bunch of do thing miscreants 20 shameful years while you enrich yourselves and the Iraqi people continue to suffer.
  6. One in our group keeps threatening to lacquer all his IQD on his bathroom walls...yeah, he's pi$$ed it's taken 20 years and nothing. Everyone has their limits
  7. More talk whoopty doo. Action how about some honest to goodness Actions... OOOPS I said " honest " nevermind...
  8. Apparently they're awfully slow learners. Got into this in '04 whilst working in Kuwait...and yes, more than just a little mad in the mind after all these years. I've watched me growing older & my grandkids grow up to be in college & University. I've a bad feeling this crap ain't over by a long shot. My will has my IQD equally distributed to my wife & 2 kids in the event I croak before they pull the trigger....which seems ever so likely.
  9. Okay Okay....FAB, Thunderbirds are Go!!!! Gods sake quit running YOUR mouths dragging all this through the weeds and driving it straight into the ground...GET ON WITH IT !!!!
  10. "Possibility" ... We're getting real close NOW !!! 😆
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