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horsesoldier last won the day on February 17

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  1. Otherwise known as they all take part in the global crime of year fleecing everyone and nobody ever knew it happened... How many banks around the world are engaged in very lucrative money laundering schemes....
  2. Oh I remember well those days in Germany during Oktoberfest consuming great quantities of Frank's & belching songs like She'll be Coming Round the Mountain, while fat men in leather shorts gulped litres of beer 🍻 farted along in tune and never skipped a beat... what memories!!!!!
  3. Trump's "threats" might appear to be threats to some: I've always understood them to be, I'fn you don't cooperate then..... sounded alot like a promise to me.
  4. My sarcasm and my random psychotic episodes are what keep me flying straight & level...21 years into this i get a might cantankerous with these fools, however, every so often they do manage positive outcomes wouldn't you say: and I'll dole out the compliments as I see fit. Mostly though they're just pathological liars and their media does love to confound and confuse as well. We've seen plenty shenanigans and when it's knee deep in I let's'em have it Well, here's hoping this gol dern infernal wait is almost done All the Best
  5. A Co-inky-dink ?? I think not !!!! Something's a brewing and it ain't coffee ☕.
  6. Trump's picks have in several articles on the Left me thinks have be referred to as "The Disrupters"... Fasten your seatbelts world, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
  7. That's right! Masters of the rehashing the Hash that quite literally has been rehashed so many times through the decades...and they ain't done yet rehashing the Hash. You can't get any resolution with Hash that resemblance Pulp.
  8. Weeeeel, we're waiting. I've never seen people like this talk about an issue, go round & round, talk it death, bury it, dig it up...then start all over again 😎
  9. I can hear it now..." As we were walking down the path, we came to a fork in the we took it 🤣
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