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About ronscarpa

  • Birthday 12/19/1942

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    JESUS, Wife, Family, Friends, Church, Evangelism, Traveling, Flying, Boating, Good Food & Fine Wine, Peaceful Beaches & Sun, More..!


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  1. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Pimpy Article: "International Monetary Authority: Iraq increases its gold reserves to 148 tons". They added another 2.6 tons of gold to their holdings. I remember way back when Iraq had 86 tons and now they have 148. Iraq is doing everything they can to help strengthen Iraqi dinar. This is a great sign. Jeff The budget...they're going to finish it probably just shortly before Iraq's accession to the World Trade which will be the weekend of August 17th and 18th. That accession period is the nucleus to everything right now. Everything is happening around that accession date.
  2. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Clare Article: "The US Federal Reserve adopts a new strategy towards Iraq. The dollar is threatened with rising to unprecedented levels" Quote: "The Federal Bank has detected political influences from the Iraqi government. The US Federal Reserve will not be able to wait forever, and it is expected that there will be federal measures that may occur at any moment, and there will be a sudden and large demand for the dollar, which will lead to a decrease in the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar, which will generate great pressure on the Iraqi banking system, the Iraqi economy and the official political system."🙏 Frank26 A lot of people get confused. It's like stepping in quicksand. You see, the lifting of the zeros from the exchange rate is a little different from the lifting of the three zeros from the currency, fiat, physical.
  3. Coinciding with the closing of the stock exchange.. the dollar declines in Baghdad and Erbil Economybreakingexchange rateIraqi DinarDollar prices 2024-07-25 // 06:27 Shafaq News / The US dollar prices decreased against the Iraqi dinar on Thursday in the markets of Baghdad and Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, coinciding with the closure of the Iraqi Stock Exchange. Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the dollar prices decreased with the closing of Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges, recording 149,300 dinars for every 100 dollars, while this morning it recorded 149,550 dinars for every 100 dollars. The agency's correspondent indicated that selling prices in exchange shops in local markets in Baghdad decreased, as the selling price reached 150,250 Iraqi dinars for every 100 dollars, while the purchase price reached 148,250 dinars for every 100 dollars. In Erbil, the dollar also declined, with the selling price reaching 149,300 dinars for every 100 dollars, and the buying price reaching 149,200 dinars for every 100 US dollars.اقتصـاد/بالتزامن-مع-غلاق-البورصة-الدولار-يتراجع-في-بغداد-و-ربيل
  4. 5 min read July 26, 2024 Turbulent Times Are Here One of the most challenging aspects of being a watchman for our nation at this time is balancing warnings with encouragement and hope. Too much emphasis on warning and it can demoralize, causing despair and eroding faith. Too much of “it’s all gonna be okay” can lead to complacency. I never want anyone to become fearful because of my posts. And I completely believe what I released yesterday - God has begun a season of “suddenlies” through which He intends to save our nation. I also know that His salvation will, in part, result from a difficult shaking that has begun and will intensify. The shaking is not because of God’s anger, but is a reaping. This type of reaping is often required in order to awaken people to their condition and need. The prodigal son is a clear example. It is also true that satan, according to Daniel 7:25, tries to alter times and laws (God’s declared plans). He does so not by overpowering God, but by impacting, wearing down and immobilizing “the saints.” We are God’s methods. If satan can influence us, he can alter some of God’s desired times and plans - not God’s will, but His plans. Jesus referenced this in Luke 19:41-44: “When He approached Jerusalem, He saw the city and wept over it, saying, ‘If you had known on this day, even you, the conditions for peace! But now they have been hidden from your eyes. For the days will come upon you when your enemies will put up a barricade against you, and surround you and hem you in on every side, and they will level you to the ground, and throw down your children within you, and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not recognize the time of your visitation.’” (Luke 19:41-44 NASB) The destruction of Jerusalem wasn’t God’s will, but the people, by their choices, rejected His will. Satan is an opportunist. He looks for opportunities and open doors created by people’s decisions and actions. Luke also told us that when satan is trying to steal God’s seeds, which are His words, he does so at the most “opportune times” (kairos).(1)“Those on the rocky soil are the ones who, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and yet these do not have a firm root; they believe for a while, and in a time [kairos] of temptation they fall away” (Luke 8:13 NASB). Three times in Acts, this word (kairos) is used to describe satan’s attacks: Acts 8:1, 12:1, and 19:23. He waits for the best time, the most opportune time, to launch his attacks, stealing, killing, and destroying (John 10:10). This verse in John’s gospel contrasts God’s plans (abundant life) and satan’s plans. We must cooperate with God in faith, obedience, prayer, etc., to receive His abundant life, while also being alert to satan’s schemes so he will not be able to take advantage of us (2 Corinthians 2:11). One of the meanings of the word “advantage” in this verse is “to get the bigger portion” of something.(2) This is why we are told to “be on the alert” and “pray at all kairos times” of attack (Ephesians 6:18). I labor this point somewhat because of erroneous teachings declaring that God’s sovereignty means He is in control of everything that happens to us. Not true—we have a vote! Obviously, what God has declared as His end results on earth in Revelation and elsewhere will be accomplished. But just as with Israel in the Old Testament and Jerusalem in Christ’s day, we play a role in receiving His will and promises for us personally. That role includes prayer and spiritual warfare (binding and resisting satan). Now, my primary reason for today’s post: America is at one of the most vulnerable times (kairos) in her history. Bullies prey on the weak, and America is now weak. The cyber threat has never been greater; because of Biden’s and Harris’ border policies, terrorists and enemy soldiers are now here - do not doubt this; and our enemies - China, Russia, Iran, and others - have never felt more emboldened. Their mocking spy balloons,(3) fighter jet flybys(4) while Biden hands the torch to Harris, and graffiti stating “Hamas is coming here”(5) are simply our enemies’ ways of saying “you can’t stop us.” China owns land in America next to 19 U.S. military bases!(6) We now have a cognitively impaired, lame-duck President for the next six months, which our enemies are very aware of. If Trump is elected, he won’t stand for their attacks, which they also know. All this and more means the next six months are a very opportune time (kairos) for our enemies to hurt us. I DO NOT WANT TO ALARM YOU. I WANT YOU TO PERSEVERE IN YOUR PRAYERS. Fervently. Faithfully. God has said, “America shall be saved.” He has also said a major shaking is coming. Pray for mercy in the shaking; ask for cleansing and salvation for our nation and worldwide revival. We do not have to miss the time of our visitation, regardless of what satan attempts. We will not allow him to alter our time and steal our promise. I am humbled to be part of the great prayer army God has assembled worldwide. I am proud of the great company of intercessors carrying His heart and birthing His desires. And I tell you without fear of being wrong: this can be our finest hour! Yes, attacks are coming, violence will increase, bad people here and around the world will flex their muscles, and demonic forces are about to make some moves. But this will all be used by God to awaken people. They will cry out, and He will answer. His glorious Ekklesia will rise in authority and power, revealing Him and His majestic Son. Yes, turbulent times are here and are coming. But also know that God will arise and His enemies will be scattered. Pray with me: “The Lord is compassionate and gracious, Slow to anger and abounding in mercy.” (Psalm 103:8) “Light shines in the darkness for the upright; He is gracious, compassionate, and righteous.” (Psalm 112:4) “The Lord is gracious and compassionate; Slow to anger and great in mercy.” (Psalm 145:8) Father, thank You for being merciful and gracious. Thank You for Your light which shines in the darkness. We ask for these traits to manifest in the coming shaking. We declare that mercy is ours through Christ, and that His light will overcome darkness, which it always does. Shake down evil strongholds, systems, laws and plans. Rise up and scatter Your enemies. Terrify and rout the wicked in the day of Your power. Reestablish America in covenant with You. Bring salvation to those who are still able to turn. We ask that You bring Your Kingdom rule to America again. We pray for these things in Christ’s name and authority. Amen Our decree: We decree that we, the Ekklesia, will stand in the day of battle. ********************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 2540. Ibid., ref. no. 4122. and
  5. 5 min read July 25, 2024 Sieges Are Becoming “Suddenlies” “When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly, a noise like a violent rushing wind came from heaven, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And tongues that looked like fire appeared to them, distributing themselves, and a tongue rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with different tongues, as the Spirit was giving them the ability to speak out.” (Acts 2:1-4 NASB) I have heard quite a few sermons over the years about God’s “suddenlies.” This, of course, is not a proper word; the correct wording would be “sudden occurrences.” But that wouldn’t work as well for the sermons. The above passage describing Holy Spirit’s sudden outpouring on the day of Pentecost is often given as an example. These sudden God-happenings are wonderful when they occur unless, of course, they are judgments of some sort, as occurred at Sodom (Genesis 19). Paul’s Damascus Road conversion was a “suddenly” (Acts 9), as was Holy Spirit being poured out on the Gentiles (Acts 10). We could mention others from scripture. A few years back, however, I was surprised when Holy Spirit, playing on this coined word used in our sermonizing, said, “Suddenlies are not actually suddenlies.” (He does things like this to me!) After getting my attention and allowing me a few moments to untangle my brain, Holy Spirit began unpacking His statement. The dots were already there; He connected them. When we experience sudden breakthroughs or actions of God which seem sudden - and the acts themselves can indeed take place suddenly - there have typically been periods of faith-filled prayer and perseverance that caused them. As oxymoronic as it seems, ‘suddenlies’ are, indeed, caused by sieges. Sieges, of course, take time…as do reaping, investing, building, training, learning, and many other worthwhile endeavors. A sudden break in a dam is really “a crack left untreated over time.” A 5-minute Gold Medal ceremony might be better defined as a “Gallons of Sweat and Years of Sacrifice” presentation; A silo filled with grain in a relatively short time frame is actually “a farmer’s lack of sleep, calloused hands, and months of hard work” tower. You get the point. What we call “suddenlies” are usually the last chapters of “sieges;” breakthroughs are typically the end result of fighting the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12), and most answers to prayer are conclusions to a season of intercession. It is ridiculous and saddening when I hear people, especially leaders, imply that national breakthroughs and changes occur because of their prayer meeting or conference. I’ve been guilty of this in times past, which I regret. Millions of past prayers are producing today’s breakthroughs. Some things simply can’t be rushed…and they often don’t come easily. Our generation has been programmed to expect easy procedures and quick results—microwaved processes. But remember that the prepared-from-scratch meal tastes better and costs more than the microwaved sandwich at the local convenience store. Better is worth the wait. Certainly, I have seen breakthroughs occur after only minutes or hours of prayer, but more often than not, I’ve experienced “suddenlies” after weeks, months, or years of praying. Timing is often one of the determining factors. God sometimes synchronizes breakthroughs with what He is doing on a larger scale, as He did with Abraham and Sarah. Isaac was born not when they wanted, but when God’s plan was ready for him. The healing of the man at Gate Beautiful was timed to confirm Christ was the now-risen Messiah. Where America and her restoration are concerned, we are also moving into a season of breakthrough. God has been working through the prayers of the church, synchronizing many aspects of His plans, including the exposing of evil. “Suddenlies” have begun. The greatest shakings and exposures are still to come, however, as Holy Spirit undoes 60 years of leftist, socialistic, and humanistic ideology. Consider the following: The hatred of one man has been used to suddenly expose a 60-year buildup of corruption in our government. A month ago, on June 27, the Trump-Biden debate confirmed Biden’s dementia to the world and suddenly - in one night - ended a 50-year political career of lies and deceit. Two weeks later, on July 13, a former President and current presidential candidate was shot and miraculously spared. Not since 1981 - 43 years ago - has this occurred. A week ago, a sitting United States President suddenly went into hiding. During that time, he was forced from the upcoming election—ignoring the voters in the Democratic primary—and his replacement was chosen by others. (So much for democracy!) On Tuesday of this week, the Director of the Secret Service resigned due to numerous failures of the agency during the assassination attempt on Trump. Suddenly, the insanity of DEI and other leftist ideologies are front and center. This week, the leader of our greatest ally in the Middle East arrived in the U.S. to the news that over 80 members of Congress will ignore protocol and refuse to listen as he addresses them. And suddenly, it is revealed that the votes of antisemites across the nation and Muslims in MN and MI mean more than loyalty to allies. (Unlike Kamala, the new Democratic candidate and her friends who chose not to attend, I highly recommend you find and listen to yesterday’s incredibly moving speech.) And a “hillbilly” from my hometown has been nominated to be the next Vice President! Prayer and faith “sieges” for America are indeed becoming “suddenlies.” Please believe me when I say the chaos and shaking will continue and intensify. America is about to get a bath, a scrubbing is probably more appropriate, followed by a hell-shaking revival of unprecedented proportions. Salvations, deliverances, healings, Holy Spirit outpourings, regional transformations, and more will occur. Many bowls of prayer are full or nearly so (Revelation 5:8; 8:3); faith and endurance sieges are about to bear fruit; and numerous promises are approaching their appointed times (Galatians 6:9). Prayers and decrees must continue, however, until the finish line is crossed. I cannot emphasize strongly enough that we must be faithful in this season, all the way to the end. Keep praying and believing—our “due season” is near (Galatians 6:9). Pray with me: Father, during this time, we draw on the fruit of the spirit You call “perseverance.” We will gather to pray, be faithful in our personal prayer times, and continue to release a symphony of intercession across this land. Help us to accomplish this. Remind us that when we have done what You instructed, You WILL do as You said and heal our land. Persevering and waiting are not forever; breakthroughs, even “suddenlies,” are coming. You told us, “You have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised” (Hebrews 10:36 NASB). We have endurance, we shall persevere, and we shall receive. We ask You for miracles and breakthroughs regarding our families, our health, our cities, and our nations. We ask for our nation’s government to be cleansed of corruption. We ask for our children to be rescued from leaders and educators who want to mutilate them and steal their future. We ask that America be cleansed from demonic influence. We ask for fire to fall on our churches, revival in our schools, and rivers of living water to flow in our streets. We boldly declare that we are Caleb’s—we have persevered. Now, Lord, give us our mountain! In Christ’s name, Amen. Our decree: We decree that sieges are becoming “suddenlies!” ************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  6. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Clare Article: "Iraqi banking system..A significant increase in the number of bank accounts and the volume of deposits for citizens" Quote: "The banking system in Iraq is gradually regaining citizens’ confidence. In Iraq, economic and political challenges over the decades have provided a strong justification for keeping money at home rather than in banks. However, the accession of the Iraqi Deposit Insurance Corporation (ICDI) to the International Association of Deposit Insurers was a decisive step in improving confidence in the banking system. Since its accession, Iraq has witnessed a significant increase in the number of bank accounts and the volume of deposits...This development enhances Iraq’s ability to attract investment and support economic growth by converting savings into productive investments." Jeff They are having meetings right now to talk about the withdrawal of US troops starting in September. For them to pull the troops out they had to have already revalued and fully completely paid the US back, US sanctions off, all that. Iraq has to be 100% done with everything for the United States to remove the troops. That's the very last step. Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: August is looking good...a lot is coming to a point in August. Iraq is opening up 4 military manufacturing produce military equipment and weapons. Isn't that saying the sanctions will be off? FRANK: Your country has no sanctions whatsoever, of any kind. Walkingstick This YouTube commercial [that's coming out] you're going to be seeing soon. This is pretty big. They're just going to talk more about the monetary reform and now they're going to tell the international world publicly. It is not just for the Iraqi citizens. It's for the world to see and understand Iraq's monetary and economic reforms. This is an excellent way to reach out to international investors. Militia Man All this time they've been doing all these meeting in Washington. About 48 hours ago they have come up with an reduce forces...Alaq went to Washington about 10 days ago, unannounced visit. He met with the US Treasury and the US Federal Bank, had to do with exchange rates...other currencies...They're going to be talking about...banking, finance, development, sovereign guarantees ... Ultimately, Iraq is going to have bilateral relations in security with the U.S. in finance, development, all those things.
  7. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Clare Article: "Cooperation in communication and training. Washington talks reveal a new Iraqi-American understanding" Samson Article: "Baghdad submits a proposal to Washington to withdraw international coalition forces" Pimpy Article: "Iraqi bank announces investment deposits with returns up to 10%" that's a really good return. Imagine if 20 years ago you'd have made a deposit and been able to get back 10% back annually while it's just sitting there. You'd have made a ton of money by now. You see some of us have millions of Iraq dinars. Let's just say for the sake of it somebody like me, I got 5 million, I deposit it. It's going to give me 10% return on my investment. I'll take 500,000 Iraqi dinar back annually. That's a nice little return. And just let it sit there while I'm waiting. If the exchange rate changes I can always have them return it to me in USD. [Post 1 of 2][Reposted] Pimpy If you'd been holding on to your dinars for at least 10 years you have more than doubled your money. That's not including any change to the exchange rate, because if the exchange rate changes, then you get that back once you cash out. In other words if you tell the bank I'd like to get it in USD, they go, okay, no problem. And please transfer that to my American account. Just something to think about. I may actually do this. I'm going to reach out to them and see what it takes and what happens. If I can get 10% on it annually I'll take it. Heck I might buy more and deposit more. Something to think about. [Post 2 of 2] I wonder which bank is making that offer. It says "up to 10%" so I imagine the rate would be based on the amount you deposit (they probably have a scale). Warka Bank was offering 7% in an IQD account and 6% in a USD account. They eventually dropped them to 5% - then they went under conservatorship of the CBI due to malpractice, and all communications stopped. They haven't actually been shut down, but they're in limbo. I'm still not sure what the CBI will eventually do - I can only hope my 4 Million IQD continued to grow since I opened it in 2010. Many Iraqi's claim to have lost money. RON
  8. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Pimpy Article: "Iraqi bank announces investment deposits with returns up to 10%" that's a really good return. Imagine if 20 years ago you'd have made a deposit and been able to get back 10% back annually while it's just sitting there. You'd have made a ton of money by now. You see some of us have millions of Iraq dinars. Let's just say for the sake of it somebody like me, I got 5 million, I deposit it. It's going to give me 10% return on my investment. I'll take 500,000 Iraqi dinar back annually. That's a nice little return. And just let it sit there while I'm waiting...If the exchange rate changes I can always have them return it to me in USD. [Post 1 of 2 - stay tuned] Jeff Everything is pointing to...August. I really feel that's when the rate is changing. Everything seems to be hovered and centered around the nucleus of August being their accession to the World Trade. Somewhere around mid-August. That's when we're going to see most of their critical steps coming forward. It's amazing what's happening right now. We're definitely in the period for the rate change. It's here. It's right in front of us. Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: TV saying CBI banks are offering a 10% gain on any investment opportunities. FRANK: Shoot, I might even come there! They're going to give you 10% on your money if you open the bank account? Are you kidding me? You talk about incentives.
  9. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Clare Article: "Iraq Registers 324 Local Companies, 27 Foreign Branches, in June" Quote "The Companies Registration Department of Iraq's Ministry of Trade said it has successfully processed the establishment of 324 national companies and registered 27 branches of foreign companies in June."
  10. Added @ 10:05 PM CDT: Frank26 The Iraqi dinar is the only currency in Iraq. Therefore that currency has to go up in value. It has to go up in value, it's going International. How do you know it's going international? Because Sudani and Alaq, the governor of the CBI said so. I'm not pulling things out of the air. I'm repeating to you what these great leaders are doing in their county...
  11. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Jeff President signed off on...the budget on June 27th. I want to show you a pattern here-Issue number 4781 published in the Gazette on July 1st 2024, then they skip issue number 4782 and advance to 4783, published on July 8th. We believe the Gazette issue number that is missing 4782 is actually the budget itself. They just can't publish it in the Gazette because, right now, it's being deemed or perceived as an unconstitutional law. Samson Article: "IMF: Iraq increases its gold reserves to 148 tons" Quote "Data from the International Monetary Fund showed an increase in gold reserves in Iraq...Iraq increased its gold holdings by 2,644 tons to 148,305 tons in May 2024."
  12. Cooperation in communication and training.. Washington talks reveal a new Iraqi-American understanding PoliticsIraqAmericaBreakingStrengthening Security Cooperation 2024-07-24 // 10:23 Shafaq News / The US Department of Defense and the Iraqi Ministry of Defense led the second US-Iraq Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue in Washington, D.C., on July 22-23, 2024, reaffirming their commitment to security cooperation and shared interest in regional stability. The two delegations discussed a range of bilateral security issues under the 2008 U.S.-Iraq Strategic Framework Agreement and in recognition of our comprehensive partnership, with Defense Minister Thabet Al-Abbasi meeting with U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and representatives from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency, U.S. Central Command, the Department of State, and National Security Council staff. The Iraqi delegation included the Chief of Defense Staff, who also met separately with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Charles Brown, the Director of the Counter-Terrorism Service, the Deputy Commander of the Joint Operations Command – Iraq, and other senior defense officials. The U.S. and Iraqi delegations reaffirmed their commitment to developing Iraq’s security and defense capabilities and their determination to deepen security cooperation across a full range of issues to advance the two countries’ shared interest in Iraq’s security and sovereignty and regional stability. The 2024 Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue builds on discussions held during Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani’s visit to Washington, D.C., in April of this year and the inaugural Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue last summer. During the first Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue, the two sides decided to establish a bilateral Higher Military Committee to analyze three factors – the threat posed by ISIS, operational requirements, and the capability levels of the Iraqi Security Forces – to determine the future of the international military coalition in Iraq. The dialogue continued during the Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue, building on HMC’s work over the past six months and in celebration of the upcoming 10th anniversary of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS’s military mission in Iraq. A detailed joint statement on the future of the Global Coalition’s mission and presence in Iraq is scheduled to be issued shortly after HMC’s conclusion. The United States and Iraq intend to continue consultations on enhancing bilateral cooperation to ensure the lasting defeat of ISIS after more than a decade of cooperation between the international coalition and Iraq. Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar, noted the historic achievements of the coalition in Iraq and commended the millions of victims of ISIS, including hundreds of thousands of victims who suffered in the campaign to defeat ISIS in Iraq, such as members of the Iraqi security forces, including the Peshmerga, and partner forces around the world, including the United States. Both sides stressed the importance of Iraq continuing to provide support to the international coalition to defeat ISIS in Syria and around the world. In addition, the two delegations reached an understanding on the concept of a new phase of the bilateral security relationship, which includes cooperation through liaison officers, training and traditional security cooperation programes. The delegations also discussed efforts to build the operational capacity of the Iraqi Security Forces through U.S. military assistance and security cooperation programs, including through Foreign Military Sales and Foreign Military Financing. The two sides stressed the importance of continued cooperation to ensure the sustainability of U.S.-origin military equipment used by the Iraqi Security Forces. The delegations emphasized the value of professional military education and technical training programs and decided to strengthen both. They also explored opportunities to expand Iraqi participation in CENTCOM-led regional military exercises and strengthen Iraqi military relations with CENTCOM service component commands. The two sides also decided to begin work on a Memorandum of Understanding to provide an enhanced framework for their bilateral security relationship in the coming years, including mechanisms to ensure the continued defeat of ISIS. In support of Iraq’s sovereignty and security, delegations reaffirmed that the advisory mission is in Iraq at the invitation of the Iraqi Government to support the Iraqi security forces in the fight against ISIS and to support and develop the Iraqi security forces, including the Kurdish security forces. The Iraqi representatives reaffirmed their absolute commitment to protect US and coalition personnel, advisors, convoys and diplomatic facilities. Delegations discussed the continued urgent need to return displaced persons and detainees currently in north-east Syria to their countries of origin and support their reintegration.سیاسة/تفاهمات-عراقية-مريكية-جديدة-للعلاقة-ال-منية-الثنا-ية-وبد-العمل-بمذكرة-لتعزيز-التعاون
  13. IQD Rates - Updated: Wednesday - 7/24/2024 Shafaq News: The dollar prices in the markets of Baghdad and Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, witnessed a slight decrease with the closing of the markets, on Wednesday evening. According to Shafaq News Agency correspondent, the dollar price decreased in Baghdad markets after the closure of Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges, reaching 149,450 dinars for 100 dollars, compared to this morning's price of 149,550 dinars for 100 dollars. In the exchange market in the local markets in Baghdad, selling prices stabilized, as the selling price recorded 150,500 dinars for 100 dollars, while the purchase price reached 148,500 dinars for 100 dollars. In Erbil, the dollar price recorded a decrease, as the selling price reached 149,600 dinars for every 100 dollars, and the buying price reached 149,500 dinars for every 100 US dollars. Have a blessed Wednesday - Almighty GOD is Faithful..! RON
  14. CBI Currency Exchange Rates Wednesday - 7/24/2024 Currency Converter US dollar USD 1310,000 Euro EUR 1422.660 Pound Sterling GBP 1690.228 Canadian Dollar CAD 950.584 Swiss Franc CHF 1470.093 Swedish crown SEK 121,739 Norwegian crown NOK 119,008 Danish crown DKK 190.562 Japanese yen JPY 8.359 Chinese Yuan CNY 180.084 UAE Dirham AED 356,666 Jordanian Dinar JOD 1850.282 Australian Dollar AUD 868.923 Special Drawing Rights SDR 1736.418 Gold for a 24-ounce Gold 3,131,969.490
  15. Foreign currency sales window results for Wednesday 7/24/2024 Wednesday - July 24, 2024 Foreign currency sales window results for Wednesday 7/24/2024 Advertisement No. (5167 ) Details Amount Total amounts of transfers abroad (remittances and credits) 267,587,912 Total cash withdrawals 7,050,000 Total sale amounts 274,637,912 Note that: The selling price of documentary credits and international settlements for electronic cards is ( 1310 ) dinars per dollar. The selling price of remittances abroad is ( 1310 ) dinars per dollar. Cash selling price ( 1305 ) dinars per dollar. Link: » Central Bank of Iraq currency sales schedule Wednesday 7/24/2024
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