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  1. “ The policy of deleting zeros from the currency means, for example, that the value of a one-thousand note is 1,000 dinars, and will be replaced by a note worth one dinar of the new currency. Iraq is not the only country that resorts to the policy of deleting zeros from the currency, but there are seventy-70 cases that the world has witnessed since the year one thousand nine hundred and sixty 1960, including Türkiye: Deleted six zeros from its currency in 2005 Zimbabwe: deleted twelve 12 zeros from its currency in 2009. And Venezuela: Five zeros were deleted in 2018 But how will the Iraqi economy be affected by deleting the zeros if it is implemented?” All the countries above deleted the zeros from their currencies because the were suffering from hyperinflation. That’s not the case with Iraq 🇮🇶 lraq inflation rate 4.2% Iraq foreign currency reserves $115 billion dollars Iraq gold reserves 145.6 Tons $1/1310 = 0.00076 After deleting 000 = $0.76 Go delete of 000 Go LD notes Go Stronger dinar Go Purchasing power.
    22 points
  2. The RV is immanent any day now!! Just wanted to say that and start a tread, being a lurker usually. am I now a guru?
    22 points
  3. Parliamentary committee for "Economy News": The oil and gas law is almost complete, and this is what we hope from Barzani's visit to Baghdad Economic News Agency - Parliamentary Committee for "Economy News": The oil and gas law is almost complete and this is what we hope from Barzani's visit to Baghdad ( Economy News - Baghdad A member of the parliamentary oil and gas committee, Zainab Al-Moussawi, revealed on Thursday, the latest developments in the oil and gas law, while pointing to the impact of Massoud Barzani's visit to Baghdad on the adoption of the law. Al-Musawi said, in an interview with "Economy News": "So far, the draft oil and gas law is almost complete and with a high rate that may reach 90%, but there are some objections by the Kurds on some points, which are summarized in the delivery of oil imports and natural resources exploited and unexploited to Baghdad because Erbil rejects that." She added: "We hope that the visit of Massoud Barzani will be the beginning of resolving the crisis of the law and its legislation after agreeing with the political foundations in Baghdad, which are the coordinating framework, since all political blocs are going towards legislating the oil and gas law that regulates the natural resources in the country." "The oil and gas law contributes to exploiting the largest possible amount of undiscovered oil fields, as well as contributing to achieving self-sufficiency in oil derivatives and optimizing the wasted natural resources, which are valued at hundreds of billions of dollars, which contribute to diversifying the state's financial resources," explained a member of the parliamentary oil committee. Views 168 Added 2024/07/04 - 5:04 PM
    20 points
  4. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Walkingstick It's no secret. The world knows about the monetary reform of the Iraqi dinar. The international world knows about a new exchange rate that is about to come out of this. It's no secret, everybody knows the Iraqi dinar is about to go up in value. Harlequinc3 Question about the dinar 3-zeros video from 7-17-2024: "As I watch the video, it seems their illustration hints on deleting from the currency in such a way that appears they would not recognize the existing zeros and only accept larger denominations with the thought in mind that the additional 3 zeros are no longer recognized." The CBI will remove 3 zeros off .00076 (1310 IQD: $1USD.) This makes the exchange rate $.76. But almost at the exact same time, they will reinstate their currency internationally to $3.22 (and possibly add inflation for 20 years to it — 20%) up to $3.86. Reinstating it means we can exchange the dinar internationally just like any other currency. [Post 1 of 2] Harlequinc3 Think of removing three zeros as literally ‘removing the old currency from circulation.’ That’s all it means. How they do it is entice you and me and Iraqi citizens with an attractive amount. After a certain amount of all that old currency is removed, CBI will up the exchange rate in increments until it hits the rate they want. This is called a dirty float. Most likely after awhile, the CBI will change this to a pure float which is like what you see on regular FOREX, like the dollar does, the Euro does, the pound does, etc. But that won’t matter to you and me because we will have already gotten rid of our dinars and exchanged them for dollars (or whatever currency your own country uses.) [Post 2 of 2]
    15 points
  5. 1) Redenomination. 2) They compared Iraq to Venezuela and Zimbabwe as an example of Redenomination. Both countries RD their currencies, never RV. Iraq is not suffering from hyperinflation Iraq Gold and foreign currency reserves are the highest in history of their economy CBI will never tell you that they are planning to add value to their currency Go delete of 000 Go RV Go Purchasing power
    15 points
  6. One of the things I tell myself from time to time is what if this dinar played out & folks made money and I found out afterwards about this opportunity. Would it matter about the frustration I would've went through waiting on it to materialize?? Or would I be happy that me & my loved ones is set financially not having to be worried about house bills, medical bills, buying a vehicle, etc..? So I continue to hang on & be content about finding out about this investment!🤦‍♂️🙏
    15 points
  7. heres hoping the coding for goods is being set for the new iqd value .... rv glasses removed . .. cheers dv"ers
    15 points
  8. “The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed, on Thursday, that the procedures of the Central Bank of Iraq to change the exchange rate of the dollar in the local Iraqi markets did not have any effect and did not achieve any real actual result, revealing a legal violation related to the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Al-Alaq.” “the Central Bank of Iraq is still continuing its wrong procedures that did not have any effect and did not achieve any real actual result in changing the exchange rate of the dollar in the local Iraqi markets, which was negatively reflected on the Iraqi reality and inflation rates rose significantly in the past days." If the CBI really wants to solve the problem with dollar in the parallel market, they will have to remove Exchange control, delete the 000 and rollout LD notes… Just saying.! Go end of exchange control Go delete of 000 Go LD notes Go Purchasing power
    14 points
  9. “the issue of amending the salary scale law is not with the House of Representatives and the delay is not from it, but the entire issue is with the Iraqi government because it has a financial aspect“ “the law includes the organization of job grades, job progression, unification of the salary scale, and everything that serves the employee," indicating that "the law replaces the articles of previous laws with a unified law, to organize the salary scale while raising the employee's basic salary." In my opinion the salary scale law has to be approved, before the deletion of the 000. Because it has a financial aspect. Go salary scale Law Go deletion of the 000 Go Purchasing power
    14 points
  10. "He points out that "the project will be successful if an exchange rate of one thousand dinars for every one dollar is reached. At that time, deleting the three zeros will achieve its economic feasibility, as the exchange rate will be transformed into one dinar for every one dollar, and this is what the late former governor of the Central Bank, Sinan Al-Shabibi, aspired to," he said." 💖
    14 points
  11. In country pricing ensuring it’s the same across the region very important! Great news!
    14 points
  12. “Removing zeros from a currency is a procedure undertaken by some countries in order to revalue the national currency and simplify financial transactions. This is done by removing a specific number of zeros from the nominal value of the currency, making it appear less inflationary and more stable. “ Currency Redenomination is the recalibration of a country's currency, typically due to hyperinflation and currency devaluation, whereby an old currency is exchanged for a new one at a fixed rate. Redenomination itself is considered symbolic as it does not have any impact on a country's exchange rate in relation to other currencies. Currency revaluation is a calculated upward adjustment to a country's official exchange rate relative to a chosen baseline, such as wage rates, the price of gold, or a foreign currency. In a fixed exchange rate regime, only a country's government, such as its central bank, can change the official value of the currency. Go delete of 000 Go Revaluation Go = $0.76 Go Purchasing Power
    13 points
  13. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Frank26 If you have a 50k note and you live inside of Iraq that 50k note is going to be on a completely different exchange rate. The exchange rate will have value. It'll be based off the American dollar maybe 1 to 1 or more. When it goes international in a float it's going to go up and they're going to cap it, and everybody's happy... MarkZ Article: “Iraq continues to add to their Maritime Fleet” They have 2 used ships with 5 under construction… this will cost a large amount of money. Iraq has some long term goals. They have not paid for them yet - I believe Iraq is waiting for a change of value for the dinar. Samson Article: "Frustrating results from Iraqi Foreign Minister’s meeting with US Treasury regarding pressures on the Central Bank" Pimpy I keep telling people, the WTO will talk about the Iraqi exchange rate but not in the sense that they're forcing or telling Iraq they have to change their exchange rate. That's not what they do. They just talk about trade and any hurdles that are between them and trade members. They can point something out, they can make recommendations, but it's not up the WTO when it comes to the exchange rate...I know people are telling you it's going to be on July 18th they're going to change the exchange rate. No they're not. Militia Man Today's exchange rate at 1310 its reciprocal is about .0007633. Drop those three zeros off an exchange rate and you have value to the currency. It's that simple. It doesn't make sense to anybody to print new currency as far back as 2018 with new small denominations to not have a reason for value. It just doesn't make sense to anybody especially when the United States is holding significant portion of Iraq dinar as are other coalition forces. All boats rise with the tide. Frank26 [New Iraqi Dinar 3-zeros Video Review shown in Frank26's post 3-17-2024] A 50,000 note, they showed you a picture, and then they took a magic marker and they crossed off the 3-zeros on the 50k note... that was a little misleading. Many people saw the 3-zeros disappear from the currency and they thought I'm going to be left with a 50 note. I just lost a lot of money. No! They're not going to take your 50K note and cut the zeros out... .00076 | 1320 - These represent the exchange value of the Iraq dinar. .00076 is used by Forex to reflect the 1320 that is on the CBI website. [Post 1 of 2] Frank26 It is my hope that the next step of the monetary reform will remove 3-zeros from the exchange rate that Forex is using. After we have lifted the 3 zeros the next step is it goes into a float, as an RI. Then it goes into a re-denomination. It means you got rid of those 3-zero notes. The exchange rate just changed, you now need the smaller notes because the exchange rate just got really big. Right now the Iraqi notes are big with a lot of zeros because the exchange rate is tiny. But it is about to flip. By removing the 3 zeros from the exchange rate of .00076 you add value to the currency. [Post 2 of 2]
    13 points
  14. "The committee came out with a new salary scale that serves the lowest grades from tenth to fiveth in ministries with low salaries." Salary Scale Law has to approve before any increase of the dinar exchange rate. Go salary scale Go delete of the 000 Go Purchasing Power
    12 points
  15. The World Trade Organization opens its doors to it.. The Iraqi economy returns strongly to international competition Yesterday 02:31 PM Economy Al-Ahd News/ Report The World Trade Organization has accelerated Iraq's steps to join it, following the resumption of negotiations that had been suspended for more than 16 years. The Iraqi delegation is preparing for the next round of negotiations that are expected to resolve this issue, which will open up global trade horizons for Iraq and return it to strong economic competition, in the region and the world, under a multilateral economic system. Economic reform and exchange rate adjustment Economic expert Naji Al-Obaidi, in an interview with Al-Ahd News, believes that Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization will have positive effects, attributing this to the fact that “it will increase pressure on the government to initiate the long-awaited economic reforms.” Al-Obaidi added that "the World Trade Organization usually intervenes in the exchange rate policy when the concerned country deliberately keeps the value of its local currency low in order to improve the competitiveness of local production and encourage exports at the expense of foreign goods," indicating that "this does not apply to Iraq, where previous governments resorted to raising the exchange rate of the dinar in an artificial and arbitrary manner with the aim of gaining political and popular support." He pointed out that joining the international organization would contribute to controlling this file. In turn, economic expert Hassan Al-Zaini stressed, in an interview with Al-Ahd News, the importance of the Iraqi state creating a safe investment environment to attract investors and benefit from joining the global organization. Al-Zaini explained that this comes first from “stability of the exchange rate so that foreign investors can work comfortably inside Iraq, and to guarantee them stability, the profits achieved from their work and not being eroded by inflation and the rise and fall of exchange rates, which are considered fatal blows to their capital and their achieved profits.” Al-Zaini explained that "although Iraq's trade balance is still positive due to oil sales, the gap is decreasing year after year with the increase in the value of imports," noting that "any future decline in oil prices will lead to a shift in the trade balance towards the negative, so the World Trade Organization may push Iraq to adopt a new exchange rate policy that will reduce the impact of joining the organization, which in turn may lead to flooding the market." Al-Zaini stressed that in order to maintain balance, the inflation rate must be realistic and maintain the trade balance in a positive direction. Customs restrictions and agricultural support In this regard, the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Mohammed Salih, stated in an interview with “Al-Ahd News” that Iraq has adopted broad open policies towards the world since 2003 and has sought to establish important economic and legislative rules that operate according to the mechanisms of the market system, most of which have helped improve Iraq’s foreign trade, after an economic blockade that lasted for more than a decade and led to Iraq’s marginalization on the map of the global economic system and deprived it of investment opportunities, progress, development and technological knowledge that should have helped it confront the rapid developments and changes that international markets have witnessed and whose competitive capabilities have changed dramatically over the past two decades at least. Saleh explained that "these regulatory conditions of the World Trade Organization clash with the conditions and situations of the agricultural market and the global food stock exchange itself. If we look at the agricultural monopolies in the world in light of the deterioration of agricultural development in Iraq, we find a real threat to national food security that restricts the country in the event of joining the organization unless it is preceded by starting or following an agricultural program for self-sufficiency immediately. We will really need a green revolution similar to what Mexico and many Latin American countries have done, especially if we know that there are between 3 and 6 major monopolistic companies in the world that control 80 to 90% of agricultural crop trade and control prices and quantities such as wheat, sugar, tea, coffee, cotton and jute, at a time when ten multinational companies still dominate a third of the production and trade of seeds and pesticides in the world." Breaking international isolation Saleh pointed out that "despite the above, Iraq's entry and integration into the global economic space through the World Trade Organization and its dealings with international groups on terms that apply to everyone from a formal standpoint at a time when the world is still divided between the countries of the North and the South or the countries of the advanced industrial center and the developing periphery, Iraq has no choice but to leave its international isolation that it inherited since the siege and placing Iraq under the burden of Chapter VII, the effects of which still provide a negative economic environment hostile to development and perhaps obstructing natural integration into the global market." Accelerate joining steps For his part, Minister of Trade Athir Dawood Al-Ghariri confirmed the resumption of negotiations for Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization and the acceleration of its steps, which is a qualitative event and a confirmation of what the government promised through its program to reform the economic situation, considering the private sector an essential part and the backbone of the Iraqi economy. Al-Ghariri said in a statement followed by "Al-Ahd News" that the fourth round of negotiations will be held during the first quarter of next year, stressing that this acceleration means that the negotiations are proceeding very quickly towards Iraq's accession to the World Trade Organization, considering Iraq an important economic bloc and all countries keen for Iraq to return as an economic player in a multilateral system. For his part, the Saudi Ambassador to the World Trade Organization, Saqr Abdullah Al-Muqbil, said that there is a positive view that we will find Iraq joining the multilateral trading system as it is one of the largest economies outside this organization, and Al-Muqbil confirmed that "the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has a priority that Iraq's desires to join the organization be fulfilled.
    12 points
  16. Economic reform and exchange rate adjustment Economic expert Naji Al-Obaidi, in an interview with Al-Ahd News, believes that Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization will have positive effects, attributing this to the fact that “it will increase on the government to initiate the long-awaited economic reforms.” Al-Obaidi added that "the World Trade Organization usually intervenes in the exchange rate policy when the concerned country deliberately keeps the value of its local currency low in order to improve the competitiveness of local production and encourage exports at the expense of foreign goods," indicating that "this does not apply to Iraq, where previous governments resorted to raising the exchange rate of the dinar in an artificial and arbitrary manner with the aim of gaining political and popular support." He pointed out that joining the international organization would contribute to controlling this file 👀👀👀
    12 points
  17. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Clare Article: "Government advisor reveals Iraq's gold reserves have risen to 150 tons... and the reason for its high price" Quote: "Gold is one of the most important safe investment havens in the world, which is resorted to by the investment portfolios of central banks and various investors" Jeff There was a perception out there that the rate was going to change before the July 18th accession date to the World Trade...This was their 3rd accession World Trade meeting. There's a 4th meeting coming in Q1 of next year of '25. Many thought Iraq would become a full member as of July 18th. None of that happened. Militia Man They're going to delete the zeros. You don't create value by deleting zeros and implementing small category notes. You can't take 1310, which is .00076 to the dollar and just delete the currency and implement it without changing the value. It doesn't work that way. .0007 is far less than a penny. You guys settle down. Pay attention... Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: TV saying Iraqis are keeping 90 trillion dinar at home hoarding them from the banking system still. We say make the dinar worth something and we will bring them in. FRANK: Why does the CBI want the 3-zero notes back? Because they need to replace them with the lower notes. Why are you getting lower notes? Because you're getting a new exchange rate. tishwash So they have released another Gazette, but still nothing on the budget schedules...
    12 points
  18. “Iraq’s participation in these technical meetings enhances the experience of the Iraqi negotiating team and pushes it to move forward, and in an accelerated manner, towards achieving full accession to the World Trade Organization, as the exchange of knowledge and experiences gained from these meetings will have a significant positive impact on improving Iraq’s negotiating capabilities and achieving its economic goals.” Getting close to full ascension.! Go WTO Go trade Go imports / exports Go economic growth Go Stronger dinar
    12 points
  19. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Samson Article: ”91% of the Iraqi currency is outside the banking system" Quote: "Economist Munar Al-Obaidi announced that the money supply rose to more than 102 trillion dinars until last June." Militia Man I think when they say, "Whose operations are constantly expanding in favor of dealing at the fixed official exchange rate", is an argument suggesting that instead of being a floating currency... they're leaning towards a fixed official exchange rate for some time... Frank26 The float will bring the IQD to the real effective exchange rate and then it will be capped. IMO 1.32 is still not enough. Why? Because the parallel market is extinct IMO. $0.76 does not suffice. Sandy Ingram The dollar has gained over the dong 4.31% since the beginning of 2024. MarkZ Article: “Vietnam targeting Q3 GDP growth of 6.5%-7%, inflation below 4.5% PM says” And this is just the third quarter. They are obliterating the US… this is big… and they are under pressure to raise their exchange rate.
    12 points
  20. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Clare Article: "World Bank: Iraq maintains its status within the upper middle-income category" Quote: "The bank added that it classifies the world's economies into four income groups: low-income countries, lower-middle-income countries, upper-middle-income countries, and high-income countries, based on per capita gross national income. The measures of gross national income are expressed in US dollars." Militia Man The Oil and Gas [Law] and the presidency of the House of Representatives, I think those are going to be coming, tie to tie, hand in hand because...if they need to value...assets, they're going to need a real effective exchange rate... Wolverine There will be no announcement of the RV. The notifications... to exchange will just come out without warning ...very soon ...Private contractors are being paid... I’ve seen the signed contracts and certified documents for the reset. It’s happening. Frank26 Question: "The dinar may skyrocket slowly for years, is there a chance to keep them in dinars in multi-currency accounts?" The IMF will force the CBI to give us outside of Iraq a specific amount of time [to exchange] but I pray that they give us 6 months to a year because if they give us one month to 3 months that's not enough time IMO to take advantage of the float... MarkZ...I’m not saying a float is not possible …but, I believe it would have to be managed and come out closer to the end rate they want. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY
    12 points
  21. A split hits Al-Maliki's coalition PoliticsState Of Law CoalitionMaliki CoalitionSplit 2024-06-28 // 08:00 Shafaq News / Member of the Iraqi Parliament, Alia Nassif, announced on Friday her departure from the State of Law coalition led by Nouri al-Maliki, while revealing the reasons for making this decision. Nassif wrote, in her blog post on the X platform: “I announce my departure from the State of Law bloc, due to the difference in political visions for the next stage.” She explained that the reason for her departure was “the differentiation that exists between members of the rule of law, especially between independents and those with a party affiliation.” Nassif pointed out that “this vision exists among most independent members, and the coming days will reveal the discrimination and classism that is taking place.”سیاسة/انشقاق-يضرب-ا-تلاف-المالكي
    12 points
  22. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Walkingstick The ATM machines, they're all poised like centurions that are standing there. These ATMs are guarding the lower notes. It's time for all of this to come out now. It's just the budget we are waiting for. We're not waiting for any laws, we're not waiting for any new procedures. Clare WTO Article: "FORMAL WORKING PARTY MEETINGS 2024 on 18 July 2024 - THU 18 JUL 10:00 Working Party on the Accession of Iraq" Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: We are now hearing from our news on Channel One that Iraq has been fully accepted into the WTO. This is going to be official, July the 18th. FRANK: To join the WTO Iraq does not need a currency with value. No, that's not the point. Iraq needs a currency that has no restrictions, no handcuffs, no limitations in order for it to float on an international market - whatever the case this is very good. Let's hope this information is correct..! MarkZ Something fun popped into the news yesterday, both from banks and exchange locations in Iraq. There was a notice that they are expecting distribution of lower denomination bills in July. Both of the confirmations I received this morning from contacts on the ground inside of Iraq used the same words that they were told to expect them to distribute/disperse lower denominations in July. That tells us how stinking close we are. Why would they need these lower denominations - unless the currency is worth more? Let's hope this information is correct..!
    12 points
  23. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Frank26 Question: "When they release the new rate in country will it be international? Will we be able to exchange, or will there be a delay in between?" When the CBI releases the new exchange rate, that's it. It's automatic. There's only one exchange rate. There aren't two. Bruce News from Iraq, from the source in Fallujah, and this source was saying that we would have the Iraqi 2024 budget in the gazette over this weekend, that would be Saturday or Sunday. Samson Article: "Iraq and Britain discuss preparations for Sudani's visit to the United Kingdom and ways to enhance partnership and cooperation between the two countries" Militia Man This isn't the old days. It's a progress of education that they are teaching us and they're teaching their people. They're telling the world what they're doing. The 'big money', they know how this is rolling and they can see this. These are the things we should feel good about, because this is showing us big things are happening. Frank26 Article "Cancellation of Paragraph ( 5 / d ) of the instructions and standards for circulation and replacement of banknotes, and the counting and sorting mechanisms". INTRODUCING THE LOWER NOTES! Clare Article: "The President of the Republic approves a number of laws, including the 2024 budget schedules" Quote: “The President of the Republic, Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid, ratified a number of draft laws, which are the schedules of the Federal General Budget Law for the year 2024. The laws were sent after their approval by the President of the Republic for publication in the Iraqi newspaper Al-Waqae' to enter into force." Mnt Goat is nearing the end of June already. Recently we witnessed a surge of news from many of the prominent global entities including the UN, World Bank, IMF and the EU. All of them praising Iraq and giving “kudos” to them for the hard work and achievements. Today is not different as the articles once again tell the RV spigot is wide open to the RV. Kaperoni Until Iraq creates such conditions, passes laws, encourage investment, and Iraq begins to diversify away from dependence on oil, nothing will happen with the Iraqi dinar. Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: The television is saying parliament committee is saying there is a new number in the budget. They just admitted we have a new exchange rate and they say they want to be in charge of it, that they want to control, they want to put some votes. Saying the budget has numbers that will change and that's unconstitutional without another reading. It is a 15 day appeals process. Holly ...based on Iraq’s progress things are definitely on track to being done. I see a culmination of this sometime this summer and it could go now or it could be later, no one and I mean no one will know when. We are definitely in the end time of all of this.
    12 points
  24. Sounds like Iraq needs to add value to their currency. That should fix this problem.
    12 points
  25. Please any day! Just RV! I got shite to do! 😂😂😂😂
    12 points
  26. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Frank26 What sense would it make for Iraq to join, at a program rate, the WTO? It makes no sense. The Vietnamese dong it's in the WTO, but they are totally different. They deal with China and they have undervalued currency. Vietnam is a totally different scenario. Going into the WTO at a program rate is ridiculous. Everything is waiting for the new exchange rate so everything will make sense... Militia Man Iraq's working party on the accession of Iraq [to WTO] is July 18th 10:00am. I think we're waiting for a precursor to that. But, obviously they're going to have accession. When that exactly happens, on what day, is to be determined. They have things that have to happen prior to that. Pimpy I understand why people are frustrated. The dinar itself is not a scam but people do use the dinar to commit scams. Sandy Ingram Article: "The European Union announced...the Iraqi government has achieved development in international investment" There was a signing of the Singapore convention on mediation. Clare Article: "Parliamentary law challenges the '2024 budget tables' and the federal government is waiting for an answer within 15 days” Quote: "the appeal was submitted “on the pretext that the numbers mentioned in the budget items will change, and thus this is considered a change to the law and requires the implementation of a new law with a first and Second reading, and final approval.”
    12 points
  27. Oh they know what to do, they choose NOT to do what they know they should do. Some might say this is the definition of insanity: continually doing the wrong thing , expecting different results each time. Their house is completely corrupt.
    11 points
  28. “Economic reform and exchange rate adjustment Economic expert Naji Al-Obaidi, in an interview with Al-Ahd News, believes that Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization will have positive effects, attributing this to the fact that “it will increase on the government to initiate the long-awaited economic reforms” Go WTO Go economic reforms Go delete of 000 Go Stronger Dinar
    11 points
  29. Here's some rumors of Dinarian interests... We are close...citizens receive CBI education. Treat as rumors. Not verified. Your opine. Clare: CBI Is Educating The Citizens. ARTICLE: [Referencing The Drop the Zeros Video below] THAT VIDEO…IS HUGE…THEY ARE EDUCATING THE PEOPLE ABOUT THE DELETION OF THE ZEROS PROJECT. THE ZEROS WILL COME OFF THE EXCHANGE RATE WHICH CHANGES THE VALUE, AND THEN AT THE SAME TIME INSIDE IRAQ NEW NOTES ARE RELEASED WITHOUT THE 3 ZEROS. IT IS THAT SIMPLE. YOUR NOTES OUTSIDE IRAQ REMAIN THE SAME – AND YOU CAN EXCHANGE THEM AFTER THE RI HAPPENS. MarkZ via PDK: A BIG Week Ahead. ARTICLE: This is going to be a huge week. Meetings are going on right now in Iraq about the HCL…The WTO…& more. This is going to be a big, interesting week for all of us.
    11 points
  30. 11 points
  31. Someone in dinar world has translated the youtube video. See below: “The project to delete zeros from the currency is still in place,” this was confirmed by the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, in his latest statements about the project to delete three zeros from the Iraqi dinar. So what does that mean? The policy of deleting zeros from the currency means, for example, that the value of a one-thousand note is 1,000 dinars, and will be replaced by a note worth one dinar of the new currency. Iraq is not the only country that resorts to the policy of deleting zeros from the currency, but there are seventy-70 cases that the world has witnessed since the year one thousand nine hundred and sixty 1960, including Türkiye: Deleted six zeros from its currency in 2005 Zimbabwe: deleted twelve 12 zeros from its currency in 2009. And Venezuela: Five zeros were deleted in 2018 But how will the Iraqi economy be affected by deleting the zeros if it is implemented? Although the actual value of the money that people own does not change after deleting the zeros, this step contributes to simplifying the buying and selling processes for individuals and companies. It makes financial amounts simpler and more understandable. Instead of dealing with huge numbers such as one million 1,000,000 Iraqi dinars, they can be converted into one thousand 1,000 dinars only after deleting three zeros. Removing zeros may also help in issuing small currencies such as coins, enabling small commodities to be repriced at lower prices. It gives a positive psychological boost to citizens that the Iraqi dinar can now buy more goods and services. Therefore, countries aim by deleting the zeros to restore confidence in the local currency among citizens and investors The demand for it increases, and the local currency becomes more competitive with foreign currencies and its exchange for other currencies decreases. The policy of deleting zeros is often linked to broader economic reforms, such as raising interest rates on bank deposits, to encourage people to save within banks and benefit from high interest on their bank deposits, in an attempt to withdraw liquidity from the market, reduce consumption and decline in prices. Then exploit this liquidity to expand productive projects, attract local and foreign investments within the country and create many job opportunities to eventually revive the local economy. But on the other hand, deleting the zeros may cost Iraq money to print new banknotes to no avail. For example, after eliminating 3 zeros from the Iraqi dinar, when we talk about a 200 dinar banknote, it is actually equivalent to 200,000 dinars. Therefore, it may be necessary to print 4 more 50 dinar notes instead of the 50,000 dinar note. However, this may not have a clear impact on improving the local economy if it is not part of an economic reform package that helps reduce the amount of money circulating among people and stimulate the economy. Especially since Iraq's economy is an oil economy that needs to stimulate other productive sectors to drive the local economy Could deleting the zeros from the Iraqi dinar be a real start to stimulating Iraq's economy?
    11 points
  32. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Samson Article: ”Negotiations for Iraq's accession to the World Trade Organization after a 16-year absence" Pompey Peter Deputy Prime Minister of Iraq has been in Washington that's well covered in articles...The CBI governor was also in Washington. We believe there is a possibility that a higher rate was being discussed which could have been the purpose of the "whites of the eyes" meeting while these gentleman were in the United States. Just an opinion that a higher rate may have been involved and that needed not any approval but support and discussion with support. Militia Man They pushed out the HOR meeting till after this next holiday which is on the 17th...The WTO meeting they say is on the 18th unless their calendar changes. I highly suspect that won't be the case. They set the stage for the presidency to be done on the 20th. Those are the things we're looking at today...I hope you guys understand what we're seeing is powerful and I'm pretty excited and I think everybody else should be. It's really looking good... Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: My bank guy just flat out came out and told me, to be honest with you I think it will reinstate to what it was before and then it's going to float like any other international currency. It's more from the rumor mill. FRANK: I know it's going to reinstate. You know it. The money exchangers know it, that's why they went ape %$^%. That's why they're happy! This is the 3rd time your bank friend tells you $3.22 and it will float. That is the most logical thing for the CBI to do. yada ...I believe they could of released the rate 4-1-24 but chose to have the amendments for 2024 before they did and that was done. All the info is pointing for a GO.
    11 points
  33. “Economic expert Diaa Al-Mohsen called for the cancellation of the currency selling window, pointing out that some political blocs that benefited were behind the continuation of this window to achieve financial gains.” I remember seeing news articles at the beginning of the year, talking about the end of the currency selling window by the end of 2024. Go end of exchange control Go end of currency window Go dinar real value Go purchasing power
    11 points
  34. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Sandy Ingram The IQD Wait: What's Taking So Long? The 2003 Invasion, ISIS, and the Pandemic have all contributed to the delay in the Iraqi Dinar's increasing value. Iraq's economy got into trouble during the Iran-Iraq eight-year war and has been struggling ever since. Nader From The Mid East Lots of things happening...I see good news coming up this week so stay tuned...What's happening now it's good. I can say we are very close. Pimpy The IMF can't force countries to do a specific exchange rate. They can have input. They can talk to a county about their exchange rate but each country is sovereign. They're independent. No organization, whether it's IMF, World Bank, WTO, can force a country to use a certain exchange rate... Frank26 I think Sudani is in control of the monetary reform. I think he has security and stability and I think the international world knows it. I think all the three letter agencies are in cahoots with the CBI & GOI to go ahead and launch the new exchange rate...I think the exchange rate is either going to float at a fixed rate or it's going to float at a low rate then take some time to grow and be capped. If it's fixed at an RI rate then you know it's not going to float very much because the distance between $3.22 to where they want to cap it it's not that far and the demand will allow the gap to be reached very quickly. If it comes out at $3.22 you think I'm gonna wait around for a float? No. MarkZ Iraq has...paid off many of their loans. And Iraq has been very upfront (from finance contacts there) that they had planned to release the new rate in June. Now they plan on releasing it in the month of July. Also I have a government contact in Iraq who said “We have a new rate and will activate it soon” Clare Article: "Airlines set date to resume flights between Baghdad and Moscow”
    11 points
  35. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Kaperoni Article: "Securities Commission: The government has successfully completed the sale of financial bonds" Walkingstick The monetary reform is secured by the reserves. The reserves that back up the currency is the control that the CBI and Saleh is talking about when he says we have a strong exchange rate at 1320 because he can control it and he can change it at any time he wants. He's not just talking about what they know they have ...the billions and billions of dinar that were brought back but it also includes all the tapped sources and untapped sources, gold, phosphate, oil, diamonds, etc, etc, each one of these categories alone can support the monetary reform. Frank26 What do you get when you have the HCL? Nano seconds later the new exchange rate. The events you're seeing, the things that are happening right now, the alignment of many stars, of many events are only pointing in one direction, that there will be an announcement of a new exchange rate very soon to the Iraqi citizens. Fnu Lnu Community Comment: "Wealthy people invest their initial profits. he first person they hire is a financial advisor. The second is a tax professional" This is not what you do with your initial profits. What you do is construct a financial fortress by setting up an ASSET PROTECTION PLAN! Lawsuits, taxes, and probate, are the wealth killers. Failing to set up an asset protection plan will almost guarantee that you will be sued. There are people who make a living seeking out the wealthy and then suing them. The first person you seek out is an asset protection professional of which there are few. [Post 1 of 2] Fnu Lnu 1% of all attorneys hold themselves out as AP specialists. After the RV, they will be booked up solid for months. Your AP specialist will have the proper CPA's to maintenance your wealth protection structure. The average CPA doesn't even know how to file the proper forms for a Charitable Remainder Unitrust report for the IRS. So, hire your AP professional... stay away from Financial Advisors who push foolishness like Muni Bonds, IRA's, 401K's. Mutual Funds, and other worthless paper-based assets. Certified investors have access to high-yield investments the common folk do not. Those are your path to multi-generational wealth. [Post 2 of 2] MarkZ I’m expecting a lot of news throughout the week… I am expecting we will have an extremely busy 4-7 days right now. There are a number of groups with expectations for around the 12th. Everything appears to be lining up... I’m praying this is our week. I have extreme anticipation for this week. Pimpy July 18th is going to be good. They get to go there, meet with the World Trade Organization. There's going to be information and reforms and requests made by the WTO that they are going to hand off to Iraq. Iraq is going to go over there and drop off additional materials that was requested from the last meeting and ask questions to make sure their accession into the World Trade Organization continues to go as smoothly as possible. As far as the exchange rate is concerned, no it's not going to be brought up there because that's not the job of the WTO.
    11 points
  36. I heard this before, for the last 15 years. But there’s always hope, keeping my fingers crossed 🤞🏼 Go HCL Go Profit Sharing Go Stronger Dinar Go Purchasing Power
    11 points
  37. I say August because I have been saying August for years on here only because in my quiet time with the Lord many years ago I asked Him when the Dinar would revalue and in a low audible deep voice I heard "August". I was so surprised to hear the voice I opened my eyes and looked around the room. He never said what year, so every August I pray it is this one. So I don't just throw out willy nilly a month or a time even though I wish it would happen today even if it is not August. So for me it's not "now August" as if I am moving the goal posts. Look back over all my posts that will verify I have been saying August for years because of the answer to my prayer that I heard with my physical ears, not just in my head or heart. In fact, if I had not heard August, which by the way is the 8th month, and 8 in the Bible is New Beginnings, I wouldn't ever put a date, a month, or any other guess when this might happen. So now I look forward to this August. If it does not happen this August then I will wait for next August.
    11 points
  38. If all of the crap countries would pay the US for what this country has done for them, then we wouldn’t have all that debt. It’s time to quit giving money to these countries that don’t see things our way, quit giving money to stupid programs like climate change, kick the UN out of the US, and collect all these debts that are owed to us. Doing all of that would be a good start.
    11 points
  39. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Yada ...The postponements...were necessary in order to keep certain people and individuals from gaming their system even more. Maliki for one, money laundering, ISIS and the lack of a secure banking system that would hold up under their gang like system of operations. Today, their digital banking is internationally connected and secure and the other countries know their investments will not be lost... there have been many articles affirming Iraq is stable... the conditions are still ripe to see the exchange any moment. Mnt Goat Like I said way back in 2023 even before the budget was finalized that there would NEVER be an RV rate in any budget. Why? Because the Iraqi budget is based on the selling price of a barrel of oil and not their currency rate. Budgets are based on revenues not currency rates. MarkZ I feel that as far as Iraq is concerned it is done and prepared. They are just waiting on the “go” so they can announce and move forward.
    11 points
  40. Dinar Explainer 1: Why Iraq has Two Exchange Rates 28th June 2024 in Investment, Iraq Banking & Finance News, Iraq Industry & Trade News, Politics By John Lee. On a recent webinar organised by the Iraq Britain Business Council (IBBC), Professor Frank Gunter of Lehigh University explained the causes and effects of Iraq’s dual exchange rate. The three reasons why Iraq has two exchange rates are: Excessive Demand for US Dollars Internationally: There is a high demand for US dollars in countries like Iran and Syria, where local currencies have significantly devalued. Entities in these countries are desperate to obtain dollars, which are accepted everywhere and difficult to trace. The excessive demand for US dollars internationally is driven by several factors: Currency Devaluation in Neighboring Countries: The Iranian rial has lost 75% of its value due to sanctions from the US and other nations. The Syrian pound has lost 99% of its value primarily due to the ongoing civil war. These significant devaluations have led entities in Iran and Syria to seek more stable currencies like the US dollar. Preference for Physical Dollars: There is a particular demand for physical US dollars (paper currency) rather than electronic funds transfers (EFTs). Physical dollars are preferred because they are accepted everywhere and are impossible to trace, making them more desirable for transactions that may need to avoid scrutiny. Cheaper Source of Dollars in Iraq: Due to these devaluations and economic instability, Iran and Syria find it more feasible to obtain dollars from Iraq. The Iraqi market offers a cheaper source of dollars, requiring fewer real resources compared to other regions. These factors collectively create a significant international demand for US dollars, which in turn impacts Iraq’s exchange rate dynamics by increasing the pressure on its currency system and contributing to the existence of dual exchange rates. Internal Demand for Dollars: Within Iraq, the dollar has dominated the dinar both as a medium of exchange and as a store of value. Although recent regulatory changes have reduced this dominance, the demand for dollars remains strong. The internal demand for dollars in Iraq is driven by several key factors highlighted in the text: Dominance of the Dollar: Historically, the US dollar has dominated the Iraqi dinar both as a medium of exchange and as a store of value. This dominance means that people prefer to use and hold dollars over the local currency, contributing to the internal demand for dollars. Regulatory Changes: Although there have been recent regulatory changes aimed at reducing the dominance of the dollar, the demand remains strong. These changes have not been sufficient to shift the preference from dollars to dinars significantly. Economic Practices: Iraq’s economy is still very much a cash economy. The Central Bank of Iraq estimated that there were 90 trillion dinars outside financial intermediaries, highlighting the extensive use of cash. This reliance on cash further underscores the preference for a stable currency like the dollar. Banking System Challenges: The banking system in Iraq is underdeveloped. The state-owned banks are not private sector-oriented, with major banks like Rafidain and Rasheed facing difficulties. Additionally, Iraq is severely under-banked, with only four bank branches and five ATMs per 100,000 Iraqis, compared to the Middle East and Northern Africa average of 14 branches and 37 ATMs. The lack of a universal core banking system, which makes it difficult to withdraw funds from a different branch than where the deposit was made, contributes to the preference for holding dollars. Insecurity of Deposits: The perception that deposits have become more insecure has increased the demand for dollars. For instance, the suspension of dollar withdrawals starting January 1, 2024, has likely exacerbated concerns about the security and accessibility of funds, driving people to prefer holding dollars. These factors collectively create a strong internal demand for dollars in Iraq, complicating efforts to manage the exchange rate and stabilize the economy. De-Dollarization Efforts by the New York Fed: The New York Federal Reserve has restricted dollar transfers to reduce dollar flows to Iran and Syria. They have also excluded over two dozen Iraqi banks from transactions, which has increased the complexity and demand for dollars in Iraq. The de-dollarization efforts by the New York Federal Reserve (New York Fed) are part of a broader strategy to control the flow of US dollars, particularly to countries under sanctions such as Iran and Syria. Here are the key points from the text: Restriction on Dollar Transfers: The New York Fed has restricted the transfer of physical dollars to Iraq. Previously, both electronic dollars (via electronic funds transfer, or EFT) and paper dollars could be sent to Iraq. Now, the New York Fed primarily allows only electronic transfers while restricting the shipment of actual paper dollars. Exclusion of Iraqi Banks: Over two dozen Iraqi banks have been excluded from doing transactions with the New York Fed. The New York Fed will not transfer funds to these banks or respect their transactions. This exclusion is part of the effort to control the flow of dollars and reduce the likelihood that they will end up in countries like Iran and Syria. Objective of De-Dollarization: The primary goal of these restrictions is to reduce dollar flows to Iran and Syria. By limiting access to physical dollars and restricting certain banks, the New York Fed aims to make it more difficult for these countries to obtain US dollars, which are in high demand due to the devaluation of their own currencies and economic sanctions. Impact on Iraq: The de-dollarization efforts have significant implications for Iraq. The restriction on physical dollar transfers and the exclusion of certain banks have added to the complexity and demand for dollars within Iraq. These measures are part of the broader challenge facing the Iraqi government as it tries to manage its dual exchange rates and stabilize its economy. These efforts by the New York Fed are part of a strategic initiative to use financial controls as a means of exerting economic pressure on countries like Iran and Syria, while also attempting to mitigate the impact on the Iraqi economy. You can read more on the history and consequences of the dinar exchange rate here.
    11 points
  41. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Frank26 Sudani...I honestly feel he has put everybody check-mate. He put Kurdistan and Barzani in check-mate when he showed them the new exchange rate IMO. He put all the contractors in check-mate ...when they rewrote [contracts] with the new exchange rate IMO ...Sudani has all those involved in monetary reform in check-mate, even the United States of America, WTO, everybody is in check-mate. Look at all the excitement... pomp and circumstances pointing at Iraq from everybody... bowing to Iraq. You got the oil we want. The whole world knows Iraq is in control of them. MarkZ ...I do not believe there is a new rate in the Gazette this morning. I am not expecting one till Wednesday. I have heard that Sudani has signed off on the budget and it is supposed to be headed to the Gazette. There was some hope it would be printed this morning. Militia Man The Real Effective Exchange Rate changes the whole dynamics. They wouldn't have gotten this far in the stage if they were going to go do all the things they're talking about at 1310. They would have already done it by now... Clare Article: "Iraq and Britain discuss preparations for Sudanese's visit to the United Kingdom and ways to enhance partnership and cooperation between the two countries” Frank26 Article: "Finance begins distributing estimates of the state's current expenditures, revenues, and public investment projects" That's a lot of words for one thing. You know what it is? The budget has the new exchange rate in it. These steps will reveal the new exchange rate. A few outrageous rumors were omitted...!
    11 points
  42. Congratulations, but you might want to use a spell checker in future, you will be an even better guru then.
    11 points
  43. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON PompeyPeter We have never been where we are now. Categorically not. They're going to be the global solution to the financial worries. The solution is with the Iraqi dinar. Not at 1310 - it's not. Wolverine ...Hopefully we will get really good news that we are waiting for. That opera is just around the corner and hopefully to be released soon. Keep the faith this is coming. Paulette Article: "Iraq faces some challenges in its path to joining the World Trade Organization" It is clear based on this article that Iraq will not be voted today to be full members of the WTO. Iraq has a lot of work ahead of them. To me, the WTO is totally irrelevant to what we seek. Apples and oranges. I hope we see the FULL RI process well before full accession to the WTO. Frank26 [Reference: the Iraqi dinar video from 7-17-2024] It's not a lop to subtract zeros from an exchange rate adds value to a currency. To add zeros to an exchange rate, hello Zimbabwe, reduces the value of the currency. If they add zeros then we are looking at a lop. No where did you see they were adding zeros. Mnt Goat ...This current Al-Sudani administration is now moving Iraq ahead, yes out of this past rut. It is right in our faces now. The train is racing down the track only to make the necessary stops along the way. It is a hard road for Iraq. There is work to be done. No more “guessing” or “hoping”. The reinstatement spigot is now wide open! It is in our faces! MarkZ Question: Do you think the RV will happen in waves? First Dinar, then a few months later, VND? Mark: No, I think they will still go at the same time.
    10 points
  44. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Pimpy This is big... Article Quote: "According to the latest data that is available, transactions through the central bank electronic platform have considerably increased with daily transactions reaching $200 million which is consistent with the size of Iraq's economy. This marks a substantial rise from...2023 when transactions were around $50 million per day." That's a huge increase of $150 million. This is right on par with Iraq's economy but the fact that the transactions have increased is a big plus for people investing in Iraq dinar.. [Post 1 of 2] Pimpy Article quote: "The transparency provides a realtime reporting on the FITR platform can also enhance market confidence in the Iraqi dinar. Investors and traders are more likely to trust a currency whose transactions are openly documented and monitored by regulatory authorities. This increase in confidence can contribute to a greater stability in the foreign exchange market for Iraq dinar...Higher levels of activity transactions being reported on the FITR platform can indicate a vibrant and active economy. A robust economy often translates to a stronger currency value as investors are more willing to hold the asset denominated in that currency." ... This is good news but again you guys stay grounded. Stand by. Every day there's more and more good news coming out of Iraq... This is great news. [Post 2 of 2] Frank26 The's a transaction activity platform that's interesting because they are exchanging and trading funds that come under the category of cross currency swapping and they are including now the Iraqi dinar. Why would you Mr. Country whoever-you-are, why would you want to be involved with the Iraqi dinar? Why would you want to do any type of transaction activity with the FITR when you're dealing with a currency that has no value? Obviously there is a value. Obviously they know more than we know. This currency swapping is a very very significant thing.
    10 points
  45. Here's two articles of Dinarian interests... -The Oil & Gas Law Is Almost Complete & This Is What We Hope For From Barzani’s Visit To Baghdad. -New Exchange Rate for Iraq by July 12th. -Remember: nobody knows the date or rate. Treat as rumor. Not verified. Your opine. Ariel: New Exchange Rate for Iraq by July 12th. From WTO Website: ARTICLE: During the visit to Baghdad, the Chair was informed that Iraq’s initial market access offers on goods & services would be circulated soon, in preparation for holding the 3rd meeting of the Working Party in the middle of 2024. Link The team in the Ministry of Trade will “take real steps that will shorten the path to Iraq’s accession to the WTO & ultimately benefit from the advantages offered by this accession,” indicated Minister Al Ghurairi. -The Oil & Gas Law Is Almost Complete & This Is What We Hope For From Barzani’s Visit To Baghdad. Member of the Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee, Zainab Al-Moussawi, revealed today, Thursday, the latest developments in the Oil & Gas Law, while pointing to the impact of Masoud Barzani’s visit to Baghdad on the approval of the law. Al-Moussawi said in an interview with Al-Eqtisad News: “So far, the draft oil & gas law is almost complete, with a high percentage that may reach 90%, but there are some objections from the Kurds regarding some points, which are summarized in handing over oil imports & exploited and unexploited natural resources to Baghdad, as Erbil refuses to do so.” She added: “We hope that Masoud Barzani’s visit will be the beginning of resolving the crisis of the law & its legislation after an agreement with the political foundations in Baghdad, which is the Coordination Framework, 𝙖𝙨 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙥𝙤𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙡 𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙘𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙨 𝙡𝙚𝙜𝙞𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙤𝙞𝙡 & 𝙜𝙖𝙨 𝙡𝙖𝙬 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙧𝙚𝙜𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙮’𝙨 𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙖𝙡 𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙘𝙚𝙨”. The member of the Parliamentary Oil Committee explained that “the Oil & Gas Law contributes to exploiting the largest possible amount of undiscovered oil fields and also contributes to achieving self-sufficiency in petroleum derivatives & optimal exploitation of wasted natural resources estimated at hundreds of billions of Dollars that contribute to diversifying the state’s financial resources.” People, do you know how extremely huge these two reports are? This is the best news anyone can ask for that is not referring directly to rate & date while still indirectly giving you at least one of them without being specific. We are so close. Because in the 2nd report regarding the Oil & Gas this is the constitutional rights of the citizens to get a percentage of the oil revenues once it is passed. Do you know how long people have waited to hear this is about to be complete? This means that the new ER is even closer. Because I have already given you a report about Iraq’s Compliant with international standards that needs to be completed by July 12th. Report: -Derivative Clearing Organizations DCOs must comply by July 12, 2024. (See Federal Register link below) The completion of these swap dealer compliance issues in the Forex Market comes at a time when Iraq has just completed their requirements on phase one of their economic reforms. Phase one is a completion of reforms that have now qualified Iraq for international trade.
    10 points
  46. Iraq is doing all the right things , stock piling gold and other reserves , implementing the latest greatest most secure banking system , investing in an infrastructure addressing world wide commerce like the world has never seen before , finessing their way out of major trouble in the Middle East kerfuffle . Hang tight you crazy diamonds .
    10 points

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