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  2. Probably a good time to start working on the 2025 budget.....all things considered.
  3. MM 07 28 49 54 69 MB 24 - 07-26-24 PB 31 38 42 46 64 PB 10 - 07-27-24 Back to Back "Jackpots" - Make it happen! Thank you Jesus!
  4. Iraq’s gold reserves rise to 148.3 tons Amr Salem July 25, 2024 2516 2 min Gold bars. Photo: David Gray/AFP/Getty Images Baghdad ( – Recent data released by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) showed that Iraq and Qatar increased their gold reserves. According to the IMF, Iraq’s gold holdings climbed by 2.64 tons in May 2024, bringing its total gold holdings to 148.3 tons. Additionally, the report indicated that in June 2024, Qatar added 3.11 tons to its gold reserves, bringing them to 106.4 tons. This growth reflects Iraq’s ongoing efforts to diversify its foreign reserves and improve long-term financial and monetary stability. Gold is a traditional safe haven for investors, particularly during times of economic and geopolitical instability. In its latest report issued in April, the World Gold Council revealed that Iraq maintained its position as the 30th-largest gold-holding country out of 100 countries, as its gold possessions remained 142.6 tons, representing 8.4 percent of the rest of its other reserves. The World Gold Council mentioned earlier that Iraq purchased approximately 12.25 tons of gold in 2023. The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) purchased 34 tons of gold in June 2022, representing an increase of 35 percent in its holdings at that time. Iraq is one of the countries that possess large amounts of gold reserves in the Arab region. It ranks fourth after Saudi Arabia, Algeria, and Morocco. This increase in Iraq’s gold reserves is considered a positive indicator, reflecting the strength of the Iraqi economy.
  5. Today
  6. @Longtimelurker, one of the things I appreciate most about you is your consistency in thought. You have researched all this, and you know that you know (in your knower, like churchfolk say). There is such peace in being aware of what is going on. Bless their hearts, some on here are like yoyos - excited one minute and depressed the next. Not making fun of them, I've been there. But they don't have to stay there. Thank you for keeping it real.
  7. Clare Article: "The US Federal Reserve adopts a new strategy towards Iraq. The dollar is threatened with rising to unprecedented levels" Quote: "The Federal Bank has detected political influences from the Iraqi government. The US Federal Reserve will not be able to wait forever, and it is expected that there will be federal measures that may occur at any moment, and there will be a sudden and large demand for the dollar, which will lead to a decrease in the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar, which will generate great pressure on the Iraqi banking system, the Iraqi economy and the official political system."🙏 The US is holding up the RV-RI process, not Iraq. How much more evidence do we need?
  8. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Pimpy Article: "International Monetary Authority: Iraq increases its gold reserves to 148 tons". They added another 2.6 tons of gold to their holdings. I remember way back when Iraq had 86 tons and now they have 148. Iraq is doing everything they can to help strengthen Iraqi dinar. This is a great sign. Jeff The budget...they're going to finish it probably just shortly before Iraq's accession to the World Trade which will be the weekend of August 17th and 18th. That accession period is the nucleus to everything right now. Everything is happening around that accession date.
  9. One step forward & two steps back. It seems like corruption is getting worse, not better.
  10. Japan / Brazil mix Woman appearing in video is NOT Bebel Gilberto....Voice is hers (Bebel)
  11. Composed by the great Burt Bacharach-RIP and previously performed by Dionne Warwick, Bacharach's fave. singer of his tracks.....
  12. Chet Baker (RIP) - trumpet To me an absolutely beautiful track Anti-war song ...Namely UK-Argentina (Falklands / Malvinas islands possession 1982)... That was also the then Argentine military fascist regime's (which started in 1976) attempt to divert int'l attention off the massacre of people they were systematically kidnapping, torturing and killing ( about 50,000) including pregnant women whose children then were adopted by military families...Many opposers being dropped from helicopters into the Atlantic ocean....The main 2 (bastard) military in charge of the massacres were Jorge Videla and Leopoldo Galtieri......Plus a bunch of others..... Jorge Videla would also become President of the Republic for a brief period.....No comment In 1983 the Country returned to Democracy with a freely elected President ( Raul Alfonsin)...At last Argentina regime Torture ( geographical location) site Argentina (started 1976) and Chile (started 1973) used to be the worst fascist military regimes in S.America (both coups)...Before that (starting in 1964 until 1985) there was Brazil...Plus Paraguay and Uruguay......
  13. RIP Michael Jackson, Ray Charles, Kenny Rogers, James Ingram, Al Jarreau, Tina Turner Director / conductor : Quincy Jones Lionel Richie 0:25 * Stevie Wonder 0:32 * Paul Simon 0:42 * Kenny Rogers 0:54 * James Ingram 0:59 * Tina Turner 1:05 * Billy Joel 1:12 * Michael Jackson 1:18 * Diana Ross 1:32 * Dionne Warwick 1:48 * Willie Nelson 2:02 * Al Jarreau 2:08 * Bruce Springsteen 2:14 * Kenny Loggins 2:21 * Steve Perry 2:27 * Daryl Hall 2:35 * Michael Jackson 2:41 * Huey Lewis 2:48 * Cyndi Lauper 2:53 * Kim Carnes 3:01 * Bob Dylan 3:48 * Ray Charles 4:41 * Stevie Wonder & Bruce Springsteen 4:53 * Bruce Springsteen 5:31 * James Ingram 6:13 * Ray Charles 6:27 I love Dionne Warwick's voice...Great artist List of Artists & project description I happened to be humming / singing this in front of a TV shop window while watching inside tv sets showing music vid in central Salvador, Bahia ( 92% black & mulatto population) Brazil in 1985 ( I was 28 yr old at the time) ....People stopping by, joining in and singing along....Moving
  14. Franco Califano AKA "Il Califfo" (The Caliph... playing with his last name) as he used to be a famous womanizer ( he even wrote books about his life/love/sex experiences as a sort of how-to manual.....) Song became very popular due to its almost brutal sincerity ( for some / many of us) and totally hypocrisy-free ...Unfortunately ( so far 2 marriages and 2 divorces for me..Just saying...Love is a complex thing in the least....) Franco has written some beautiful songs for many Italian artists ( besides himself)...Mia Martini & others..... Si, d'accordo l'incontro/ yeah ok, the date un'emozione che ti scoppia dentro/ a great emotion exploding inside you l'invito a cena dove c'è atmosfera/ the invite to dinner here there's a certain mood la barba fatta con maggiore cura./ the beard shaved more accurately la macchina a lavare ed era ora/ the car to wash and now hai voglia di far centro quella sera/ you really wanna make an impression on her si d'accordo ma poi../ yes, ok, but then tutto il resto è noia/ the rest is boredom no, non ho detto gioia,ma noia, noia, noia,/i didn't say delight, but bore maledetta noia./ damn boredom Si, lo so il primo bacio/yeah, i know, the first kiss il cuore ingenuo che ci casca ancora/ the naive heart still falling for that col lungo abbraccio l'illusione dura/ with a long embrace the illusion lasts rifiuti di pensare a un'avventura./ you refuse to think about a one-night-stand Poi dici cose giuste al tempo giusto/ then you say the right things at the right moment e pensi il gioco è fatto è tutto a posto/ and you think, "it's done, everything is perfect" si,d'accordo ma poi.../ yeah, ok, but then tutto il resto è noia/ the rest is boredom no, non ho detto gioia,ma noia, noia, noia,/i didn't say delight, but bore maledetta noia./ damn boredom Poi la notte d'amore/ then the night of love per sistemare casa un pomeriggio/ to tidy up the house one afternoon sul letto le lenzuola color grigio/ gray sheets on the bed funziona tutto come un orologio./ everything works as a clock La prima sera devi dimostrare/ the first night you have to prove che al mondo solo tu sai far l'amore/ to the world you're the only one who can make love si, d'accordo ma poi../ yeah, whatever but then Tutto il resto è noia/ the rest is boredom no,non ho detto noia/ i didn't say bore ma noia, noia, noia,/but bore bore bore maledetta noia./ damn boredom Si d'accordo il primo anno/yeah, ok the first year ma l'entusiasmo che ti resta ancora/ but the enthusiasm still left è brutta copia di quello che era/ is only a bad copy of the one you had cominciano i silenzi della sera/ and silences start at night inventi feste e inviti gente in casa/ you make up parties and invite people at home così non pensi almeno fai qualcosa/ so you don't think at least you have something to do si, d'accordo ma poi../Yeah, whatever, but then tutto il resto è noia/ the rest is boredom no, non ho detto gioia,ma noia, noia, noia,/i didn't say delight, but bore maledetta noia./ damn boredom
  15. Santa Barbara, CA 2005 His last name, the name of the city in Sicily where my Dad was born
  16. Sudan's agriculture minister says there is no famine in the country By Reuters July 25, 20247:27 PM GMT+2 Pathetic liar
  17. Exclusive: Israel seeks changes to Gaza truce plan, complicating talks By Jonathan Landay , Nidal Al-Mughrabi and Ahmed Mohamed Hassan July 26, 20247:31 PM GMT+2
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