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keylime last won the day on August 27

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About keylime

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  • Gender
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    Miami Florida
  • Interests
    Screenwriting, acting, directing, football and most of all my family


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    S. FL.
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    There are some things shouted where no one hears, and barely whispered where there are ears.

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  1. Everything you said was spot on until you had to throw out that last dreaded timeless word. Ha!
  2. If there's one thing the Dinar has taught me, it's diamond hand waiting. Oh, and that "Soon" is as bad as "Tomorrow ". Neither one ever gets here.
  3. Pennsylvania and Arizona could learn a thing or two about counting folks from these guys.
  4. As Shabibi goes, so goes the Dinar. RISE Shabibi! RISE!!!!!!
  5. Trump will end the wars, You guys go ahead and start the RI/RV
  6. I stopped paying attention to any of these folks years ago. I read whatever news is out there and wait, mainly for the HCL to pass. If that's the trigger that's all the news I need.
  7. Well we're about to see how good their word is.
  8. Yes. And the 8 answers are the 7 days of the week and the word "vacation" and oddly enough that seems to come up the most.
  9. And when they open the room 30 days later, they'll all be dehydrated, dead and smell like crap with the agreement untouched, unread, and unsigned.
  10. The 25 budget was passed, but now they have to argue over it again and again and again until it is 26
  11. Of course, Trump is just a man. But I believe he is God's man to do what He has planned.
  12. That would be the last day of Fall. And my Bday is the 21st so I will definitely take it then. The first day of winter could be hot, hot, hot at the banks.
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