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keylime last won the day on March 24 2023

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About keylime

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    Miami Florida
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    Screenwriting, acting, directing, football and most of all my family


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    S. FL.
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    There are some things shouted where no one hears, and barely whispered where there are ears.

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  1. as long as you can still use your smaller denom....
  2. First of all, Trump said to march Peacefully" with those words you quoted. That was not the case for Biden. He didn't add anything to explain away that word. And It's not that he necessarily meant calling for Trump's assassination. Although, I wouldnt put it past him or any of the hate filled Dems. I guarantee you many crazy Dems were celebrating the news and at the same time pissed off the shooter missed his head. Sickos all. But using the words Biden used can be taken by the crazies to mean kill Trump. And indeed a crazy did take it to mean that. The President of the US should not be using words that can be taken to mean that. The Left has been calling Trump "Hitler" for years, and an "existential threat to Democracy", and "He should not be allowed back in the White House", etc....and it hasn't been just a few of them. The whole of the Democrat owned mainstream media has been pushing that narrative for years, since he came down the escalator to announce his running. They are all guilty of this bloody day, resulting in the death of an innocent American, and critical wounding of two others. This killer was 20, never voted yet, registered as a Republican but donated to a Democrat progressive entity. So his money tells us where his heart is. The registration was an obvious ruse to hide behind him being a progressive young man heavily influenced by the violent and false rhetoric they have been spewing for years and the words he heard, took to heart and grew up with. Biden's remark was pointed and direct. He used the word "target" deliberately. Just last week, one of these wacko Dems, called for someone to take Trump out. Well, someone answered that call. Now that kid is dead as well. This just poured gas on the fire and the Dems are to blame for it. Trump's next rally is going to be bigger than ever. I wouldn't be surprised if 100,000 people show up. Trump's defiant and courageous reaction after he got up, is him literally taking a bullet for the American people. Anyone on the fence to vote for him can't see that and realize this is the man we want to be our leader, completely the opposite of what is sleeping in the Oval Office right now. If Biden had been shot the same way, he never would have gotten up with the strength, passion, and resolve Trump did. This just poked the already angry bear.
  3. Yep. He basically put out the order for him to be shot.
  4. You know the old adage...Tell a lie long enough and it will be perceived as the truth
  5. I say August because I have been saying August for years on here only because in my quiet time with the Lord many years ago I asked Him when the Dinar would revalue and in a low audible deep voice I heard "August". I was so surprised to hear the voice I opened my eyes and looked around the room. He never said what year, so every August I pray it is this one. So I don't just throw out willy nilly a month or a time even though I wish it would happen today even if it is not August. So for me it's not "now August" as if I am moving the goal posts. Look back over all my posts that will verify I have been saying August for years because of the answer to my prayer that I heard with my physical ears, not just in my head or heart. In fact, if I had not heard August, which by the way is the 8th month, and 8 in the Bible is New Beginnings, I wouldn't ever put a date, a month, or any other guess when this might happen. So now I look forward to this August. If it does not happen this August then I will wait for next August.
  6. Every poll that pits Trump against any possible dem that would replace Biden he bests them by 4 or 5 points. They truly have no answer. But of course, they never did.
  7. The question is who are they going to try to assassinate? Biden or Trump? HA! It's way easier for them to get to Biden which would free them up to run the new person in all states. Then take out Trump and start a civil war.
  8. Here is Barry Cunningham quoting Charlie Kirk at about the 21:15 mark after Stephen A Smith says Biden should basically step down. The whole video is great but this part speaks to the laws of those states.
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