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  1. The only risk to economic stability these sanctions will create is to Iran and their theocratic Iraqi puppets. Flush these treasonous wretches out and send them to Iran.
  2. "Al-Maliki added, "We requested that there be a joint administration with the regional government" That "joint administration" was likely to guarantee the Iranian's can continue to suck Iraq dry, courtesy of Al-Maliki. They then walked out spitting the pacifier/dummy. Maybe, the shiites and their shii-itey Iranian proxy Maliki will finally be put in a box and sovereignty will push out the theocrats. This could be a big change in the power dynamics?
  3. @horsesoldierThe Iranian influence is about to be influenced, next week!
  4. This information shouldn't surprise us! But, great to hear it is being investigated. Feels like a lifetime ago!
  5. No surprise, with so many Iranian backed paramilitaries in Iraq still taking orders from their theocratic paymaster.
  6. Probably wanting the PM to know if Iraq is not officially in Syria that any Iraqi PMF in Syria are fair targets.
  7. Looks like Hydra (Iran) still has its tentacles in the Iraqi banking system. Resistance = corruption.
  8. If Iraq is not officially involved, it is open season on the Iranian backed PMF forces from Iraq that go into Syria. Just like the US knocked out the Wagner group there!
  9. Hello, Kitty! We can still live with our hopes.
  10. "ARTICLE: Sudani has been on a tear because he’s been doing for over two years methodically nothing but achievements." I always remember to flush after 'doing' my achievements!
  11. The census was a big hurdle that they are now over. At least they have a per capita number to lock in the distributions to actual residents for the Oil and Gas law. It will be harder for the Kurds to negotiate a percentge that is a lot higher than the rest of Iraq. The census numbers are a good start to control corruption!! Remember all the 'ghosts' they were using to pad their numbers drawing salaries for people who didn't exist. I expect those games will be harder to play now? It does look like things are getting better and Iran will be put back in their box, shortly, instead of showered with cash-even if it was their own at one point in time.
  12. I reckon the Kurds found out the hard way that they did not have legal authority from the Iraq government to sell the oil, which started the 'ongoing' dispute (of Kurdish independence.) The Turkish/international buyers of Kurdish oil were then warned off of buying illegal/'stolen' oil, shutting down the pipeline by putting the legal kibosh on selling it to Turkey/internationally. Now, the Iraq Central Government might not "own" the Kurdish oil, but they appear to now own the rights to sell it or at least generate revenue from selling it internationally, centralizing the sales and taxes to the Central Government of Iraq. The Kurds ultimately got legally pretzelled! (That's an old Colonial legal trick, look no further than the Westminster government. They have a long history of fukcing other countries over on oil deals.) IMHO: This legal 'baller move' was probably seeded in the Constitution and has more to do with centralizing power, crushing the spigot that might have financed Kurdish independence, ultimately getting the Kurds in line. So, now, the Iraqi Central Government (GOI) calls more of the shots, streamlining the Kurds out of the picture, but also in the picture, centralizing the some of the sales earnings and money flow to the GOI. As for the Oil and Gas Law, who knows if the GOI has now worked around it, or it is now easier to implement it to soothe all parties equitably and nationally. As for the RV, if it is going to happen, it has been bolstered by the 'new' centralized revenues that we're going into the Barzani family's pockets and the other factions that were circumventing the GOI from getting their slice. All in all, I think this is a civil victory and great news for us spectators and speculators! Soon!
  13. That happens so many times! It is enough to make folks poor!
  14. AMC Theatres® Announces AMC’s Go Plan – a Multi-Year Plan to Invest up to $1.5 Billion Over Four to Seven Years, Greatly Improving the Movie-Going Experience at AMC AMC Chairman and CEO Adam Aron commented: “With AMC’s Go Plan, AMC is officially going back on offense. First and foremost, that means investing in the theatrical experience in our movie theatres, both at AMC locations in the U.S. and ODEON Cinemas in Europe. This Go Plan is AMC’s most aggressive, forward-looking theatrical investment initiative this decade, and will greatly enhance the moviegoing experience for millions of our U.S. guests. And, of course, we will manage the timing of our Go Plan investments consistent with the prudent management of our debt levels, leverage, and liquidity.” What comes after diamond hands!? Do we graduate? Still holding like a fool! 😆
  15. Definitely. Maybe. Soon. In the coming days ... Who knew anticipation could age you 20 years! 😆
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