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About bkeiller

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  1. He (@horsesoldier) has been saddled with this investment so long, he likes to stirrup things here as our mane commentator. He never reigns it in, as it behooves him to keep us entertained!
  2. That blog article is dated 2012. Here is an old article 2018 showing the conglomerate no longer owns AMC: As to who owns AMC, now, with so many synthetics out there, who knows!
  3. When the stock market is just propped up and maintained by a massive and ever expanding derivatives balloon, it won't matter who owns what when it bursts! But, I ain't heard that news or read that news anywhere. Cheers!
  4. BRICS: A bunch of dictators and numbnuts stating the currency will be free from political pressure. 🤭😆
  5. I am enjoying this rally! But, I know the system has been exploited by crooks, designed by crooks, and enforced by crooks. They will take this as far as they can go, making derivatives out of synthetics and pack them into off shore accounts or new financial tools. They won't care if they break the system. Then they will be wined and dined while tax payer money is used to bail them out. This is the system and it is a steaming pile of ****! But, I am enjoying this rally. Let them burn!
  6. This is just a small finger of light in an otherwise dark, bleak, criminally controlled stock market. But, it is never the less there! Will it shine brighter for longer or is the engine of Capitalism truly dead to retail investors in the US?
  7. Nice to see GME on a tear after the Kitty Roared about a possible squeeze and buying another 50,000 shares. And, AMC is riding in that wake! Will we see some shitty hedge funds finally collapse? Will Kenny Boy end up where he belongs? Exciting stuff, but it's a long way to go to break even!
  8. Wolverine has evidence: His buddy Charles Xavier aka Professor X implanted that thought in Wolverine's mind!
  9. @Luigi1Some good spicy food and a sneeze will sort that out! I think life gets infinitely more problematic when we are shitting in someone else's pants. So have at it!
  10. Most people's attention span is a lot shorter than 2 minutes. That's why we are in such a mess! ... What were we talking about, again? @davis411 for President? ... Let me check my note cards first. 😆
  11. Bought more at $3.12. Lowering my dollar cost average, again. And, with the writer's strike and the pandemic in the rear view window, things (i.e., the movie industry)are headed in a positive direction. The system is still gamed, but AMC has a lot of cash on hand and isn't going bankrupt. That is just hedgie FUD to get you to sell. Same old story, just another year. 💎✋
  12. The banks will know when this is going to hit, before we do. So, when I start seeing 'wealth management' ads on the dinar site from JP Morgan, etc., I will know that it is going to happen ... 'SOON!' 😃
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