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Shedagal last won the day on September 4 2024

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About Shedagal

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    My wealthy place Ps. 66:12

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  1. You need to research it. It's not what you're thinking. Look up Dr. Scott Young and watch his videos - great tutorials.
  2. What do they say about the dinar?
  3. Some things take time. We are still waiting on an RV.
  4. Just realized @Markinsahas not been onsite since the crash. Hope he is not having trouble logging on. We need our mods.
  5. He starts talking about dinar at the 13 minute mark. Never heard of him, but he gives good counsel. Agrees with Kim Clement to get out ASAP. Agree we should pay our taxes (until our tax laws change). Said Reinstatement but then says it will come out lower than people are believing for (sucker rate). Said they will hit us with a large exchange fee (come on Adam with VIP). Said to be grateful with what we get. Thanks for posting.
  6. The Mods do control this site. That is their assignment from Adam. We may not like their decisions at times, but we have to adhere to them. You post like it's you and God against the world. That is victim mentality. @pokerplayeris one of the most respected members on this site. It would do you well to listen to her advice.
  8. I remember after Trump's inauguration there was a discussion on here that Trump was only President of the US and would not be able to affect world policies. That opinion has not aged well. There will be resistance and uprisings, but he has had a long time to plan for all contingencies; and because he has asked for God's help and anointing, he will succeed.
  9. Not difficult at all - not suggesting pre-crash (duh), but there are two Facebook pages that I know exist. When Adam created and built this site, he was all about building a community. Now that one has been established, it deserves communication.
  10. Who remembers when Trump visited the Vatican in 2017 and retrieved all the gold that was stored there? It took 650 planes to bring it here and is valued at several quintillian. Would certainly fund this. Man, watching this play out is going to be so much fun!
  11. More from Burning Bright - Earlier, I said Trump's announcement of a US Sovereign Wealth Fund, replete with his direct references to a similar fund created by the Saudis in 2015 was SIGNAL. Why? Because the Saudi Public Investment Fund was largely funded by the infamous anti-corruption purge Mohamed bin Salman kicked off in 2017. Ready for the Sauce? An infamous NGO, Human Rights Watch put together a lengthy, signal-saturated 'takedown' of Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman in the aftermath of Trump's election, going so far as to lay out a financial timeline for the Saudi Public Investment Fund OUR Sovereign Wealth Fund is going to be modeled after. The Saudi Public Investment Fund exploded in net value during what is commonly referred to as the Saudi Purge, which, contrary to popular belief, didn't happen over the course of a night or a week, but played out across various economic and political layers over the course of three years, from 2017-19. During the purge, MBS began siphoning off the assets of some of the most infamous figures in the Saudi Deep State, who many anons will know had direct connections to the American political elite, from the Bushes to the Clintons. (BTW, one of these Deep State figures, Al Waleed bin Talal WAS one of the owners of Twitter before his shares were seized by MBS, paving the way for Elon Musk's takeover of the platform.) MBS began pouring these seized assets into "state coffers," ultimately rocketing the net value of the PIF from just under $230 billion prior to the purge to $925 billion as of 2024. Human Rights Watch claims that much of the monetary momentum that flooded the fund from 2017 through 2024 was owing not just to the assets seized during MBS's forceful takeover, but also to the companies seized either directly or indirectly as part of the second order effects of the purge. While HRW admits that learning where the funds came from precisely is close to impossible, the gravity of events suggests that the Saudi Deep State have been forced to fund the rash of public investments, building projects and infrastructure transformations spearheaded by MBS, which SOME have referred to as kicking off a new "Golden Age" in the Kingdom. NBC News had the following to say about the Saudi Purge in November 2017: "Asked about agreements to hand over wealth for detainees’ freedom, Mnuchin told CNBC: 'I think that the Crown Prince (Mohammed bin Salman) is doing a great job at transforming the country.'" Human Rights Watch begs to differ: "Indeed, the PIF is an outlier even compared to the deleterious role sovereign wealth funds have had in some other countries, as the Fund has benefited directly from serious human rights abuses linked to its chairman, Crown Prince Mohammed. This includes the crown prince’s 2017 'anti-corruption' crackdown that consisted of arbitrary detentions, abusive treatment of detainees, and the EXTORTION OF PROPERTY FROM SAUDI ARABIA'S ELITE." TOTAL INVERSION. We've seen this movie before. It has a good ending.
  12. From Burning Bright on TS - Trump named dropped Saudi Arabia in reference to the US Sovereign Wealth Fund. That’s SIGNAL. The Saudi Sovereign Wealth Fund was financed by assets seized during the 2017 anti-corruption purge, which was then transformed into a Public Investment Fund.
  13. Trump sent Under-Secretary to Iraq immediately after Treasury confirmation. Here is their press release:
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