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    My wealthy place Ps. 66:12

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  1. @Longtimelurker, one of the things I appreciate most about you is your consistency in thought. You have researched all this, and you know that you know (in your knower, like churchfolk say). There is such peace in being aware of what is going on. Bless their hearts, some on here are like yoyos - excited one minute and depressed the next. Not making fun of them, I've been there. But they don't have to stay there. Thank you for keeping it real.
  2. I didn't hear Dutch say that. But I have been out of pocket. I know he is surrounded by people who know what is really going on (including his brother). Possibly he means when Trump returns, and we have EBS, tribunals, etc.
  3. We have for a long time given sites to go to. The truth will eventually come out, but as @Longtimelurker said, those who research can find it now. Its in plain site.
  4. @pokerplayer most of these truths will not be reported by MSM. I do hear Pdiddy is singing like a bird.
  5. What a coincidence (lol). Johnny Enlow talks today about how much God moves covertly in his actions. BTW, he also talks about Nesara and the RV.
  6. Just saw Gateway Pundit reporting Frank Biden saying Joe near death.
  7. Fox News hosts Bret Baier and Dana Perino ask for Biden proof of life because of unusual way Biden resigns from candidacy. He looked very frail at his last sighting. Reminds me of Q post - "Heart attacks can be deadly"
  8. A case before the Supreme Court claiming Congress broke the law by not allowing time for votes to be verified. It is believed that the Brunsons won the case, but the results have not been released.
  9. Strange July, strange July. For sure!! And July ain't over yet. What a great time for the Supreme Court to release the ruling on the Brunson case, overturning the 2020 election. Wowsers!!!
  10. Why is it every time someone disagrees with you "they hate you"? My local Christian family have plenty of engaging discussions/disagreements, but we never doubt our love for each other. You have changed. I know you have faced unbelievable tragedy, but you have developed a knee-jerk reaction. It's you against the world. I hope things are well with you and your family.
  11. That is the most ridiculous thing you have ever posted. I Corin. 13-9
  12. This site is a great community, and believing for an RV brings hope. BUT there is life apart from here. This is not the best support system. I love what @bigwave said, and we do try to lift each other up. Please reach out to your church and friends for the support you need.
  13. Thank you for your service. You certainly have a right to voice your opinion. I admit it raises my blood pressure lol.
  14. Trump is not "going along with it." It is a military operation. How many times do you think the Holy Spirit speaks to us, but we don't listen? How many Christians don't ever read the Bible, but think they know what God is saying today? I'll never forget my pastor said "there is a man side and a God side" to fulfilling God's will for your life. SEEK and you will find.
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