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bigwave last won the day on July 20

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    Northern California
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    Helping people, tuna fishing and diving.

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  1. Biden Admin Looks to Rescind 20 Medal of Honor Awards Given to Soldiers in the 1890s Who Are Dead and Can’t Defend Themselves On December 29, 1890, the 7th U.S. Calvary Regiment arrested members of the Lakota tribe for violating a government ban on a Native American spiritual ritual called “Ghost Dancing.” Once arrested, soldiers held them at a camp near Wounded Knee Creek in South Dakota. As soldiers attempted to disarm members of the Lakota Tribe, a gun was accidentally discharged, and U.S. soldiers opened fire. A battle quickly ensued, resulting in more than 250 Lakota tribe members being killed. Twenty-five U.S. soldiers were also killed in the engagement. Austin wrote in a memo, “I may consider the context of the overall engagement as appropriate, including as necessary to understand each Wounded Knee Creek Medal of Honor recipient’s individual actions.” “It’s never too late to do what’s right.”
  2. Kamala Harris Opens Her Presidential Campaign on RuPaul’s Drag Race (VIDEO)
  3. Knee Slapper of The Day: MERCURY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS: Smallest Planet on Solar System May Have a 10-Mile Thick Mantle of Diamonds Beneath Its Surface, According to Data by NASA’s Messenger Spacecraft “We calculate that, given the new estimate of the pressure at the mantle-core boundary, and knowing that Mercury is a carbon-rich planet, the carbon-bearing mineral that would form at the interface between mantle and core is diamond and not graphite,” team member Olivier Namur, an associate professor at KU Leuven, told “We directly thought that this must have a huge implication for the speciation [the distribution of an element or an allotrope amongst chemical species in a system] of carbon, diamond vs graphite, on Mercury,” Namur added.
  4. British Military Tested Laser Beam Weapon to Track and Destroy Multiple Targets – New Technology Is Low-Cost, at Just a Dime per Shot (VIDEO)
  5. Kamala Harris once said a “70% to 80% tax rate” and saying “every car should be eliminated in the next 11 years” are “bold ideas that should be discussed”
  7. Kamala Harris and Democrats Stand with Hamas – Give Benjamin Netanyahu the Shaft… Top Democrats Boycott Israeli Leaders Speech to Congress Israeli Leader Benjamin Netanyahu arrived in Washington DC on Tuesday. The Biden regime refused to send out Biden administration officials to greet him on the tarmac. On Monday the Biden regime cancelled Joe Biden’s meeting with Netanyahu that was planned for Tuesday. Then on Wednesday top Democrats, including Kamala Harris, boycotted the Jewish leader’s speech to Congress. Instead, they stood with the protesters supporting Hamas who despise Israel and its leader.
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