You are right horse, Trump is no one's fool. He got a tough education of how DC really works his 1st term, he won't make those mistakes again. The Liberturds can underestimate if they want, but it will be at their own peril. Let's hope that statement comes to fruition!!
They can't work with him. It is NOT in their DNA to do anything good for our country, only for themselves. They are so ideologically lacking and they don't even see it. They pretend to be for the "little guy", but we ALL know that is !!
At the moment I am watching CBS This Morning. They just showed Venezuela and talked about how Maduro lost the last election by a count of 2 -1 in the vote count, and the devastating results from an ordered military crack down that sends Muduro's enemies into exile. How close are we as nation to having that happen here? If the Rats thought they could get away with, without a revolution it would happen over night.