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About md11fr8dawg

  • Birthday 09/23/1950

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  1. So then with ALL the success why are middle and lower class families still struggling to make ends meet? That's because those numbers are and you know. All those great jobs are mostly Gov jobs which means the taxpayer is footing the bill to continue to support over bloated Gov. How's our strategic oil reserve doing caddie? And we are buying oil from countries that hate us. ME is a freaking mess, Ukraine, Biden/Harris got us into ALL this. And green jobs again , that's the biggest SCAM to separate taxpayers from their $$ ever devised. And I suppose you found the article about The Cackler being a radical supporter of communism right?
  2. Well, they are dirty, filthy and spread misery and disease wherever they go. And when the leave a place they leave behind a disgusting mess and shiite everywhere!!
  3. She's not the nominee yet, they are giving a couple of weeks to see how many cackling eggs she can lay!!! You CANNOT make chicken salad out of chicken shiite!!!
  4. Oh, you can bet your arse, the Rats will find a way, whether it is legal or not to get their grubby hands on all that cash!!
  5. No, that was one of the mentally ill's DEI hires. Filled many squares, female, fat and possibly a bull dyke! Perfect! Competence? NO!
  6. Saw an article, will try to bring it over, said there was a second shooter. Said one bullet got Trump's ear and the other put a hole in his jacket but he was wearing a bullet proof vest that saved his life.
  7. Maybe not ALL DemoRats are bad, but for DAMN sure the mentally ill radicals that run that cesspool of a party need to be eliminated. If you for one minute can go along with the vile filth, corrupt demonic bilge exiting their pin holes then you caddieman are part of the problem!!!
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