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  1. You too are being political... Trump made bad choices with his corporate welfare, cutting budgets and people in the CDC and wasting money on his monument along the border, and we now see it hurting all of us... While the rest of the world is testing thousands of people a day, our doctors can't get tests. While world leaders stated over and over this is serious listen to the experts, Trump spent the last month spewing misinformation. Telling Americans he had a "hunch". That this would magically go away. Then even last night, he gets his facts wrong. When do you call out a liar? When do you hold your leader responsible? When do you face facts? For two years people have come here with real news and facts, and his supporters lived in denial... Truth is truth and right now the truth is, all his lies are coming back to haunt him.. Again this is my opinion. B/A
  2. SINGAPORE (Reuters) - All global investors got from U.S. President Donald Trump's coronavirus package were a shock travel ban on Europe and a flashing signal to sell, and none of the large-scale tax breaks or medical tests for Americans they'd been expecting. The deep disappointment with Trump's much-touted plan, which he unveiled late on Wednesday, spurred massive falls in global stock markets. U.S. stock index futures <ESc1> plunged nearly 5%, almost hitting their circuit breakers for the second time in a week. The highlights of what Trump described as "the most aggressive and comprehensive effort to confront a foreign virus in modern history," were a three-month tax holiday for individuals and small businesses and low-interest loans for affected companies. That fell way short of market expectations for relief from an outbreak that has spread to 122 countries, infected more than 126,000 people, sowed fears of a world recession and wiped about $6 trillion off the U.S. stock market. Even expectations that Trump would try to fix the delays in getting U.S. virus testing up to speed were dashed. "I am just left speechless for Trump to say this is the most comprehensive plan," said Rob Carnell, chief Asia-Pacific economist at ING in Singapore. "Without all the additional testing and tracing and containment measures that certainly aren't taking place in the United States, it's just a PR stunt." Investors were also stunned at what to them was a tardy plan to restrict travelers from Europe for 30 days, and then left confused when he clarified that cargo would not be banned. "Travel restrictions equal slower global economic activity, so if you need any more coaxing to sell, sell, sell, sell after a massively negative signal from overnight trading in U.S. markets it just fell in your lap," said Stephen Innes, global chief markets strategist at Sydney-based brokerage Axicorp. ANZ's head of Asia research, Khoon Goh said that travel ban would multiply the adverse impact on businesses. "This is something that markets had not factored in, it's a huge near-term economic cost." NOT SO SWEET While markets are accustomed to Trump's flip-flops and policy bluster, Wednesday's speech was a stunning failure in its attempt to put a floor under tumbling stock markets ahead of his Nov. 3 re-election bid. Trump, whose campaign could be shaped by how well he responds to the crisis, stopped short of declaring a national emergency. One measure Trump wants -- an elimination of the "payroll tax" on workers' earnings that would free up cash for businesses and consumers - is unlikely to get bipartisan support. "There is no immediate fiscal support actually coming," said Matthew Sherwood, head of global investment strategy at fund manager Perpetual in Sydney. "It will be heavily debated, it's an election year. They are not going to make his job easy, the Democrats." Michael McCarthy, chief strategist for CMC Markets in Sydney, said markets were clearly signaling to the White House that the measures were too little, too late. "While the travel ban from Europe is certainly dramatic and will help with the health aspects, it is clearly damaging economically," he said. "Given the very limited nature of low interest loans to small businesses and potential tax deferrals for individuals and businesses, there isn't enough here for markets to hang their hat on." Importantly, everything Trump said on Wednesday fell short of what markets expected from an economic superpower coming late to the virus battle. "The U.S. is playing catch-up as fast as it can and that's where we are. The president destroyed trust and the world doesn't believe him," said David Kotok, chairman and chief investment officer at Cumberland Advisors in Sarasota Florida. B/A
  3. You are correct that is my opinion... And now is the time to call a spade a spade... That's real man, not politics. B/A
  4. Global shares plunged on Thursday after the World Health Organisation declared a coronavirus pandemic and indexes sank on Wall Street. France’s CAC 40 slipped 6.6% to 4,306.89, while Germany’s DAX lost 6.7% to 9,745.59. The FTSE 100 plunged 6.5% to 5,496.67. The future contract for the Dow Jones Industrial Average slumped 5.2% while the S&P 500 lost 4.9%. On Wall Street overnight, the Dow fell into bear market territory, with a loss that dragged it 20% below the record set last month. The broader S&P 500, which professional investors watch more closely, is a single percentage point away from falling into its own bear market, which would end the longest bull market in Wall Street history. There was no sign of a revival of confidence in Asia. Japan’s benchmark Nikkei 225 dived 4.4% to 18,559.63. Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 dropped 7.4% to 5,304.60. South Korea’s Kospi dipped 4.7% to 1,817.87. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng lost 3.7% to 24,309.077, while the Shanghai Composite index shed 1.9% to 2,912.33. Thailand’s benchmark plunged 10% in the afternoon session, triggering a 30-minute halt to trading. After it resumed, the benchmark remained down 10%. India’s Sensex swooned 7%. “Some of the biggest markets, such as Hong Kong or Japan or Australia, are down around four to five per cent. And we haven’t seen, you know, a significant buy-in interest yet, so traders are still in the get-out mode. They just want to have it in cash,” said Jackson Wong of Amber Hill Capital Ltd, in Hong Kong. “So that’s a typical panic mode, but whether this panic mode will stop in the short term, it really will depend on how the virus incident goes forward,” Mr Wong said. 45.6K people are talking about this The recent decline has been one of Wall Street’s swiftest retreats of this magnitude. The fastest the S&P 500 has ever fallen from a record into a bear market was over 55 days in 1987. Vicious swings like Wednesday’s session are becoming routine as investors rush to sell amid uncertainty about how badly the outbreak will hit the economy. The day’s loss of 1,464.90 points wiped out a 1,167-point gain for the Dow from Tuesday and stands as the index’s second-largest point drop, trailing only Monday’s plunge of 2,013. With Wall Street already on edge about the economic damage from the virus, stocks dove even lower on Wednesday after the World Health Organisation cited “alarming levels of inaction” by governments in corralling the virus when it made its pandemic declaration. Investors are calling for coordinated action from governments and central banks to stem the threat to the economy from the virus. Asian shares plunged after the World Health Organisation declared a coronavirus pandemic (Ahn Young-joon/AP) More While lower interest rates and government spending will not solve the crisis — only containment of the virus can — but they can support the economy. US president Donald Trump’s announcement of travel restrictions for most European countries and a multibillion-dollar aid package that the House could vote on on Thursday failed to lay doubts to rest. For most people, the new coronavirus causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia. The vast majority of people recover from the new virus, but the fear is that Covid-19 could drag the global economy into a recession, with slowdowns in production and a plunge in business activity as people stay home instead of travelling or dining out. Many analysts say financial markets will continue to swing sharply until the number of new infections stops accelerating. In the United States, the number of cases has topped 1,000. Worldwide, more than 126,000 people have been infected, and over 4,600 have died. B/A
  5. Three crucial components of President Donald Trump's nationally televised Wednesday-night address on the US response to the novel coronavirus were quickly walked back or contradicted. After Trump announced a 30-day ban on travel from most of Europe to the US, the Department of Homeland Security clarified that it would exclude US citizens and permanent residents. Trump also issued a tweet saying that trade of goods between the US and Europe would not be halted after saying the opposite in his speech. A major US health-insurance industry group contradicted Trump's claim that major health insurers would waive co-payments on coronavirus treatments, clarifying the waivers would apply to testing. Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. Minutes after President Donald Trump delivered a major address Wednesday night on the US response to the novel coronavirus, his own administration and other US officials publicly contradicted three important claims from his speech. Trump and the officials quickly walked back his nationally televised statements that 1) the administration would ban all travel from Europe to the US, 2) the ban would also apply to trade and cargo between the US and Europe, and 3) major health insurers would waive co-pays on coronavirus treatment. The outbreak of the new coronavirus, first identified in China, has now spread to 118 countries and regions, infecting an estimated 126,000 people and causing more than 4,600 deaths worldwide. On Wednesday, the World Health Organization officially declared the coronavirus a pandemic. There are now more than 1,300 confirmed cases and 38 deaths from the coronavirus in the US. The cases are spread throughout Washington, DC, and 38 states, many of which have made emergency declarations. The US has been relatively slow to respond to the coronavirus compared with other nations, testing far fewer people per capita for the coronavirus and dispatching fewer coordinated resources to combat its spread as Trump has publicly downplayed its severity. Here are the important claims about the US coronavirus response from Trump's speech that were later clarified or walked back: The Department of Homeland Security issued a major clarification to Trump's travel-ban announcement In his speech, Trump announced that the United States would take the drastic step of banning all travel from most of Europe for 30 days to limit the spread of the coronavirus from abroad. What Trump said: Shortly after Trump's speech, however, the Department of Homeland Security issued major clarifications to Trump's remarks, announcing that the travel ban would not apply to US citizens or permanent residents abroad. 254 people are talking about this The update also made clear the specific countries affected, listing the 26 members of the Schengen Area travel agreement that covers most of mainland Europe but excludes the UK and Ireland. Trump hadn't mentioned Ireland's exemption in his announcement, prompting Dublin Airport to make clear that it was not part of the new ban. 17 people are talking about this Trump himself walked back his remarks on halting trade About an hour after his speech ended, Trump sent out a tweet announcing that "trade will in no way be affected by the 30-day restriction on travel from Europe," a significant departure from what he said in his speech. It's unclear whether the incorrect details about the trade halt were written into the speech or whether Trump misread his teleprompter and misspoke. 45.2K people are talking about this A powerful insurance lobby contradicted Trump's comments on insurance waivers In his speech, Trump made another major announcement, telling Americans that major health insurers would not only cover the costs of coronavirus treatment in insurance plans but also waive co-payments for all coronavirus treatments. What Trump said: Not long after his speech, however, a representative for the insurance-industry group America's Health Insurance Plans told Politico that major health insurers had agreed to waive co-pays only for coronavirus testing, not the far more costly coronavirus treatments. 14.9K people are talking about this 3,184 people are talking about this B/A
  6. I only hope his followers take notice... This whole "it's a hoax" needs to end.... He did look like a beaten down horse during his presentation. I think it is wearing on him. B/A
  7. Yes this crisis has plainly demonstrated his incompetence in management. He chose to be a denier and made light of what the disease experts were telling him and it is costing him greatly... A few of his supporters I know personally are bewildered. They aren't sure what to think. Last night didn't help. During his speech he stated the health insurance companies would cover the treatment costs of people infected... This morning Pence had to go on the live morning shows to correct his misunderstanding.. Pence explained the insurance companies would cover the cost of your copay for getting tested, not treatment. Once again he is making up stuff and now his inner-circle is having to fix his confusion. It is obvious he is not capable of handling anything on this level. B/A
  8. Well, there are still a few deniers out there... I hope you don't catch this virus and have to deal with reality... B/A
  9. Why do people want to be censor police? Why is it so common that people live by the saying "Do what I say not what I do"? You post some of the most disturbing tweets I've ever seen. They are hateful, they are anti-American and they certainly are not something anyone with love in their heart would spread. The real virus in America is the hate perpetrated by people posting worthless crap that is racist, bigoted and only meant to divide... You really ought to read some of the tweets you post. B/A
  10. Go away little man... I'm busy talking to adults about real issues, not unicorn fantasy crap. B/A
  11. S&P Futures 2,613.50 -126.75(-4.63%) Dow Futures 22,391.00 -1,184.00(-5.02%) Nasdaq Futures 7,619.75 -383.75(-4.79%) Russell 2000 1,264.30 -86.60(-6.41%) Crude Oil 31.08 -1.90(-5.76%) Gold 1,638.20 -4.10(-0.25%) Silver 16.64 -0.14(-0.81%) EUR/USD 1.1215 -0.0042(-0.3713%) 10-Yr Bond 0.8200 0.0000(0.00%) Vix 62.22 +14.92(+31.54%) GBP/USD 1.2722 -0.0097(-0.7559%) USD/JPY 103.72 -0.698(-0.6685%) Bitcoin USD 6,283.86 -1,637.46(-20.67%) CMC Crypto 200 128.56 -38.93(-23.24%) FTSE 100 5,540.20 -336.32(-5.72%) Nikkei 225 18,559.63 -856.43(-4.41%)
  12. S&P Futures 2,613.25 -127.00(-4.63%) Dow Futures 22,361.00 -1,214.00(-5.15%) Nasdaq Futures 7,616.25 -387.25(-4.84%)
  13. Well I guess all the Trump supporters will have to start taking this seriously now that someone told Trump to suck it up and tell America the truth... Last night he stopped his stupid and uninformed comments about this being no big deal, or that the 15 cases would go to 0, or that it would magically go away. It's obvious the medical experts have made him understand this is a big deal and it isn't simply going to disappear. Finally he has listened to the scientist and hopefully his worshipers will as well. B/A
  14. You posted non-stop bashing tweets about the little girl and her climate change comments... Pretty sad for a grown man. As for reporting you, I'm not a cry baby buttercup like some people I know. B/A
  15. You're joking correct???? You post the most disrespectful and ugly tweets out there... You posted tweets bashing a child... B/A
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