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  1. What does it mean? RD? Or RV? Does 25 new lower denoms mean equals to 25,000 old dinar after delete 3 zeros?
  2. Because something is fishy in the state of Iraq. The corruption never stops. And it seems more talk and talk without action. And the cbi can't afford to rv even at 1 cent for more than 20 years and why? . And, who is holding up the rv? may be cbi themselves?
  3. I don't want to seem to be so negative, however, When the cbi spoke doesn't really mean the cbi will do it because this is iraq we're dealing with. And, There is no guarantee the cbi will do it. We all have been waiting for more than 20 years dan cbi can't afford to rv even at 1 cent. I really hope this crazy ride will be over soon.
  4. I do believe it is going to rv one day ( hopefully from 5 to 10 cents I will run dan never look back ) , however I don't believe what he said that dinar is going to be stronger than the dollar. In this case, if stronger means at least 1:1 or above, then it isn't going to happen. Of course, this is my opinion only. And, Everyone is welcomed to disagree.
  5. No prove 😭. Hmm...just wonder....according to Sudani, How long is the dinar going to be stronger than the dollar?
  6. Iraq dinar hasn't been able to RV even at One penny for more than 20 years. What makes you think the rate is going to be 1 dinar : 1 buck?
  7. If you think the United States is not safer than Iraq , then you better go back to your home country and don't ever come back to the States forever period. And, noone force you to come to the States anyway.
  8. This has got nothing to do with a rate change on the cbi site. The rate will remain the same 1,320. 😭
  9. You should ask Nadar from mid-east. He always knows what's happening in Iraq lately more than the rest of us.
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