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  1. How long have they kept talking and talking about " banking reform " and no action?? I thought they already it before.
  2. The word " WAS " mean past tense. Did it RV already before?? How come I am the only one who didn't know the RV already happened?? How long was I sleeping?
  3. Say what?? How accurate it is. Is it legit??
  4. Is the purpose of printing a new currency just to replace damaged banknotes? That's it. And, they aren't talking about delete 3 zeroes and release a new lower denoms, are they.
  5. What the hell are we waiting for then? Let's go let's go let's go.
  6. Neither do I. The CBI is the master of lies. Don't ever believe what the CBI said Then. who should we believe in then?? Gurus?? That wouldn't be right either.
  7. Just show me the rate. That's all I am asking. Is that too much to ask??
  8. So this isn't good for dinar holders then.😭
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