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  1. No it’s means she is completely clueless is all period nothing more!!
  2. This article is a total lie, no way it is anywhere close to that figure period!!
  3. Okay let me explain it once again for those who have missed it or forgotten how this works over the years!! If you don’t believe it will happen this way then you shouldn’t be invested in the Dinar and I would recommend you sell them Mtn Goat is correct in what she is saying and Luigi posted as the CBI has stated a one for one exchange which means exactly that a 25K note for one of the new smaller denom $25 dinar notes which is correct in being a lop for the Iraqi citizen. The CBI has always stated this and Shabibbi has stated this in the past! The Iraqi citizen will ONLY GAIN PURCHASING POWER!! Just as LaidBack has posted, when you delete the zeros it is off the exchange rate. The dinars we hold will never go back to Iraq so we get the new exchange rate for a 25K note at the new rate. They will not make every Iraqi citizen instant millionaires in country period again they will get lopped by only getting a new 25 lower denom note for the 25k note which is one for one just as the CBI has always stated but again that 25 note is worth a lot more because of the greater purchasing power that Iraq will do at the same time when they delete the zeros off of the EXCHANGE RATE! it has also been explained many times as to how and why all the notes held outside of Iraq will not cost Iraq one dime. Our notes will go to our treasury dept and in turn will be destroyed and exchanged for oil or oil credits in the future this has always been the plan. Iraq also only has to account for what is circulating inside of Iraq in their calculations to come up with a figure on what they will either RV or RI at in the future!! Same thing with our American dollar how many trillions and trillion exist outside of America, if we had to account for all the dollars circulating in what our dollar value is it wouldn’t be anywhere close to what .84c to .87c it is now. Our US dollar would be lucky to be worth .05 cents to the dollar!! This did not work out for any other countries like Mexico because they did a straight Lop they did not delete any zeros from their exchange rate to increase the value like Iraq will!! Those countries did a straight Lop because of super high inflation!! Again Iraq does not have high inflation and is only completing this process because we purposely devalued their currency to get rid of the old Sadam notes and Iran holding their notes and all the terrorist that held those old notes to make them close to worthless! Now Iraq has to regain their value by deleting the zeros off the exchange rate and introducing the new lower denoms which have already been printed by the way many many years ago! This has always been the plan from day one and again no other country ever went through this scenario but it’s all in print where it is now I cannot tell you since I read it so many years ago! Believe me don’t believe me doesn’t really matter to me but this is the scenario I know and believe and it’s not from any guru! I truly believe Iraq will RV at a minimum of $1.17 per dollar however with so much time that has passed since this was supposed to happen with Shabibbi back in 2012-2013 and the reports that were published back in 2017 and what they could sustain for value even back in 2017 tells me with the oil they are producing now plus all their newer added resources that Iraq can very easily sustain a $2.65+ rate today!!
  4. Appears Jeff again is wrong the budget has already been approved tonight!! Already posted in the news section a couple of hours ago by 6ly410!!!!
  5. You are 100% Wrong my friend!!! You have been in this investment long enough to know better!! Iraq could RV at a $1.17 tomorrow and it would not bankrupt the country!! You of all people should really know better on exactly how the RV or RI works by now dear Lord!!! One last time Iraq only has to cover what is circulating inside of Iraq nowhere else! All the dinars outside of the country will never go back to Iraq! When Iraq removes the 3 zeros their value goes from trillions to billions they can RV at whatever rate they want at that point well above a $1!!! The only benefit to all the Iraqi citizens is they will gain significant purchasing power when this happens!! Iraq will not be buying the old notes from the Iraqi citizens they will only be given an exchange for the new lower denoms and in turn again gain much greater purchasing power!! The only thing correct is the RV/Ri will never be in the budget period!! And Kraperoni isn’t correct about anything he is completely CLUELESS!!
  6. Lol he actually posted an intelligent well thought out opinion for a change that I agree with!! Lol
  7. Frank is definitely clueless however once again Iraq does NOT have to cover every dinar floating around the world!! Iraq only has to cover what is in actual circulation inside of Iraq! None of what the entire world hold will ever go back to Iraq!!
  8. Thanks for posting LB can you please give us your thoughts on exactly what this means now for Iraq moving forward?
  9. This could be something or not but possibly huge if true starting tomorrow and this Friday!! Tons of LEAPS were used and bought for the longest expiration of 39 months from the January 2021 run up these would have been used to cover their short positions but looks like if they come due this Friday tons of shares must be bought this Friday!!
  10. And from our friend on YouTube Thomas, I typically have only been following him for the past couple of years regarding AMC!
  11. Hedgefunds are down 3.5 BILLION today alone and 1.5 BILLION yesterday!! So two days they are down 5 Billion come everyone spread the word!!
  12. AMC completed their 250 Million share raise also during this rally!!!
  13. Now Clueless CNN is actually blaming Trump Media for this rally…lolololol
  14. Truly amazing isn’t it one person seriously one person complete made AMC AND GME move like this!!! AMC has trade 200 million shares in 30 minutes since opening! Hopefully this is it and all these shorts get marg8n called today or tomorrow and this shoots to the moon! I truly hope bot( stocks break the market!!!
  15. AMC traded over double the amount of shares than GME yet GME went from $17 to almost $37 a $20 rise before pullback to around $30. Just goes to show you they are more worried about AMC we should have raise to over $20 per share with that many shares traded I bet most were buy orders!!
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