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  1. Hi Dinarrock! I’m not on here very much anymore. And as far as my Iraqi friends, I have lost contact a few years ago with both of them. I still text Saad (my Shia friend) but haven’t heard from Aram (my Kurdish buddy) in several years now. I don’t work for those companies anymore where I met them. If I hear anything from either of them that relates to the dinar, I’ll be sure to post it here, but that may be until the RV actually happens. We will see.
  2. I don’t know, don’t listen to him at all ever since he said the “Antenna was down and needed to be adjusted for the RV to happen!”.. lol I think that was about 14 years ago.
  3. Interesting update to the US National debt clock website. In the upper right corner click on “close”, secret window.. I’ll let you see what happens after that.. From the Bible, why is it on the debt clock?
  4. Lol sorry! I’m honest and tell the truth! Look at it this way, at least you know I’m not a guru getting your hopes up only to crash and burn 2 days later.. 😂
  5. It’s back up.. shows a rate of 1310 per USD..
  6. I really like Bo, been listening to him for a few years now but I think his timing has always been off. I think the financial collapse, the dinar, crypto, all start happening spring to summer of next year. Bo mentions so many things that Kim Clement talked about and when Kim said in November, you will know who my David is, to lead this nation, he’s talking next year’s election. “Hypnotic November” we didn’t have a hypnotic November this year.. I personally think everything will start to really fall apart spring or summer and then be better by the fall and Christmas of 2024. Just my 2 cents. Kim Clements daughter even feels like several of her Dads prophecies are to take place next year.. time will tell..
  7. Wow! For once Frank26 actually made sense and gave good advice. hell just froze over. Agreeing with Frank means we are at the end of this investment or end of the world.
  8. Thanks for searching screwball. I remember watching all of these back in the day. I remember how he kind of dodged (understandably) the Rv questions. I don’t remember him ever saying the Dinar could rv to $5.00. In Jackson hole,WY he did an interview once where he made the statement Iraq is very wealthy.. And again like the trump statement of “putting all the currencies on a level playing field”, it got blown out of context by the gurus.. my opinion is that it could revalue anywhere from a penny to where it was in the 80s… but that’s just my opinion only and my guess is no better or worse than the gurus..
  9. I did watch Shabibi when he came to the US Chamber of Commerce in DC, I think in 2011, but I don’t remember him saying even $5. Do you have the link?
  10. That’s the problem with these damn gurus.. They say crap all the time that are lies and over time people assume or can’t remember that the lies the gurus told, were said by an official or not, but assume it was true. I don’t even remember Shabibi giving a high value like $5:1…
  11. I love bank stories where even if they were true, pinning your RV hopes on a $16 per hour bank teller is pretty funny. Because they are surely in the know!!
  12. JohnnyV, I want to be wrong, trust me. And you being up valid reasons why it might RV.. I still believe in this RV. We will find out this month apparently.
  13. Don’t mean to be a Debbie downer but something I have noticed over the years is that when the CBI comes out and says very specific things like the exact new rate above, they are usually correct in what they say, much to the dismay of all of us hoping they are really going to RV this time. I remember back I think 3 year ago at the beginning of the year the CBI told us they were changing the rate by a few Pennie’s like now and we all thought this was our RV, but they did exactly what they said, changed the rate a a fraction of a penny or so. So why is this time any different? Could it be because USD won’t be used anymore? Possibly.. What other evidence would make this time any different? Just wondering and trying not to get my hopes up.
  14. Artitech is absolutely correct. Years ago my Iraqi friends said they would use Dinar to play for small items and USD to pay for expensive items. They don’t care about weather the IQD has the same purchasing power as the dollar, they just use the dollar..
  15. I think it will happen soon. I think it’s all part of the financial collapse that we will probably see this fall. I am a huge believer in Kim Clement and have listened to his prophecies for hours and hours over the last few years. I believe around Sept 22 or so (maybe a few days earlier, maybe a few days later) there will be major changes. This is the time when he prophesied that “Summer reaches to Fall”, the change of the seasons. When “Summer reached to Spring” we had R v Wade happen. I Think this will be bigger and like Kim said, “Kings will fall in the fall”. I believe the year he spoke of is this year. We had a “crazy July” here in Dallas with record temps. And in Iraq right now, “Things seem to be at their worst!” We shall see..
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