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About Wiljor

  • Birthday 03/30/1964

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  1. Glad all is well Adam, we patiently wait 😃
  2. I really don’t think that the Yuan will be a player in this or anything related. Their economy is falsely propped up by what’s called “Ghost cities” and China is in big trouble right now and have been for a while as their real estate market has simmered down. Do you remember Evergrande? well, that’s only the tip of the iceberg, all throughout China are many scenarios like this and if that comes tumbling down, it could take the world with it. Look up Chinas “Ghost cities” on YouTube, scary stuff indeed
  3. Interesting…
  4. Ya, we were on vacation and I decided to log on the DV site and nothing. I think it was a couple weeks trying, thought Adam was updating the site. I even sent a message to Juli 😇 asking what’s up. Good to be back and hope you all are well.
  5. Ok thanks Carrello, I’m at the office and can’t rely to much on “phone news” 🤣🤣 I scrolled through quickly on the DV site and didn’t see any posts on the subject so I fired it out fast.
  6. Just saw this pop up on my cel DV, Not sure how reliable BBC is? Buildings stormed after Moqtada al-Sadr, Iraqi political leader, retires By Raffi Berg BBC News Media caption, Watch: Moqtada al-Sadr supporters storm Iraq's presidential palace after he retires One of Iraq's most powerful figures, who has been at the centre of a long crisis over forming a government, says he is retiring from political life. Moqtada al-Sadr, a firebrand Shia cleric with millions of followers, announced his decision on Twitter. Several people were reported killed in clashes after his supporters stormed the presidential palace. Hundreds have been camped outside parliament for weeks after previously storming it in protest at the deadlock. Mr Sadr's announcement comes two days after he called for all parties and figures involved in political life following the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq to quit. His political alliance won the most seats in last October's general election, but his MPs later resigned amid deadlock with a rival Shia bloc over the appointment of a new prime minister. IMAGE SOURCE,REUTERS Image caption, Moqtada al-Sadr's supporters recently twice stormed parliament Mr Sadr said in a statement: "I had decided not to interfere in political affairs, but I now announce my final retirement and the closure of all [Sadrist] institutions." Some religious sites linked to his movement will remain open. Iraq's state news agency INA later reported that Mr Sadr also announced a hunger strike until the violence and use of weapons stopped. Mr Sadr, 48, has been a dominant figure in Iraqi public and political life for the past two decades. His Mehdi Army emerged as one of the most powerful militias which fought US and allied Iraqi government forces in the aftermath of the invasion which toppled former ruler Saddam Hussein. He later rebranded it as the Peace Brigades, and it remains one of the biggest militias which now form part of the Iraqi armed forces. Although the Mehdi Army had links to Iran, Mr Sadr had latterly distanced himself from Iraq's Shia neighbour and repositioned himself as a nationalist wanting to end US and Iranian influence over Iraq's internal affairs. The rival Shia political bloc, the Coordination Framework, with which Mr Sadr's bloc has been at loggerheads, mainly includes Iran-backed parties. Mr Sadr, one of Iraq's most recognisable figures with his black turban, dark eyes and heavy set build, had championed ordinary Iraqis hit by high unemployment, continual power cuts and corruption. He is one of a few figures who could quickly mobilise hundreds of thousands of supporters onto the streets, and draw them down again. Hundreds have been camped outside parliament since storming it twice in July and August in protest at the deadlock.
  7. I remember just over 8 years ago when I was presented with this opportunity to invest in a foreign currency that could be revalued at any moment, the IQD. I remember accumulating as much as I could afford and learning as much as I can with the hopes of one day reaping the rewards of said investment. Well I’m still here, and will be till something happens, be it good or great. Also at the same time, we have talked, chatted, discussed, criticized, pondered, hallucinated and have been downright discouraged of the whole deal. Some of you have been here even way longer then I have and wow, I commend you for that, persistence over resistance at its finest. Yota and the regular News hounds keep pumping out the latest on a daily basis, I/we are eternally grateful. Everyone is carrying on with their lives, some have packed it in and sold their IQD and moved on, others here on standby and some engaging daily here on the site. Point being, we have talked/discussed this subject to the point where all of us have a fairly decent understanding of how Iraq works, and it’s just a waiting game from here on end. Adam IS still around, and I’m sure checks in here every once in a while. Dinar Vets runs like a fine tuned machine and does not need constant interaction from Adam, he has made this site self sufficient and those of us who wish to interact daily may do so, but I’m sure Adam has many other things on the go. Me for one, have also moved on with other projects and come by this site every once in a while to see what’s going on, I mean gees, after all this time I feel like you all are my neighbors and friends. This IQD investment will move one way or the other. So with that being said, I just want to thank Adam for keeping things real and I’m sure if something significant changes with the IQD he will be the first one to let us know. To Yota and all the amazing folks who continue to bring us the latest news, thank you so much for your contributions, your dedication to this site is outstanding In the mean time, we wait…
  8. “the report concluded by saying that "for the United States, there are no good results: the political chaos in Baghdad is as bad as the existence of a proxy government for Iran." We are close 🤣
  9. Save me a spot in line at the bank please Laid Back, I’m on my way brother 😊
  10. Good morning Yota, the exchange rate chatter continues… “He added that taking a new decision to reduce the exchange rate comes only by ensuring financial abundance and improving the economic situation” I hear you and I concur
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