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screwball last won the day on October 4

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About screwball

  • Birthday 04/30/1969

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    Dinar….crypto and gold and silver…making money or loosing it 😂😂😂

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  1. everything is good to go in my books, my banking sources in iraq confirm everything is fine with the banking system and network. for whats its worth...
  2. This article was written 6 months ago about Octobers hurricane off the coast in Florida name Milton !
  3. this update will make your head spin....only will you get this from me... update anyone read the book "Behold a Pale Horse"??? you should you can download copy from internet free PDF, I did! Anonymous Post Feb 16, 2018 He describes in book plan to remove guns from us citizens by using series of planned mass shootings....coincidence?? what was his middle name? written in 1991 he is the real deal...he worked for Intelligence highest levels.... Milton William "Will" Cooper spoke on the children human trafficking and sacrifice.... Will Milton take down pedo Disney....yes Disney is PEDOLAND.... Milton was born May 6 1943 dies Nov 5 2001.......interesting date you think??? do i need to say it! concidences? Update Source post article from 6 months (april 15th 2024)ago talking about widespread damage in October 2024???? How is this possible?? more updates coming.....
  4. when they dont name source very unreliable......once again why would they announce this? until rate changes...
  5. anything contrary to this will increase speculation at a time when they they are talking about it in the news and trying to stop it.....
  6. if they are going to remove zeros from rate, they are NOT going to tell you...if they are going to REINSTATE they are not going to tell I am not sure why all the stress...They are only going to give you and project the bad news....we wait...and we have no control....
  7. update watch Butler...TRUMPS speech all of attention to the Air "Q"'s.....
  8. who really cares Frank if its a LOP...youve made shite from this investment...
  9. have you got online trading and iphone app? its wonderful....
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