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screwball last won the day on July 12

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About screwball

  • Birthday 04/30/1969

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    Dinar….crypto and gold and silver…making money or loosing it 😂😂😂

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  1. i am hoping around September atleast the start, 1st quarter of 2025 at the latest...
  2. central banks dictating money policy is one of the biggest problems and a tool of the cabal......iraq will be no idfferent
  3. what he does nt realise that as per the iraq constitution and law the dinar is priced aganist gold and silver, so what does that mean for the value of the calculations years ago put it just over 1.20 USD......please dont ask me because it was over 15 years ago when i researched this.......a move back to asset back and oil bank will decide their value not a corrupt central bank.....a crash and reset back to the gold standard is coming....TRUMP said some will go up some go down and some stay the same.....
  4. yep because their locals and we are NOT
  5. yep.....unless your there in person it wont happen i had my personal bankers and brokers go personally to the banks with docs and signed letters of with drawl and still couldn't.
  6. dont loose sight of what is coming...nothing can stop it
  7. certainly is good news and justifies what we all been saying about corrupt central banking system, change is coming and nothing will stop what is going on!
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