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screwball last won the day on February 11

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About screwball

  • Birthday 04/30/1969

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    Dinar….crypto and gold and silver…making money or loosing it 😂😂😂

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  1. start with the pennies..... President Donald Trump says he has directed the Treasury Department to stop minting new pennies, citing the rising cost of producing the one-cent coin. “For far too long the United States has minted pennies which literally cost us more than 2 cents. This is so wasteful!” Trump wrote in a post Sunday night on his Truth Social site. “I have instructed my Secretary of the US Treasury to stop producing new pennies.” “The U.S. Mint reported losing $85.3 million in the 2024 fiscal year that ended in September on the nearly 3.2 billion pennies it produced. Every penny cost nearly $0.037 — up from $0.031 the year before.” The ENTIRE focus of the Trump administration is the protection of the American people’s constitutional rights and the protection of the taxpayers money. It is costing the Treasury almost 4 cents to produce just one penny. That “loss” on every penny produced is costing taxpayers more than $85 million dollars every year. But what if this is more than just saving taxpayers money? What if it’s an opening salvo in the coming battle over the definition of constitutional money? Our penny is mostly zinc with a copper plating. (97.5% zinc/2.5% copper) The penny was made entirely of copper up until 1982. Why the change? We went off the gold standard in 1971 and our dollar became 100% fiat currency. All of our money, including the penny, has lost a significant amount of its value. Our penny is made up of 95% zinc because zinc is only around $1.25 a pound. Copper on the other hand is about $4.57 a pound. A Penny could buy you a piece of candy when I was a kid. It can’t buy anything now. Our dollars have lost just as much value. But I think that Trump is trying to focus the American people on the penny for a reason. It’s the START. A nickel is now 75% copper and 25% nickel. Why? Because copper, at $4.57 a pound, is cheaper than nickel at $7.01 per pound. How about a quarter? The quarter is actually the key, in my opinion. A quarter is made up of 91.67% copper and 8.33% nickel. Did you know that a quarter has NO SILVER in it? Up until 1964, a quarter was made of 90% silver and 10% copper. But then in 1965 a new law was passed. The Coinage Act of 1965, enacted July 23, 1965, eliminated silver from the circulating United States dime(ten-cent piece) and quarter dollar coins. It also reduced the silver content of the half dollar from 90 percent to 40 percent; silver in the half dollar was subsequently eliminated by a 1970 law. Silver is the key. Silver was completely eliminated in our coinage by 1970. That was right before we went off the gold standard. Coincidence? How much is silver a pound today compared to zinc, copper and nickel? The cost of sterling silver per pound is around $473.52. A debt ridden federal government couldn’t afford to put silver in its coins at $473.52 a pound. Our money has lost around 90% of its value since we got off the gold standard and went to a fiat system. I believe Trump is taking us back to the constitution that defines what constitutional money actually is. What is constitutional money? The basic unit is the dollar, a silver coin containing 371.25 grains of pure silver. 2.Only gold or silver coins and currency (specie-backed banknotes) can be legal tender. 3.No state may issue coins or currency. 4.No one may counterfeit U.S. Government-issued coins or currency. 5.Neither the states nor Congress may issue fiat money notes (‘bills of credit’). Can you see where Trump is taking us back to. A “Golden Age.” The constitution says that ONLY gold or silver coins, along with gold or silver backed currency is legal tender. That’s the law. I think Trump is taking us back to honest constitutional money Why is this important? why i have mentioned previous times about Iraq and their constitution and law regarding the true wealth of the dinar being backed by gold and silver??? hmmm
  2. start with the pennies..... President Donald Trump says he has directed the Treasury Department to stop minting new pennies, citing the rising cost of producing the one-cent coin. “For far too long the United States has minted pennies which literally cost us more than 2 cents. This is so wasteful!” Trump wrote in a post Sunday night on his Truth Social site. “I have instructed my Secretary of the US Treasury to stop producing new pennies.” “The U.S. Mint reported losing $85.3 million in the 2024 fiscal year that ended in September on the nearly 3.2 billion pennies it produced. Every penny cost nearly $0.037 — up from $0.031 the year before.” The ENTIRE focus of the Trump administration is the protection of the American people’s constitutional rights and the protection of the taxpayers money. It is costing the Treasury almost 4 cents to produce just one penny. That “loss” on every penny produced is costing taxpayers more than $85 million dollars every year. But what if this is more than just saving taxpayers money? What if it’s an opening salvo in the coming battle over the definition of constitutional money? Our penny is mostly zinc with a copper plating. (97.5% zinc/2.5% copper) The penny was made entirely of copper up until 1982. Why the change? We went off the gold standard in 1971 and our dollar became 100% fiat currency. All of our money, including the penny, has lost a significant amount of its value. Our penny is made up of 95% zinc because zinc is only around $1.25 a pound. Copper on the other hand is about $4.57 a pound. A Penny could buy you a piece of candy when I was a kid. It can’t buy anything now. Our dollars have lost just as much value. But I think that Trump is trying to focus the American people on the penny for a reason. It’s the START. A nickel is now 75% copper and 25% nickel. Why? Because copper, at $4.57 a pound, is cheaper than nickel at $7.01 per pound. How about a quarter? The quarter is actually the key, in my opinion. A quarter is made up of 91.67% copper and 8.33% nickel. Did you know that a quarter has NO SILVER in it? Up until 1964, a quarter was made of 90% silver and 10% copper. But then in 1965 a new law was passed. The Coinage Act of 1965, enacted July 23, 1965, eliminated silver from the circulating United States dime(ten-cent piece) and quarter dollar coins. It also reduced the silver content of the half dollar from 90 percent to 40 percent; silver in the half dollar was subsequently eliminated by a 1970 law. Silver is the key. Silver was completely eliminated in our coinage by 1970. That was right before we went off the gold standard. Coincidence? How much is silver a pound today compared to zinc, copper and nickel? The cost of sterling silver per pound is around $473.52. A debt ridden federal government couldn’t afford to put silver in its coins at $473.52 a pound. Our money has lost around 90% of its value since we got off the gold standard and went to a fiat system. I believe Trump is taking us back to the constitution that defines what constitutional money actually is. What is constitutional money? The basic unit is the dollar, a silver coin containing 371.25 grains of pure silver. 2.Only gold or silver coins and currency (specie-backed banknotes) can be legal tender. 3.No state may issue coins or currency. 4.No one may counterfeit U.S. Government-issued coins or currency. 5.Neither the states nor Congress may issue fiat money notes (‘bills of credit’). Can you see where Trump is taking us back to. A “Golden Age.” The constitution says that ONLY gold or silver coins, along with gold or silver backed currency is legal tender. That’s the law. I think Trump is taking us back to honest constitutional money Why is this important? why i have mentioned previous times about Iraq and their constitution and law regarding the true wealth of the dinar being backed by gold and silver??? hmmm ReplyForward Add reaction
  3. not sure if people got screwed, some failed to act when instructed to do so, the rug pull was by the Iraqi governments and US Banks and Business who started a bank run on the is history some of us were in front if it and move money etc others didnt....
  4. this sounds like what we are waiting on, if Musk is in charge or this like the vide suggests then it will get sorted quickly. I would say with the level of corruption we are seeing that a move to xrp, gold back notes and ledger will rule out most of this, it could also coincide with the set up of soveriegn wealth funds, I would be a bit supprised with Iraq and the US setting up sovereing wealth funds the digital currency and ledgers would make sense to prevent from future cases of corruption this and testing of systems is no doubt what we are waiting on now! lets watch Musk, Trump and Paul....
  5. must be waiting on the new treasury notes under a gold backed system??? very interesting wording
  6. so Iraq and US are setting up sovereign wealth funds....when did the US say theres would be set up by? was it 2026???
  7. we have also talked about Venezuela and their currency.....
  8. 90 days to exchange??? hmmm. I did say we would have 3 months interesting timeframe, I have been touting the 90 days for over 10 years....
  9. yes causes rashes, chicken pox and shingles etc...too many to list
  10. disagree and if i could give you 10 red down arrows you would be getting are incorrect
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