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    Full endorsement on this opportunity - but it's limited, so get in while you can!

Done, 1 October???


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Luigi found these articles of Dinarian interests...

Done.  Done.  Done.   How many times have we heard it?

Let's all hope this is really the last done.

Treat as rumors.  Not verified.  Your Opine.





Monday RV update: All my contacts are saying the F&P’s should go before the fiscal year begins.




No matter what is said & done , this RV is a done deal.  It has happened & it shall be distributed.  You will receive your 800 # and you will exchange your currencies to the highest rates  PERIOD. And the bond will be redeemed 1 TO 1 PERIOD. Good night.


You know I am a son of a AWESOME GOD and He loves and cares for me and so are you. And don’t you ever forget that and what He has done for you till this day. He has blessed you with life & He has chosen you well to lead humanity into His new era.

Welcome to the KINGDOM OF GOD. SO NOW WE BE STILL and let Him reveal to us our blessings.

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36 minutes ago, rvmydinar said:

Yep. 800-BLUWOLF or 800-FRANK26 or 800-MTGOAT or 800-KAPERONI. And after dial the number, there are 4 options to press: press # 1 for 1:1 soon or press # 2 for $3 next week or press # 3 for $5 next month or press # 4 please wait while we are transferring you to the governor of the CBI.😁

Hilarious made my day!!!

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I talked to a lady at work last week who visits those pumper trash sites always talking about next weekend and 800#'s. She's been on edge for the past several years... 

I recommended she break that habit, visit dinar vets only sign up for the text service, and/or I'd let her know if something substantial is happening.

Multiply her by a few million people... So, your right MarkB57... lots out there.

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On 9/27/2021 at 4:32 PM, fioranosportscars said:

Yup.... thats what I say when I hear trump is gonna be reinstated LOL!!!!!

Look who brings politics into a conversation... ever seen a black kettle Mr. sports car....?  

You who has his head in the sand (probably in a different place) will be left in the dust of the reality of what is about to happen.  I hope that your "sports car" is bigger than a matchbox so that you can run from what is about to knock you on your ass....  but let's not bring politics into this... the current guy taking up space is doing a GREAT job.  Right?

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Most of our frustrations are caused because we cannot control the actions of other people.  If we stop trying to control them, our frustrations go away.  This rv will happen when it happens, not before and not after.  We can wish it would happen soon, but whether it does or not is out of our control.  I am hoping it will happen, and living like it won't.  In the meantime, I am enjoying and benefitting from the knowledge I have learned from being around the folks on this site.  Some of your educate me and some of you entertain me.  Thank you to both classes of people.  Y'all are great!

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6 hours ago, Artitech said:

NOPE! Not happening 10-1-2021! So much for this! Looks like we are in for 2022! So much for the so called Intel! This just pi$$in me off to no end! JMHO 

South Africa switching to an asset backed currency?


South Africa's Highest Court Set To Free The Continent From The New World Order & The Central Bank

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7 hours ago, Artitech said:

NOPE! Not happening 10-1-2021! So much for this! Looks like we are in for 2022! So much for the so called Intel! This just pi$$in me off to no end! JMHO 

Venezuela dropped 6 zeros today?


Posted by nfire-

Statement from the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency
The Bolívar Soberano (VES) is redenominated by removing six zeros from the denominations. A new currency code VED/926 representing the new valuation (1,000,000 times old VES/928) is introduced on 1 October 2021 for any internal needs during the redenomination process, but is not replacing VES as the official currency code. The Central Bank of Venezuela will not adopt the new codes in the local system, VES/928 remains in use.
The actual currency code VES/928 remains the valid code after 1 October 2021 to use in any future transactions to indicate the redenominated Bolívar Soberano.
Until further notice, VES/928 and VED/926 remain on "List one: Currency, fund and precious metal codes".
Kind regards,
SIX Financial Information AG ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency

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5 minutes ago, Inbedded HorseHead said:

If when you purchased your Dinar and someone told you 16 years later there would be no RV would you have bought it?   I would have said, sounds like a scam to me, I’ll buy Microsoft stock instead!

May be the less people know and buy iqd, the higher the chance of the iqd to rv. IMO.

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25 minutes ago, Inbedded HorseHead said:

If when you purchased your Dinar and someone told you 16 years later there would be no RV would you have bought it?   I would have said, sounds like a scam to me, I’ll buy Microsoft stock instead!

When I was told about the dinar, the friend who told me was worried it was going to rv before I could get my order placed to get some!  That was almost 10 years ago.  I'm a newbie on this site.


To answer your question HorseHead, I think I would have bought it.  I thought it was a long shot back then, but the more I have learned, I have come to realize that it probably will happen.  I just don't know when.  And if it never does, I can pass down my dinar to my grandkids and let them know that their granddaddy was willing to take chances to try to make his life and their life better.

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32 minutes ago, Inbedded HorseHead said:

If when you purchased your Dinar and someone told you 16 years later there would be no RV would you have bought it?   I would have said, sounds like a scam to me, I’ll buy Microsoft stock instead!

I would have bought BITCOIN instead… I’ll be a billionaire by now… 🤷‍♂️👍👍

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