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Longtimelurker last won the day on May 27

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  1. The central banks have always been corrupt. This should open the doors to an ri/rv. The central banks are being exposed
  2. Removing wealth from the hands of the evil and returning it back to the rightful owners is in the Bible. Trump signed an executive order that allows them to confiscate all assets from anyone committing crimes against humanity and we know that covers 75% of the mega-wealthy. Might not be total bullshite
  3. I believe Gesara is real however I also believe the version we receive will be different. We call it Trumpsara
  4. You're going to love the ending of this show they're playing out in front of us. The head of the snake you mention above has already been removed.. Have faith!
  5. They must not be aware that solution to the problem is already in place.
  6. I believe your opinion is what the white hats have ready to go 👍
  7. If 40% of Iraqs population works for the govt and public sector and 6 mths ago they forced all govt employees to open bank accounts, this article could be misleading..
  8. The USD and every other central bank fiat currency was designed to collapse. The USD should have collapsed many years ago but the lies have prevented it thus far..
  9. I've seen pictures of them together. Nothing else on my end. I believe it though
  10. Q post 4014 - April 30th 2020 Why are they pushing back the [D] convention? COVID-19 concern or strategic for last minute change? Change of Batter coming? Why was she 'saved' from officially announcing? Why was she 'reserved' for a last minute change? How do you attempt to 'sneak one in'? How do you attempt to ensure victory? Adopt National Vote-by-Mail? How do you convince American it was legitimate? Release fake polls indicating favorable leads in swing states? How do you harm opponents accomplishments re: economy, unemployment. ------ How did Q know everything??? How many more Q proofs do you need? Welcome aboard MyLadiesDaddy!
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