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Longtimelurker last won the day on May 27 2024

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  1. HCQ is hydroxychloroquine. Another miracle cure.. Can be made by simmering (in water and covered) 3 organic grapefruit peels only and 3 organic lemon peels only. Simmer for 3 hours and let cool. The liquid leftover is homemade natural HCQ. Take 1-2 tbsp per day. I've made 3 batches. Bitter but not horrible lol
  2. Ivermectin horse paste is available in any tractor supply store. Each notch in the pullout is for 50 lbs. Take the amount proper for your weight every day for 2 weeks, 2 week break and then take again for 2 weeks. Do it every year. I took mine today. Fenbendazole is dog dewormer and can be purchased any petstore. I haven't used this but have supplied it to a breast cancer friend of mine.
  3. Adam is taking this site down after the revaluation.
  4. I was saying "wow 😯" because I feel bad for those of you (on this site) who trusted them and got screwed by them. There's several here on dv that got robbed by warka
  5. Trump is probably the best human being any of us know... He's not who the media has portrayed. You probably think the Pope is a good person because that's what they told you ..
  6. You do understand that failure is a key part in success right? To fail and try again is what breeds success. It's how we learn. I've learned more from my multiple failures than from my successes... Bankruptcy is a tool for us to use so we can keep trying.
  7. To much fake news... Turn the tell-a-vision off and dig for truths
  8. "How many times has he cheated on his wife?" You don't even know who his wife is... It's not Melania.. Melania is a mask just like Biden has been for the last 6 years... Trump isn't Trump either, that's his stage name so the evil bloodline couldn't find him to eliminate him. Here is his biological family.. Enjoy the show!!
  9. He stayed out of jail because there wasn't any crime. Everything against him has been fabricated.
  10. You must hate all the winning trumps doing.. I told you years ago that you will love him by the time this is over. Bankruptcy is a tool that is available to everyone and he used it 6 times, whats the issue?
  11. I didn't get the vax or vax my children so I don't have recourse but I would recommend Morgan and Morgan.
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