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markb57 last won the day on October 29 2021

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About markb57

  • Birthday September 16

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    Hardware Planner

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  1. USAID is a criminal organization, a money laundering organization. SHUT IT DOWN!
  2. not that it really matters much but I have not received emails in years....
  3. markb57


    what are we hearing???
  4. not sure I understand Live by the Field die by the field
  5. I held that shiba, about 30 million shiba forever it seemed and was just not moving
  6. I am very reluctant to take profit. I always thought, ok, take 2/3 of say xrp profit and then all of sudden xrp skyrockets and you lose the xrp gain you could have had. This is what I meant when I said it is a gamble. You might win big or you might lose big
  7. sold my shiba back in 2022. didn't make much
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