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  • Birthday January 1

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  1. MM 07 28 49 54 69 MB 24 - 07-26-24 PB 31 38 42 46 64 PB 10 - 07-27-24 Back to Back "Jackpots" - Make it happen! Thank you Jesus!
  2. If the other party is leaning heavy socialist/communist it is hard not to generalize. [Mat 10:32-39 LSB] "32 "Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven. 33 "But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven. 34 "Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 "For I came to SET A MAN AGAINST HIS FATHER, AND A DAUGHTER AGAINST HER MOTHER, AND A DAUGHTER-IN-LAW AGAINST HER MOTHER-IN-LAW; 36 and A MAN'S ENEMIES WILL BE THE MEMBERS OF HIS HOUSEHOLD. 37 "He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. 38 "And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. 39 "He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it."
  3. MM 07 28 49 54 69 MB 24 - 07-23-24 PB 31 38 42 46 64 PB 10 - 07-24-24 Back to Back "Jackpots" - Make it happen! Thank you Jesus!
  4. TERMS for Weekly MegaMillion & Powerball Entries Pool(s) is (are) open to identifiable/registered DV MEMBERS ONLY (Sorry, no extended family or friends... or Lopsters, as they are not allowed in the regular forums, and therefore cannot comply with the rules). One SET of numbers per ENTRANT per POST per FAMILY (Multiple members in a family may participate under ONE ENTRANT ONLY). (Please select CASH OPTION when purchasing numbers/ticket). Annuity tickets will not be disqualified and will be factored accordingly if determined a winner, but our preferred intent is for the lump sum payout. A DV Member may purchase and post up to ONE ticket for ANOTHER DV Member (except Lopsters), with that member's acknowledgement and consent. ONE SHARE per entrant of any winnings of the JACKPOT (CASH OPTION!!!) only (Approx. $100 million minimum drawing) Winning ticket/entrant agrees to share EQUALLY with ALL qualified entrants in this thread. Qualified entrants must have numbers/entry posted prior to drawing date/time. Qualified entrants must have a physical ticket to present upon winning, to prove their pledged participation. HOLD onto your "LOSING" ticket. Take a picture of your "LOSING" ticket as a possible backup verification. Winning entrant is responsible for ALL communication with, and coordination of, winning shareholders immediately after the drawing. ALL winning participants/shareholders agree to respect and abide to the PRIVACY terms of the WINNER. Disclosure of identity of winning entrant is sole discretion of winner. This is for the security and safety of all. Winning shares will be dispersed upon final consensus and WRITTEN AGREEMENT, guaranteeing individual preferences, privacy and security. By posting your pledged ticket/numbers in the thread(s), YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS POSTED ABOVE. The following has been added to the rules as of 9/17/2016 to clarify a question about participation: NEW RULE! Ticket/numbers entered into THIS DV POOL are for this pool exclusively. It may not be entered into other pools. Its entry into the DV POOL is time-stamped as verified by the post, and acknowledged by the entrant that it is exclusive to DV. Should it be found that the WINNING TICKET is entered into multiple pools, WE will claim that ticket as the WINNER for the DV POOL EXCLUSIVELY, irrespective of the time-stamp of other pools. Should another pool have a similar rule, or no rule to this regard, the time-stamp may be an effective qualifier if necessary to determine the participant's intent, as well as order of participation. $100M Minimum is waived for both drawings.
  5. PB 31 38 42 46 64 PB 10 - 07-22-24 Back to Back "Jackpots" - Make it happen! Thank you Jesus!
  6. TERMS for PowerBall Entries Pool(s) is (are) open to identifiable/registered DV MEMBERS ONLY (Sorry, no extended family or friends... or Lopsters, as they are not allowed in the regular forums, and therefore cannot comply with the rules). One SET of numbers per ENTRANT per POST per FAMILY (Multiple members in a family may participate under ONE ENTRANT ONLY). (Please select CASH OPTION when purchasing numbers/ticket). Annuity tickets will not be disqualified and will be factored accordingly if determined a winner, but our preferred intent is for the lump sum payout. A DV Member may purchase and post up to ONE ticket for ANOTHER DV Member (except Lopsters), with that member's acknowledgement and consent. ONE SHARE per entrant of any winnings of the JACKPOT (CASH OPTION!!!) only (Approx. $100 million minimum drawing) Winning ticket/entrant agrees to share EQUALLY with ALL qualified entrants in this thread. Qualified entrants must have numbers/entry posted prior to drawing date/time. Qualified entrants must have a physical ticket to present upon winning, to prove their pledged participation. HOLD onto your "LOSING" ticket. Take a picture of your "LOSING" ticket as a possible backup verification. Winning entrant is responsible for ALL communication with, and coordination of, winning shareholders immediately after the drawing. ALL winning participants/shareholders agree to respect and abide to the PRIVACY terms of the WINNER. Disclosure of identity of winning entrant is sole discretion of winner. This is for the security and safety of all. Winning shares will be dispersed upon final consensus and WRITTEN AGREEMENT, guaranteeing individual preferences, privacy and security. By posting your pledged ticket/numbers in the thread(s), YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS POSTED ABOVE. The following has been added to the rules as of 9/17/2016 to clarify a question about participation: NEW RULE! Ticket/numbers entered into THIS DV POOL are for this pool exclusively. It may not be entered into other pools. Its entry into the DV POOL is time-stamped as verified by the post, and acknowledged by the entrant that it is exclusive to DV. Should it be found that the WINNING TICKET is entered into multiple pools, WE will claim that ticket as the WINNER for the DV POOL EXCLUSIVELY, irrespective of the time-stamp of other pools. Should another pool have a similar rule, or no rule to this regard, the time-stamp may be an effective qualifier if necessary to determine the participant's intent, as well as order of participation. $100M Minimum is waived.
  7. MM 07 28 49 54 69 MB 24 - 07-19-24 PB 31 38 42 46 64 PB 10 - 07-20-24 Back to Back "Jackpots" - Make it happen! Thank you Jesus!
  8. TERMS for Weekly MegaMillion & Powerball Entries Pool(s) is (are) open to identifiable/registered DV MEMBERS ONLY (Sorry, no extended family or friends... or Lopsters, as they are not allowed in the regular forums, and therefore cannot comply with the rules). One SET of numbers per ENTRANT per POST per FAMILY (Multiple members in a family may participate under ONE ENTRANT ONLY). (Please select CASH OPTION when purchasing numbers/ticket). Annuity tickets will not be disqualified and will be factored accordingly if determined a winner, but our preferred intent is for the lump sum payout. A DV Member may purchase and post up to ONE ticket for ANOTHER DV Member (except Lopsters), with that member's acknowledgement and consent. ONE SHARE per entrant of any winnings of the JACKPOT (CASH OPTION!!!) only (Approx. $100 million minimum drawing) Winning ticket/entrant agrees to share EQUALLY with ALL qualified entrants in this thread. Qualified entrants must have numbers/entry posted prior to drawing date/time. Qualified entrants must have a physical ticket to present upon winning, to prove their pledged participation. HOLD onto your "LOSING" ticket. Take a picture of your "LOSING" ticket as a possible backup verification. Winning entrant is responsible for ALL communication with, and coordination of, winning shareholders immediately after the drawing. ALL winning participants/shareholders agree to respect and abide to the PRIVACY terms of the WINNER. Disclosure of identity of winning entrant is sole discretion of winner. This is for the security and safety of all. Winning shares will be dispersed upon final consensus and WRITTEN AGREEMENT, guaranteeing individual preferences, privacy and security. By posting your pledged ticket/numbers in the thread(s), YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS POSTED ABOVE. The following has been added to the rules as of 9/17/2016 to clarify a question about participation: Ticket/numbers entered into THIS DV POOL are for this pool exclusively. It may not be entered into other pools. Its entry into the DV POOL is time-stamped as verified by the post, and acknowledged by the entrant that it is exclusive to DV. Should it be found that the WINNING TICKET is entered into multiple pools, WE will claim that ticket as the WINNER for the DV POOL EXCLUSIVELY, irrespective of the time-stamp of other pools. Should another pool have a similar rule, or no rule to this regard, the time-stamp may be an effective qualifier if necessary to determine the participant's intent, as well as order of participation. $100M Minimum is waived for the PowerBall drawing.
  9. But let me make myself clear for those who are reading this. I don't mean to sound like those who were complaining the assassin missed. I wish no harm to come to Joe Biden, rather that he comes to a realization of the saving grace of Jesus Christ, repents and is saved. My previous post are just speculation as to his demise by those who are controlling him.
  10. I'm watching the RNC and they're showing a live feed of AF1 arriving in Delaware.... and I says to self, he could just fall down the stairs and break his neck.
  11. I've been saying first Joe will die in his sleep, and then Kamala... .
  12. California school district sues Gavin Newsom over new gender-identity law Lawsuit centers on rule requiring school staff to notify parents if their children change their gender identification or pronouns Associated Press Wed 17 Jul 2024 08.08 EDT Share A southern California school district involved in an ongoing legal battle with the state over the district’s gender-identity policy sued Gavin Newsom on Tuesday over a new law banning districts from requiring that parents be notified of their child’s gender identification change. The Chino Valley Unified school district and a handful of parents argued the law violates the rights of parents protected under the US constitution. “School officials do not have the right to keep secrets from parents, but parents do have a constitutional right to know what their minor children are doing at school,” Emily Rae, a lawyer representing the district, said in a statement. But a Newsom spokesperson, Izzy Gardon, called the lawsuit “deeply unserious” and said the new law “preserves the child-parent relationship”. “California law ensures minors can’t legally change their name or gender without parental consent, and parents continue to have guaranteed and full access to their student’s educational records consistent with federal law,” Gardon said in an email. “We’re confident the state will swiftly prevail in this case.” Rob Bonta, the state’s attorney general, sued Chino Valley Unified over a rule its board approved last year requiring school staff to notify parents if their children change their gender identification or pronouns. Bonta said the law discriminated against gender non-conforming students. A judge halted the policy while the case plays out, and the district later updated the rule to broadly require parents to be notified if their child asks to make any changes to their student records. LGBTQ+ advocacy groups lauded the new California law, while opponents said the ban makes it harder for schools to be transparent with parents. Newsom signed the first-in-the-nation law on Monday, which bans districts from requiring school staff to disclose a student’s gender identity or sexual orientation to any other person without the child’s permission, with some exceptions. It also requires the state department of education to develop resources for families of LGBTQ+ students in seventh grade through high school. The law will take effect in January. Proponents of the ban say it will help protect transgender and gender non-conforming students who live in unwelcoming households. “This critical legislation strengthens protections for LGBTQ+ youth against forced outing policies, provides resources for parents and families of LGBTQ+ students to support them as they have conversations on their terms, and creates critical safeguards to prevent retaliation against teachers and school staff who foster a safe and supportive school environment for all students,” said Tony Hoang, executive director of LGBTQ+ advocacy group Equality California, in a statement. But some conservative groups, including the California Family Council, said the law violates parents’ rights. “This bill undermines their fundamental role and places boys and girls in potential jeopardy,” said Jonathan Keller, the council’s president, in a statement. “Moms and dads have both a constitutional and divine mandate to guide and protect their kids, and AB 1955 egregiously violates this sacred trust.” Billionaire Elon Musk said he would move the headquarters of SpaceX and the social media platform X to Texas from California in part because of the new law. Tesla, where Musk is CEO, moved its headquarters to Austin from Palo Alto, California, in 2021. The new law comes after several school districts in California passed policies requiring that parents be notified if a child requests to change their gender identification. That led to pushback by Democratic state officials, who say students have a right to privacy. Nationwide, lawmakers, families and advocates have been debating the rights of local school districts, parents and LGBTQ+ students. At least six states have requirements that schools notify parents when minors disclose that they are transgender or ask to be referred to with a different pronoun, according to Associated Press reporting: Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. Virginia asked school boards to adopt similar policies, but it does not have a law. Arizona and Idaho also require schools to provide certain information to parents but do not specify gender expression or sexual orientation.
  13. 25th has to be invoked by a majority of the President's Cabinet & VP. The Cabinet Members don't want to lose their jobs. Section 4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President. Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department [sic][note 2][7] or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.
  14. MM 07 28 49 54 69 MB 24 - 07-16-24 PB 31 38 42 46 64 PB 10 - 07-17-24 Back to Back "Jackpots" - Make it happen! Thank you Jesus!
  15. TERMS for Weekly MegaMillion & Powerball Entries Pool(s) is (are) open to identifiable/registered DV MEMBERS ONLY (Sorry, no extended family or friends... or Lopsters, as they are not allowed in the regular forums, and therefore cannot comply with the rules). One SET of numbers per ENTRANT per POST per FAMILY (Multiple members in a family may participate under ONE ENTRANT ONLY). (Please select CASH OPTION when purchasing numbers/ticket). Annuity tickets will not be disqualified and will be factored accordingly if determined a winner, but our preferred intent is for the lump sum payout. A DV Member may purchase and post up to ONE ticket for ANOTHER DV Member (except Lopsters), with that member's acknowledgement and consent. ONE SHARE per entrant of any winnings of the JACKPOT (CASH OPTION!!!) only (Approx. $100 million minimum drawing) Winning ticket/entrant agrees to share EQUALLY with ALL qualified entrants in this thread. Qualified entrants must have numbers/entry posted prior to drawing date/time. Qualified entrants must have a physical ticket to present upon winning, to prove their pledged participation. HOLD onto your "LOSING" ticket. Take a picture of your "LOSING" ticket as a possible backup verification. Winning entrant is responsible for ALL communication with, and coordination of, winning shareholders immediately after the drawing. ALL winning participants/shareholders agree to respect and abide to the PRIVACY terms of the WINNER. Disclosure of identity of winning entrant is sole discretion of winner. This is for the security and safety of all. Winning shares will be dispersed upon final consensus and WRITTEN AGREEMENT, guaranteeing individual preferences, privacy and security. By posting your pledged ticket/numbers in the thread(s), YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS POSTED ABOVE. The following has been added to the rules as of 9/17/2016 to clarify a question about participation: NEW RULE! Ticket/numbers entered into THIS DV POOL are for this pool exclusively. It may not be entered into other pools. Its entry into the DV POOL is time-stamped as verified by the post, and acknowledged by the entrant that it is exclusive to DV. Should it be found that the WINNING TICKET is entered into multiple pools, WE will claim that ticket as the WINNER for the DV POOL EXCLUSIVELY, irrespective of the time-stamp of other pools. Should another pool have a similar rule, or no rule to this regard, the time-stamp may be an effective qualifier if necessary to determine the participant's intent, as well as order of participation. $100M Minimum is waived for the PowerBall drawing.
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