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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/2023 in all areas

  1. Time for them to shi@ or get off the pot. I don't think anything else will solve it
    8 points
  2. Here's an article of Dinarian interests... RV in country. We are next. Treat as a rumor. Not verified. Your opine. Bruce The Goose: Iraq Is Done. ARTICLE: There's nothing else to do. They already started doing their exchanges in country. They got the international rate. A very top source in the UST told us our toll free numbers, Tier 4B (that's us) he said Wednesday or Thursday at the latest. NOTE: Well Goose, it's Thursday...what happened? What's the international rate, Goose?
    6 points
  3. is what the Gurus call a definite, for sure, possibly, could be, if, maybe.
    6 points
  4. never know...miracles happen everyday and Iraq is overdue for one.
    5 points
  5. From WRAL-TV Winning Powerball Numbers Wednesday, March 22, 2023 27 28 37 50 57 PB 05 Power Player 2X Congratulations Trakkr! You matched tonight's powerball plus two! Sorry; We had no other winning matches.
    5 points
  6. Here's an article from Dinarland... An RV Ramadan !!! Treat as a rumor. Not verified. Your opine. Nader From The Middle East: Tomorrow Is Ramadan. ARTICLE: Tomorrow Is Ramadan. What's happening between now & Ramadan it's big. Everybody's gonna be happy with it. The rate is gonna be 1132 for sure. It's gonna go down this month, maybe.
    4 points
  7. 🤦‍♀️ 🤦‍♀️
    4 points
  8. Frustrated Women Demand Trans Women In Public Restrooms Stop Leaving The Toilet Seat Up
    4 points
  9. “The First Bank of Iraq launched instant money transfers to other banks around the world.” Financial openness to the World.! Go CBI Go new monetary policy Go international Go stronger dinar $1+
    4 points
  10. "The crisis is reeling." Iraqi government's moves hit the dollar wall "The crisis is reeling." Iraqi government moves hit the dollar wall » Baghdad Today News Agency Economy | Today, 22:32 | Baghdad Today - Baghdad On the seventh of last month, the Iraqi authorities decided to raise the value of the official exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar by 10 percent, from about 1470 dinars to 1300 dinars per dollar, but weeks after the decision, the exchange rate in the local market is still very high and far from the official rate. Exchange rates in the so-called parallel market (private exchanges and currency traders) currently exceed the barrier of 1550 dinars to the dollar, which has led many to question the measures taken by the Iraqi authorities to control the market. Iraq's currency crisis began last November when the Federal Reserve in New York approved stricter controls on international dollar transactions for Iraqi commercial banks. The move was aimed at stemming the illicit flow of dollars into Iran and exerting more pressure on U.S. sanctions over Tehran's nuclear program and other disputes, making it harder for Tehran to obtain dollars. Under the new restrictions, Iraqi banks must use an online platform to disclose their transactions and details about the sender and beneficiaries. U.S. officials can object to suspicious transfer requests. Experts and financial officials say the measures have created a gap as banks, which were reluctant to register on the online platform, resorted to duty-free shops in Baghdad to buy dollars, creating a deficit and exceeding demand over supply. "There are two main problems that caused the crisis to continue, the first is punishing some private banks and removing them from the currency window, and the second is the application of the electronic platform in which auditing takes place in several stages," said economist and academic Abdul Rahman al-Mashhadani. "The unwillingness of Iraqi private banks to operate on the electronic platform or deal with the requirements of the Federal Reserve has caused the rejection of many foreign remittances," al-Mashhadani added. "At one stage, the rate of rejection, whether by the Federal Reserve Bank or the Central Bank of Iraq, amounted to about 80 percent of the remittances required to finance foreign trade," he said. Al-Mashhadani pointed out that "the exchange rate of the dinar will not stabilize soon, given that the government measures are far from solving the crisis and were not serious," describing them as as close as possible to "patchwork" and aimed at solving the problem "temporarily and not radically." In late December, the Central Bank of Iraq approved a package of measures to stabilize the exchange rate against the dollar, including facilitating the financing of private sector trade in dollars through Iraqi banks and opening outlets for selling foreign currency in government banks to the public for travel purposes. The bank called on traders to deal "with banks directly and not to resort to intermediaries and speculators to avoid incurring undue commissions and expenses on their imports". Iraqi government officials have stressed on more than one occasion that stabilizing the exchange rate will not be long for long. In subsequent statements, the prime minister's adviser for financial affairs, Mazhar Mohammed Saleh, confirmed that "the central bank's packages will accelerate the levels of meeting the demand for foreign currency," explaining that the rise in prices in the parallel market "is artificial and based on false information called color noise and does not match the strength of the financial situation." But al-Mashhadani believes that "the estimates of the Central Bank of Iraq were wrong when it talked about the return of the exchange rate and its regularity within a month of applying the new rate." He predicted that "Iraq will need at least three to four months to achieve this." Last Tuesday, the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Al-Alaq, said that "a decline in the parallel dollar exchange rate will occur during the coming period." "The central bank has launched multiple packages of measures, and the packages that have been launched are being dealt with seriously to control the parallel dollar exchange rate," al-Alaq said. But Jamal Kojar, a member of the parliamentary finance committee, has a different opinion, arguing that "government measures are not enough to reduce the gap between the market price and the official price." "The disparity is very large and the government's steps have not affected the value of the dinar much and are useless so far," Koger said. "The Iraqi government has not been able to overcome the obstacles faced by traders in order to ensure that their remittances quickly reach the final beneficiary," he said. He pointed out that there are "major corruption operations in private banks, which have begun to deal with large capitalists in order to divide the profits achieved from the difference between the two prices, official and parallel." The Central Bank of Iraq has allowed banks and private exchange companies to buy dollars at the official rate and sell them to eligible traders at a small profit margin. But what is happening on the ground is that some banks buy millions of dollars from the Central Bank in cooperation with some traders, and then sell them in the local market at a profit margin of more than two hundred and fifty dinars per dollar, according to Koger. Koger also pointed to "the continuation of dollar smuggling operations, with the complicity of investors, large traders and some banks." "The members of the Finance Committee sat down with the governor of the central bank and other officials and we told them of these concerns, but they have not been resolved until today," Koger said. "The exchange rate crisis is likely to continue to teeternate between taking one step and taking two steps back," Koger accused "influential political parties of being behind currency smuggling operations in cooperation with large banks that represent fronts for political parties and figures".
    3 points
  11. There is no evidence there is an RV in Iraq. If there was any evidence, there would also be a rate. Where's the rate? We wait & wait.
    3 points
  12. Save the World while you destroy your own Country...nice plan Joe... Ever wonder why Hundreds of $billions are being sent Ukraine's way?.......oh...that's right....they have enough on Biden INC. to put them all away for life..... CL
    3 points
  13. I doubt he realized how much trash needed to be removed from his own party. Perhaps he does now! CL
    3 points
  14. Todays conspiracy theory often become tomorrows truth. This is just another MSM hit peice created for the purpose of division within the country. It also illustrates the increasing war on Christianity going forward in America. Thanks for bringing this article illustrates very well how the opposite of its intent .... is in full force. CL
    3 points
  15. " This might take a while " Naw, what could possibly go wrong, it's only been 20 years. We're all young, right ? We could do another 20 years standing on our heads. Ridiculousness & Idiocracy is alive & well in Iraq. Y'all can forget any chance of a RI/RV during Ramadan...after that, well sand bagging & foot dragging is an art form over there. Go ahead,bash away. They did a bang up job of stalling this far.
    3 points
  16. Decades ago when I first separated, I took my two sons on a tour through their new home when with me. Passing the first restroom I stopped, pointed to the toilet, and instructed them that if they left the seat down here they would be grounded. The look on the five year old's face was priceless as he contemplated having to remember the conflicting rules that could each result in punishment. It also broke my heart knowing the road ahead.
    3 points
  17. Here's a question.... Fire requires three things. Oxygen, Fuel, Heat.... Where did the Oxygen come from? .
    3 points
  18. Here is another point out of the Bible regarding the times we are in. During the first 3 1/2 years of the coming (very imminent) tribulation period, the bible states that 1/4 of the worlds population dies. Now that is 2B people. In all the worlds wars to date aprox 800M people have died. So what contributes to the death of this staggering amount of people. Try this verse, it has multiple applications. They perish because they refuse to love the truth and so be saved, for this reason God sends a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie. (2 Thes 2:10:11) How about looking at what 2 Nobel Prize virologists have said about the vaccine and the outcome back in 2021 Finally I agree with you T B. If you know Christ there is nothing to fear. Kind of exciting to know and see the Biblical prophecies taking place.
    3 points
  19. theres no fear for those whom are in christ jesus! soon all will see the truth and i for one will just say i told you so!! all the evil that tried to destroy our country will be DESTROYED! PRAISE GOD! NEVER GIVE UP TRUMP ! GODS GOT YA BACK! OH YES!!
    3 points
  20. Saw this coming when I saw the alert for an international arrest warrant for Puttin...oh you wanna arrest me... Well why don't yall look into US invasion on Iraq since you wanna go there... 😂
    3 points
  21. Or the rest of this year 2023!!
    3 points
  22. Gotta think bigger than just internal buddy! You gatta think International trade in IQD!
    3 points
  23. A deputy calls on the government to limit internal monetary dealings in dinars only 5 hours ago 660 Today, Wednesday, Representative Majid Shankali called for limiting internal monetary dealings to dinars only. Shankali said, via Twitter, that "the government refrains from distributing part of the salaries in dollars, and this is correct and very important." And he added, “But at the same time, it must prevent any monetary dealings or pricing of any material in dollars, and that internal dealings be limited to dinars only, and that dollar trading be confined only to banks and exchange offices, according to strict controls.”
    3 points
  24. NADAR: It's gonna go down this month maybe. Clearly know absolutely nothing. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    3 points
  25. So wire transfers available again in Iraq. Warka Bank had SWIFT transfers and Mastercard available more than 12 years ago...Now if the CBI would only fully re-open Warka for business again! Iraqi banks need to get their butts in gear and move into this century!
    3 points
  26. Don't forget the contacts the Goat has with Possum and Momma!
    3 points
  27. Everything you said is common sense logic. This kind of news is what Iraq was only talking about in the past several years. Now it is reality. All this banking infrastructure is setting the stage for implementation of a comprehensive strategy to move Iraq into the modern world of international banking and trading. Really vital progress! We’ve gotta be close.
    3 points
  28. A woman awakes during the night to find that her husband is not in bed. She puts on her robe and goes downstairs to look for him. She finds him sitting at the kitchen table with a hot cup of coffee in front of him. He appears to be in deep thought, just staring at the wall. She watches as he wipes a tear from his eye and takes a sip of his coffee. 'What's the matter, dear' she whispers as she steps into the room, 'Why are you down here at this time of night The husband looks up from his coffee, 'It's the 20th Anniversary of the day we met'. She can't believe he has remembered and starts to tear up. The husband continues, 'Do you remember 20 years ago when we started dating, I was 18 and you were only 16,' he says solemnly. Once again, the wife is touched to tears. 'Yes, I do' she replies. The husband pauses The words were not coming easily. 'Do you remember when your father caught us in the back seat of my car' 'Yes, I remember' said the wife, lowering herself into the chair beside him. The husband continued. 'Do you remember when he shoved the shotgun in my face and said, "Either you marry my daughter or I will send you to prison for 20 years' 'I remember that, too' she replied softly. He wiped another tear from his cheek and said "I would have gotten out today."
    3 points
  29. I understand your way of thinking, I do. I’m a libertarian by nature, absolutely hate the idea of govt controlling our lives. But I believe the govt created BTC…. Homeland security already uncovered who the four satoshis were that designed BTC are. The question you should be asking yourself is why if they know have they not revealed that to the public? Why are people like Michael Saylor’s hedge fund worried about those 4 people dumping their 1 million BTC in the market at any given time? The story of BTC bothers me. Also it has been found that the same IP address that launched BTC launched opencoin…. Which was eventually gifted to Ripple Labs the company. However the opencoin ledger is a decentralized ledger. If the company Ripple went out of business tomorrow the xrpl would still function and developers could still develop on it. No one really knows the truth but the founders and leaders of Ripple always seem to have a seat at the table with the likes of the Bank of international Settlement, the IMF, World Bank, United Nations, on the Faster Payments Council for the (FEDNOW Service you mentioned), just to name a few. Xrp is treated as property by the IRS, deemed a currency by Fincen so you may want to a little more digging as it relates to which digital assets you throw your hard earned money into. It’s all been planned, I may not like what I find but I have to go down these rabbit holes when we are talking money here. You mentioned swift, swift is an outdated messaging service from the 70’s so a better faster cheaper version of swift is necessary in the modern world and the ability to settle with finality is something totally new for the crossborder institutions. Partners like Accenture and Finastra, R3 Corda settler already partner with all these banks that are lacking liquidity. We’ll see how it all shakes out but there is definitely a use case for xrp and Xlm. Not so much for the other 26,000. + crypto coins…. On that we can definitely agree there are scams etc. I’m just cautioning everyone not to put all their eggs in the Btc basket
    3 points
  30. From WRAL-TV Winning Megamillion Numbers Tuesday, March 21, 2023 1 21 25 27 40 MB 11 Megaplier 2X Sorry; We had no winning matches tonight.
    3 points
  31. The country and the world is NOT ready for EVs. All this about wind and solar and that is what it is !! They have lied their asses off to us almost my entire life about the planet is gonna freeze, new ice age approaching, then OH NO we will perish from too much warming, the seas will rise and life as we know it will end. AND EVERYTIME they miss their 12 year world coming to an end mark, they just find a new stooge like Greta or John "F"ing Kerry or Algore who will parrot they double down !!! Before Rush died he made a mockery of Gore. Gore gave the standard line of 12 years to doomsday, so Rush put up a Doomsday clock, counting down Al's prediction until it reached zero and DAMN if we aren't still here on planet earth. The arrogance of thinking that man has the power to destroy the earth!! But that is what these mentally ill FOOLS think.
    2 points
  32. Bought 60 more APE shares today. I've decided to keep going for it if nothing else my share average should drop . Go APE, Go AMC pp
    2 points
  33. I'm kind of shocked no one has posted this website. This guy is a well known scientist and an expert on chem trails. He's also on many radio stations.
    2 points
  34. The Iraqi Ministry of Oil is experimenting with electronic payment at fuel filling stations 2023-03-23 03:28 Shafaq News/ The Ministry of Oil announced, on Thursday, that the Oil Products Distribution Company has started experimenting with the electronic payment process (POS) at a number of fuel filling stations in Baghdad. The spokesman for the Ministry of Oil, Assem Jihad, said in a statement today that the Oil Products Distribution Company, in cooperation with the Central Bank of Iraq and electronic payment collection service companies, has begun today to experiment with electronic payment at the Freedom Station in Baghdad, in preparation for the practical application and generalization of the experience in Baghdad and the provinces, starting from the beginning. next May. He pointed out the importance of adopting this civilized experience in strengthening and supporting the national economy, through applications for collecting fuel dues electronically, which reduces the burden on citizens and fuel filling stations at the same time, and raises the level of services provided to citizens, and protects public money, as well as the shift from a system Paper-to-electronic payment. The Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs and Minister of Oil, Hayan Abdul-Ghani, had directed the Petroleum Products Distribution Company to expedite the application and approval of the electronic payment system, in line with the directives of the Prime Minister. According to the statement, the experiment was attended at the Freedom Station by: the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Oil for Distribution Affairs, Laith Al-Shaher, the General Manager of the Oil Products Distribution Company, Hussein Talib, and a number of officials in the Central Bank and specialized companies.
    2 points
  35. 2 points
  36. MM 03/24/2023 25-29-31-35-41 MB 15 PB 03/25/2023 02-07-09-44-58 PB 13 🙏
    2 points
  37. I know this is the rumor section. Should be called the liar section.
    2 points
  38. First Bank of Iraq launches global instant money transfer serviceSHARE ON MESSENGER First Bank of Iraq launches remittance service...| ( ECONOMY First Bank of Iraq launched the global instant money transfer service in partnership with Visa. This came on the sidelines of the Fifth Baghdad International Dialogue Conference organized by the Iraqi Institute for Dialogue, and in the presence of Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani. The First Bank of Iraq launched instant money transfers to other banks around the world. First Bank of Iraq is the first bank in the country to make digital banking a reality for the Iraqi people, as part of its strategic partnership with Visa, a leading global digital payments company, to transform the country's payments sector. With this step, the First Bank of Iraq is the first bank to provide Iraqis with the service of global instant financial transfers. It is noteworthy that the First Bank of Iraq is one of the sponsors of the Baghdad International Dialogue Conference, which kicked off on March 19, for two days, at the Babylon Rotana Hotel in the capital, Baghdad.
    2 points

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