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divemaster5734 last won the day on December 23 2024

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About divemaster5734

  • Birthday June 11

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    Washington State
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    Making libtards destroy keyboards when confronted with logic.

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  1. Everyone who ever served in any branch knew a "Klinger", just not quite as flamboyant. That said, I got out in the late '70's, long before any change in policies that decimated morale. Actually watched a few take a general discharge in exchange for a early release. Never could understand their rush, but back then were were yelled and spat at when out on the streets, on base was the only sanctuary where we could relax.
  2. They neglected to mention how badly they destroyed the economy in 2020, forcing tens of thousands of small business to fail,(in USA alone), resulting in many millions of jobs lost, resulting in hundreds of thousands to loose their homes, or take early retirement that wouldn't fully fund their income needs, resulting in dangerous cost cutting, like turning the heat down to 50° in the winter, which in fact killed thousands. The ones old enough to take a retirement were the "lucky" ones, others wound up living in their vehicles, that's if they weren't repossessed. The amount of needless human suffering intentionally perpetrated on the entire planet by corrupt globalists is staggering. This sharp increase of people freezing to death is a direct result. NEVER FORGET! They also fail to include the additional starvations on every continent due to the created supply chain issues. These people are unimaginably evil.
  3. The Red Cross is the most bloated "charity" out there. Less than $1 of every $100 actually goes to relief, the rest is for "administration", especially the $500,000 yearly salaries. I'll only donate to the Salvation Army, or clothes to a local Christian mission. Oops, I did clean out the closet for the Paralyzed Veterans org, even went out and bought new stuff for pick up. Every one of their "customers" lost limbs or were paralyzed in combat.
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