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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/2024 in all areas

  1. “the budget, which was approved in mid-2023, is a tripartite budget, meaning that it will be applied for three years, which was estimated at 198 trillion Iraqi dinars, both operational and investment." The three years budget was estimated 198 trillion IQD. "the government did not spend the amount of 198 trillion last year, but only spent 140-150 trillion dinars," noting that "last year's budget did not witness a deficit." In 2023 they spent about 70% of the budget "the government alone will make amendments to the budget law for the current year." Lets wait and see what is the next step regarding the amendments in the budget for the current year.! Go Budget Go stronger dinar Go purchasing power
    10 points
  2. In the document.. The Central Bank addresses banks and announces its readiness to meet the demands of its customers from the dollar Time: 2024/01/11 16:38:00 Read: 351 times {Economic:Euphrates News} The Central Bank of Iraq addressed, on Thursday, banks’ readiness to meet the requests of their customers from the cash dollar according to the controls it announced previously. I’m Electronic Blackmail In Iraq. Daily Crimes And A Law Of Its Age Of Decadesبالوثيقة-البنك-المركزي-يعلن-عن-استعداده-لتلبية-طلبات-زبائنها-من-الدولار-النقدي
    7 points
  3. Why wait for an RI/RV....if you feel so tortured by the comments here... you always have the option to leave. You don't need this site to inform you on a change in value of the IQD. Just my thoughts.....CL
    7 points
  4. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Jeff You'll notice as they have finished those elections, they're now hitting the ground running. The ball's rolling and everything is now starting to move forward to prepare for the revaluation ...That is why you are seeing the aggressive forward movement that you are. Samson Article: "We are not planning to withdraw currently.” The Pentagon: We are not aware of notification from Baghdad of a decision to withdraw American forces" Militia Man The oil & gas law is a very important and is considered to be integral to the citizens needs and the economic development of the country. They stop short of telling us what came of the oil & gas law today. Why? ...One reason would be that there is exchange rate sensitivity with respect to the law...An exchange rate to be one that is stronger than the dollar (Per Al-Sudani) will help largely in that regard. So, yesterday they were focusing on the importance of this law and with urgency. A very good sign!!! Walkingstick [Aki - Iraq Bank owner in US update] Question: "The new orders you got on January 1st, are they for you to dispense the lower denoms and collect 3 zero notes?" Aki: Here in the Untied States we are preparing to do everything with electronic platforms...We are prepared to collect the 3 zero notes from those that wish to exchange them for American dollars...We follow International banking laws, the same laws American banks follow. Here in the United States the bank that I am in charge of will be all electronic. [Post 1 of 2] Walkingstick When you ask about the LDs they are only found in Iraq. We do not possess them. Iraq will give to the Iraqi citizens, when the time comes, physical lower notes and coins and collect three zero notes...The difference is that here in the US I have to do everything electronic where my friends in Iraq, their banks can do it electronic or physically, if they want the lower denoms and coins in their hands. [Post 2 of 2] MarkZ Iraq's stock market is up 90% in valuation based on the US dollar…and they continuously talk about the exchange rate and what their market is going to look like after a change in the exchange rate. They are telling us its coming and that they will address it in their first parliamentary session. And that session has just started. Positive stuff. Pimpy I've heard so many [gurus] talk about - according to the IMF Iraq needs to be within 2% between the parallel rate and their official exchange rate. No that's not right...To maintain stability Iraq needs to maintain a narrow spread, that's the gap between the official exchange rate and the black market. Generally a spread of less than 5% is considered acceptable. Not 2%, 5%. A spread more than 10% is considered a significant risk to the economy. Iraq is going to have to shoot for between 5 and 10%. They want to be less than 10. It'd be idealistic if they can get around 5... Frank26 What have the articles been telling us? That the Iraqi dinar and the American dollar are divorcing by mechanisms...It's causing the American dollar to go down...just in one week 150 to 140 to... 135. The value of the Iraqi dinar is going up as the American dollar inside of Iraq is being put's not in the picture anymore. Mnt Goat Article: "SUDANESE ADVISOR: EXCHANGE RATES WILL REACH 135 THOUSAND PER 100 DOLLARS SOON" If this really does happen we will be in great shape to see the one more program rate change we have been waiting for. But remember they will probably wait and monitor the rate to ensure it is first stable, How long we don’t know. But this is fantastic news today. Frank26 The next step in the monetary reform investment that you're involved in will be the most difficult step. It wasn't difficult to decide to buy the currency. It wasn't difficult to put it in a safe all these years and wait. Well I guess it was a little difficult. But you're now at the point where you have to make decisions with what you have...You will be attacked ...You all need to take this a little bit more serious...
    7 points
  5. Here's some articles of Dinarian interests... Some global currencies are on the move in the marketplace. Treat as rumors. Not verified. Your opine. Goldilocks: Delayed Bank Crisis Extension EXPIRES. ARTICLE: “The Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP), the Fed’s infamous tool to nip the March 2023 bank-panic & liquidity crisis in the bud, will expire on March 11, at its original one-year time limit, Michael Barr, Fed Vice Chair for Supervision, said at a panel appearance in Washington, D.C., today.” Not long ago, we learned that interest rates would take a drastic turn downward between March & May. This would be normal since interest rates normally fall during a recession. It is a tool that is used to stimulate growth. Gold has a tendency to rise when interest rates go down. Historically, gold has been known to do very well during a recession as well. Do you see the setup patterns taking place? We have new localized currencies around the world that are beginning to MOVE into the marketplace & they are being strengthened because of their inflationary demand at the present time. Pimpy: Clearing The Air. ARTICLE: I never said there was an official 12 to 1 exchange rate. What I said was I thought it was interesting that in that article they even considered revisiting the 12 to 1 exchange rate policy in the year 2026…It says they’re revisiting the 12 to 1 exchange rate policy and they’re going to do it the beginning of 2026. I didn’t make that up, nor did I say they were going to go to 12 to 1. I was explaining to you what the 12 to 1 exchange rate policy is. Mnt Goat: Prosperity Is Coming. ARTICLE: There is much prosperity & abundance coming our way this new year. Let’s all just be patient & stay calm.
    6 points
  6. It's always something, then there's another thing, of course there's waiting for whatever, then we're back to something else needs to be done before the other things are to be done. Goes forever then we've gotta have a Crisis. Then there's the running of the mouths telling everyone how great it will be... getting a migraine just talking about it.
    6 points
  7. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... RON Frank26 Question "Are redemption centers at a bank or elsewhere?" I'm going to a bank. You can find redemption centers in a lot of places. Some large credit unions might do it. Go to an airport, they have those kiosks and try there if you want. You're not going to get a good exchange rate IMO if you go to those places. Go to a large bank. Don't go to the mom and pop bank either... Clare Article "With wide local and international participation.. Baghdad Exhibition opens its 47th session today" Quote "...with the participation of 850 different companies from 20 countries...the exhibition will last for 10 days, starting today and ending on the 19th of this month..." That's great news...!
    6 points
  8. You're not wrong. I assume you're referencing Trumps court cases. They are using Trump to open the door to having court hearings against other politicians. If they can take Trump to court over certain things then Trump can take them to court over the same things like taxes, January 6th etc.. This is all a plan that has been in the works since 1963 (JFK). Trump is playing a "part" in this show. Trump was selected to play this role because he "was one of them" and they trusted him, he is also clean as a whistle so they knew the deepstate couldn't touch him legally. Trump is playing chess against checker players and is always 5 steps ahead.
    6 points
  9. WEF?? Those azzholes are the reason we're in the ...mess.... the entire world is in. Must be something that would benefit them financially... let them create the change in the matrix and then we arrest them all for crimes against humanity..
    6 points
  10. Too bad that coward wasn’t arrested! Like to see the Obama’s & the whole Biden gang thrown into solitary confinement for the rest of their miserable lives!! 😀
    6 points
  11. Source: Al-Sudani travels to Switzerland for the Economic Forum and to meet with Blinken January 10, 2024Last updated: January 10, 2024 Al-Independent/ - An informed source revealed, today, Wednesday, that Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani intends to travel to Switzerland, next week, to attend the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum 2024, which will be held in the Swiss city of Davos-Klosters, from January 15 to 19. The second one is ongoing. The source added to Al-Mustaqila that Al-Sudani will be accompanied by a high-level delegation of ministers and the governor of the Central Bank, with the aim of holding meetings with Swiss banks and discussing ways to enhance economic cooperation between the two countries. Al-Sudani will also meet US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, to discuss bilateral relations between Iraq and the United States, and regional issues. The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum is considered one of the most important global economic events, in which the most prominent world leaders, businessmen and policy makers participate, to discuss the most important global economic, political and security issues. Al-Sudani's visit to Switzerland comes within the framework of Iraq's efforts to strengthen economic and political relations with countries around the world and attract foreign investments.مصدر-السوداني-يسافر-إلى-سويسرا-للمنتد/
    5 points
  12. Here it comes , gold backed and eventually all digital , This is a good thing .
    5 points
  13. I believe they’re talking about this Iraqi citizens that need Dollars for traveling abroad, Iraqi citizens that are studying abroad Iraqi citizens seeking medical treatment abroad. Just my opinion.
    5 points
  14. The Goat needs to be dewormed . She's got worms ! She needs some ivermectin . 🤣🤣
    5 points
  15. Iraqi dinar CBI Official Announcement dinar going international Iraqi dinar rate update latest. Currency Insider New 126 views · 16:06. It was this line BETTYBOOP at the bottom
    5 points
    5 points
  17. What a road trip that would be eh ? The place would never be the same @cutter73 Hmmm, I like it ! Pp
    5 points
  18. WEF meets in Davos.....14th to 19th.....CL
    5 points
  19. I agree CL, the rock is a middle of the road moderate instead of taking a stand for the constitution the rule of law and individual freedoms. So if this site bothers you, Delta is ready when you are!!
    5 points
  20. We should start a separate thread for this and other conspiracy theories. Most conspiracy theories are actually quite accurate if you dig deep enough. I am sure the thread would fill up rapidly
    5 points
  21. Let me check my calendar planner to see if I can fit this in for the 15th. anyone have the time so I can narrow it down?
    5 points
  22. I think we are at the closest point we have ever been in all these years. When you consider the progress they have made in the past year I can see why it never happened before. I am not saying it could not have happened but I don't think it would have worked as well as it could now
    5 points
  23. Yup. Heard this. All eyes are focused on the 15th.
    5 points
  24. Nothing personal against the Goat...maybe she needs new, better & more reliable contacts. A Guru is only as good as it's contacts.
    4 points
  25. He's getting pretty good at damage control, he has to do it pretty often
    4 points
  26. Now that's scary with my behavior....I'm already duck soup.
    4 points
  27. Either the contact knows nowt or is stringing the goat along. How would somebody at the CBI know anything about what was said in Washington or what Sudanis actual thoughts are about the coalition forces ... I call BS ON THIS ONE
    4 points
  28. ...and now for some humor to make our day... Bruce the Goose via WiserNow: Take Me To Your Leader. ARTICLE: The leaders of…redemption centers, the bank managers all put in their access codes. And now all they were waiting for is some form of return that gives them the green light from Treasury to proceed…Now it’s up to Treasury…to get the green light placed for everything to begin… we’ll see what develops over the next couple of days.
    4 points
  29. I have said for a while he isn't as smart as he tries to make out
    4 points
  30. I have just read the goats latest news letter.... looks like further delay... now there's a surprise! NOT!!!
    4 points
  31. Cashless society. I read where China is already pretty much cashless. If you have a cellphone you pay for everything from a cup of tea to checking in to the hospital. So with the electronic world we live in, is it really that far fetched? Question is, how much will the dinar be against the dollar and how do we cash out? Same plan I am assuming. And if there are any changes in cashing out I'm certain Adam will advise. Just my 2 cents. Freeze in the forecast. Black ice will be on the roads. Be safe and be prepared.
    4 points
  32. Dr. Heinrich von Frankenstein is the guest speaker I'm told. Greatest grandson of the family to be sure. I guess you could call him Young Frankenstein 😆
    4 points
  33. Yip bit pimpy is still insisting it is ro do with the rate. Latest post he is trying to back track on what he said
    4 points
  34. Trump said collapse within 12 months during Biden’s term! So I would say sooner…if this is true we will see collapse before November and no 2024 election!
    4 points
  35. I got to close to the closest point we've ever been to this point and passed through a membrane ( it smells like seaweed) to the other side of the closest point we've ever been to this point. Great I smell like fish 🤢. Point is, this is really an Alice through the Looking glass moment. Now I can see both sides of this Rodeo that's still going nowhere. Looks like I just doubled the BS ratio of this investment. Uh boy, now I'm Twice as perturbed & irked as before. Just trying to have fun here cuz yep this is the Twilight Zone.
    4 points
  36. I am going to issue a new directive....RV/RI your currency! 👍
    4 points
  37. You would think the government knows that the Iraqi's want to use the dinar, but they need to make that value respectable. I think we are close though!
    4 points
  38. Urgent The House of Representatives will hold its session next Saturday to elect its president Time : 2024/01/11 13:17:14 Read: 598 times {Political: Euphrates News} The House of Representatives will resume its regular sessions next Saturday after the end of its legislative holiday. The session was allocated according to the agenda of the parliament to elect a president of the council.مجلس-النواب-يعقد-جلسته-السبت-المقبل-لانتخاب-رئيسه Share this:
    3 points
  39. Good to see them putting it out there again. May seem like a Captain Obvious moment but these folks gotta keep pushing this hard to make it stick in the minds of the global investors that they're serious.
    3 points
  40. Every name on the Epstien list should be in Gitmo, including Prince Andrew and King Charles
    3 points
  41. 3 points
  42. The 15th is just fine with me! Actually, I am not set on that date...I will take any date. That is the kind of guy I am!!
    3 points

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