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  1. In his defence back in 2012 or 2013 Malika as the pm could not get Dr. Shabibi to put in jail falsely did put the deputy governor Salah in prison for 2-3 years he almost died in jail with severe heart trouble looked terrible upon release had a lot of people trying to get him released for falsely accused by Malika. Of course he now living the good life. I believe he in his late sixties. He never should have gone to prison. Malika should have been hung.
  2. Correct I remember seeing the pictures. They were like the old floor model IBM computers when they started computers hugh and long floor model de la rue machines. I believe they could also print the currency, but not sure now about printing currency. They were several million dollars each.
  3. Maybe he has a fly on the wall of the Prime minister's office.😄
  4. Screwball- This statement came from above Fnu Lnu. don't know anything about him ( I guess he another one of these supposed guru's ). so are we to assume he has contact with someone in office of the Prime Minister??
  5. So according to this article the process of deleting the zeros from the currency requires enacting a law and making some amendments. Good luck on getting this law approved any time quick maybe a year or 2 after they form several committees discussing it then 3 reviews before voting on it if they don't have it passed now of which I do not believe they have voted on it.
  6. BB I also feel this will be another dead year. I have mine back in my little safe for hoping 2026 to be the new dream for us. We all know how fast Iraq moves on anything they do except their holidays and vacations of which it seems they then have a fire under their A$$.
  7. Luigi Plus we know these SH#T Heads are going to continue delaying this. I believe we will not see any RV/RI for a long time. All the money they have they not any any hurry for progress just want to continue to steal & smuggle funds to Iran. You really know as well as I they go right through with Ramadan & not RV/RI as they been doing for years kicking the can down the road.
  8. I believe they keep postponing this because they the corrupt are making more money by corruption and by them RV/RI their golden goose will be gone & their power over the people will disappear . I believe they want to keep status quo til they die.
  9. Nwguy That's because they feel everyone owes them and for years they have been crying poor expecting all the countries to give them money. In the begining counties started giving money to Iraq ever since they would cry poor expecting everyone to give them handouts when they were very wealthy.
  10. I don't believe it and believe they will do the same for outside of Iraq where as we as investors will get shafted just like the iraqi citizens. facing a loss from this if its true of 1250 dinars equally 1 dinar of new dinars. That would give us a loss of around $200, for every million dinars. JMHO, I don't trust Iraq.
  11. So the CBI confirms that the new banknotes will be circulated along side the old notes and will be no intention to withdraw the old banknotes. The new notes introduction of prominent features on the new notes to enable the visually impaired to identify the banknotes denomination by touch. So they are not removing the old notes as we thought would happen. So are they still deleting the zeros no mention of this ??
  12. Yes they were threatened was over 3 years ago or longer and it didn't change anything they still did not show up in parliament. So this will not make any difference to them guess they will just still more to pay for the fine.
  13. Plus the system is in trial version & will be officially launched next year 2026. Could be another indication of not RV/RI until next year 2026
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