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  1. Sense of Urgency to get things done. Go Iraq 🇮🇶 Go Stronger Dinar
    14 points
  2. E-payment starting 1/1/24… No more cash at the pump ⛽️ They said 73% of the monetary mass is out of the banking system. This will help to bring some of that cash back to the banking system. Bring you chunky money > Open a bank account > Get e-card > Pump Gas. Go CBI Go New monetary policy Go Stronger dinar
    8 points
  3. we're digital in the US. electronic everything. but I still use cash as well. They are not as advanced as we are as far as going digital, and are going to need cash. If they do change the rate come January, they will have to have lower denoms in those ATM machines. Going all in on the dinar is huge. I just don't know if that will trigger the rate change. Logic says yes. But when has logic and Iraq been kissing cousins?
    8 points
  4. Another way to force money out of mattresses and into the banks. They will need a bank account with money in it just to be able to function on a daily basis. Forces a cashless society whether the citizens like it or not. Forces everything to be done in dinars and no lower notes or coins essential if being taken directly out the account
    6 points
  5. 6 points
  6. Oil decides to adopt electronic payment at gas stations starting from 2024 economy Ultra Iraq 22-November-2023 SHE SAID CITIZENS SHOULD COOPERATE IN ACTIVATING THE ORDER (FACEBOOK) The Ministry of Oil has decided to adopt electronic payment systems at all gas stations as of January 1, 2024. "Based on the directives of the Council of Ministers in its session numbered 23620 of 2023, held on October 31, 2023, related to activating the electronic payment service, adopting modern automation systems and ending cash dealing, and accordingly and in line with government directives, the Ministry of Oil decided to adopt electronic payment systems at all stations and suspend cash handling as of the first of January 2024," a statement issued by the ministry and seen by Ultra Iraq said. According to the statement, "citizens must cooperate with the Petroleum Products Distribution Company by adopting modern mechanisms and means in the distribution sector to serve the public interest, by acquiring approved electronic payment cards so that everyone can refuel according to the new mechanisms, and benefit from the services provided in the distribution sector." the distribution sector
    5 points
  7. 11-22-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Month, month and a half there's been quite a bit of positive news coming out of Iraq. Let's hope they stay out of trouble and continue working on doing what it takes to regain their sovereignty. They're taking all the right steps to do what it takes to appreciate the Iraqi dinar which all of us are happy about. You still got people out there...swearing up and down that means there's going to be a reinstatement of the $3.22 rate. I'm going to continue to tell you no it isn't. I still believe the Iraqi dinar is going to go up in increments. It's not going to jump up to $3.22 right off the get-go. It'll get there fairly quick but it's not going to happen overnight. As long as they stay in the good graces of the Untied States everything should be fine.
    5 points
  8. BRICS: Another country wants to dump the dollar on imports NOVEMBER 17, 2023 7:00 2 MIN READING Iraq is considering the creation of a free trade zone in which imported goods will be sold in the local currency, the Iraqi dinar. This one initiative aims to benefit consumers with competitive prices and increase the value of the dinar in the foreign exchange market. The move is in line with the BRICS strategy to reduce dependence on the US dollar, intending to enable Iraqi consumers to offer imported goods at lower prices when purchased in dinars. The government is seeking to streamline import procedures while mandating the use of dinars for transactions, reducing the dollar's role in the sale of imported products. The proposed free trade zone will serve as a hub for various imported goods and materials, facilitating bulk sales to the private sector in local currency. This strategic shift aims to strengthen Iraq's domestic economy and reduce dollar transactions within the zone Iraq is actively challenging the dominance of the US dollar. It recently banned cash withdrawals in US dollars, effective January 1, 2024. In addition, Iraq has formally applied to join BRICS, signaling its interest in diversifying away from the US dollar. This is in line with Iraq's broader strategy to minimize dependence on the dollar and encourage the use of the local currency, the dinar, in all transactions. Notably, the potential implications for various sectors in the US if BRICS were to reduce their use of the dollar are discussed.
    5 points
  9. The CBI director-general of investment and remittances, Mazen Ahmed, told Reuters that Iraq will ban cash withdrawals and transactions in US dollars as of Jan. 1, 2024. Ahmed indicated it is a push to curb the misuse of its hard currency reserves in financial crimes and the evasion of sanctions on Iran.
    5 points
  10. FYI...Here's the article from yesterday... Militia Man: My Way-My Time. Article: “Alaq says the rise in the exchange rate in his time and the project to delete the zeros still exists” When was that? July 26, 2023. The plan is still underway, hasn’t changed. It’s a dynamic and fluid circumstance. We had the Bank of International Settlements come out and talk about highly complex financial transactions …shocks, warning people…we can see there’s some fireworks going on…in the background.
    5 points
  11. Here's ana rticle of Dinarian interests... My way or the highway. Alak lays down the rule of law. Treat as a rumor. Not verified. Your opine. Militia Man: My Way-My Time. Article: “Alaq says the rise in the exchange rate in his time and the project to delete the zeros still exists” When was that? July 26, 2023. The plan is still underway, hasn’t changed. It’s a dynamic and fluid circumstance. We had the Bank of International Settlements come out and talk about highly complex financial transactions …shocks, warning people…we can see there’s some fireworks going on…in the background. Here's a song for fun while we wait...and wait...
    5 points
  12. Yup. CBI Director Alak confirmed yesterday, the 'Project To Delete The Zeros' is still on.
    5 points
  13. No worries, someone tripped over the cord and the plug popped outta the wall socket... they'll plug it in as soon as they form a committee to study the issue and decide on a resolution for a vote and then create a task force to actively engage a strategic plan to coordinate the plugging in procedure in the coming days. Happy Thanksgiving Y'all
    5 points
  14. it takes time to switch it over to 3 dollars it’s ok no rush
    5 points
  15. Show me the MONEY 💰!!!!! ( & I didn't use any naughty words ) 😆
    5 points
  16. If Germany can change rate overnight so can Iraq….after all this is the Marshall plan all over again…changing the rate overnight will force Iraqis to deposit their cash so they can use their card, the problem is without a significant change in rate and consumer pricing accounts will be quickly drained….a rate change in my opinion needs to be done this can be done overnight or anytime before….
    4 points
  17. I believer it has to have started prior to 1-1-24. It is impossible, or at least highly improbable, that they expect to just turn one off and the other on overnight. We are talking a multi-million dollar cash economy. It would be like trying to turn a jumbo oil tanker at full speed on a dime! The result would be mass-destruction, sunken ship, total chaos! There has to be a length of time where the process begins so that minimal damage occurs. Thus, I'm hearing possibly, highly likely, by dec. 1st. We'll see. Nobody knows for sure!
    4 points
  18. “Incest it” oh my…..😂😂😂😂
    4 points
  19. This leaves me to believe they will not rv before 1/1/24, in order to get some of the money off the streets and from under mattresses etc. then go on to change the rate once it's down to like 10%
    4 points
  20. The CBI director-general of investment and remittances, Mazen Ahmed, told Reuters that Iraq will ban cash withdrawals and transactions in US dollars as of Jan. 1, 2024. Ahmed indicated it is a push to curb the misuse of its hard currency reserves in financial crimes and the evasion of sanctions on Iran.
    4 points
  21. Yup. They like to get our hopes up then pull the rug out from under us & have a good laugh. However, Jan 2024 is a little different. A lot has been accomplished to finally push this RV through. IMHO.
    4 points
  22. I so , so hope and pray you are correct.
    4 points
  23. I cash in some, when they come out 1:1 to get rid of the USD usage to get debt free. Then sit back and wait to see where it goes. I believe, do to the pride of middle eastern minds, that they want to get close to Kuwait values, like before it all came crashing down.
    4 points
  24. I have to say.... although Pimpy flip flops all over the place , I have to agree it will go in increments. I think a straight up Ri back to the original rate would be too much of a shock to the markets. If I am wrong I would still be good with a straight up RI.
    4 points
  25. I feel similar to the rate changing in January. It seems that it should but I would not be surprised if it doesn't. Time is definitely running out for folks who don't hold dinar to go get some while they can.
    4 points
  26. I’m wondering what has happened to Yota? I have not seen any post from him since the site came back up! Hopefully he is okay and doing well! I miss him posting!
    3 points
  27. Al-Kadhimi reveals the Cabinet's decisions to reduce the dollar exchange rate Posted 37 seconds ago Al-Kazemi reveals the decisions of the Council of Ministers to reduce the dollar exchange rate ( News source /NR TV Chanel The representative of the "Al-Fatah" coalition, Moeen Al-Kadhimi, said today, Wednesday, that it is possible that a vote on a speaker for the Iraqi Parliament will take place after the legislative recess, that is, early next year. Al-Kadhimi revealed to NRT Arabia, "The real reasons for postponing the election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives in today's session are the failure to officially present a candidate for this position." Al-Kadhimi pointed out, "The candidate for this position must be accepted by the political blocs and there must be a Sunni consensus on it also by the coordination framework and the Kurdish blocs." He pointed out, "There are names circulating for the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives, including Abdul Karim Abtan, or Dr. Muzahim from Mosul, and Ziad Al-Janabi, Karim Al-Shaalan, from the Taqadum Party," adding, "The Azm Alliance has Ahmed Al-Jubouri, Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani, and Salem Al-Issawi, Likewise, Muthanna Al-Samarrai, these are the common names." He added, "There is a competition for the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives between the political blocs, as an ambition between the representatives of the House of Representatives from the two blocs to reach the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives," pointing out, "Yesterday, Tuesday, there was a meeting between Khamis Al-Khanjar and Muhammad Al-Halbousi and their blocs, and the two were authorized To choose the appropriate candidate for the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives." Al-Kadhimi continued, "It is possible that the vote on the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives will be postponed until after the legislative recess, that is, early next year." On the other hand, Al-Kadhimi stressed, "The Presidency of the Council of Ministers had some decisions to issue remittances to buy gold, cars, mobile phones, or cigarettes, and this would reduce the pressure currently on the black market and thus lead to a gradual reduction in the dollar exchange rate." He pointed out that "some of the numbers on the black market are fictitious and are created by speculation through networks to raise the price, and that these numbers are not real," adding, "the failure to issue remittances for some imports from various other countries covered by the sanctions also leads to a rise in the dollar exchange rates." “. Senior Supplier
    3 points
  28. 3 points
  29. Salary crisis precipitates new round of talks between Erbil and Baghdad Economic News - Salary crisis precipitates new round of talks between Erbil and Baghdad ( Economy Baghdad News The Minister of Finance of the Kurdistan Region, Awat Janab Nouri, confirmed that a government team will go to Baghdad to discuss the issue of salaries, pointing out that there is readiness by the federal government to solve the problems of the region, as the problem of salaries is one of the most prominent chronic points of contention between the two sides. Nouri told reporters on Wednesday that the regional government had sent the review budget to the federal government on funding salaries for the last three months of this year, but did not specify a date for the delegation's upcoming visit. The region used to have an independent source of funding that enabled it to pay salaries in part thanks to its oil exports, but since the end of last March it has lost its most important resources due to the cessation of Iraqi oil exports to Turkey. Last month, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani announced a conditional financial settlement with the Kurdistan region over the salary crisis, pointing to observations on the number of employees in the region, the main point of the dispute with the regional government. The Iraqi government has begun distributing the salaries for the month of November, while the Kurdistan Regional Government is waiting for Baghdad to send it 700 billion dinars (just over $ 600 million), as a loan previously agreed upon to pay the salaries of last September, and this is the last month in which Baghdad will send loans to the region, while the fate of the salaries of the remaining three months for the employees of the regional government for this year is unknown, and it depends on the Sudanese approval of the request sent several times ago. Days by KRG Prime Minister Masrour Barzani to obtain new loans from Baghdad. The Assistant Prime Minister of Kurdistan for Economic and Administrative Affairs, Ribaz Hamlan, explained that Barzani's message to the Sudanese included two important points, the first is to demand another three months' salary, and the second is to amend the salary item in the federal budget. He said at a press conference in the middle of this month, "We had previously demanded Baghdad for the salaries of the last six months of 2023, and the federal government agreed to send 700 billion dinars per month for 3 months," adding, "We had demanded to send 800 billion dinars per month, and Baghdad has so far sent two months of the three months that announced its approval, and will send another 700 billion dinars by the end of this month." "Al-Sudani made a decision at the cabinet meeting to send three salaries, but we hope that the federal government will send three more salaries", Hamlan said. He stressed at the same time, that "the Prime Minister of Kurdistan is in constant contact with the Iraqi Prime Minister," pointing out that during Sudani's visit to Erbil, President Barzani and the President of the Kurdistan Region stressed the importance of strengthening relations between Erbil and Baghdad, especially in the issue of salaries and oil. Regarding the amount related to the cost of producing Kurdistan's oil, Hamlan noted that the regional government "has set an amount and the Iraqi government has proposed another amount, so there is convergence, and oil exports will resume as soon as possible." Politicians in Kurdistan believe that Baghdad is directly responsible for paying the salaries of employees in the region, like other Iraqi provinces, and must abide by the agreement concluded with Erbil on the budget law and complete the sending of financial payments. But officials in Baghdad blame the Erbil government, blaming it for failing to perform its duties by refraining from handing over the salaries of the region's employees under the pretext that they were not sent by the central government, while it continues to illegally seize oil export funds, in addition to the revenues of border crossings. The autonomous region's government earlier appealed to the international community to support it in order to obtain its financial dues, blaming Baghdad for not sending the budget. Informed sources said that the federal government will send during the last week of this month the last financial payment according to the agreement between Baghdad and Erbil, dedicated to the payment of salaries of employees, but it will be the last payment and the submission was informed to the Kurdistan government, provided that a new agreement will be made between the two parties, noting that after sending this payment, Baghdad will not send any other amounts, which will lead to a new crisis in the region where the Kurdistan government will stop paying salaries, if it does not agree with Baghdad. The Federal Council of Ministers voted last September to send 2.1 trillion dinars to the Kurdistan region in the form of 3 payments, and by 700 billion dinars for each payment as salaries for 3 months, where two batches were sent, the first in late October and was distributed as salaries for the month of July and the second payment sent a few days ago and distributed as salaries for the month of August, while the last payment will be calculated as salaries for the month of September, while the salaries of the last three months of the year remain unaccounted for. Views 13 Added 2023/11/22 - 9:27 PM
    3 points
  30. Rumor has it(from another site that I'm sure many are aware of) that all major currencies will be on an even level of 1 to 1 in the new year. That means the KWD will depreciate supposedly, along with other currencies values above a buck. If true, I really wonder IF they will appreciate from $1, or just stay there? I am not a part of that site that is claiming these things, so I cannot ask this.
    3 points
  31. 3 points
  32. The CBI director-general of investment and remittances, Mazen Ahmed, told Reuters that Iraq will ban cash withdrawals and transactions in US dollars as of Jan. 1, 2024. Ahmed indicated it is a push to curb the misuse of its hard currency reserves in financial crimes and the evasion of sanctions on Iran.
    3 points
  33. BRICS: Iraq to Ditch US Dollar for Imported Goods Vinod Dsouza November 16, 2023 Source: / Photo: Alsharqiya Iraq is considering establishing a free trade zonefor selling imported goods in local currency, the Iraqi Dinar. The move would benefit consumers from competitive prices and help the dinar grow stronger in the currency market. Iraq’s free trade zone is following in the footsteps of BRICS who want to reduce dependency on the US dollar. Iraqi consumers stand to gain from the development as procuring imported goods in local currency dinar would be cheaper. The Iraqi government intends to streamline the import procedure while guaranteeing that the dinar is used for transactions. Iraq is looking to nip the buds of the US dollar and limit its usage for selling imported products. The free trade zone would be a center for all the imported goods, commodities, and materials. It would then be sold in bulk to the private sector in local currency, reported the Iraqi News Agency (INA). The move would help to solidify Iraq’s native economy and keep the US dollar away from transactions in the free trade zone.
    3 points
  34. as you know the debt clock as been transmitting messages. If you check now you will see an image regarding social ask yourself whats the chances of both MUSK and TRUMP launching legal proceedings against media companies???? now whats the chances of the debt clock changing their message to suit this???? I can tell you MUSK and TRUMP are working together! The debt clock tells us more than you need to know!
    3 points
  35. I believe, after talking to Forex Investors, the chatter on Forex prior to the actual RI will be focused on Iraq and the Dinar! Once we see and hear that, very soon after we all cash in! just sayin!
    3 points
  36. who knows what’s going up but with all the news we have right now … RV could go anytime imo
    3 points
  37. i will tell you something about BILLIONAIRES, they don't all like each other! I know several and let me tell you they are different...I told one recently that hes clueless, he said why? I said d"do you often wear red shoes?" he had no idea what they represent! he didn't make any further comment! hes right man then made a hand jesture on camera, thinking no one would notice! well people did, and I did i said to him"why did you make the hand jesture?" he said it was a joke! I said "bad joke, almost good as your boss wearing red shoes" you dont become a billioanire without selling your soul and doing deals!...millionaires no one cares about, Billonaires have influence and power! TRUMP and MUSK are Whitehats and part of the Billionaire alliance!
    3 points
  38. Iraqi government issues a number of new decisions - Urgent Politics | Today, 19:30 | Iraqi government issues a number of new decisions - Urgent » Baghdad News Agency Today ( Baghdad today - The Council of Ministers holds its forty-seventh regular session under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister, Mr. Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani •••••••••• Part I Prime Minister Mohamed Shia Al-Sudani chaired, on Tuesday, the forty-seventh regular session of the Council of Ministers, during which they discussed the developments of the general situation throughout the country, discussed the progress of the implementation of the government program, in all its main axes and objectives, as well as deliberated on the topics on the agenda, and took the necessary decisions on them. At the beginning of the session, the Prime Minister offered his condolences on the painful traffic accident, which claimed the lives of a number of members of the educational staff of the teachers of Al-Ibrahimi School in Safwan district in Basra Governorate, which witnessed the death of (ten) educational staff and (three) children. He directed His Excellency to send a delegation to provide all possible assistance, assistance and support to the families of the bereaved victims, and to follow up on their needs. In the field of trade regulation and the import of some materials and commodities, which some traders are forced to finance from the informal market for foreign currency, and the negative repercussions of this financing on the exchange rate, the Council of Ministers has taken a number of decisions and measures aimed at facilitating the access of importers of goods (gold, cars, mobile phones, cigarettes) to the services of the external banking financial transfer platform, in order to make it easier for importers of these commodities to obtain financing in foreign currency at the official exchange rate and avoid resorting to buying currency Foreign from the informal market. This will reflect positively on the reduction of the price of foreign currency in the informal market, as trade in the aforementioned materials constitutes a large part of the demands for foreign currency in the informal market, as these decisions included reducing customs duties on containers, another reduction in cigarette import fees and the adoption of certificates of origin issued by the chambers of commerce of exporting countries, and these decisions also included simplifying the procedures for importing gold through air ports and with 24-hour service. The Council of Ministers continued to consider the topics of the session, as the Council of Ministers decided to form a committee headed by the Minister of Planning, and the membership of the Ministers of Interior, Construction, Housing, Higher Education, Scientific Research and Justice, the Ministers of Interior and Finance of the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq, the Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers, the Head of the Legal Department in the Council of Ministers, the Director General of Customs, the Chairman of the Border Ports Authority and the Director General of Taxes, to undertake the following tasks: - Review the procedures for unifying customs policy at all border, land and sea crossings and airports, and propose the necessary decisions to implement what is stated in the ministerial curriculum in this regard. - Develop a comprehensive and unified vision for the implementation of customs policies, product protection laws and decisions in this regard. - Review the mechanisms for implementing the Border Ports Authority Law No. (30 of 2016), and its amendments, and propose the necessary treatments to enable the Authority and the concerned authorities to perform their tasks, and that the committee completes its work within a month, and it may seek the assistance of whomever it wants from the specialists. Within the framework of continuous support for the agricultural sector in accordance with the government programme, the Council of Ministers approved the recommendation of the Ministerial Council for Economy (230308) as follows: 1. Authorizing the Mesopotamian State Seed Company and the Iraqi Seed Production Company to contract with licensed private sector laboratories (maize dumping and drying plants) as an exception to the contracting methods in the instructions for the implementation of government contracts (2 of 2014). 2. The use of the airports of the Ministry of Defense as spaces for the receipt of yellow corn under the management and supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture. 3. Allocating (150) billion dinars in addition to the remaining amounts of the amounts previously allocated for the purchase of yellow corn for the season (2023-2024). 4. Approving the price of (380) thousand dinars for the purchase of one ton of yellow corn corn. 5. Approving the price of (435) thousand dinars for the sale of one ton of yellow corn grains. Provided that the Ministry of Agriculture initially delivers the share of the Ministry of Finance by (70%) for the sale of yellow corn for the season (2022-2023), and abides by the text of Article (44) of the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq, for the fiscal years (2023-2024-2025), for the coming seasons. In the same file, it was decided to amend Cabinet Resolution 248 of 2022, as follows: - Approval of the establishment of grain marketing centers (silo), in the governorates of Wasit and Kirkuk, to increase the storage capacity of the revenues of the General Company for Grain Trade. In the oil sector, the recommendation of the Ministerial Council of Economy (230270 BC) was approved, which includes the approval of what is proven in the letter of the Ministry of Oil regarding the correction of the Cabinet Resolution (23068 of 2023), and paragraph (5) of the Cabinet Resolution (23188 of 2023), regarding the pricing of petroleum products. In the oil file, the Council of Ministers approved the following: 1- The entry into force of the two decisions of the Council of Ministers (100 and 189 of 2022) for their implementation by the Ministry of Oil, according to its letter on October 16, 2023. 2- Amending the Council of Ministers Resolution (23 of 2022), according to which the Petroleum Products Distribution Company bears the amount of taxes that will be incurred by the contract in question, and then later, after determining its amount and applying the description of (government debt) to it, the matter will be submitted to the Council of Ministers, in accordance with its powers to waive, delete or postpone stipulated in the Federal Financial Management Law (6 of 2019) as amended. As part of the government's efforts to develop the gas sector and invest it optimally, the Cabinet approved the recommendation of the Ministerial Council of Energy (23097 T of 2023) regarding the tender for the modernization of the gas desalination plant, the establishment of a nitrogen unit and the compression and drying facilities for the West Qurna/2 field, as follows: - Approval of the tender for the modernization of the gas desalination plant, the establishment of the nitrogen unit and the gas pressing and drying facilities, for the West Qurna/2 field in the custody of the Italian company (SICIM SpA), with a total amount of (619) million dollars, of Italian origin, with an implementation period of (990 days). The Cabinet also approved the recommendation of the Ministerial Council of Energy (23093 of 2023) regarding the Ibn Omar field gas investment project, as follows: 1. Recommending to the Council of Ministers to exempt the gas investment project (Bin Omar field) from the Cabinet Resolution (245 of 2019) amended by Cabinet Resolution (23374) of 2023, regarding the announcement of investment projects exclusively, through the National Investment Authority. 2. Guarantee of payment of funds through the Ministry of Finance (payment guarantee), to be determined by the Ministry of Oil from November 21, 2023, in light of the allocations allocated in the budget annually. 3. The financial payment of invoices for all dues by crude oil, only through the Oil Marketing Company (SOMO), shall be an exception to the instructions to facilitate the implementation of the budget. In continuation of the government's efforts to develop the electricity sector and address its crises, the Council of Ministers approved the recommendation of the Ministerial Council of Energy (23091 T for the year 2023) regarding the Iraqi-Saudi electrical interconnection project, as follows: 1. Referring the implementation of the consultancy work for the Iraqi-Saudi electrical interconnection project to Terta Tech for obtaining the highest technical and financial evaluation score, at a total cost of (1,088,652) dollars, only one million eighty-eight thousand six hundred and fifty-two dollars, in six months. 2. Authorizing the Ministry of Electricity to sign the tripartite contract within the operational budget allocations, as an exception to the instructions for the implementation of government contracts (2 of 2014). Based on the directives of the Prime Minister to support the sports sector in various sports events, the Council of Ministers approved the allocation of 923 million dinars from the total budget allocated for the Asian Cup for Bow and Arrow / First Stage, which will be held in the capital Baghdad for the period from 20-25 February 2024, in order to be at a decent level and conform to the conditions of the International Bow and Arrow Federation, according to the letter of the Ministry of Youth and Sports dated November 19, 2023. Within the framework of reducing the spread of the drug phenomenon and mitigating its effects, the Council of Ministers approved the allocation by the Ministry of Finance of ten billion dinars to the Ministry of Interior / General Directorate of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Affairs for the maintenance and restoration of forced drug rehabilitation centers, and the amount is allocated from the emergency reserve, based on the provisions of the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq, for the three fiscal years. In the file of military industrialization, the Council of Ministers approved the receipt of all iron waste, which includes weapons, military equipment, military waste, colored metals (copper, leprosy and aluminum) seized from the security services, to the Military Industrialization Commission, after the verdict acquired the final degree from the competent courts. The Council also agreed to include the Military Industrialization Commission with the provisions of the Customs Law 23 of 1984, as amended, provided that the ultimate beneficiary of the goods imported from the Authority above, the armed forces and the internal security forces.
    3 points
  39. Rafidain Bank announces the launch of a purchases card local Yesterday, 15:03 Baghdad - IA Today, Monday, Rafidain Bank announced the launch of a purchasing card for all state institutions. The bank said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that “in accordance with government directives and Cabinet decisions regarding the adoption of electronic payment, the electronic card was launched for the procurement committees for all state institutions that have their accounts with Rafidain Bank and all private sector institutions.” He added, "The bank has begun applying and approving the card with regard to the bank's procurement committees, and the mechanism of operation of these cards will be according to the following formula: - It is not possible to withdraw cash from the card. - The card does not work outside Iraq. - It is not possible to transfer from the card. - Zero commission for shopping. - Deposit funds into the card and use them exclusively for purchasing purposes. - The card is debit type.
    3 points
  40. Mega millions 11/21/23 18 37 38 49 52 MB 22 Powerball 11/22/23 01 10 17 59 61 PB 11
    3 points
  41. Thank you 6ly410 for the updates Absolutely!!!! Please and Thank you 😁
    3 points
  42. Dear heavens!! .... they better be careful.... making all those decisions in 1 go might mean they will need a 3 day holiday.
    3 points
  43. MM 11/21/23 02-31-40-43-61 MB 17 PB 11/22/23 52-59-61-65-69 PB 26
    3 points

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