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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/2023 in all areas

  1. Hemn Hawrami: The best solution to the region's oil case is to pass the oil and gas bill in the Iraqi parliament He calls the appointment of the day of the Kurdistan parliamentary election a "very important step" Hemn Hawrami: The best solution to the region's oil case is to pass the oil and gas bill in the Iraqi parliament ( Hemn Hawrami, deputy speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament K24 - Erbil: The deputy speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament believes that the best solution to the Kurdistan Regional Government's oil case is to pass the oil and gas bill in the Iraqi parliament, noting that good progress has been made in discussions between the KRG's Ministry of Natural Resources and the federal government's oil ministry. He calls the appointment of the day of the Kurdistan parliamentary elections "a very important step". On Sunday (March 26, 2023), a delegation of the Kurdistan Regional Government ( KRG) on the recommendation of Masrour Barzani, the president of the Kurdistan Regional Government, to continue discussions on resolving the problems Between Erbil and Baghdad, each in Kamal Muhammad, the minister of natural system, Omid Sabah, the head of the council of ministers and Faris Issa, The head of the regional government's representative in Baghdad visited Baghdad. Hemin Hawrami, deputy speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament, told Kurdistan 24 that good progress has been made in discussions between the KRG's ministry of natural resources and the federal government's oil ministry and reiterated their support for the agreements between the KRG and the Iraqi government. Hawrami believes the best solution to "face all these tensions" is to pass the oil and gas law in the Iraqi parliament, which "I think is a major part of the agreement to form a new Iraqi government, and Sudan has reaffirmed its commitment to implementing the agreement during his last visit to the Kurdistan Region". In the past few days, Ervin Hicks, the US consul in Erbil, has linked an analysis report on his Twitter account, which he described as a "cartoon region". Hawrami says, "Like the Kurdistan Region, we have shortcomings, but in many other parts of the world it is the most advanced, yet we need to be self-sufficient, and it is important for diplomatic envoys to abide by international laws and regulations and the Vienna Agreement." "Such statements will have no effect on the entity of the Kurdistan Region," he said, stressing that the Kurdistan Region is a constitutional entity based on the Iraqi constitution as a result of the struggle striving of the People of Kurdistan. On Sunday, March 26, 2023, Dilshad Shahab, spokesman for the Kurdistan Regional Government(KRG), said at a press conference: "Today, 26 March 3, the President of the Kurdistan Region, in accordance with Law No. 2023 of 1, amended by the Kurdistan Regional Government's Presidential Law, ordered the holding of the sixth round of the Kurdistan Parliament." Hemin Hawrami calls the election day "a very important step" and believes that "this is half way, the other half is in the field of political parties and the Kurdistan Parliament". He called on the political parties in the Kurdistan Region to cooperate with their factions in the Kurdistan Parliament on the issue of conducting the kurdistan parliamentary elections. "I think most of the parties have made good compromises for the sake of the public interest and holding elections," said Hemin Hawrami. "The political parties that are currently in the political process need to reconsider and take back their treatment, so we believe that holding elections is a political and legal need and should be held this year," said the deputy speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament. Any kind of talk about not holding elections is aimed at eliminating the kurdistan region's constitutional entity. Regarding the 29th special session of this month's federal court on extending the life of the Kurdistan Parliament, he explained that whatever the outcome of the session, it will have an impact on the election
    13 points
  2. Financial Management Information Systems (FMIS) support the automation and integration of public financial management processes including budget formulation, execution (e.g. commitment control, cash/debt management, treasury operations), accounting, and reporting. FMIS solutions can significantly improve the efficiency and equity of government operations, and offer a great potential for increasing participation, transparency and accountability. Whenever FMIS and other PFM information systems (for example, e-procurement, payroll, debt management) are linked with a central data warehouse (DW) to record and report all daily financial transactions, offering reliable consolidated platforms can be referred to as integrated FMIS (or IFMIS). The World Bank is a leading provider of financing and technical assistance for FMIS development. Go White Papers Go reforms Go open market economy Go Stronger Dimar $1+
    11 points
  3. Oil and Gas Law on the Table of Hakim and Chairman of the Oil Committee Politics | Today, 19:59 | Oil and Gas Law on the Table of Hakim and Chairman of the Oil Committee » Baghdad Today News Agency Baghdad Today - Chairman of the Oil and Gas Committee meets the Chairman of the National Wisdom Movement to discuss the political scene and approve important laws The Chairman of the Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee, Haibet Al-Halbousi, met on Sunday, in the presence of members of the committee, the head of the National Wisdom Movement, Mr. Ammar Al-Hakim, to discuss developments in the political scene. The two sides discussed the role of the House of Representatives in approving important laws to complete the structure of the political system, in addition to laws that are in direct contact with the concerns of citizens, and the need for integration between the work of parliamentary committees and ministries. During the meeting, Mr. Al-Halbousi stressed the need to invest in the political climate to approve the oil and gas law, which has been suspended in the Iraqi parliament since 2005, revealing the desire of most parliamentary blocs to approve this law, which will reflect positively on the promotion and development of the reality of the oil sector in Iraq. Media Office Chairman of the Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee MP Haibet Al-Halbousi 26/3/2023
    10 points
  4. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt .... Especially if it comes from Mark ... RON Nader From The Mid East In our religion [Muslim] it's against our religion to make profits from Banks and everybody can tell you that and it's in the Quran. When you put your money in a bank and that money makes babies you give it back to the bank or you give it to poor people. And now we hear the latest outrageous rumor from Mark MarkZ Member Comment: I hear Iraq’s ready. Answer: Yes they are...I was told [the rate] between $1.61 and $1.68. We wont know for certain which one until we get there. They know it’s going to float to that $3+ range. ...I was told it was announced and they have let the world know that they are moving forward... And I was told they are going to go towards the end of Ramadan...[Ramadan ends April 20] I’ve been told...there is a hard push to get it out the doors in the next few days. The comforting part is we can now see the end. It would be nice if it were true, but consider the source...RON
    10 points
  5. Ty 6ly410 This is good news and I believe we are closer then we have ever been on the HCL! Im praying good things for us all
    9 points
  6. Al-Hakim: Approval of oil and gas law is an "urgent necessity" Posted 42 seconds ago Al-Hakim: Approval of the oil and gas law is an "urgent necessity" - Iraq News ( News Source /Mawazine News political | 12:32 - 03/27/2023 Baghdad - Mawazine News, the head of the Wisdom Movement, Ammar al-Hakim, considered, on Monday, the approval of the oil and gas law as an "urgent necessity." Al-Hakim said in a statement, "We met members of the Parliamentary Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee, and we discussed with them developments in the political and economic scene and the government's paths in providing services." Al-Hakim added, “As we stressed the importance of working on approving the oil and gas law as it represents the legal ground for oil and gas activity and natural resources, especially after the decisions taken by the Federal Court in this regard, which made it an urgent necessity.” And he continued, “We called for the adoption of the national interest in the legislative and oversight performance of the committee, and we indicated the importance of preserving Iraqi wealth and working to invest it and convert it into development projects that benefit future generations. We also called for investing in political stability to pass pending laws.”
    9 points
  7. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt .... RON Militia Man We're hearing there could very well be some repricing coming sometime in the next week or so or less. Repricing is important because it means they have a change coming. Let's see what happens in the next 24 to 48 hours. Breitling Iraq's new strategy is...very simple. How do they expand their customer base? Right now, they want to accept other's very very good news. Pimpy As we are all aware Ramadan has started. We're talking about 30 days of usually nothing really gets accomplished during this time. I'm not saying it won't but usually it doesn't.
    9 points
  8. Well if true then hang onto your panties as we're about to come in under the wire for @Artitech , oh and the rest of us as well 😉 pp
    8 points
  9. RVMD, it's good to see you're being open. We're all in this together as an investment - Be Positive, Hope for the best, and be open to what is being said. We're trying to share and learn as much as possible about what is ACTUALLY taking place. We all know there are some rumor mongers out there, but most are trying to interpret and understand all that's taking place, and share their opinions. Some are more knowledgeable than most of us. Blessings..! RON
    8 points
  10. Every time I hear the ministry of planning, it reminds me the feasibility study on the dinar exchange rate. $1.13 per dinar. Go Stronger dinar $1+
    7 points
  11. Al-Hakim stresses the importance of approving the oil and gas law Today 09:05 Al-Hakim stresses the importance of passing the oil and gas law | Information ( The head of the National Wisdom Movement, Ammar al-Hakim, stressed on Monday the importance of passing the oil and gas law. The media office of the head of the Wisdom Movement said in a statement received by the agency / Information /, that "Hakim met with members of the Parliamentary Committee on Oil, Gas and Natural Resources headed by Haibet Al-Halbousi." "Al-Hakim blessed them with the advent of the blessed month of Ramadan, and we discussed with them the developments of the political and economic scene and the government's paths in providing services," he said. According to the statement, Al-Hakim stressed "the importance of working to approve the oil and gas law as it represents the legal ground for oil, gas and natural resource activity, especially after the decisions taken by the Federal Court in this regard, which made it an urgent necessity.” He pointed out that "Al-Hakim called for the adoption of the national interest in the legislative and oversight performance of the committee, and we showed the importance of preserving Iraqi wealth and working to invest it and turn it into development projects that benefit future generations , as we called for investing in political stability to pass pending laws." End/ 25 s
    7 points
  12. No it is not good . BUT you never know.. maybe they are waiting to pass the oil n gas law at the same time as the budget. We can hope.
    7 points
  13. Isn’t the ministry of planning who years ago had the 1.12 rate or there abouts listen on their website for contracts?
    6 points
  14. Added @ 9:50 PM CDT: Frank26 Question: "If we no longer have receipts or if we want to give some away do we need a receipt?" If you don't have a receipt that could be a problem for you. Not when you go to exchange but when you pay your taxes. You'll want to prove to the government you held your currency for at least 1 year, in the case of capital gains taxes. You see what Biden wants to do - charge everyone up to 39% for everyone make a certain amount of money. That's wicked...
    6 points
  15. Not about right or wrong…I just report on what’s said or reported….trump said April will be crazy….at the same time Putin wiped of 40 billion in west African debt and this from the Kansan President….what’s more amusing to me is the whole time the President was speaking everyone was laughing and I can only guess at the collapse of the dinar…will this mean an Iraq rate change who knows but if the dollar and markets crash who knows maybe Iraq will have to take some extra ordinary measures? Who knows not me! I will say this again it serves no purpose me making up Shute or peddling lies, I am heavily invested more so than most and I can guarantee this no matter when it happens I will still be invested!
    6 points
  16. The Iraqi economy similar to the economies of other countries cannot flourish and grow without achieving financial stability in the general budget, and reforming the financial institutions and infrastructure that enable effective management of such reforms. Therefore, the first axis in this paper focuses on achieving sustainable financial stability, which requires: (i) rationalizing expenditures by taking immediate and medium-term measures applicable to the Iraqi environment; (ii) increasing revenues, improving cash flow, and providing the necessary liquidity to meet expenditures; and (iii) reforming financial management systems, to lay the foundations for reform and empower the institutions to effectively and sustainably manage public finance. Go Iraq Go reforms Go stronger dinar $1+
    6 points
  17. Here's an article from Dinarland... Going, going, going, gone...Iraq goes international. Treat as a rumor. Not verified. Your opine. Frank26 via 'Boots-On-The-Ground' via Firefly: Gone International. ARTICLE: My bank friend from the 1st Bank of Iraq has new global money transfers. He said the system just started. This screams international. Frank26: That's awesome! Yes it does !
    5 points
  18. Parliamentary assurances that oil and gas law legislation is imminent Today 20:23 Parliamentary assurances that oil and gas law legislation is imminent | Information ( Information/Baghdad... The Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee in the House of Representatives revealed on Monday the date for the enactment of the Oil and Gas Law in Parliament. Committee member Zainab al-Musawi told the official agency that "there is an agreement between Baghdad and Erbil to legalize the federal oil and gas law," noting that "the House of Representatives will work on legalizing it during the coming legislative chapters." "The federal oil and gas law guarantees the rights of oil-producing provinces in the center and south," she said. She pointed out that "discussions are underway on the draft law to resolve differences between the center and the region permanently," pointing out that "the law will include the delivery of oil revenues from the region of about 500 thousand barrels per day to the public treasury.” Finished 25n
    5 points
  19. Here's another article related to the above... BLC via TLM724: WB Commitment. ARTICLE: Today, Sunday: The World Bank confirms it's full commitment to providing support & Automatic Public Financial Management in Iraq.
    5 points
  20. Right you are Ron. All of us are trying to stay strong and hope and pray for our blessings. The thing about what is going on in the world today, is there is so much info out their that we DO NOT get. On this site, many many articles comments and opinions are presented and most are very logical and informative. Many contribute to the conversation especially screwball, yota, CL, Pitcher etc. It is up to each of us to decide what we do with that info. I feel fortunate to have found this site. The value of the site and the info presented goes FAR beyond just dinar. It very well could save many members much hertache and grief just by having current political and financial info available here with which to makes decisions about their life.
    5 points
  21. So many videos on the subject, but Robert Kiyosaki is known to most; this is an explanation of the nations that are joining BRICS and the new economic system that is coming.
    5 points
  22. We shall see, things are definitely lining up and getting interesting… I saw the clip of the Kenyan Centsl bank speaking this am as well early this morning. I definitely heard the two week time frame and was like 👀👀👀
    5 points
  23. I share what I know….I don’t hold anything back…I know gold backed is coming and will be done by September at latest….Fed will,launch their own bs gold backed CBDC but none of the exporting countries will accept it, because they don’t have the gold…all the major oil exporting countries as well as China and India two of the largest manufacturing countries are all BRICS….gold backed and asset backed will be the new norm….CBDC are no more….only the U.S. and DS are pushing it but most countries have rejected them….you need to trust TRUMP, XI, BIN Salman and PUTIN….They are collapsing the USD system…it has literally already collapsed…The USD and US will be once again a major exporter and energy independent as TRUMP said, he knows the plan! The Golden age is coming….those that listened to his WACO speech would know he mention gold a few times, hinting at what’s below…
    5 points
  24. I would like to clear something up…I was referring the Kenya CBI Governor and not Iraqs and as pointed out by a member of DV it was their President…sorry it was late at night when I posted this my sleeping meds had kicked in (insomnia -PTSD) it was a typo and poor grammar! Sorry!
    5 points
  25. Here's another article related to the above...This is all we need...another impact study... From Another Site: Impact Study Soon To Be Released. ARTICLE: The Minister of Planning: We will soon present recommendations to the Council of Ministers to address the repercussions of changing the exchange rate. Maher Johan said in a statement he would soon give his recommendations on the economic impact of the exchange rate.
    4 points
  26. Parliamentary Committee: Agreement between Baghdad and Erbil on the legislation of the oil and gas law Today, 18:28 Baghdad - Nassar Al-Hajj The Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee in the House of Representatives revealed on Monday the date of enacting the oil and gas law in Parliament. Committee member Zainab al-Musawi told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "There is an agreement between Baghdad and Erbil to legislate the federal oil and gas law," noting that "the House of Representatives will work on legislating it during the coming legislative chapters." "The federal oil and gas law guarantees the rights of oil-producing provinces in the center and south," she said. She pointed out that "discussions are underway on the draft law to resolve differences between the center and the region permanently," pointing out that "the law will include the delivery of oil revenues from the region of about 500 thousand barrels per day to the public treasury."
    4 points
  27. Legislation has been awaiting for 18 years. Baghdad and Erbil agree to approve oil and gas law Economic News Agency - Legislation has been awaiting for 18 years. Baghdad and Erbil agree to approve oil and gas law ( Economy News - Baghdad The Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee in the House of Representatives confirmed on Monday that there is an agreement between Baghdad and Erbil to legislate the oil and gas law in parliament. Committee member Zainab al-Musawi said that "there is an agreement between Baghdad and Erbil to legislate the federal oil and gas law," noting that "the House of Representatives will work on legislating it during the coming legislative chapters." "The federal oil and gas law guarantees the rights of oil-producing provinces in the center and south," al-Moussawi said. She added that "discussions are underway on the draft law to resolve the differences between the center and the region permanently," pointing out that "the law will include the delivery of oil revenues from the region of about 500 thousand barrels per day to the public treasury." 38 views Added 2023/03/27 - 7:00 PM
    4 points
  28. This was an " urgent necessity " at least 10 years ago. Like all their now worn out meaningless catchy phrases, this one can mean from Now to at least 10 Years...they're stalling. If this was so critical they'd have done it by now.
    4 points
  29. Thank you all for the positives in the comments to this news as it’s great to see the World Bank and the Iraqi Economy in the same headline. I am more than ready to reap the benefits of the long wait but I realise also that Goose won’t lay the Golden Egg till it’s ready. 🙏
    4 points
  30. Pffft......I've been on Channel 2 all weekend!😆
    4 points
  31. KRG Delegation, Iraqi PM Review Latest Hurdles Facing KRG Crude Exports ERBIL — A delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) on Sunday met with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' al-Sudani in Baghdad to highlight recent challenges to KRG's oil exports. Earlier in the day, the Kurdish delegation met the Iraqi minister of oil for the same purpose, according to KRG Representative in Baghdad Faris Issa. The KRG delegation visited Baghdad today to negotiate a way forward after a court in Paris settled a pending case on KRG oil sales, ruling that the KRG couldn't export its crude through the Ceyhan port in Turkey without the consent of the federal government in Baghdad. Relations between Erbil and Baghdad have recently improved, with KRG authorities hoping recent positive developments in relations between the two can help in resolving this latest legal challenge to KRG oil exports. A joint committee from Erbil and Baghdad are working to draft a much anticipated hydrocarbons bill, which will stipulate the rights and obligations of both parties. A hydrocarbons law will also help both sides handle their crude more efficiently.
    4 points
  32. Actually, many of us knew, and had spent decades trying to help others see the Truth. It wasn't until Trump forced them out of their closet that people began to see. The reality is this whole Trump thing is barely the tip of the iceberg. We The People have been severely oppressed since 1932, and the unconstitutional laws passed in 1933. Of course, it was the democrats with their cross dressing Roosevelt that used another dem's lies, Woodrow Wilson, ironically, America's first "academic" potus, who lied the fed reserve act into law. Forgive me, I digress....DM
    4 points
  33. My prayer is that the faith of many on here will grow after this and numerous other positive articles and not listen to “other voices.”
    3 points
  34. MM 07 28 49 54 69 MB 24 - 03-28-23 PB 31 38 42 46 64 PB 10 - 03-29-23 Back to Back "Jackpots" - Make it happen! Thank you Jesus!
    3 points
  35. We should look for more confirmation coming out of the west African countries!
    3 points
  36. Two weeks for market collapse and a USD a collapse? Possible of course, will it happen 100%…did I make the date up…NO..The Kenya President did! I also think and my opinion onky the fact they were all laughing suggests the USD and market will collapse…all this coming of the back of PUTIN paying off the debt to all west African countries, a visit by Xi and trumps statement saying April will be a crazy month? Was Trump referring to the USD and stock market who knows! But if all the west African countries dump the dollar in exchnage for debt relief then the market will take a big hit possibly collapse…as for Iraq I have no clue what effect this will have on them but it could give them reason to take immediate action! Only time will tell…
    3 points
  37. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt .... RON Nader From The Mid East There will not be an RV without new currencies. If you see new currencies comes out (I'm not saying it's gonna come out soon. I'm not saying when.) I'm saying if you see the new currency come out, exactly twelve days after that...there will be a new rate. They will not release the small category notes with no strong exchange rate. Sandy Ingram The exchange rate...has changed online, which is a big deal. [It's now showing 1310 to 1 USD] This means what the parliament voted on is now factual globally.
    3 points
  38. In the presence of the World Bank team. Finance discusses IFMIS implementation challenges Time : 2023/03/26 21:18:49 In the presence of the World Bank team. Finance Discusses IFMIS Implementation Challenges - Al-Furat News ( Today, Sunday, Finance Minister Taif Sami chaired the coordination meeting of the members of the Steering Committee for the implementation of the IFMIS project. A statement by the Ministry of Finance, a copy of which was received by Al-Furat News, said that "the meeting took place in the presence of the World Bank team and a number of general managers of the departments concerned with the project." According to the statement, the meeting discussed "the most important challenges in the implementation of the IFMIS system, and the pilot and comprehensive stages of the project for all expenditure units." "The implementation of the Public Financial Information Management System in Iraq represents support for the processes of government administrative and financial reform, by providing an integrated system to manage the financial operations of all government departments and replacing them with a unified and integrated government accounting information system that complies with international accounting standards," the statement said.
    3 points
  39. I would add it’s the president of Kenya speaking. He says first that those holding dollars are going to experience losses, I think implying the Kenyan shilling will be increasing in value vs the usd. He also says that Kenyan fuel companies will no longer be buying energy in dollars but instead Kenyan shillings. Now imagine countries no longer need dollars to buy oil from Mideast countries but instead have to deal directly with their currencies. What happens to the value of the usd? We could be in for some very turbulent times but it also may be the of our wait on the dinar
    3 points
  40. You know what your post is absolute BS!!! This is not some guru posting nonsense over and over like Frank or Pimpy or pick any name you want! This is a DV team member who is trying to share legit knowledge to help us so your post is pure nonsense and BS so if you have nothing more to ADD to a legit conversation you would be best served to keep your ridiculous posts to yourself! Sell sell sell if it’s too much for you to handle!!!
    3 points

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