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About WheresmyRV?

  • Birthday 09/21/1970

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    Naples, Florida

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  1. Sounds like Breitling is getting ready to leave this ride.
  2. It's just incredible that the lies and BS that these guru's spew out and people believe them week after week. I can remember when I first got into this back in 2012. I was listening to Okie and Bulldog, I was thinking it was going to RV at 12 or 13 bucks. Man I was so excited!! It took me 2 to 3 weeks to wake up and realize that these guru's are money making demons praying on people that can't think straight about this for themselves. I then found this this site and read Yota's postings for years. I learned the term to be grounded and to have patience. After 12 years though my patience has started to wear a little thin with this!
  3. All that time and money to construct a building like that and yet they have a half worthless currency.
  4. Breitling doesn't sound too hopeful with all of this as of late.
  5. I don't know about Alaq saying that but I do remember Sudani saying this back in March or April of 2023. Year and a half we are all still waiting...
  6. I been in this since 2010 or 2011 and I can remember them clowns talking and studying this. How long does it freakin take to study something like this?? Either they want to do this or they dont want to do this.
  7. I'm wondering if this could be holding everything up.
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