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About NoviceInvestor

  • Birthday April 18

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  1. Many times in the last year I have thought of these prophetic words you write. 🙏
  2. I truly hope pray that you will get realise your dream. With the War escalating in the ME at the moment and the death,destruction and chaos in every other part of the world I have given up on expecting that I will benefit from any expected increase in the IQD.
  3. Thankyou @MyLadiesDaddy I am sorry to see you go, as I have been truly blessed in my life by knowing you,, your Faith, Wisdom, Honesty and Knowledge are attributes that make you the person you are and those sentiment I sure have been appreciated by many here. It’s true I am not on here much because as a full time Carer to my Beloved the days just go by so quickly that if it’s not on the written list it’s not done🙂 My email address is still the same and I hope yours hasn’t changed so contact won’t be lost. Take care my Dear Friend and who knows what the Future holds for you and your family but I pray that God will hold you all in his Heart. NoviceInvestor(Kate)🙏
  4. The RV will not happen until the “Cabal” deems it appropriate. With what is unfolding in today’s World Polictically, Economically and Socially this is JMO.
  5. So I’m guessing that with the failure to elect a new Speaker there will be a short notice postponement of the expected “extraordinary’ meeting on Sunday - 🤔
  6. Thank you, I agree. That cash should alway be able to be used, however I live in Australia and some Banks and Financial institutions are limiting the use of cash and phasing out the depositing and withdrawals of cash at their branches, From next week I will no longer be able to Withdraw or deposit cash at my Bank. Withdrawals of Cash at Supermarkets is limited now to $200 per transaction. In the town where I live there used to be 5 Banks and a Credit Union now there is one Bank and a Credit Union. That is why I await an RV soon.
  7. I hope the sort something out at this extraordinary meeting and RV soon because with the world going digital and banks and businesses refusing cash transactions we may end up with a worthless fist full of dinar. JMO
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