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  1. Very interesting glimpse into the new system. No dates just soon and by next year or…on jan1?
  2. International pressure may have stopped the Kurds direct oil sales but there’s a lot more to the hcl beyond that.
  3. “more than 95% of this goal has been achieved, and this process will be completed successfully within the next two weeks,” 🤨
  4. We want action. An ending, don’t sweat the articles before the conclusion. They will all imply a revenue neutral or negative redenominstion or lop. Show us the cards. Countries don’t or are encouraged not to lop when they’re going through hyperinflation. That is a misconception repeated constantly in dinarland. Countries lop after they’ve gone through hyperinflation and have it under control. This fits Iraq however Iraq is a special case, their hyperinflation was planned and international, imposed on them for reason. Pull the curtain back and show us how much new money the powers that be want to inject into the world, it’s a hungry system which needs constant influx of new money
  5. of course this is just my opinion but despite dinarland speculation to the contrary there is just no way a currency can lop in country while not outside. It’s a binary thing, either the new lower denominations are part of the same currency we hold, same iso code etc…or it’s a new currency with a value vs the higher notes we hold and that value be it 1000 to 1 or 100 to 1 or whatever they do will be the same everywhere.
  6. Anything that comes out in advance will imply a revenue neutral redenomination or “lop”. They obviously can’t telegraph a revenue positive redenomination or some kind of straight revaluation of the currency. Maybe it will be what they say and we’re all fools for speculating but the important thing is they finally do it so we can find out
  7. Not sure if there’s news articles already out but just saw this tweet. Voted today to end it with the caveat there’s some residual work and international presence thru 2025.
  8. Inflation is the cause of the three 0s. They are no longer going through hyperinflation, it is under control. Those are two different things. Countries lop when they have gone through hyperinflation and then have it under control. Iraq is a textbook case except they could have done it many years ago. We are speculating they will do something unique
  9. Headline may be burying the interesting thing when Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani visits Washington to revive confidence in the Iraqi banking sector."
  10. Appears to be Virgo and Leo. 🤷‍♂️
  11. Frank had somebody in Kurdistan talking to a currency exchange office and he was explaining how the dinar went ‘up’ two days earlier but what he was saying is it went to 180,000 to 100 vs the 130000 it’s supposed to be. The same thing we’ve been seeing in articles for months. The guy said this is just in country, which is true because externally we’d buy at official rate of 1300 or whatever. Totally run of the mill info that matches the news but frank in typical fashion misinterpreted this and implied it was some kind of positive in country move which it wasn’t
  12. I believe they are talking about a general war on terror bill which also originated in 03 and is being used in regions like Ukrain now. But bills go house then senate so the Iraq war declaration was revoked just this last spring and is done
  13. It happened last march
  14. Sorry premature post, also began after 911 in 2002.
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