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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2014 in all areas

  1. UH.. confession time.. I was so pumped full of imminent BS I can only look back and laugh. Did the reserve, before they ever paid for partials, and lost more than one deposit when a customer didn't pay their bill on time so I couldn't finish the reserve, paid the extra for overnight on several orders, because I was afraid if it rv'd overnight they would refuse to send it. Yeah, was hopelessly pumped. Spent hours every day combing through Iraq and ME papers, had two different translators, got satellite TV just to get Al Jezeera, and before getting banned, spent many hours deciphering and calculating actual construction costs to determine the true value of awarded contracts somewhere else. It was truly pathetic. After about a year I finally smelled coffee, and realized my head wasn't stuck anymore. Found this site a few months after stepping away. To be honest, I am glad nothing happened. I needed the personal growth. Most of all, I had a chance to meet some folks I would have never had the opportunity had we not all wound up here. This is a collection of humans as diversified as is possible. Through it all we have each discovered friends that will most likely last a lifetime. I don't think anyone here will ever forget DV, and I'm looking forward to putting some faces to the minds I've been sharing with these last few years. I'm grateful to be fortunate enough to have had a chance to share in this forum. I definitely took away far more than I gave. Thanks All.
    7 points
  2. This makes much more sense one, on 25 Nov 2011 - 09:35 AM, said: Hello. This is my first post. I've been lurking for quite some time, and registered as a member earlier this year and was a VIP for a short while.I have generally chosen not to post in the past given the disrespect shown to many self-professed gurus, who, although getting it wrong much of the time, have offered truthful insight in a number of ways and on a number of occasions. Much of their commentary is beyond the comprehension of the masses given that the majority of the world's populace is not equipped with the true facts as to how finance, commerce, and the law actually work (I could go further to include the universe here but that's another discussion), given that schools, universities and modern text books all omit huge issues that when known change one's perception of what was previously considered a common truth or accepted fact. The same can be said for the gurus, who, whilst are equipped with more facts than the majority, their version of "the truth" is still not the full pictue either, hence their continued perceived failure to date.Anyway, I wanted to respond to this thread given this appears to be a common issue of confusion. I apologise now for the length of post, however many basic assumptions must be overturned if one is to understand this investment.It is a fallacy that fiat currencies are not backed by anything. They are backed by the faith that a country is able to pay off it's "promises to pay" (which is all that your notes are); it doesn't matter how, so this naturally includes assets. Some background is needed to understand how this actually works in practice, and how it is accomplished administratively is nothing short of amazing in one's honest opinion.The current economic system is actually a world-wide bankruptcy system whereby all countries operate as if they were in bankruptcy as far as law is concerned, the US included (for confirmation regarding the USA, look up comments made by Jim Traficant). This is the only way in law that fiat currencies can be implemented. Accordingly, the economic system is an entity that is wholly owned and controlled (and often manipulated) by those creditors holding the banktruptcy liens; property rights dictate that they can do what they want with their property. People will naturally cry that this is a conspiracy theory here, however if they were to do the research they would find that the facts are out there and fully documented. Hence the current perceived meltdown is a controlled demolition, but from the highest levels, so even those corporations people deem as having been pulling the strings are subject to their creators, and in turn those are subject to the creators of the system. Fortunately, the system's creator is sorting things out and pulling the plug on many of these guys (scapegoating!), hence this is why it appears that at one level there is a battle for control going on; the truth is that there is only going to be one winner and this is predetermined by contractual obligation. That winner is all of us - eventually.This is why people feel their rights have been stolen. What has actually occurred is that you have given your consent to exchange these natural rights for privileges determined by those in charge.The larger commerical system of law that the bankruptcy economy sits within is where transactions of actual substance take place, and where gold and other substances are the currency, and this is the system within which creditors play. At this level, statutes of law are irrelevant, since their jurisdiction is limited to the debtors, ie all those people who do not realise the part they play in the world. This is the reason why it so often appears as there being "one law for them and one for us"; it is because that is the case! However all are in the position they are in via their own consent, hence it feels unjust that some are prosecuted for an offence that others will not be, however it is all about jurisdiction and contractual obligation and one's current place in the world; we all have the ability to rise up beyond it, however it is a philosophical journey to some extent that many don't have the will to pursue. In fact, this is largely why this has remained undiscoverd by the masses; people police themselves and the rest of society using ridicule and assertions that something is a conspiracy theory or people are nut-jobs etc. People would do well to remember: condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance (Einstein).One must also remember the legal adage of "he who has the gold must pays the bills"; it is the creditors are responsible for a countries well-being, or not. Any person who is not aware that this is the case, is lawfully a debtor to these creditors, no matter how much "money" one thinks they have, since this "money" is actually only a promise to pay the creditor in energy, in the future. In law, all have given their consent for this to be the case, through their tacit acceptance and use of the system, hence their current legal status of being subject to statutes etc whether they deem them unfair or unlawful or not. (There are many films serving as metaphors for this concept: creditors are oftern depicted as vampires... they suck your blood, or rather your life force, ie your energy).Democracy, has two faces. On one side and at face value, it is allowing the people control of their destiny. On the other, it is a tool to make people believe they have a say when really they do not. It is mob rule where the majority wins, however the majority can be manipulated as you see today with the press and its consolidated ownership by a few. The rule of law, and constitutions etc, were put in place to prevent this manipulation and safe guarding basic rights so one cannot be persecuted as a minortiy via new laws (really just rules you have agreed to)... (there is no protection today - some minorities are protected but others are not). However, these constitutions do not apply to debtors within the system since they have given up that right by their own consent! The next stage is either to remove this layer of illusory control via commerce and go back to the consitution etc, or raise the understanding of all so that full use can be made of the systems that have been invented for the benefit of all. This choice is not clear in the public eye therefore a return to constitutional rule is the common solution put forth due to people being ignorant that there are other solutions, however this will result in a situation of scarcity, and an uprising of people who are going without. All of it is only possible because neither side of the argument understands the facts of the matter.So, back to the point,. the faith in being able to repay, is a reflection of the assets that a country has, which whilst in many cases will include substances such as gold and oil etc which have themselves been monetised within the bankruptcy system through the creation of legal title against an entity (person) who themselves are assets of the country, the majority of a currency's value is backed by the assets known as... the people, and their propensity to work (to labour and create motion) and pay taxes. The people, via the process of birth registration (check your birth certificate, it is bank note paper) are technically the assets or chattels of the country (again, techincally this is on a temporary basis however because people don't realise or choose not to reject this it is effectively permanent), and therefore a country can secure loans etc against their collateral, ie people (hence there is no political will to reduce immigration - more people equals more collateral). Currencies work the same way, and assuming everyone realised this is what backs fiat currencies, said currencies would always have value as long as there are people prepared to work and can do, since currencies are a reflection of energy, and are a tool to control and direct the flow of energy (and largely here I mean labour), or even save it for a later date.This is why security, infrastructure and industry are so important and such a big focus before the revaluing of the Iraqi currency, since during the war years there has been no ability for people to effectively work and therefore be taxed (and consequently the currency had little or no value). The revaluing will effectively correspond to the monetisation of the people by creating conditions to allow them to operate in the same manner as other countries, thereby backing the currency by their energy for the most par. People themselves have a value to a country, and these values are calculated based on all manner of criteria including birth-weight, gender etc using an internationally agreed (or rather centrally set) algorithm within admiralty laws ; this enables countries to quantify the energy that it's populace can contribute to the economy for use in determining currency values etc.One must remember that oil is valuable because it is energy; but the people are also a form of energy, given that without them corporations would be worthless since nothing can happen without a pair of hands to do it, and in fact people have a greater value given that said energy is largely unlimited. This, coupled with their vast natural resources, is why Iraq's currency could be very strong. Largely their population is very young which is another bonus, as therefore they have considerable energy, many years of work ahead of them, and the older population that would rely on consuming the energy of others, is largely irrelevant due to their low numbers following the wars.Extra.All those who feel corporations should be taxed more fail to understand that corporations cannot be taxed since it is only the workers that put anything in; accordingly it is the workers who are actually being taxed. The word corporation is derived from cooperation. The idea of a corporation was to pool energy for the collective benefit, however they system has been perverted for the benefit of the handul at the top, and today we take this as standard despite it not being how things were meant to be. Some will say this was a necessity due to the lack of understanding by the majority, however I would argue that a better approach would have been to raise people's understanding instead so all work together for the benefit of all.The truth is, there is no need for tax at all. What it occurring is the division and conquering of the people so that you will submit to the forthcoming solution of a centralised top down led dictatorship; one side wants benefits etc for everyone and high tax on high earners, the other sees this as unfair that they are working hard and paying for others and therefore they want reduced taxes and less benefits. The truth is that we can have the best of both worlds.... and a centralised system would offer great advantages, but only if achieved with the masses having full understanding and consciously consenting. There is no need to give up sovereignty, boundaries or any of these other illusory things, provided everyone has full awareness - something the interent is helping to deliver. If a country authorises a centralised power to act on its behalf, it can withdraw that consent and authorisation at any time, provided it is represented by persons of honesty, integrity, and full awareness to the facts. The same holds true on an individual level - it is simply a case of understanding the correct administrative methods to adjust one's legal status. If you don't like something, step out of the jurisdiction - and this does not mean you actually have to move!The invention of double entry bookkeeping, together with the system of birth registration and therefore value quantifying of individuals could be used to provide all services we currently have without the need for taxation to pay for it. The money is already there, just held in trust because the people are unaware so they will not take it back. Far better would be for people to know, but still leave it there for the benefit of all - services could then be paid for using these trusts and money never needs to be repaid to anyone because it is only yourself that you would owe. Currently banks seemingly create money - what is actually occurring is that they are monetising a loan application, where people are promising to pay back $x via their labour (energy). This can work the same for benefits - money can be created for someone's unemployment cheque by the authorising the access of their personal trust (based on your birth certificate) and creation of money against their name, however as above, there is no need to repay yourself! The current push by many parties to return to substance backed currencies, ie precious metals etc, is a deception. It may however occur for a short while, effectively between banktruptcy terms. This is the end of the 70 years banktruptcy term within which countries find themselves, and therefore this is a major opportunity. Understandably many parties who have discovered they are being used as collateral are unhappy with this and are trying to break free, ie the conspiracy theory movement. What they fail to understand is that fiat currencies are an invention, an idea, to be used for the benefit of mankind. They have taken us a long way in developing the world, and although leverage is a dirty word, the progress that has been made would not have been without fiat currencies and leverage etc. The problem has been that the trustees of the national bankruptcy states have colluded to benefit themselves at the expense of the people (from one perspective - although from their own they are doing it for your benefit, to teach you). The current time is a time where these trustees can be changed due to the end of the term, and the system can be used for the benefit of all rather than just a few, if only everyone had full awareness of the issues. So the major piece still required to finish this puzzle, is for people to actually realise all this. The debts do not need to be repaid. Yes the debts have acted as a yoke round people's necks, however in the language of law, this has been via our own consent. Now is the time to wake up! There is never anyone to blame but one's self. All debts can be paid off instantly via the correct administrative process by a person with the correct status in law, and this is all going to occur anyway despite people not realising what the problem actually is (and therefore it being impossible for them to see a solution).Many people believe that they need to be freed from the current system. It should be considered that freedom comes in many forms. I would argue that people would be freer if thay understood and could use the system correctly and therefore remain in this effective bankruptcy situation but via choice and awareness rather than deception, as opposed to withdrawing from the system altogether and therefore not receiving any of the great benefits as a substance backed system would deliver. Because said substances are finite, this type of system creates a scenario of scarcity and fear (of not having enough!) and therefore hoarding, self-centred focus, and consequently war (often this feels out of duty to protect one's neighbour, however it is an illusion!). Fiat systems allow abundance due to the energy being unlimited and help reduce said fear, provided there is conscious consent and awareness of the true system mechanism. Freedom is having choice. Currently people think they have choice, but they largely do not - they are forced either via peer pressure, "laws" of society, and most importantly deceptive tactics of subliminial conditioning to make them think that a thought is there own, when it has simply been suggested to them.To touch on the universal level, it is fear that maintains the world's problems. Remove it, and the world would be a much happier place. All this can only be achieved via education as to the true mechanisms of the current systems. A good start would be the removal of tax! (Taxes go to the creditors, not on benefits for the debtors - these benefits are paid for using the exact method I suggest ie double entry book-keeping and trust accounts via your application for said benefits, however the deception is that you are told that your taxes pay for these benefits hence dividing you from your neighbour who is receiving the benefits of what you perceive to be your labour but in reality it is his own money, you're just both being conned).This may not make any sense to most, but I hope for some, it may strike a chord. I wrote this out quickly in one go so if it reads as disjointed I apologise... just offering a perspective. I happily accept criticism and abuse given I have chosen to post this with my eyes open. It is a difficult subject to write about given there are just so many angles and so many assumptions that must be broked and replaced with new ones.Have a good day guys. Please keep this in Rumours as it will not get read in Perspectives. And treat it as entertainment #15 one Newbie Members 9 posts Posted 25 November 2011 - 09:50 AM The Federal Reserve is not the big baddie everyone thinks. Yet it has acted that way from our perception, however consider theirs... They have taken control of countries, as many people accept, albeit with disgust. What needs to be realised is that it is countries and sovereign states that want to live under a substance backed system which created scarcity and a division between a wealthy elite and the rest of us. The FED sought to change this, and fiat currency is a major tool. The big problem with their actions to date however, is that they believe the ends justify the means (as well as individual greed clouding the matter). They believe they have to lie, and cheat, and steal, in order to create a better future for us all. The fact is, this better future can be arrived at without going through all the pain, and without the lies etc, if only they would instead raise everyone's understanding. In due course, countries will regain control likely temporarily, however all will soon realise that is not beneficial to most of us. So whilst the FED is acting badly imo, the way it is set up, the international infrastructure that the private establishments have set up across the globe are perfect to be used for our actual benefit. All that is needed is an adjustment in perspective by those in control of it, or their replacement. Read more: So be it
    6 points
  3. Nadita File – 04/24/2014 Good evening everyone, thanks for watching Nadita File where the spin starts here Ukraine crisis : Umbertino reported little obe says new sanctions targeting Russia are teed up, added US needs support from allies to make sanctions work. In the meantime, Ukrainian gov’t troops are moving in on pro-Russia forces manning checkpoints in country’s east. At least two insurgents killed. Russia’s FM warning that any attacks on Russian citizens or interests in Ukraine will be met with a strong response. LadyGrace’sDaddy heard head of 4 post-Soviet republics and Ukraine FM meeting in Prague with EU nations, trying to revive the Eastern Partnership Plan launched in 2009. Other News : Chess heard three doctors killed in a Kabul hospital by an Afghan guard are American citizens. Guard was assigned to protect the hospital when he opened fire on the group. Wiljor prays for the captive US soldier who Taliban may be ready to make a deal, says Defense official. They have been holding Bowe Bergdahl since June 2009. Genx4me is happy to hear South Korean students returned to classes in school that many victims of ferry sinking attended. It is confirmed 159 bodies recovered so far, 143 still missing. Dow is unchanged today. Nasdaq ends higher on Apple. Caterpillar is responsible for about 15 Dow points after earnings beat. Ukraine still curbs broader market gains. Bumper64 will not miss the opportunity to invest in Barrick (ABX) which has sent revised terms to Newmont (NEM) for deal between the two gold mining giants. Jaylay wonders why Facebook CFO David Ebersman leaving to pursue opportunity in healthcare sector. Apple expands capital return program to over $130B. GE is in talk to buy French Industrial Conglomerate Alstom for $13B. Qualcomm says it’s received Wells notice from SEC related to China bribery probe. Puckster_guy is excited Qualcomm beat estimates by nine cents with fiscal 2nd qtr profit of $1.31/share. Saint is not surprised when he hears Herbalife punished 600 distributors last year for making unsubstantial medical claims. Calkid11 heard about Careers by code, Codecademy offers courses in languages like Javascript, Ruby and Phython. From 2012 – 2014, Codecademy has 1 billion lines of code written, over 24 million users, 100,000 courses built through course creator, 100 partner organizations like the White House and Twitter. From dinar land : Vietnam1969 had a successful mission against the aliens with the help of local people providing intelligence. Stealthwarrior secures the areas for election and also hiring more men in black to guard the officials. Thriver just shakes his head as the aliens just know how to create some havoc around Fallujah by rerouting the river dam to submerge some agricultural land and housing. Eburt is happy to hear an finance officials said the political atmosphere will be appropriate to adopt 2014 budget after the election as billions of dinar have been allocated to housing projects, making lawrenceofdinaria smiling big. Boosterbglee reported the UNCC paid out another $990 Million to Kuwait, bringing the total to $45.5 billion paid so far and leaves balance of $6.9 billion to be paid in installments. Dinar_millions heard high level officials and MoF have been pushing for the revaluation of dinar once the election takes place. He added it’s very crucial for the dinar to reflect its true value to par with the economic growth its experiencing. Rodandstaff hears a rumor that Jack Lew and Christine Lagarde are going to meet and announce something on Sunday. BBC said in the news that IMF and US Fed Reserve have made decision to revalue several countries’ currencies and this will have a major impact on these countries. She didn’t say either it’s negative or positive impact. There is no mention of what countries will be. Let’s praying and hoping, dinar will be one of them J From rumor land : Mt. Goat says they have verbally agreed and on paper to all changes but still find reasons to stall the rv. BGG thinks they will do something no matter who will be in the office. Tlar thinks at 1 to 1, it’s still close to 100 in reserves for each 1 in circulation with a value of 86 cents per dinar. Millionday says one of the demands of WTO is the reality rate and 1166 is an imposed rate. Zulumon issues warning to residents of the Great Plains, Midwest and South about weekend weather with potential of tornadoes and heavy rain. Nadita is taking Friday off so there won’t be NF425 J The spin stops here, send your comments to #naditafile, Dinar Thug is next… Good night everyone and have a blessed weekend P.S. : I am going to enjoy my night with some salsa dance tonight See you all next week
    4 points
  4. Thanks Thug.... It's hard to believe they would have any kind of trust in his word...... But we are talking about Iraq !!!!
    4 points
  5. Yep it rvd that's why were all sitting here
    4 points
  6. Tonight at 8:26 pm starts a void mercury sun moon in Taurus alignment. Its called a supreme mercury or something like that. Mercury is gaining speed and the sun and moon give it more power to manifest what our imaginations create, in the sign of Taurus which will keep it grounded to earth.Today everyone needs to think about what is missing in themselves or in their lives and make a wish or prayer or list of everything they want in their lives and God will grant it. It may be instantly or gradually over the comings weeks to months. I'm going to ask for this RV to happen so I can help the less fortunate. Also for abundance in love,wealth, health and such. The way I see it , it can't hurt to try.
    4 points
  7. Look out for Sunday morning Iraqi time BILL M : "ËXPECT TO GO SUNDAY" BY SAMER AL-SHAMMARI (FORMER EMPLOYEE OF CBI), 26 APRIL Expect to go Sunday Salam alaikum brothers and sister, I just finish call with Zuhair to get latest update on where this happen and go. He say “Sunday morning it is expected to go” he ask me to keep calm, not be volatile with speaking to public journalist and ones i have spoke to keep them from telling story. He know I shame them by media writing the story so he get his team in order to do what was to be done since January 2014. Indicated me that we see price increases for first two weeks once is live. I not sure how much but I just care it happens. Look out for Sunday morning Iraqi time. Shukran Jazeelan Samer Al-Shammari
    3 points
  8. CNN. Broadcasting From The "U Scratch My Back - I'll Scratch Ur's" Olympics ! Maliki will accepts Kurds’ demands after election: official 04/26/2014 A parliament deputy of al-Ahrar coalition claimed the Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki will bow to the demands of the Kurds and al-Mawaten coalition after the country’s parliament election at the end of April.The Deputy Amir al-Kanani said Maliki will accept the demands of the Kurds as well as the Mawaten conditions in order to win the two sides’ support to his premiership in Iraq for third time in a row.The deputy said Maliki will ultimately pave ways for ratifying Iraq’s 2014 budget and will withdraw from in presence stance in Anbar province that is currently under the control of al-Qaeda. will accepts Kurds’ demands after election: official%0A%09%09%09%09%09%09%09C
    3 points
  9. Do what ever you want No ones forcing you to do anything You want to tell me what to do , ask politely Then we can see about your requests But.i don't take orders from fictitious screen names I think the guy apologized for the length Thanks for the input It was fun Talkin to ya Hope I broke it down good enough for ya Lol That guy who ever he was that wrote that is one smart person in my opinion He got 38 pluses for that in its original post It doesn't take that long to read it I found it interesting I brought it over because people must be bored to read the Luigis post From the gurus
    3 points
  10. Well, thanks to y'all for commenting. When I used the words "horrible ride", they were used actually rather sarcastically. After nine years, I am sure many of you totally understand the need for sarcasm. And while I do agree about having met and enjoyed many interesting and decent people, the fact remains that the frustration level has never diminished one iota. To be honest, I am amazed at myself for having shown this kind of steadfastness and hanging in there with this. I have seen, as have all of you, SO many people fall by the roadside and leave...having lost their belief in this event or our of necessity. I too, out of necessity was forced a few years ago to sell off most of my holdings. Life has a way of interjecting it's own priorities at the worst of times. But, I am still here and still believing...just not holding my breath. Virtually everything we have learned about this investment is opinion based. Granted, this site tends to have more factually intelligent people than the others, but the fact remains it is all pretty much speculation as WE understand and interpret it. That being said, I will offer the following...perhaps simply to assuage my own feelings and keep my own spirits up, or perhaps something more cerebral and deep seated...a subconscious thing: I personally do not think Maliki will get his 3rd term. Whether he does or does not, I doubt it will have any affect whatsoever on the out come of the r/v. I personally think this is the year it will happen, and this is the summer for it. Whether they can afford to back some astronomical rate like 3 dollars plus, is all speculation, but I believe they will come out at the now legendary 1 to 1 thing and rise from there ( which would be simply superb as far as I am concerned since I really have no desire to be "rich". All I ever wanted out of this was to be able to be comfortable and not have to worry about paying a mortgage, buying gas or eating. Oh, and as harsh as it sounds, ( and a HUGE amount of you think the same way whether you will openly admit it or not) it will not break my heart one tiny bit to ever even hear the word Iraq again. After spending 4 hard years there as a civilian, I do feel ( to a point) for their people, I think we need to concentrate on our own people here in the U.S.more than them. Selfish as that may sound to some, it really isn't. If we are honest with ourselves, then we have to admit we only got into this thing to make some money for ourselves...not for truly altruistic reasons. Doesn't make us bad people, or selfish or anything else...just human.
    3 points
  11. man I wish they would use another term than gag order { that goes in so many different directions } but if they say all have re-valued must mean they have gone down ----
    3 points
  12. I Just Licked A Chalkboard !
    3 points
  13. Wow so many have expressed my concerns. It has been almost 3 years for me. I can't wait for it to RV. I have decide to join this forum because I have been lurking here a year. There are times when I try to stay away and forget for awhile. The reason I joined was I saw a community of people who had formed friendships. People who reman positive and kind. Of course there are disagreements and not everyone thinks the same,but Dinar Vets is first and foremost a place for people who are in the same boat. It isn't easy to always be positive, esp. about this investment. But the community remains to help people. I am probably mangling this but it's not about the end but rather the journey we take.
    3 points
  14. CNN. The World's Foremost Experts On 'Funny Money' ! 4-25-2014 Newshound Guru Tlar Article: "Iraq issued a new currency with a high security specifications" addition to the fact that this article states that the new 250, 500 and 1000 are already printed and beginning to circulate, there is one sentence that also confirms what I have been saying for months... Quote “Al-yasseri said the total value of banknotes to be printed about five trillion dinars (2.7 billion dollars) and will inject trading instead of categories used gradually.” The CBI only printed 5 trillion dinars which is meant to cover all the dinar left circulating in Iraq. If there had been 35 trillion as some have suggested because that is a news stock number repeated over and over in articles, they would have printed 35 trillion because their intention is to replace everything in circulation pulling the old notes out. 35 million is every note that has ever been let out of the CBI including the ones you and I hold. 4-25-2014 Newshound Guru Tlar In 2012 Saleh told us there was only 4 trillion circulating and I am absolutely sure that 5 trillion dinars is more than adequately able to handle what’s left with many just being printed in case. What is circulating is less 5 trillion made up of 250′s, 500′s and 1000′s or less. So the CBI felt it necessary only to print the 5 trillion with which will eventually replace all of them with some left over...These are the crossover notes and this printing will be the last of these notes. The people will quickly switch to the new notes because they are afraid of the notes they carry now not being accepted in trade because they are worn, dirty, torn, tattered and written all over. 4-25-2014 Newshound Guru Tlar They are also saying at today’s value that the currency circulating is 2.7 billion USD equivalent. Now compare that with the 100 billion in cash reserves, the 90 tons of gold and the 82 billion in route to the CBI reserves over this year. Anyone care to figure how many times over that the dinar is covered. At 1 to 1 it’s still close to 100 in reserves for each 1 in circulation with a value of 86 cents per dinar.
    2 points
  15. It has been to long for us...prob 6 years...since we live in Tulsa now. Funny story the last time we went...we always rent a car to go...and we were stopped at the border comiing back and it turns out it had stolen plates and the drug doggs sniffed about scary situation...amazingly they told us to tell the rental company and let us go after hours of being seperated form Hubby (boyfirend at the time). We did not tell anyone at the rental company..we said we were late for a flight and tossed the keys to the guy and ran out of there!!
    2 points
  16. That's not right. 40T Deposited in Public Banks 30T Deposited in Private Banks as Seed Money 70T in Deposits = Electronic Money, not Physical Currency. -
    2 points
  17. If Maliki loses his immunity he will not bow he will run as fast as he can .
    2 points
  18. I just thought I would add this for your thoughts. I along with everyone else has been waiting over the years (for me almost since the beginning) for the climax for the RV, RI, whatever its going to be when its time. When my son-in-law went to IRAQ on the first wave of invasion to search for Saddam and his sons and upon his returning home, I was invited to join in the quest of the Dinar for a future time of Re Value or Re Instatement of its value at a later date. I sat down and did some thinking as to what really mattered here. Yes we will make money over what we paid for it and yes the Guru's are pushing their programs to join them for better ways to invest what wealth comes. I really had to ask God what and why this is was such a big massive event. He showed me it's not about me, it's not about me or you being in the driver's seat to become wealthy, its about his people who has suffered at the hands of a man and his sons for over 20 years. He showed me that my participation would have to be with patience. This is in his time frame when all the marbles are lined up not mine......Do I get a little impatient from time to time hoping this will happen from what I read, sure I'm human also and sometimes more than others it weighs heavy the thoughts that it sure would be nice and what I could do with it if it would just pop. There again I have to regain my senses and remember I will be just one of many who is waiting. It would be easy to badmouth others on here or show my ignorance by ranting and raving to or at another but then I have committed an act against what God wants me to be. So I wait for the coming day to see what this will bring and I do it with patience and forethought remembering this is not about me this is about God's people who has suffered and paid the price for what we are about to receive and for that I thank God everyday that they are finally free. Our blessings will come when its time. Sometimes It brings me back to reality when I look at it like this, the Iraqi people suffered in bondage is in some ways like Jesus being crucified on the cross to pave the way for us his children to receive and benefit from he sacrificed. My hope is that if your patience turns thin and you have the urge inside to jump someone, remember it does no good and it puts one more mark on you to answer for in the Book OF Life.
    2 points
  19. Something for seniors (or anyone) to do to keep those "aging" grey cells active! 1. Johnny's mother had three children. The first child was named April. The second child was named May....What was the third child's name? 2. There is a clerk at the butcher shop, he is five feet ten inches tall and he wears size 13 sneakers....What does he weigh? 3. Before Mt. Everest was discovered...what was the highest mountain in the world? 4. How much dirt is there in a hole ...that measures two feet by three feet by four feet? 5. What word in the English Language always spelled incorrectly? 6. Billy was born on December 28th, yet his birthday is always in the summer. ....How is this possible? 7. In California, you cannot take a picture of a man with a wooden leg....Why not? 8. What was the President's 1975? 9. If you were running a race...and you passed the person in 2nd place, what place would you be in now? 10. Which is correct to say..."The yolk of the egg are white" or "The yolk of the egg is white"? 11. If a farmer has 5 haystacks in one field and 4 haystacks in the other field many haystacks would he have if he combined them all in another field? ANSWERS BELOW... Here are the Answers 1. Johnny's mother had three children. The first child was named April The second child was named May. What was the third child's name? Answer: Johnny of course 2. There is a clerk at the butcher shop, he is five feet ten inches tall, and he wears size 13 sneakers. What does he weigh? Answer: Meat. 3. Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world? Answer: Mt. Everest; it just wasn't discovered yet. [You’re not very good at this are you?] 4. How much dirt is there in a hole that measures two feet by three feet by four feet? Answer: There is no dirt in a hole. 5. What word in the English Language is always spelled incorrectly? Answer: Incorrectly 6. Billy was born on December 28th, yet his birthday is always in the summer. How is this possible? Answer: Billy lives in the Southern Hemisphere 7. In California, you cannot take a picture of a man with a wooden leg. Why not? Answer: You can't take pictures with a wooden leg. You need a camera to take pictures. 8. What was the President's Name in 1975? Answer: Same as is it now - Barack Obama [Oh, come on ...] 9. If you were running a race, and you passed the person in 2nd place, what place would you be in now? Answer: You would be in 2nd. Well, you passed the person in second place, not first. 10. Which is correct to say, "The yolk of the egg are white" or "The yolk of the egg is white"? Answer: Neither, the yolk of the egg is yellow [Duh] 11. If a farmer has 5 haystacks in one field and 4 haystacks in the other field, how many haystacks would he have if he combined them all in another field? Answer: One. If he combines all of his haystacks, they all become one big one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IMPOSSIBILITIES IN THE WORLD 1) You can't count your hair. 2) You can't wash your eyes with soap. 3) You can't breathe through your nose when your tongue is out. Put your tongue back in your mouth, you silly person. Ten (10) Things I know about you. 1) You are reading this. 2) You are human. 3) You can't say the letter ''P'' without separating your lips. 4) You just attempted to do it. 6) You are laughing at yourself. 7) You have a smile on your face and you skipped No. 5. 8) You just checked to see if there is a No. 5. 9) You laugh at this because you are a fun loving person & everyone does it too. 10) You are probably going to send this to see who else falls for it. I am posting this because I didn't want to be alone in the idiot category.
    2 points
  20. I remember back in the begining for me...I also got up at midnight to check and see if we had RV'd.....I remember thinking ok This time it is for real.....I also have had personal growth during this time...some due to me doing my own reading and research along with personal experiences. I am grateful for the online friends...that someday I hope to meet in person. no matter the outcome....i have grown in a positive way and I will have the Iraqi dinar to thanks for some of that
    2 points
  21. I wish another canidate would step up and promise the Kurds the same thing and give the Kurds a choice.
    2 points
  22. Much appreciated Thugs, Maliki bow to the Kurds. Never, the only time he will bow our get on his knees will be if the kneel him down on the chopping block and take his head. Dictators don't bow or give in or make deals that help anyone else but themselves
    2 points
  23. That is what he said about the Erbil Agreement, and well, come to find out he says the Erbil Agreement wasn't constitutional, so he circular filed it.
    2 points
  24. Thanks Thug! Maliki is a real tool!!! If he gets the votes he needs, then he will do the deal with the Kurds!! Yeah, right!!! Don't believe him Barzani!!! Go RV or RI Soon!!!
    2 points
  25. After the Election! Riggghhhttt ! I don't think so!
    2 points
  26. Currency Auctions Announcement No. (2661) The latest daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq on Saturday, the 26-4-2014 results were as follows: DETAILS -----------------&---------------- NOTES Number of banks -------------------------- 12 Auction price selling dinar / US$ -------- 1166 Auction price buying dinar / US$ -------- ----- Amount sold at auction price (US$) ----- 140,679,000 Amount purchased at Auction price (US$) ----- Total offers for buying (US$) ------------- 140,679,000 Total offers for selling (US$) -------------- ----- Exchange rates
    2 points
  27. The answer to number 8 in the first set is incorrect...His name was Barry Soetero. lol
    2 points
  28. Rod You are right.. Law knows it's a real spin lol Of course.. salsa with chips.. or I eat my vegies with salsa or salad.. I like it better than dressing sometimes..
    2 points
  29. Yep were all just stupid It will rv and we will just be doodling around goop da daw Gag order Who gagged him okie ? I'm really the only one here on earth everyone else is just my imagination I got it figured out now
    2 points
  30. :lol: :lol:HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! Now that is funny!!! I'll eat my spinach if that is
    2 points
  31. Gu..guu...guuoooood one LGD!!! Lol ;o) Gu..guu...guuoooood one LGD!!! Lol ;o) Gu..guu...guuoooood one LGD!!! Lol ;o)
    2 points
  32. I have been on this ride for 8 years and I have to tell myself every once and a while to keep patience. I can't put my wishes above those people in Iraq that deserve this more than any of us. I have not been in bondage under a ruthless dictator, I didn't suffer the threat of death at my door every single day. I didn't have my son or daughter pulled from my house and raped or killed by Saddam's sons for amusement. I believe that we are truly the beneficiaries of this because God let us be and its holds more meaning than just wealth.....Its a blessed way of life for the people of Iraq.......Yes I will set aside my Dinar and remember patience.
    2 points
  33. My two cents says the RV is much closer than it was over five years ago when I joined on. The so called chatter in Iraq would dictate this to me. The many thousands of dollars I spent the years ago hurt me for awhile, but now I don't miss it. Sure I got to a low point but now I am confident. Let the good times begin. Go RV
    2 points
  34. He's Probably Really Smitten About Meeting An Italian 'Girl' With The Last Name Of Kaperoni But Somebody Should Probably Warn Him That Katie45 Also Brings A Pair Of 'Hairy Boys' To The Party !
    2 points
  35. Uhhh I think Umbis had quite a few dates with Ms Pulse Machine in black tights.......
    2 points
  36. Umbertino Finally Got A Date ? To Break His Other 9 Year Streak !
    2 points
  37. I agree with Divemaster, at times it has been frustrating but the friendships and camaraderie has been fantastic! There are some very nice, knowledgeable peeps on this site!
    2 points
  38. Oops sorry Markinsa didn't mean to neg you there, slip of the finger. Can someone right that PLEASE!!! I apologies :-( Reaching for my glass of vino and, well....enough said,
    2 points
  39. Puckster Thank you. You make my hard work seem a breeze Thanks for the so g
    2 points
  40. Great spin Nadita enjoy your time off. Just so you know... Nothing Compares 2U
    2 points
  41. Nadita always has "real spin"...just ask Law!!!;o) Thanks for another great one dear...enjoy your salsa...are you gonna have chips with that??? ;o)
    2 points
  42. i don't see it as a horrible ride... i have dinat vets as a source for hope each day i open up the page i don't necessarily expect it to have RV'd when I do, but know that it MIGHT some day and i remain realistic about the timing...believe me... i hope or it, but i really don't WAIT for it. It will happen when it happens, if it does. It might not. I'm relaly not sure one way or the other... but it's nice to have the possibility in the background of my life, like a warm bed that might be there after a long hike in a cold rain... it's really a nice feeling to have...
    2 points
  43. I think that you are stating what we are all feeling and that is a whole lot of frustration and anguish. After so many years of hope and anxiousness - and a lot of laughs and fun poking at some of the "almost there" and "it is imminent" and such from all the gurus over the years- now we are just tired and want this thing to happen.... anything ! But still we wait and listen patiently for that one new ray of hope that we all know should have happened a long time ago ... hanging on to any little bit of news.... like the elections , the budget, the HCL, release from Chapter 7 or 8 or whatever, anything that MIGHT look like we are wrapping up this ride. Yes, we are all tired and yet staying hopeful, still wondering if this will ever happen. My friend, hang in there and just go about your life as though you never heard about the Dinar and if/when it happens ............well, then you will know whether or not it was worth the aging that this ride may have caused you. count your blessings ... love your family more and help out a stranger if you can. Those rewards are better than an RV......... well, maybe not, but that feeling is a good one, too. PEACE !!
    2 points
  44. While I believe there is a gain to be made on this investment, I do not believe in any $3+ rate or even $1. My reasoning is based on the fact that Iraq would have to forfeit all of their reserves for investors. Why would they do that? And, please Dontlop, I've seen all of your posts, so please don't berate me with information. As a long time investor and member on this site as well as VIP and OSI, I am entitled to at least post a reasonably outcome for this RV/RI. While I believe their currency should at least be valued at $1, and most likely will at some point, I don't believe that we will see that as a cash in exchange. We could be forced to cash in a small gain, and to be honest .10 for most folks would give you a sizable return. A crazy sizable return for those of you who hold millions. Wouldn't you agree? All the more reason to look into Adam's OSI program, and no I am not selling for Adam. Just adding a suggestion. Adam talked about .10 back in 2009. At the time I thought that was too low and frankly I thought he was crazy. But as I have studied this investment over the years I have come to realize, they would never allow their currency to rise that high overnight, essentially wiping out their entire CBI reserves. I know many will disagree, and some of you will down right hate me. That's OK. We will be "lucky" to see a .10 gain on this. If that is the case, planning is required, whatever that means to you.
    2 points
  45. Wha, wha, whad he he he sa, sa, say?.LOL Sorry couldn't resRodandstaf.
    2 points

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