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Read the following Jim Rickards projected scheme that I copied and pieced together from an investment email he sent me:  RON 


Jim Rickards


My name is Jim Rickards.

I’m a former advisor to the White House, Congress, the CIA, the Pentagon, and the Department of Defense. I’m also an attorney, investment banker… And author of 7 books on global finance and economic policy. Places like Fox, CNBC, or Bloomberg call me when they want to know what’s about to shake up the global economy. I hold master’s degrees in International Economics and Taxation. I’ve been in the private West Wing of the White House. I helped end the Iranian Hostage Crisis for the Reagan administration. The Nixon administration brought me in to help craft the Petrodollar Accord with Saudi Arabia. I’ve attended strategic sessions in the “Vaults” – the secure meeting rooms inside the Pentagon. I even hosted the first ever financial war games for the Pentagon. I’ve been inside the CIA Directors’ secure conference room on the seventh floor of Langley headquarters. When it comes to the slimy underbelly of our government…

I know all the players … And I know the game..!


     The Democrats are rigging the 2024 Presidential election


Joe Biden is a decoy. He will not face Trump in the 2024 election. As part of a carefully orchestrated scheme I call “Operation Stalking Horse”... On June 13… Joe Biden will hold a surprise press conference. Once he’s on air…Biden will announce he’s withdrawing from the 2024 Presidential Election. Two months later… At the Democratic National Committee convention in Chicago… A “shadow” candidate – hand-selected by the Democrats to defeat Trump… Will be crowned. They already have him picked out.


You see… The Dems know one thing for sure… In a head-to-head matchup with Trump…

Biden will get crushed. Calamity Joe is incredibly unpopular even with his own base… Who see his mental faculties are declining daily… He is confused and bumbling… Needing assistance to even find his way off a campaign stage… Biden was never  fit to be president..!

But, now, in this state… He’s a danger to our country and the entire world. Even Democrats know it… Despite Biden being an incumbent running for reelection… About half of Democrats want a different candidate… Poll: Two-thirds of Democrat-leaning voters don't want Biden as the 2024 nominee. That’s unheard of in modern politics. But here’s my concern… Once you get Biden out of the way…A different Democratic candidate…can/might defeat Trump.



The Left’s undemocratic attacks on Trump are a disgrace... The indictments… The campaign obstruction… They’ve done everything they can to stop Trump winning again… Unfortunately, it’s starting to work… An NBC News poll found Trump would beat Biden in a head-to-head matchup…No surprise there. No one thinks a senile Biden should hold the nuclear codes… BUT…When they asked people about a different, unnamed Democrat running against Trump…The entire thing flipped on its head - According to the poll… In a hypothetical matchup of Trump against a non-Biden Democrat…People chose the “generic Democrat” by 6 points… This new Dem would get 46% of the vote… Compared to only 40% for Trump.

*** The poll finds Biden and Trump both underperform generic opponents.  ***

That’s a huge margin in a presidential election… And more than enough for a Dem victory.


Folks, this could really happen. I believe…When Biden drops out on June 13…When the new “shadow” candidate…Who won’t have entered or won a single primary…Is crowned at the DNC Convention in Chicago on August 19…And when Trump faces this imposter in a rigged election…

It will create a national crisis like we haven’t seen in more than 50 years. Our country could endure an economic meltdown… And rampant unrest, chaos, and violence.



But first let me show you exactly how I believe this will play out… There’s a group of Democrat power brokers who operate behind the scenes. The Dem power brokers are well-versed in dirty election politics. After all…They’ve done it before.  In 2016, Bernie Sanders was riding high…He was winning primaries…He could well have been the Democratic candidate…And could even have won the election. But the Dem swamp had their preferred candidate…Crooked Hillarious Clinton. They pushed Bernie out into the cold… And crowned Hilary as their candidate...   Ignoring their own voters.  They were busted red-handed After WikiLeaks released 20,000 emails…  Showing they’d conspired against Bernie in favor of Crooked Hillarious. Their plot didn’t work out too well for them in 2016… But that won’t stop them from trying again.  Funny they call themselves the “Democrats”...When there’s nothing democratic about a party…That ignores its own voters… And RIGS the nomination process.


I believe their latest plan – Operation Stalking HorseIs already in place.   Here’s how I see it  working… Biden will stay in the race through the primaries…Of course, he’ll have the Democratic nomination sewn up relatively early…But that won’t matter.  To see Operation Stalking Horse through…He’ll need to collect as many delegates as possible. That way, his co-conspirators will have maximum leverage at the DNC Convention in Chicago.  If Biden drops out too early…There will be a mad scramble for delegates in the remaining primaries. The Democrat Swamp doesn’t want that. They want to rig the process on their terms.  The last presidential primary is June 4.  At that point, Biden will have almost all the delegates.  I predict he’ll wait a week or so… Then, on June 13…He’ll call a news conference. To the surprise of everyone…  Biden will announce he’s dropping out of the race.  He might give a medical excuse… Which will be easy for people to believe…After all, he’s failing physically and mentally in front of our eyes… Or he’ll say he’s doing it for the good of the country…Whatever bogus excuse Biden goes with… He’ll drop out of the race in June.  

Now, he won’t resign the presidency at that point… Not yet.  Biden will announce he’s going to finish out his term…But he will no longer seek reelection.  Why June 13?  Because the Democratic National Convention is August 19…The Democrat’s presidential nominee will be officially announced there.  A June 13 withdrawal would give the credentials committee, convention organizers, and political fixers…Enough time to make it a peaceful coronation of the selected replacement.  When he makes his announcement on June 13…Biden will release all the delegates he won in the primaries.  He’s allowed to do that under law.  At the same time…

He’ll endorse his replacement “shadow” candidate Who I’ll reveal in a moment…

The Democrat elite “super delegates” will already be on board with the plan…It will be a clean handoff… The Dems already have the template.  Because they’ve done it before.  In 1968, Lyndon B. Johnson was an unpopular Democratic president…Then on Sunday, March 31, 1968… Americans’ primetime programming was interrupted…With a message from the President. In a shock to everyone…President Johnson announced he was dropping out of the race.  Instead, at the Democratic convention…Replacement candidate Humbert Humphrey was handed the Democratic nomination…Despite having not competed in or won a single primary.


This is exactly what I’m talking about happening again.  And I’m not alone in my prediction… Former Obama senior advisor David Axelrod has publicly encouraged Biden to withdraw from the race… Political activist billionaire Bill Ackman also publicly pushed Biden to drop out… and 

Independent presidential candidate Cornel West recently announced…

“I’m not even sure whether I’ll be running against Biden. I think he’s going to have an LBJ moment [and] pull back.”

In January, JPMorgan Asset Management strategist Michael Cembalest predicted Biden would withdraw…

“Sometime between Super Tuesday and the November election, citing health reasons."

According to Cembalest, Biden will then be replaced by a "candidate named by the Democratic National Committee."

Friend, I believe, right now, as you’re reading this…The Operation Stalking Horse plot is picking up steam.  The Democrat Swamp already has their Biden replacement.  They already have their candidate. After all, he’s been hiding in plain sight…Running a shadow presidential campaign for the past 12 months… I’m talking about California governor Gavin Newsom.


Newsom is slick and he looks the part. But this guy is an idiot. I think he’s even dumber than Biden…And he’s more dangerous than Biden...Because he’s easily manipulated… But the Left loves him. 

He’s been running a shadow campaign for months.  At the end of last year…Newsom debated Ron DeSantis…Five million people watched it on TV.  The next thing you know…Newsom is meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping…He’s traveling to China…He’s traveling to Israel…

Does this sound like someone who isn’t running for President?


If you ask me…Biden’s been setting the stage for dropping out since late last year… When his abysmal polling numbers showed Trump will destroy him… On November 16, Biden even tipped his hand…Praising Newsom and saying he could have the presidency… Then, on December 5… Less than one week after Newsom’s “coming out party” debate with DeSantis…Biden announced he didn’t necessarily want to be president again…Saying he wouldn’t even be running if it weren’t for Trump… The next day Biden took it up a notch…Saying there were other Democrats out there who could beat Trump…But why is Biden so willing to step down?  Well, besides avoiding the embarrassment of a bad defeat to Trump…There’s one final little piece of the plot… 

You see…I believe the Biden crime family have engaged in numerous criminal acts…And Biden himself will be in grave danger of prosecution after he leaves office. I think part of his deal with the Democrat Swamp…Is to escape justice for his crimes.

So here’s what I’m predicting…

After Biden withdraws from the race, he’ll continue to serve through the election…Then, after the election…But before his term is up…He’ll resign from the presidency.  And Kamala will step in.

I think she’ll agree to this plot so she can go down in history as the first ever female president…

Even if it’s only for a month or so.  Then, as soon as she’s president…Kamala will pardon Calamity Joe for his crimes…And probably Hunter too. The Biden crime family will get away scot-free with their crimes...!  The Dems have no shame.

This is the kind of stuff you expect to see in third world banana republics… Criminal leaders making backroom deals for pardons…A candidate who skipped over the democratic nomination process…And who’s as unqualified and dangerous as anyone who’s ever held the position.

Want to see what I believe…A Newsom administration would mean for our country?

I’m talking about the “Californication” of America. It took Newsom just a couple years to destroy a great state like California…And if he does the same thing to America, we can expect…

Lawless homeless encampments turning cities into “no go” zones…Streets littered with garbage and human feces…Stores permanently shuttered by shoplifting gangs

Mandatory electric vehicles…Trillions of dollars wasted on useless windmills and solar module farmsGas stoves banned…More mandatory masks…More mandatory vaccines…

“Diversity” initiatives meaning more incompetent academics, pilots, engineers, doctors, equipment operators, air traffic controllers, etc.  Illegal aliens handed work permits, photo IDs, free healthcare…Fast-tracked naturalization, and voting rights…

The Supreme Court packed with more dopes like Ketanji Brown Jackson… Puerto Rico and DC made into states – to get 4 more Dem senatorsRepealing the Electoral College…

This list goes on and on. And it only gets worse…

If Newsom is president…There will be nothing left of Constitutional rule of law, real democracy…

Or our republican form of government.


I'll stop here, but I think Rickards has presented a likely scenario. He goes on to discuss how to plan and invest in this situation of chaos....It could even affect the IQD if any value increase is delayed....Blessings - RON 

Edited by ronscarpa
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the election was rigged last time and will be rigged this time, unless absolute election integrity can be guaranteed why would you be so stupid to have another one...did trump even concede? no he didnt....he is the first president to never concede! and has been CIC since 2020....remember President of the executive branch and CIC are two separate roles, one doesn't guarantee you the other! have a look at his motorcade for gods sake, have a look at the will tell you everything you need to know....The military must recognise you as commander in chief....

Edited by screwball
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Of course 2024 election will be rigged. 

It worked once, it will work again.

This is why they will create another pandemic latter this summer.

Vote in person will be called off due to the pandemic.

Vote by mail & vote by cell phone will make it nearly impossible to trace fake votes.

Once again, Dominion voter main frame computers will be located in China making it hard to find the truth.


Pelosi once said it best..."Trump can get 100% of the votes & still lose the election"

Democrats are not going away without a fight.

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In a straight up, fair election, Trump easily beats Newsome.


Both have a record to run on. Newsome has destroyed California...Trump had success in his 4 years despite swimming up stream against the establishment.....comprised of the left and right.


I don't believe there has been any real movement to clean up the voting process in these past 3 years....a major reason Ronna Romney McDaniels was removed.


There is a God factor....if his choice is Trump....Trump wins. As America increasingly is turning away from God,  perhaps it is time for America to diminish in his eyes....


Interesting times...   CL

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23 minutes ago, coorslite21 said:

In a straight up, fair election, Trump easily beats Newsome.


Both have a record to run on. Newsome has destroyed California...Trump had success in his 4 years despite swimming up stream against the establishment.....comprised of the left and right.


I don't believe there has been any real movement to clean up the voting process in these past 3 years....a major reason Ronna Romney McDaniels was removed.


There is a God factor....if his choice is Trump....Trump wins. As America increasingly is turning away from God,  perhaps it is time for America to diminish in his eyes....


Interesting times...   CL


Trump beat OBiden the 1st time.  Trump will beat OBiden, again.

Election fraud worked then & will work again.

Free & fair elections are over, short of another civil war.

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6 hours ago, Shedagal said:

That has actually been suggested, but she/he has said "not interested."

Old moochell is as big a liar as that big fat A$$ she sporting these days! The DemoRats are already getting their next pandemic ready, it’s this new strain of the bird flu! I have seen reports that they are studying it for being genetically modified to make it possible for transmission to humans! The H1N1 virus was very difficult for a human to catch, I have heard there are 9 cases being reported in different states! It is a deadly virus if humans contract it. I personally believe that the Chinese are the ones responsible for the modification of this virus. It’s biological warfare that Biden is a co conspirator with the Chinese! We already know that the DemoRats are going to commit massive voter fraud! They will stop at nothing! Look at what they are doing to President Trump, it’s more than disgraceful it’s criminal! There is not a damn thing anyone can do but watch! Moochell can win with very little voter fraud in my opinion! These communists Marxist DemoRats will do anything they can to continue their campaign to destroy the constitution and the bill of rights that our country was built on! I don’t know why most of the baby boomers are supporting these DemoRats! When the few of us baby boomers that are left and trying to stop this criminal assault on the constitution are gone, it’s going to be a disaster! JMHO 

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u seem to forget what u call Demorats r Americans, yes, perhaps with  a different view on things , but such hatred is sad to read...i thought the constitution and the Bill of rights was also so we could all have different opinions , and always workout a compromise , and don't forget more then half the things one reads is put onto the web by the Chinese  and Russians for exactly your reaction.  and as far as Trump ,  a lot of this stupid **** he's dealing with he kinda brought on himself, the law is simply the law. lets hope for the dinar and enjoy life. 

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1 hour ago, marilyn rose said:

the law is simply the law. 


Well put...but...


The bogus Hush money trial is being tried as a Federal Felony by the State. That is not the law....the state has no jurisdiction here and the State case was already tried some time ago and is over.


The fraud case.....a $460 million fine....had no victim, or plaintiff....the banks/loaners testified in favor of Trump. A loop hole from the 1800's was what allowed this NY State case to go forward, along with a corrupt AG, and Court System. This will be over turned by the higher courts because the "law is the law".


$83 million defamation case....same thing...


Fanni in Georgia will go to prison just like Michael Cohen did.....all because as you stated....."the law is the law" 

Just my thoughts....CL 

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2 hours ago, marilyn rose said:

u seem to forget what u call Demorats r Americans, yes, perhaps with  a different view on things , but such hatred is sad to read...i thought the constitution and the Bill of rights was also so we could all have different opinions , and always workout a compromise , and don't forget more then half the things one reads is put onto the web by the Chinese  and Russians for exactly your reaction.  and as far as Trump ,  a lot of this stupid **** he's dealing with he kinda brought on himself, the law is simply the law. lets hope for the dinar and enjoy life. 

We don't hate the people; we hate the platform.   It is a necessary responsibility to call out the evil in their agenda.  As the saying says, the way for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

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7 hours ago, marilyn rose said:

u seem to forget what u call Demorats r Americans, yes, perhaps with  a different view on things , but such hatred is sad to read...i thought the constitution and the Bill of rights was also so we could all have different opinions , and always workout a compromise , and don't forget more then half the things one reads is put onto the web by the Chinese  and Russians for exactly your reaction.  and as far as Trump ,  a lot of this stupid **** he's dealing with he kinda brought on himself, the law is simply the law. lets hope for the dinar and enjoy life. 

I will never compromise on the murder of Babies! I will never compromise stealing my hard earned money and giving it to illegal aliens!President Trump has not committed any crimes! Just what did he bring on himself??? Your DemoRat president stole top secret documents and kept them at his compound clearly all felonies! Old woman Clinton stole top secret information and kept it on an unsecured server in her bathroom plus she paid campaign funds to her lawyer to start the Russian hoax! That is also a felony. obama did the same thing but the DemoRat judge let him off the hook!! Crooked joe and his dope head son didn’t pay taxes on all the money they embezzled out Ukraine And China! No I will not compromise the tax cheat Biden family criminal enterprises! The Clintons and Obama’s need to be investigated fully for their corruption in dealing with their taxes. Yes I do have a different view with these communist Marxist DemoRats, they are criminals and I don’t associate with felons. In fact I like to put them on chain and haul their A$$ to a federal prison! I don’t read or get my information from the internet either because it is nothing but propaganda put out by the DemoRats and their co conspirators. I will suggest to you since you obviously a supporter of the DemoRats , if you are invested in the IQD , when it does RV/RI, you take your money and give it to these millions of illegal aliens that crooked joe has allowed to invade our country! I’m sure you want give your money, but you are in favor of giving them mine!!! Case closed!

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1 hour ago, Artitech said:

I will never compromise on the murder of Babies! I will never compromise stealing my hard earned money and giving it to illegal aliens!President Trump has not committed any crimes! Just what did he bring on himself??? Your DemoRat president stole top secret documents and kept them at his compound clearly all felonies! Old woman Clinton stole top secret information and kept it on an unsecured server in her bathroom plus she paid campaign funds to her lawyer to start the Russian hoax! That is also a felony. obama did the same thing but the DemoRat judge let him off the hook!! Crooked joe and his dope head son didn’t pay taxes on all the money they embezzled out Ukraine And China! No I will not compromise the tax cheat Biden family criminal enterprises! The Clintons and Obama’s need to be investigated fully for their corruption in dealing with their taxes. Yes I do have a different view with these communist Marxist DemoRats, they are criminals and I don’t associate with felons. In fact I like to put them on chain and haul their A$$ to a federal prison! I don’t read or get my information from the internet either because it is nothing but propaganda put out by the DemoRats and their co conspirators. I will suggest to you since you obviously a supporter of the DemoRats , if you are invested in the IQD , when it does RV/RI, you take your money and give it to these millions of illegal aliens that crooked joe has allowed to invade our country! I’m sure you want give your money, but you are in favor of giving them mine!!! Case closed!


All true, but many do not have ears to hear.....

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