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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/2015 in all areas

  1. I agree. I am a very good communicator but I am not PC. (You seem to be very sensitive and perhaps I should soften my approach.) You will never have to wonder what I think because I will tell you. My delivery aside... if you don't hear me it's because you aren't listening. Let me first say that I love and respect you Trinity. Your many fine qualities meet and surpass what I look for in a friend. I know you're a good person and that's why I want more for you... specifically, clarity. So here it is: Until you (and michelle obama) are ready/able to be intellectually honest about the problems within the black community, you will always assign the bulk of the blame for your oppression where it doesn't belong. The reason people perceive some blacks as thugs... is because SOME BLACKS ARE THUGS! It's an honest perception and fear is a natural human response. Of course, it should not be a blanket perception. On behalf of anyone who has ever given you the stinkeye because you are black, I apologize. We are not perfect human beings. The gangsta RAP music is just a symptom... not the disease. The thug mentality... that so many embrace and emulate, is one thing that is destroying the black culture and creating bad perceptions. Not the music, the MESSAGE. It's a window that allows us a look inside. It seems to say that women are hos (objects) to be used and that violence (not words, hard work, education...) are the accepted tools to get what one wants. RAP is just a reflection of the problems... the fact that so many babies (who are lucky enough not to be aborted) are raised without a strong male role model, the lack of discipline, the drugs, the dropout rate, the black-on-black violence, the chronic disrespect of self and others, and let's not forget the dependency on 'entitlements' that rob them of their incentive and ambitions. Too many are kept just comfortable enough in their cage of poverty to never spread their wings and fly. Welfare was NEVER meant to be a way of life. I don't blame the music but rather the culture that lives, condones or even just tolerates the message. Unless it is a cry for help, it is unacceptable. Unfortunately, thuggery and irresponsibility is the perception some blacks 'openly' leave us with. Some whites as well, absolutely... I never meant to imply that it's exclusively a black thing. Often white people garner my discerning scrutiny... it would be foolish of me to ignore my instincts! (Victim does not suit me!) But the numbers don't lie. Lets face it... we all have work to do. It is an unsustainable lifestyle and needs to be corrected. If you care to really hear me, this is where we should start... The Bondage of Dependency and Victimhood. Wherever we see it we work to destroy it. (We'll leave the thuggery to the police!) Perhaps you've heard the term "compassionate conservative"... probably thought it was an oxymoron like jumbo shrimp! Lol! Conservatism is about Liberty and ultimately, Freedom. I'm not going to go all philosophical on ya but, you owe it to yourself to look into it. Tyranny comes in many forms and government is a very powerful tool. We conservatives understand that it is the INDIVIDUAL (the smallest minority of all) who is best served by a small government that FEARS 'we the (individual) people'... NOT the other way around. Free to succeed, free to fail... FREE. Hand up? Hell, yes! Hand out? Not so much. Dependency = Bondage = Tyranny. Let's stop the cycle. I've tried (and failed!) to keep politics out of the discussion but I would be remiss if I didn't remind you that historically, it has always been the left that fought against equality, promoted dependency, incentivized single parenthood and denied poor and black parents choice in quality education for their children. One of the first things obama did when he got to DC was end the school voucher program. Why? Because ideology trumps common sense. Bureaucracy, teachers unions, control over all that tax-payer money... can't risk that much power and control by giving people choice and competition! Well educated people (like yourself) require more of themselves. They often go out into the world as PRODUCTIVE members of society. They marry. They tend to reproduce responsibly. They don't settle for handouts... and they often vote with their brain - not their body parts or their pigmentation. Victimhood fuels the left. They cannot compete in the arena of ideas without it. So, the OP is about michelle obama opining about race perceptions keeping blacks down. Preparing them for the hardships of being perpetual victims of white society. It's BS, Trinity. We all get what we give in this world. Be honest and you'll get the truth. Be hard working and you'll get the job. Obey the law and you'll stay out of trouble. Be respectful and you'll get respect. It's the same thing I tell my children. Tell them. SHOW THEM! Hold them to a higher standard and accept nothing less. The problems in the black community are the 600 lb gorilla sitting to the left of you. You and she would rather pretend it doesn't exist than address it. What do you think will change if you continue to ignore it? Will the perceptions change? The crime rate? The cycle of dependency? The messaging to the youth? No my friend, it will only get worse. Criticism is all you hear but I'm trying to talk about solutions. Making excuses for bad behavior and giving it a "pass" won't solve it. It seems the left is a one-trick pony... throwing other people's money at every problem. No real results mind you, but they really want to convince us their 'intentions' are good. They're not. Even blacks who speak out are branded "Uncle Tom" or worse and ostracized. There is no room for dissent in the (victim) hood. What M.O. SHOULD have told that graduating class is... "CONGRATULATIONS! You've made it... you've EARNED it! Blast off into this world with the expectation that nothing good is easy (for anyone)... but NOTHING is unattainable. I'm so proud of each of you... because YOU will do more to change the negative perceptions than anything else. Your example of personal responsibility will inspire others to choose the same path. That should be your ultimate success... so work hard, dream big, create much, participate fully, give back and NEVER stop inspiring!" ... or something like that! That would be an inspiring message to America, ANY graduate, young person... and maybe even a thug or two! Are we still on for May 31st? I'll take the gloves off for that!
    8 points
  2. THIS IS AN EXCELLENT ARTICLE: Collectivists Hate Individuality, Tribalism, And 'Fast And Furious 7'? on 05/13/2015 21:00 -0400 ETC Federal Reserve Reality Reuters inShare Submitted by Brandon Smith via, Sometimes in the liberty movement — with discussions of potential collapse, war, revolution, social destabilization, etc. — it is easy to get so caught up in the peripheral conflict between the elites and the citizenry that we forget what the whole thing is really about. That is to say, we tend to overlook the very core of the conflict that is shaping our epoch. Some would say that it is a simple matter of good versus evil. I don’t necessarily disagree, but good and evil are not defined methodologies; rather, they are inherent archetypes — facts born in the minds and hearts of all men. It’s a gift of comprehension from something greater than ourselves. They are felt, rather than defined, and attempts by institutions (religious, scientific, legal or otherwise) to force morality away from intuitive reason and into a realm of artificial hierarchical and mathematical standards tend to lead only to even more imbalance, destruction, innocent deaths and general immorality. There have been many nightmare regimes throughout history that have claimed to understand and obey moral “laws” and standards while at the same time having no personal or spiritual connection to those standards. In other words, some of the most heinous acts of immorality are often stamped with the approval of supposedly moral social and governmental institutions. This is why a person who calls himself a moral Christian, a moral Muslim, a moral atheist, a moral legislator, a moral conservative, a moral liberal, a moral social justice warrior, etc. is not necessarily a person who ultimately acts with moral conviction. It is not enough for one to memorize and follow the code of a belief system or legal system blindly. One must also understand the tenets of inborn natural law and of the human soul that make those codes meaningful (if they have retained any meaning), or he will eventually fall prey to the vicious calamities of dogma and the collective shadow. If I were to examine the core methodologies that are at odds in our society today, I would have to say that the whole fight comes down not only to good versus evil, but to collectivism versus individualism. The same demands of understanding also apply to this dichotomy. Nearly all human beings naturally gravitate toward social structures. This is not under debate. The best of us seek to work with others for the betterment of our own position in terms of survival and success, but also the betterment of our species as a whole, if possible. Beyond this, people often find solace and a sense of epiphany when discovering connections to others; the act of recognition and shared experience that is in itself a religious experience. This is what I would call “community,” as opposed to “collectivism.” Collectivism is a bastardization and manipulation of the inherent desire most people have to build connections to those around them. It takes the concept of community to the extreme end of the spectrum, and in the process, removes all that was originally good about it. In a collectivist system, individualism becomes a threat and a detriment to the functionality of society. In a community, individualism is seen as a valuable resource that brings a diversity of ideas, skills and unique views, making the group stronger. Collectivism believes the hive mind is more efficient. Community believes voluntary action and individual achievement makes society healthier in the long run. Our culture in general today is being bombarded with messages that aggrandize collectivism and stigmatize community and individualism. This is not by mere chance; it is in fact a program of indoctrination. I came across a rather strange and in some ways hilarious example of this while sifting through the propaganda platform known as Reuters. As most liberty movement activists are well aware, Reuters is a longtime haven for Fabian socialists who despise honest reporting (to them media is a means of controlling the populace, not informing it) and who consistently inject concepts of collectivist (i.e., globalist) ideology into their articles. The Reuters opinion piece linked here and written by Lynn Stuart Parramore presents itself as a kind of social examination of film and its reflection of the decline of American civilization. Rather oddly, the film chosen as a litmus test was “Fast And Furious 7.” Yes, that’s right. The “Fast and Furious” franchise apparently contains social commentary so disturbing to Reuters’ contributing “cultural theorists” that they felt compelled to write a short thesis on it. First, I would like to point out that when I first read the article the original title was “‘Fast decline of postwar America & furious desire to cling to ‘family.’” It appears that Reuters has since “amended” the title to stand out a little less as a collectivist expose. Just to be clear, I have no interest in discussing the content of the “Furious 7″ film. My commentary will focus not on the film but on Reuters’ commentary regarding the film...if that makes sense to you. So what about the newest Furious film has the collectivists so concerned? As the article states, “something alarming lurks at the heart of ‘Furious 7.'” The film’s depiction of America as an economically wounded nation in which good men cannot find a means to make an honest and adequate living doesn’t seem to bother them as much as the response of the main characters to such circumstances. The article almost revels in the postwar degradation of American living standards, outlining how fiscal decline has led to the disruption of the American family and posits that the golden era of the 1950’s economic boom is a relic, erased by the rise of a severe “haves and have-nots” division in the American class sphere. This is, of course, a decidedly simplistic view that appeals more to Marxists than to anyone with true knowledge of the breakdown of the U.S. Reuters takes issue with “Furious 7″ because of what it refers to as the “1950’s fantasy” narrative it clings to, in which the heroes long for a return to the middle-class dream, turning away from the corrupt structure of the system and reverting to the “tribalism” of families and posses. The “myth of the posse,” they state, “ignores the interconnectedness of the broader society” and “the idea of a common culture of citizenship recedes into the background, as does faith in a society based on shared principles of justice.” I find this conclusion rather fascinating in its collectivist bias. We are led to believe by Parramore’s article that it is the “Ayn Randian” code of contemporary economics and market efficiency that has led America astray. To put it simply, the free market did this to us. This is the great lie promoted ad nauseam by collectivists today — collectivists who would like to divert blame for economic failure on more individualistic market ideals. The reality is that America has NOT supported free market methods for at least a century. The advent of parasitic central banking as an economic core in the Federal Reserve and constant government intervention and regulation that have only destroyed small business rather than kept large businesses in check has caused the very negative financial environment that Parramore at least recognizes as the source of our ills. Corporations themselves exist only because of government regulatory license, after all, but you won’t ever catch Reuters criticizing that. It was collectivism and the rise of the statist model that bled America dry, not free-market methods that have not existed in this country for more than 100 years. The delusion that free markets are the problem was the same delusion that helped bring down Occupy Wall Street; the movement failed in part because its foundational philosophy was built on disinformation that rang false with otherwise sympathetic people. So an action movie presents a competing model to collectivism, because collectivism has always been the problem, despite what Reuters has to say. That model is a return to classic human community in the form of family and “tribalism” where regular individuals matter, a point the Reuters article subtly mocks as a “fantasy.” But here we find the collectivists using the kind of rhetoric one would come to expect from social Marxists. The article continues: "When the personal posse replaces civic spirit, and the us-against-them mentality prevails, monsters can breed…" "This is what is now happening in many corners of the world, where neglected groups have formed posses positively bloodthirsty in their quest to assert that they matter on the global stage to show they are not just victims of a rigged game…" I’m not exactly sure what “bloodthirsty groups” Parramore is referring to as “posses,” but I suspect this is a reference to the rise of ISIS, among others. And here we find the Fabian socialist-style propaganda at play. You see, the Fabian ideology is the driving force behind globalization — the same globalization that triggered the vast downward slide in American prosperity; the same globalization that has generated anger and dissension among the downtrodden and poverty-stricken; the same globalization that has created artificial economic interdependency among nations and the domino effect of fiscal crisis around the globe; and the same globalization that has led to the predominance of covert agencies, covert agencies which have been funding “bloodthirsty posses” like ISIS for decades. And the source philosophy behind globalization has always been collectivism — the “interconnectedness of broader society” that Parramore proclaims as lost in the pages of the “Furious 7″ screenplay. Parramore ends with a stark warning to us all: "… a return to tribal instincts and the letting go of the broader common bonds and the welfare of the greater human family has a dark side. It is ultimately a dangerous road to travel." Those of us who support the idea of localized community (i.e., tribalism) and the value of the individual over the arbitrary collective are, supposedly, playing with fire; and we should be scared, very scared. We would not want to be labeled as “bloodthirsty monsters” hell-bent on disturbing the tranquility of the “greater human family.” Oh, boy. When I read this kind of agenda-based garbage, I am reminded of the insanity of slightly more open social Marxists, such as feminists, who have through dishonorable tactics conjured an atmosphere of collective and legal pressure designed not to present a better argument, but to make all opposing arguments a sin against the group. That is to say, social Marxists do not have a better argument, so their only option is to make rational counterarguments socially taboo or even illegal. If you want to know where social Marxism (collectivism) is headed, this is it: the labeling of individualistic philosophies as dangerous thought crimes and tribal communities as time bombs waiting to explode in the face of the wider global village. They desperately hope to conquer the world by dictating not only national boundaries and civil liberties, but the very moral code by which society and individuals function. They wish to bypass natural law with fear, fear that the collective will find you abhorrent and barbaric if you do not believe exactly as they believe. Individualism will one day be the new misogyny. Think of it this way: If an undoubtedly forgettable movie like “Furious 7″ can’t even portray a fictional step away from the abyss of collectivist cultism without a prophecy of doom from Reuters, then is anyone really safe from these lunatics?
    6 points
  3. I know it sounds like Blue Couch crap...but I do not take this investment lightly, nor do I take my relationship with my Father in Heaven lightly. I don't remember ever hearing His audible voice, just His quiet one in my spirit...but this was boom in my ears and I was startled to hear it. I only share it because I know so so many of us dinarians have been waiting years and when He said "August" to me several years ago I was finally able to enjoy the ride and not fret over when. Again I did not hear what year, but everytime an August goes by I can relax and go back to enjoying the show that is Dinarro World... The difference this year is it being the year of the Shemittah, which if you pick up the book by Jonathan Cahn titled the Mystery of the Shemittah you will see how the whole world is tied to it. This is not fantasy, it is incredible and credible as the Shemittah is a thread GOD has used to weave through thousands of years to this very year and will continue into the future. Will it definitely be this August? I feel like this Shemittah year more so than ever....but it is possible another August goes by and I wait another year... So yes, fantastic? Most definitely....Blue Couch stuff? Only for those who are ignorant of the spiritual underpinings of this and many other earth changing events that we are on the cusp of. BTW I have been stating August since I heard it several years ago and have not changed because when you are in the wee morning hours in bed, in the dark, and you ask your Heavenly Father when the dinar is going to revalue and you suddenly hear a deep resonating voice bounce off your wall and ears state "AUGUST"...That is enough to shake you out of your sheets, and at the same time make you smile, lie back and say "Thank you for that"....Now that doesn't mean I have not been asking to move up the timeline because so many are hurting for this to take place but..... "I can wait...and I have been" I hope this helps a little sincerely and sanely...Keylime
    6 points
  4. Good morning fellow Dinarians out there in Dinar-land! Today is Wednesday, 13th of May, and I don't have any secret intel today. (If I did, I couldn't share it anyway!) Before I get to the Q&A, something occurred to me this morning. It occurs to me that people tend to get hung up on the small details a lot of the time, and they forget to look at the big picture. I remember one of my last trips to Abu Dhabi, I ended up sitting next to a Sheik wearing the long robe and a baseball cap (I think it was blue with the Yankee logo on it). I notice in his front pocket a very flashy pen... it was absolutely stunning! Once we got off the plane, I connected to the airport wifi... and did some image searches... wouldn't you know it, I found the pen that guy was toting around in his pocket like it was some ordinary ball point clicky thing. Turns out that pen had a few hundred precious gems in it and was worth TENS of thousands of dollars. Hey, you never know when you'll need something fancy to sign a new multi billion dollar oil contract with, right? On one of my recent trips to the Seychelles, I noticed a LARGE new construction taking place on top of a mountain in the not-too-distant background. Keep in mind that the Seychelles is a very small island, made of granite, and land is at a huge premium there. I asked my guide-friend what it was, and he gave me the name of a wealthy oil tycoon who decided he loved the island and bought a sizable chunk of it in order to build a palace on. Everything he was doing was against government regulations and completely unheard of by anyone else, but this guy had greased so many palms that he was able to do anything he wanted there. And I ran across this recently: Billionaire Saudi to build world's largest building, reaching a full kilometer. This guy is also building an entire city to go around the tallest building in the world. They had to dig down over THIRTY stories to set the foundation. The steel they are using is the strongest ever made. Are you all following along with me here? Let me break this down in real simple terms... The money that comes from oil is mind-boggling. They don't have to live by our "logical" terms, and they won't do business or maintain their money on our terms either! The potential for Iraq to soar far beyond anything we can currently imagine is astounding. The potential for wealth simply by putting their feet down and announcing to the world "OUR CURRENCY IS NOW 100X STRONGER" is real... all anyone has to do is realize that we don't have to understand why someone would actually gold plate a Lamborghini... they just do it because they can. "The gold vehicle had a pricetag of $7.5 million, making it the world's most expensive model car. Carved out of a 500-kilogram block of solid gold, the finished model contained 25 kilograms of the precious metal." So, let me just sum this up real quick... Iraq has a major portion of the stuff that makes this kind of insane wealth possible. At one time, Iraq had a currency valued at that same level. Iraq has been and continues to be on a very linear path to prosperity. Logic does not have to apply. They do what they want. I'm in for the long haul on this one, my friends. I don't expect an RV of $15 where maybe I could have my own gold plated Lambo, but you can bet your sweet little tush I'm sticking around long enough to see a good profit on my little gamble here. I'll see you at the finish line, and hopefully not too far from now. ========== WEEKLY Q&A =========== I haven't spent a lot of time watching it, sorry bud! I've kept up on the details enough to know that ISIS isn't taking over Iraq, as much as the MSM would have liked to have us all think that for a while. Can they? Absolutely. Will they? Possibly. Should they? YES, DANGIT! That is a good question. Sure, it *could* happen... but I doubt it will. Why would Iraq apply for a credit rating now after all this time if they thought they might not get a favorable ruling? Of course they could. I'm not worried about it though. 1. See my opening comments. They don't have to do anything logical. 2. When the new notes are actually printed, we should start paying attention. Until then, it's just another article that may or may not have any real meaning. You are a mean mean person It's over a month from that date... but that's a good question. We've seen a lot of progress and great news on the HCL, but the recent credit rating news may actually become a factor. I'm going to hold my comments on the timeline for now. Shydude good perspective on the articles. They do this stuff all the time, so I'm not going to get too excited until I see something more solid than just a few articles. Not likely. However, if a foreign entity that doesn't pay US taxes in the first place does that, then absolutely yes. If you're not in my VIP/OSI group yet, now is the time! I don't even know for sure if they are really going to print the notes in the first place! Wouldn't it be something if tomorrow they say "Ok everyone, big notes coming out on Tuesday!" and then on Tuesday they said "Just kidding, no big notes... RV TIME!!!" "China dinar positions"? I'm not sure there is any such thing... and with that said, I'm thinking maybe they are being misinformed. If you want to send me information (in private) about these "chinese dinar positions", I'll look into it and at least give you some relevant info to send to him. Regardless, you are correct on one thing - those of us holding cash dinars won't be "out of luck". We'll have the same window as the rest of the world to cash in before they replace the current bills with new re-denominated bills. ============================================ I'm off to shop gold-plating prices. Maybe I can start with a bicycle. Have a great day everyone! - Adam
    5 points
  5. I woke up in the middle of the night and the first thing that came to mind was " Will this dinar thing ever happen?" I decided to ask. I said Jesus please give me a sign am I waisting my time or is something really gonna happen? And then I added but please make sure that I understand your sign cause you know how fast my life is and I want to make sure that I get and understand your sign. So I went back to sleep when all of a sudden a while later I woke up and knew that I had to look at the read 555. As soon as I saw it I knew that it could be the sign that I was asking for. With a smile on my face knowing that I had been heard I went back to sleep. At that moment I had no idea what those numbers meant but I knew it was a good thing. Later that morning I looked it up on the internet and this is what it says about 555. Coincidence Ya Think ? Or is it a sign? Seeing the Angel Number 555 is a sign of big changes to come… So What Does Seeing 555 Mean? 555 is a clear sign of huge changes throughout all areas of your life. If you’re seeing this number you’ve likely already started seeing changes unfolding around, and it’s highly likely there are more to come. The angels are showing you this number not to worry you, or frighten you about the upcoming change… But just to help you become aware, so that you can keep your thoughts positively aligned which will help the changes unfold throughout your life in the most desirable ways. If you’re seeing 555, and noticing lots of change in your life, you can rest assured that the changes, even if they may seem harsh or sudden, are Divinely inspired and are ultimately bringing you into closer alignment with your authentic self and your life purpose. 555 urges you to let go of the old and outdated. If you resist the changes happening in your life, you’ll likely manifest obstacles, challenges, and a feeling of struggle. But by willingly letting go of what has been, and what is now in the past, and refocusing on the infinite possibility before you, you’ll naturally bring yourself into alignment with the divinely inspired positive changes in store. 555 isn’t a call to sit back and be a passive recipient of whatever is coming you way. It is a call from the universe and the angels to choose yourself and to co-create positive change and blessings in your life. Stay present in the moment and utilize affirmations, and prayer to stay positive and to stay focused on aligning with the highest and best possible changes, which will most serve. You’re well equipped to handle whatever change is coming, and hugely supported from your angels and guides beyond the veil. Trust in the process of change, choose to stay in a positive state of love, and be willing to let go and go with the flow to allow blessings and divinely inspired changes to unfold in your life.
    5 points
    5 points
  7. The solution is already presented in the crux of what birthed this entire thread. Black students persevering to complete their degree at Tuskegee University. These young people are the solution as they launch out into the world to make a difference in their communities as well as the nation holding God and education as their charter. The enemy is poverty and ignorance, and these students have taken tremendous strides to overcome both. They are the future to much of what plagues black inner-city plight.
    5 points
  8. Man how many times these clowns have to agree on this......Just pass it into LAW and RV your currency.......Thanks Yota
    5 points
  9. Excellent read. Appreciate you bringing this over and how it is so true today. This "sickness" has been going on for a long time, as stated in the article. The idea that I am beholden to follow a set of rules, outside of my "tribal" affiliation is so widely accepted now that questioning it marks you as a "kook" or "anti-social nutcase". I cant tell you how many times I have argued these points with so-called "well-educated" types who can't see how their thinking and acceptance to collectivism has destroyed America (or the rest of the free world). My question to them, which NO ONE has been able to answer with any sort of FACTS, is this: What facts do you rely upon to show that the code, regulations or statues apply to me? Show me a FACT. There is not one. Their counter would be use the non-sense of "Well, if we didn't have these rules and if you werent obligated to follow them, then you could get away with murder or the like...". This statist reply doesn't address the real issue of from whence did I incur the obligation to follow their rules, ideas or political positions. If you have no authority over me as an individual, how did you MAGICALLY obtain dictate powers over me because you were "elected"? Today, we see the state enforcing rules/regulations that limit our freedoms as people-born-free without an obligation to the state UNLESS we CHOOSE to be subjected to its whims. For example, when I joined the Marines, I signed/took an oath to follow their rules. When I broke them, I found myself in the Red-line Brig and doing 30-days Correctional Custody. However, outside of this and a few other conditions, in which, I affirmed my desire to be subjected to some set of rules, I have made no other commitment to anything. I don't need a law telling me "don't hurt other. Don't steal or don't kill someone". A moral "law" is found in the individual's moral compass. Only those without such, need such regulation, rules and governance. It burns me up to see the state (and its boot-lickers) telling a baker "You aren't allowed to refuse making a cake for a XXX couple". From where did the state get such power over the individual? How can the "State" tell us what we can do or not do with our bodies, our opinions, our livelihood.....? For the good of society, will be the response. Well, I've ranted enough. How free are you if you live in abject fear of the state or under the opinion of the public which supports that tyranny? We were born-free without any obligation to the state. Dunno, just saying....Peace
    5 points
  10. Printing more 000's notes in preparation to delete 000's. It doesn't make sense I believe they're taking about lower denomination notes. Increase the exchange rate, collect all the 000's notes from circulation and at the same time introduce lower denomination notes and coins. Just my opinion.!!
    5 points
  11. Barzani: Baghdad to abide by the agreements reached with the government of Iraqi Kurdistan MAY 14, 2015 Arbil - (dpa) - President of Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani announced on Thursday that Baghdad to abide by the agreements concluded between the government and the province. Barzani said, at a joint news conference with President of the Kurdistan Parliament Yusuf Mohammed, said "our commitment according to the agreement concluded between us is to export 550 000 barrels in favor of Baghdad and in contrast Mtaufer Rdstan amounting trillion and 200 billion dinars ($ billion) unfortunately was supposed application of the Convention, but they have sought to reduce the province's budget Kurdistan. " He stressed that "the Kurdistan region is committed to the Convention concluded with Baghdad," he said, adding "the continuation of negotiations with the Iraqi government to resolve the existing problems and the need to adhere to the Convention Baghdad, otherwise the region would not commit to as well." It agreed Arbil and Baghdad on the export of 250 thousand barrels of oil in the Kurdistan region, and 300 thousand barrels of Kirkuk oil to the oil pipeline run by the Iraqi government, but the implementation process faced a technical problem. He stressed that "Baghdad is committed to either the Convention or sign a new agreement with Baghdad that deal with the Kurdistan region as a buyer of oil." The Ministry of Finance in the government of the Kurdistan region a few days ago that the Iraqi government has deduct 10 percent of the amount of money which had announced its intention to send him to the region, which has sent 488 billion Iraqi dinars instead of 543 billion dinars, despite the fact that the Kurdistan Regional Government, may more than it exported quantity consistent, amounting to 550 thousand barrels per day. For his part, President of the Kurdistan parliament, Yusuf Mohammed, at the conference, on non-compliance with the Convention concluded with Baghdad unless it provides the Kurdistan region's budget and strengthened citizens, according to the Convention and the law of the general Iraqi budget for 2015. He said that "the Iraqi government is required to abide by the Convention, and in the case of non-compliance, it has the right to secure the budget for the Kurdistan region of non-compliance to the Convention." Barzani denied accusations were fired by Iraqi views of the Kurdistan region oil sold to Israeli companies.
    4 points
  12. "5" is also the number for "grace" in Biblical numerology. Triple numbers adds"pay attention", this is important!!! I don't stare at my clock often...but I have been gettin' "555" quite a bit lately. Grace can mean different things to different folks...but to me it represents the power and strength to do what's in front of you. I'll take grace over luck any day!!! Sandfly MIT!!!
    4 points
  13. KGB....ATF....FDA....RUN....DMC
    4 points
  14. Yes, even panes are funny; When there.... or not there.....
    4 points
  15. Frank Doesn't Have A Window Even Though He Is A Pane ...
    4 points
  16. Wow - That Was A Refreshing Break ! Did Anything Happen While I Was Gone - Has Adam Sent Out The Big Text Yet ?
    4 points
  17. 13/05/2015 10:01 GMT Parliamentary Finance: Print new monetary categories in preparation for the deletion of zeros from currency BAGHDAD - and babysit- said the Parliamentary Finance Committee member Masood Haider, that directed the central bank to issue and print new cash categories will be preceded by the preparation of the decision to delete the zeros of the currency. Haider said, that "the central bank decided to print large cash classes in preparation for the application of the decision to delete the zeros of the currency in the coming period." He added that "the parliamentary Finance Committee discussed with the Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords subject of printing new categories in the event of cash availability after the rise in oil prices and achieve financial abundance." The member of the Finance Committee, said that "the Central Bank has decided to reprint some of the larger denominations to prepare the application of the decision to delete the zeros of the currency in the coming period." He pointed out that "the decision has undergone extensive study to assess the economic feasibility and to be implemented depending on the timing proposed by the administration to the central bank." Haider said that "the new denominations to be printed will be of category 50 100 thousand Iraqi dinars."
    3 points
    3 points
  19. Thanks for the post. I always like Mailman his rumors and or explanations always become fact.
    3 points
  20. Very well said TXP! It burns me up as well...people are so conditioned to accept what the so-called authorities tell them is "the law" they simply don't know HOW to think any other way anymore. When I try to engage some people on certain subject, I usually get the glazed over "deer in the headlights" look, or outright hostility/anger, with them spewing things like "you're un-American or "If you don't like America, move to Russia" memes. I thought America was supposed to be ABOUT dissent and individual rights over the so-called "collective"? Really amazing how many have been absolutely brainwashed by a steady diet of propaganda and media distractions.
    3 points
  21. One of the best and most interesting threads ever imo. I have learned a lot ... Grazie.
    3 points
  22. i don't understand why there always seems to be an issue with payment. if the agreement is 2 fish for $5, how is there room for any dissimulation? when i give you 2 fishes, you simply return to me $5. if the kurds delivered their agreed upon amount of oil, why are they not receiving the agreed upon amount of dinars? i just don't get it....
    3 points
  23. hello again my friend. thank you for such a thorough response. i gave you a +1 for your clarity and making points that i can earnestly respond to even though i believe you are missing the mark. first of all i honestly (without any proof) don't believe the majority of the folks responding to OP actually watched the 26 minute speech by MO. i could be wrong but shame on you if you commented on this thread taking a third party as your source - shame on you because by now we know better. and i can see how anyone gathering all of the details from the author of the newsletter would walk away thinking that black people want to stay in the past with a victimized future.....i can fully comprehend getting that message from an individual's writing because admittedly i watched the speech for myself but never read the OP until a few minutes ago and i was shocked. however i encourage everyone to listen to the speech for themselves before commenting. i will address two points here and try keeping it short since this thread has already dragged on too long. Her speech addressed two situations facing black youth: being a victim of urban plight and being a victim of corporate bias. MO gave her experience and struggles after entering the white house. Let's face it, the hate mail she receives on a daily basis would probably be more than any first lady in the history of our nation. she was very transparent in her speech as she rounded off talking about how she had to make a decision to be true to herself, authentic to her cause and sincere in her approach. the newsletter appeared to be written from a certain slant because it did not mention these words, "....that's what i want for all of you....chart yourself to make your mark on the world.....[addressing victimization] those feelings are not an excuse to lose hope. to succumb to feelings of hate and anger means that in the end we lose. when we pull ourselves out of the lowest emotional depth, we can build ourselves and our communities up. we can overcome anything that stands in our way. and the first thing we have to do is every election at every level all of the time. because if you want to have a say in your community and the power to have your own destiny you have to vote vote vote. that is how we move forward and make progress." Who in hades said that we pretend problems don't exist in the black community??? Where do you get this from? That blacks pit blame on others for problems within our own communities??? Do you even know that I grew up surrounded by gang violence; the 8 Miles, 7 Miles, 6 Miles, 76'ers, 6 Mile Smurfs etc? That I lived off of "8 Mile" the same place in Detroit M&M rapped about?? I lived with a crack house on my street all my life. I've seen women do things for crack that the angels in heaven shed tears over, and watched people become mindless zombies of the night searching for their next hit at 2-3-4 o'clock in the morning. I've seen teachers stomped in the middle of school hallways by wolfpack of thugs. Seen kids walk home in cold, slush and snow with no shoes because they were "checked in". I grew up in black-on-black crime and never did we blame any of it on another race. Instead we organized neighborhood watch clubs, built relationships with local police mini-stations, walked our kids home from school. How do you have the audacity to tell me that we are pretending problems don't exist?! So in short here is the skinny. MO actually should have made you proud because firstly she said all the things that you mentioned at the end of your writing. On top of that her message was one about "Rising Above" and not succumbing to hopelessness and victimization. She is intimate with the issues facing black youth and she faced it head on letting them know that there are no excuses for becoming a victim. That just as american black history is rich in the narrative of "Still I Rise", so must this generation continue holding up that narrative. So my friend Whatshername I hope I help you to understand that this is not about lack of accountability, irresponsibility or hate. MO was speaking to a crowd of young people many of whom if they go backward to where they came, they will die. Your message did not dig down deep enough to help them - sorry, but you do not show the experience of black inner city youth and their struggle. So how can you speak on it as if you know what they need?? What is fascinating is the message you have been writing about is what was delivered. Apparently though you do not care for the deliverer or the style of the packaging. It was a message of hope, accountability, overcoming, and achievement. Isn't it enough though that the package was delivered?
    3 points
  24. I have several dinar notes and an Amtrak ticket for sale......
    3 points
  25. This is the end of her speech... "That’s what’s always happened here at Tuskegee. Think about those students who made bricks with their bare hands. They did it so that others could follow them and learn on this campus, too. Think about that brilliant scientist who made his lab from a trash pile. He did it because he ultimately wanted to help sharecroppers feed their families. Those Airmen who rose above brutal discrimination -- they did it so the whole world could see just how high black folks could soar. That’s the spirit we’ve got to summon to take on the challenges we face today. And you don’t have to be President of the United States to start addressing things like poverty, and education, and lack of opportunity. Graduates, today -- today, you can mentor a young person and make sure he or she takes the right path. Today, you can volunteer at an after-school program or food pantry. Today, you can help your younger cousin fill out her college financial aid form so that she could be sitting in those chairs one day. (Applause.) But just like all those folks who came before us, you’ve got to do something to lay the groundwork for future generations. That pilot I mentioned earlier -- Charles DeBow -- he didn’t rest on his laurels after making history. Instead, after he left the Army, he finished his education. He became a high school English teacher and a college lecturer. He kept lifting other folks up through education. He kept fulfilling his “double duty” long after he hung up his uniform. And, graduates, that’s what we need from all of you. We need you to channel the magic of Tuskegee toward the challenges of today. And here’s what I really want you to know -- you have got everything you need to do this. You’ve got it in you. Because even if you’re nervous or unsure about what path to take in the years ahead, I want you to realize that you’ve got everything you need right now to succeed. You’ve got it. You’ve got the knowledge and the skills honed here on this hallowed campus. You’ve got families up in the stands who will support you every step of the way. And most of all, you’ve got yourselves -- and all of the heart, and grit, and smarts that got you to this day. And if you rise above the noise and the pressures that surround you, if you stay true to who you are and where you come from, if you have faith in God’s plan for you, then you will keep fulfilling your duty to people all across this country. And as the years pass, you’ll feel the same freedom that Charles DeBow did when he was taking off in that airplane. You will feel the bumps smooth off. You’ll take part in that “never-failing miracle” of progress. And you’ll be flying through the air, out of this world -- free. God bless you, graduates. I can’t wait to see how high you soar. Love you all. Very proud. Thank you." Link for the full transcript:
    3 points
  26. Thanks for the update Buzzy!! I would love for this to happen now too, but hey, we keep on keeping on as if this will take a while longer. This will happen soon, when it's supposed to. I don't always drink beer, but when I do, I prefer DOS RV! Stay Patient My Friends! GO RV!!!!!
    3 points
  27. Did ya have one of those 9 minute sandwich breaks Buzzy is famous for???
    3 points
  28. i am with you, god i pray, it would help so many, thanks for the post
    3 points
  29. Many years ago I worked at 3M. JFK wanted to give King Saud a copy machine. It had to be gold plated. That became my job. Imagine gold plating electric motors, transformers, bearings, nylon parts etc. Took me nearly a year, but it was done.
    3 points
  30. You should start calling your weekly post "The BUZZ WORD"
    3 points
  31. Yeah, Med and Mailman had a disagreement and parted ways. His old site is all but dust. Mailman crops up now and again but he still has credibility in my estimation.
    2 points
  32. You remember when Mailman and Med always made and agreed on a bunch of things, Have not heard from Med in some time...Hope he is OK, Has anyone heard from Med?
    2 points
  33. mm,i like the way you think. Spot on as usual...
    2 points
  34. Wednesday, May 13, 2015
    2 points
  35. "We are led to believe by Parramore’s article that it is the “Ayn Randian” code of contemporary economics and market efficiency that has led America astray. To put it simply, the free market did this to us." ATLAS SHRUGGED... Now Non-Fiction Great article! Thanks Gente
    2 points
  36. GOLD INVESTING prices hit 3-month highs against the Dollar in London trade Thursday, peaking above $1227 per ounce as the US currency sank again. World stock markets rose, jumping at the start of New York trade, while commodities edged higher but Eurozone government bonds fell in price once more. Funds investing in German Bunds saw prices drop to new 6-month lows, with 10-year yields hitting 0.77% per annum. Greek government bonds fell harder, pushing 10-year yields up 0.27 percentage points after Athens' finance minister Yanis Varoufakis said the country's debt is "unsustainable" and asked to delay repaying bail-out money to the European Central Bank "far into the distant future." The Euro peaked at new 3-month highs vs. the Dollar however, rising above $1.14 and curbing the gold price for Eurozone investors to 1.4% gains for the week so far at €1076 per ounce. For US investors on the other hand, "Gold has managed to break above its 200-day moving average [at $1218]," says Leon Westgate at Chinese-owned ICBC Standard Bank, "helped by a weaker Dollar. "The key will however be whether gold can dig its heels in," Standard's note says, pointing to "resistance at the $1226 mark formed by a Fibonacci 50% retracement" of the January-to-March 12% drop. "We see April's high of $1225 as the next key level," agrees market maker and LBMA Gold Price participant Scotia Mocatta in a technical analysis, also pointing to "the April reaction high and the 50% correction of the January to March down move of $1305 to $1143." "A break above $1222-25 provides the opportunity for a dash to $1260," reckons an Asian trading desk. New data compiled for today's Gold Demand Trends report from market-development organization the World Gold Council meantime put China's total 2014 demand 20% above the figures first published last year. But while Asian investment demand for retail gold bars and coins was still twice the total demand of Western Europe and North America combined, it fell 10% in the first quarter of 2015 from the same period last year. Gold investing demand amongst Western households, in contrast, rose 10% on the new data, produced by London-based consultancy Metals Focus. Gold prices in Shanghai closed Thursday at 2-month highs in Yuan terms. But a surge in the Chinese currency vs. the Dollar on the FX market turned this week's small premium for Shanghai gold – over and above quotes for settlement in London – into the first discount since early April, equal to some 50 cents per ounce. "The rampant strength of the [Chinese] equity market is clearly diverting attention away from gold," Reuters quotes World Gold Council head of market intelligence Alistair Hewitt, who now forecasts that China's gold demand will equal India's in 2015, having beaten it the former world No.1 two years running.
    2 points
  37. They need to shut down Amtrak totally, it is a waste of tax payer dollars, just like the United Postal Service. Let it be run by private businesses instead of another government failure.
    2 points
  38. MIT and Rod and Staff. Thanks. A most encouraging article and response. I appreciate it.
    2 points
  39. 2 points
  40. I don't watch the clock thats why this took me by surprise. And this has never happened to me before. When I woke up and knew that I was supposed to look at the clock and saw those numbers I knew it had to mean something I just had no idea what it meant. For what it's worth it was a good confirmation of what is about to take place. At least thats how I see it.
    2 points
  41. My house would be made out of glass with all their windows.
    2 points
  42. "the Central Bank has decided to reprint some of the larger denominations to prepare the application of the decision to delete the zeros of the currency in the coming period." Thanks K98
    2 points
  43. First Adam I have to thank You. It was Spitzer. and I love to encore other people's comments, but I had to add some of their comments with my notes.. What. To prepare your papers and suitcase.? I have to get my health better because I will be able to take my family to see my Homeland again. Australia by way of France. That's what I have to get ready for... What. You were already Packed!!! Your talking to Buzzy... He who can eat cloth. He was in his flow, just finally speaking his spirit. Thank You Adam. I'm hopping for you to be right, but I'll take May-O-Be June is good with me./ Same as You Jim HeartBarn butr in Australia.
    2 points
  44. Right folks, this all just Kabuki for the zombie sheeple...the Dems are pulling a fake out so that once they do shove this stinker down the American public's throat, they can say, "well, WE TRIED"...and sadly most of the idiots out there will fall for it...AGAIN. It does seem more and more folks are waking up everyday though. But I do think things are about to get much, much worse before they get better here in the US.
    2 points
  45. This video is a production showing a flow of events over the years. If you want to pause the video while watching in order to read more closely, use the space bar on your keyboard to pause and resume. Does this video cause you to question anything or is it patriotic to just ignore and go along with whatever we are told? Should we trust our government or hold them accountable for their actions or lack thereof over the past 70+ years? If we should hold politicians accountable, how are we supposed to accomplish this within our current political and judicial system that often protects the guilty and sacrifices the innocent?
    2 points
  46. And as that Iraqi Executive once stated... Nothing is ever done before, during and after Ramadan.
    2 points
  47. you know what they say, in for a penny in for a pound...I'm in for the long haul...right there with you Adam...thanks for all you do... :-)
    2 points
  48. Just being funny I saw this somewhere and I thought it would fit....Just like you I'm fed up with waiting and This is now an excersize in wishful thinking. I hope your right MIT. Maybe if we pray hard and think positively we could manifest this and it may just happen soon.
    2 points
  49. See here:
    2 points
  50. I am not concerned. Y'all forget that the US has $100K notes - so the banks and gvt can transfer large amounts of cold cash easily. The CBI wants new large notes with the extra security features. It doesn't sound like we will even have to deal with a time limit to exchange ours because they say right up front that these new notes are for internal banking use. These notes will NOT hit the streets. So, why make them for internal use only UNLESS they will be too large for the public to use??? See where I'm going with this? I think this is an OUTSTANDING article. Peace and Prosperity
    2 points

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