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    Full endorsement on this opportunity - but it's limited, so get in while you can!

***^^^ IT RV-ED!!! ^^^***


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DO NOT say it is done, until it is done, as in cash in hand. Not, repeat NOT, it will be done by this or that time. Only an idiot hollers fire in a movie theater.



WOW! doesn't sound like the Smee I know. Hope you have a better day my friend.


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DO NOT say it is done, until it is done, as in cash in hand. Not, repeat NOT, it will be done by this or that time. Only an idiot hollers fire in a movie theater.



It's posted in the "Rumors" section. That alone should be self explanatory and absolve TQueezy. Sheesh. Relax, sit back, and enjoy your day.

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If we have a RV great, if not Adam and the administrators of this website should be held accountable of what is being posted and not being posted on their website. Simply a matter of ethical integrity on their behalf to insure credible information is being posted or edited. If not their own credibility shall come into question, I think at this part of the journey we are all looking for the factual truth and nothing more.

This is a "forum" all info besides the news is opinions. That's all. If you want more truth you should stick to the news section. Each category is titled for it's contents. It's hard on some and more on others. But, don't shoot the messenger who allows us to participate in this journey on his website. It's not fair to Adam or the members who put a lot of work into this for others. It's a matter of ethics.

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What part of this being the RUMOR SECTION does some don't understand. If you don't like RUMORS (Stories usually based in NON-FACTUAL or UN-PROVEN statements) need to stay away from this section and stick with the NEWS. When a friend tells you a story do you have to have written proof of there story every time or are you always going to call them a Lyer because you don't have some proof of there story???

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DO NOT say it is done, until it is done, as in cash in hand. Not, repeat NOT, it will be done by this or that time. Only an idiot hollers fire in a movie theater.



Wow. pretty much calling Tqueezy an idiot, I see? Wow. Well thanks T for the post. If there weren't bold people like you, we wouldn't have any hopeful entertainment.

What part of this being the RUMOR SECTION does some don't understand. If you don't like RUMORS (Stories usually based in NON-FACTUAL or UN-PROVEN statements) need to stay away from this section and stick with the NEWS. When a friend tells you a story do you have to have written proof of there story every time or are you always going to call them a Lyer because you don't have some proof of there story???

B)/>/> :bow:/>/> :twothumbs:/>/>

Edited by VanessaL4100
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It's done refers to the setting in motion of the planned float and removing of restrictions on international trading.

I doubt anyone will be making "It's done!" posts if they already have exchanged their physical dinars for whatever desired currency...

Smee has somewhat of a point. I agree with the "done" (obviously if 100% accurate) but the R/V part is a different story. Based upon how your describing the details. It won't necessarily really R/V, the value will just float.

Catch the drift?

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I honestly couldnt tell you why they are still there on the site.....maybe since it was part of the current series of notes???

But I do agree....if the CBI intends to raise the value of the dinar, they will eventually need lower a certain point they would need to be introduced

Keep, Do you think this RV'ed? What is you thoughts on this?

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Keep, Do you think this RV'ed? What is you thoughts on this?

IMO - if TQueezy is right & the information he received is 100% correct. This does not mean it revalued. They changed their process on how it will be valued, which means we will see varying values on a daily basis based upon how the market sees the value. Initially, it very well could drop to 1250-1300ish... But, ideally the value could slowly rise... Maybe up to 500, 250, etc.

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DO NOT say it is done, until it is done, as in cash in hand. Not, repeat NOT, it will be done by this or that time. Only an idiot hollers fire in a movie theater.



Just breeve and rerax, as my three year old grandson just said to his big sister. We here at DV including you, know the drill; You like many others including myself, clicked on his thread knowing it was in the rumor section and disclosure of the topics content before you clicked on it. Were you looking for a reason to let go of some built up frustration, misdirected anger maybe? This is a FAR cry from hollering fire in a movie theater, and not even in the same category. Just have some fun with it for now or just choose not to read anythng in the rumors section.

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thanks TQ for posting!! I did not believe the Terry K story he has told too many rates and dates and I don't believe anything he throws out and as we know it did not Happen as he or anyone on his site had stated, U are level headed as most of us are and this sounds good as well as Hoosier's great post!! We need more of these post,we are close my friends so hang on-gonna take off,thanks my best ron

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Tank immediately? Depends what time frame you are talking about, 6 hours, 1 day, 1 week? it is really quite simple if there are more buyers than sellers the rate goes up, if there are more sellers than buyers the rate goes down. As for myself I would be glad to buy more at a lower rate.

Well, I would be glad to sell more at a higher rate. LOL

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That does it...! :angry:/>

Somebody made TheDOGgy sad.... :(/>

Poor DOGgy.... it'll be okay.

(let's just hope it doesn't take too much longer -- unlike a cat,

you don't have 9 lives to wait this thing out with! G'Boy!) :lol:/>

Just to clarify...most of us cats are into our 8th or 9th life already...lets not discuss the we are even more anxious than those dogs out there. Dogs live for like 200 years or something like I should be in line before dog.

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Had a tip that the "wife in the know" heard about your prediction TQueezy so I just went and hunted it up seems she of all people think you way off base not so much in the timing but way low in the Exchange rate hehe. some how you are a dangerous poster. the new DV TV SHOW GURU WARS!

Here is what she replied:

Wife in the Know

02/02/2013 18:13

This is the type of false info I have been referring to. Please.. Please friends, pay no mind to these lies and attempts to deceive. I have never once commented on another post directly, however, I can not sit by and let this post damage anyone spirits. We will see our investment unfold this week if the budget passes as it's supposed to. Again, rate WILL BE 3.42 with a rise over time... period!

Smile ; ) we are there.

Wife in the Know

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Had a tip that the "wife in the know" heard about your prediction TQueezy so I just went and hunted it up seems she of all people think you way off base not so much in the timing but way low in the Exchange rate hehe. some how you are a dangerous poster. the new DV TV SHOW GURU WARS!

Here is what she replied:

Wife in the Know

02/02/2013 18:13

This is the type of false info I have been referring to. Please.. Please friends, pay no mind to these lies and attempts to deceive. I have never once commented on another post directly, however, I can not sit by and let this post damage anyone spirits. We will see our investment unfold this week if the budget passes as it's supposed to. Again, rate WILL BE 3.42 with a rise over time... period!

Smile ; ) we are there.

Wife in the Know

Are you freaking kidding me?

Out of ALL the zany posters like Okie out there she chooses to diss Tqueezy as the one 'damaging spirits'.Listen 'wife in the know' maybe the day Tqueezy has 10 million failed predictions like TerryK,Blaino,or Okie you could understandable call him out on it?But what was said to offend the mystery woman exactly?That it might take half a month to a month for it to get to the level of 1 dollar to 1.50 a Dinar instead of 3.42 immediately?Lol oh nooooez the agony of the wait.Listen lady 1/1 is amazing and I could wait several months if need be for such a great payoff.Once again 'wife in the know' find someone to pick on that actually deserves it.If constant liars like Okie would ust STFU for good and be replaced by decent guys like Adam,Hoosier,Tqueezy,SWG, etc we would be much better off.

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IMO - if TQueezy is right & the information he received is 100% correct. This does not mean it revalued. They changed their process on how it will be valued, which means we will see varying values on a daily basis based upon how the market sees the value. Initially, it very well could drop to 1250-1300ish... But, ideally the value could slowly rise... Maybe up to 500, 250, etc.

darin what do you think this real rate thing is on this imf notice , at the bottom of the list ,, second to the last .. it shows exchanhge rate .1166 what ever .. but the last thing it shows "real rate" .. it says "real rate" .. something like 292

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Fwiw, Here's A "Condensed" Version Of This Thread That Appeared On Recaps .......

TQueezy Posted Yesterday, 11:45 PM said: I just got a call from one of my sources. It's someone high up with direct connections to the CBI.

It's a done deal. Friday, banks closed, pushed the rate modification process upload through the server. Once it goes on the forward facing, and once all banks are back to operational hours, people should see the free exchange for IQD.

It's a managed float, so you may not see any improvement for awhile. They have enough to back it at it's current rate without it falling too much. Might drop to 1200 / 1, but will soon increase beyond that. No real time frames for a good cash-in rate, but expect a couple weeks. I'd say exchanges at $1.56 / 1 by mid Feb.

So happy! Our ride is at the end. Stick with it guys, this is over soon. Woohoo!!!

TQueezy, on 01 February 2013 - 08:55 PM, said: Float systems, can go either way. In some cases initial trading could lead it down, but I think there's enough demand to cause the price to appreciate rapidly.


Read More Link On Right

easyrider I Anti- Lopster Posted Yesterday, 11:59 PM said: If its a managed float i doubt it would drop also i would think Iraq would like to put some true value on their currency and then let it float from there. Now a free float would be different because it would allow the markets to determine where it goes but i highly doubt they are going to go that route imho.

TQueezy Posted Today, 12:03 AM said: I kinda personally don't believe it will drop, but it's entirely possible. I think the CBI could do a push-RV at like 100/1, but is going with a managed float to showcase the Dinar's strength with the country's resource backings, gold, natural gas, oil (obviously), etc.

Question for everyone...

Is is acceptable they would managed float it, given the sensitive nature of the world's economy and wanting to be cautious? Gotta ask yourself that if you doubt why they would employ this method.

easyrider IPosted Today, 12:06 AM said: this is why i believe they will come out at a staging rate instead of letting it foat at 1166 or as many say 1000:1 i dont see them doing this for many reasons dealing with the ISX, paying their own loans and providing jobs to the citizens.

staunch, on 01 February 2013 - 10:04 PM, said:i know i am going to get clobbered for this, but if it's a done deal, why is it in the rumor section?

TQueezy Posted Today, 12:09 AM said: I have no way to prove it legitimately. No articles, web pages, nothing you can use to verify my info. The nature of a rumor, except I fully trust this to be true. If the infinitesimally small chance this is not true ends up being what happens, I'll be truly disappointed...

dontlop, on 01 February 2013 - 10:12 PM, said: i cant wait to se the new lower denominations .. they must be ready

TQueezy Posted Today, 12:15 AM said: Not for awhile mon frere. Gotta wait for the budget allocations for the printing contract so the new lower denomination notes can be printed and start getting shipped back to Iraq. Couple weeks past the budget, but you can bet your sweet asses they'll be express overnighting those bills.

rsskelton, on 01 February 2013 - 10:22 PM, said: I, like you, doubted that a free float would happen,; However after closely reading Hoosiers bank story ( about 100 times ) I began to see that as a possibility. When his banker talked about only cashing in limited amounts, a free float made sense. I only say that because if every dinar holder rushed in with an unlimited supply, it seems to reason that it would tank immediately on a free float, thus the limits on cashing in. That of course is JMO. RSS

Queezy Posted Today, 12:27 AM said: I think, in this sense, that the "managed" part of managed float means they will let it free float but intervene if things get ridiculous and spur inflation beyond control? Maybe? I don't know, to be honest. It may very well just be a full-on free float, but my guy says CBI is still cautious and worried about bringing hyperinflation back or crippling their reserves or extending themselves beyond their asset-backings.

TQueezy Posted Today, 12:36 AM said: Called my brother, who was the one who got me into this investment through his good friend (the guy who called about the info), he's super excited, talking about plans. I hope this is the truest of trues everyone, I really do. God knows I need it to be true... I don't see a reason why the CBI can't put it on a free float. He'll, I'd take any float, even a root beer float.

BJinMontreal, on 01 February 2013 - 10:36 PM, said: Thanks again TQueezy ... I have to be up in 5 hours - but it sure would be nice to have confirmation tomorrow or in the coming days that your source was right

TQueezy Posted Today, 12:39 AM said I agree! Said: I just don't want to personally be a victim of the "dang it, told thousands of people something when my source wasn't reliable or got the wrong thing told to him" type of scenario. Too many times have I seen that. Almost didn't want to post in case that's what happens... The budget not being passed and no HCL and Ch.7 made me very hesitant to post anything. But lots of reasons too why this is entirely probable right now. Let's do this!

TQueezy Posted Today, 12:59 AM said: I can guarantee my source is not any of the online "Gurus". In fact, he is pretty amused by the amount of straight-out lies that those guys spew. Some of them aren't always that far off the mark, he says, but typically like to embellish things a little based on the info they receive. Sounds about right to me...

Markinsa, on 01 February 2013 - 11:00 PM, said: Has anything been said about issuing the Lower Denominations?

TQueezy Posted Today, 01:16 AM said: I didn't hear anything from him directly about LDs, but my guess is that they are in place for printing as soon as the budget is fully approved and signed-off on by all the required members of the government, then the printing companies can get the OK and start the presses.

Maybe a couple weeks for the bills to get back to Iraq in time to address any shortages from people exchanging in their USD for Dinar if the value has evened out that much or surpassed the USD like we expect it to.

That dollarization was good for something, wasn't it? To get their market flooded with USD so they'd have to exchange the dollars back for dinar once their dinar goes up in value. And that USD can be added to the foreign currency reserves to back up the value even more :)

Darin, on 01 February 2013 - 11:12 PM, said: I assumed your source was an offline type person, however, I was just concerned that your source was getting their information from those type of sources I think some rumors re-circulate based upon that.

Like a friend or relative gets their information from them so when you hear from that source you don't verify where they got it from and find out that your source's source is getting information from a b.s.'ing GURU. I am sure you know the drill and know that is likely the case in this instance.

But, with all that said, it seems that is a common way that most rumors occur from people who seem like they are being truthful and sincere from another source. Well, you get the drift...

I hope your source is an actual person or contact from within the borders that has a real good understanding of what is happening.

If this is accurate, I am quite excited myself to see some changes in rates. :)/>

TQueezy Posted Today, 01:16 AM said: Everything I know about this person leads me to believe he is getting his info directly from Iraq, CBI specifically, and that it is at a level almost parallel to his, so... for instance, this is just an example, if he was a bank president here, he would be getting the info from Shabibi, or the head of the Trade Bank of Iraq, etc.

But, my guy is not a president of any bank, just a high level employee in the financial world. A hint, they manage funds for investing crowds, but they also have links to major capital backers. Someone you would expect has knowledge of the world of dinar and other currency speculation and is poised to make a move with client funds should something come up that is worthwhile.

Osmosis on 01 February 2013 - 11:18 PM, said: Is he excited??

TQueezy Posted Today, 01:24 AM said: He sounded very professional (here meaning more or less neutral in voice emotion) when he told me. I couldn't contain my excitement, but apparently it didn't rub off on him too much. But don't let that get you down. I think he's excited, just didn't want to come across as unprofessional, I guess.

wshflthnkn, on 01 February 2013 - 11:22 PM, said: If you can still purchase dinar....... It hasn't RV'd.

TQueezy Posted Today, 01:24 AM said: It's not like they're going to be able to regulate that... sure, some currency exchanges around the world, the CBI, and maybe some other big banks in Iraq may stop selling IQD for a few days or something, if they declare a bank holiday or whatever, but it's not just like some coordinated effort by everyone in the world to stop selling dinar so they can push a button to RV it to $3.42. That's not how it works.

FXStockpiling Posted Today, 08:26 AM said: If this is true and happens as you say with a float then it wouldn't be an International frenzy with Chapter 7 still in place. Chapter 7 will have to be lifted in order to trade the IQD on the Forex market.

If someone can find news that they are going to float it on the Forex or lift Chapter 7 that would be a big plus here.

For those of you that don't know what I'm talking about, Banks, Investment Banks-Firms, Hedge Funds, Elite, etc. just about everyone that buys and sells currencies for one reason or another buys and sells in million dollar lots on the Forex market and depending on what country you trade in and how much risk you are prepared to take, a standard million dollar lot could be leveraged up to 500 million dollars

but lets just say that I am a bank that takes the least amount of risk so I leverage a billion dollars X 20 to buy the IQD against the dollar for an interest rate differential that pays out 5% a day plus gains...

For this reason alone they would make the trade, increasing the value of the IQD but most importantly they will be getting paid the interest differential every day they hold that position. So basically, as long as the IQD holds a higher interest rate than the USD then it will never be sold by those investors...

So again if anyone can find where Chapter 7 is to be lifted this would be a big plus. I think it must be lifted sometime this month because of the talk about putting the ISX on trade platforms Internationally this month...

Luigi1 Posted Today, 08:29 AM said: Whoa...whoa...not so fast.

I just got off the phone with my company co-workers with Allied Power in Baghdad.

There is no in coutry RV. No small denoms & coins releaced. No banks open 24/7. No news on Iraq TV or media print. No celebrations in the streets. No cards loaded. No nothing in Kuwait Times. Relax & enjoy the ride. It's not over yet. The ride will end soon.

C.H., on 02 February 2013 - 08:33 AM, said: Tank immediately? Depends what time frame you are talking about, 6 hours, 1 day, 1 week? it is really quite simple if there are more buyers than sellers the rate goes up, if there are more sellers than buyers the rate goes down. As for myself I would be glad to buy more at a lower rate.

rsskelton Posted Today, 11:46 AM said: I think I've been in this long enough to understand how it works. Trust me, if the rate was .10 or higher, you will have more sellers than buyers ( to begin with at least). That is why I said if you could cash as much as you wanted, there would be a rush to cash out thus the tank. But hey, maybe your just smarter than I am.

Normally I don't try to defend what I post as I really could care less weither you agree with me or not. Anything I say is merely my opinion; However in this case I will explain why I made my previous statement.

I never said it would stay there. Yes if it bottoms out, More people will definately be buying. I will be one of them. My point was that I don't think Iraq wants to see an initial dump, therefore a limited cash in makes sense. Thats really all I was saying.

RVDinar4MyFamily Posted Today, 02:02 PM said: I'm not trying to put down your info or be a downer, but anyone who knows me on this site knows that I am a realist.

While what you are stating is possible, without having lower denominations available, it is not possible for the value to increase beyond what the current denominations allow for.

I will use the same example as I have in the past

If 1 dinar is equal to 1 usd and you go to buy a bottle of soda for 1 dinar how are you going to receive change if the lowest denomination available is 50 dinar? it is not possible to make change nor is it possible to pay for that soda with a 1 dinar denomination.

HOWEVER....This can work is if the float is managed until such time that lower denominations are available or if they already do exist, but the value will remain low to accommodate for the high denominations. If the dinar is allowed to appreciate without lower denominations, the people of Iraq will not have any way to pay for simple everyday items.

Kinda makes you wonder what ever happened to the debit card for the people of Iraq. It was not something they were very fond of happening, however, if they have become comfortable with the ration cards, they might be willing to use debit cards instead of cash for a short period of time. I find this to be a very unlikely scenario.

Hope this is all true, I would love to finally get off this ride.



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