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keepmwlknfny last won the day on March 24 2014

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About keepmwlknfny

  • Birthday 04/20/1914

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    Its up in the air!

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  1. move east and I moved back out west to the desert!
  2. Still around buddy....just been REALLY busy with work and some other things...making big changes this year!
  3. Most countries do give advance notice if they are changing the currency Cy in order to educate the citizens. Why wouldn't they let people know?
  4. Why? He was the original man in charge heading the plan to lop the dinar....
  5. You should know by now the copy and paste king just likes to paste information as to appear knowledgeable, and just says anything random.below it as if it proves his point lol
  6. You still don't know the difference between a RD and and a RV when looking at it....The german currency was redenominated. There was no profit to be made on that transaction. It was a wash...
  7. Then I guess I'm on my own getting the X6M..... Champix? Is that covered by health insurance? What kind of side affects?
  8. If your talking on a V8 it's because of the labor....The gasket is only a few bucks lol. What car is this on? Didn't you buy that 3 series? Yours just has the oil filter housing gasket that is common leak behind alternator, but would be no where close to that cost so I assume this isent on yours lol
  9. If your going to throw money away, just send it to me instead, want to get the new X6M that's coming
  10. never cease to amaze! The entertainment value of your creative nonsense is what keeps me coming back. It's true what they say, laughter is the best medicine!! Came down off the fence after a couple years being spent really dissecting all the information the masses were meant to believe as to why this speculation would happen just as we all hoped. It's not about being negative about it all, it's just coming to terms with the reality of the situation. It happens with all dinarians after a certain amount of time....different for each person...
  11. Actually I'm not implying anything....assuming gets you no where. Taking things for what they are right now which in effect is why you sound clueless saying what you did.
  12. You would fork out all this money to fly people around the world to Iraq, to deplete the reserves you have backing the value of your currency?
  13. If your so sure they might have a chance then why did you sell out? Your a talking contradiction.... You still haven't learned about the difference between a market driven currency like the USD which is backed by its goods and services available, and a pegged currency which is backed by the central banks reserves? Come on now....what have you been doing all this time?
  14. Don't worry, dontknow has a lot of built up frustration now that he realizes he was wrong about so many things and your an easy target cause your down here in the are his therapist, he just doesn't know it yet
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