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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/20/2022 in all areas

  1. First the wife goes in for a scheduled after 55 years old woman surgery. Dr. has a student with him because it is a teaching hospital. 3.5 hours later I get told the surgery was done but I need to speak him. Meet him and he tells me the bladder got nicked and they need the urologist to come in to fix the nick. Found out later he was in Boise. That is a 15 minute drive if he gets started right away. Total time in the hospital was around 9 hours. Wife ends up with a catheter for 10 days so that will slow the recovery time. To top it off tonight she got nausea and threw up. It was not a pretty site. Being her attendant I helped her to the shower, Got the shower going. While she cleaned up I stripped the bed sheets and put fresh ones on. Got her pain meds and she went to sleep. I went in the front room to watch some TV and just got settled when the hot water line on the washer decided to blow off. Not a noise I had heard before so it took me a few to figure out where it was coming from. 15 or 20 towels later I got it dried up. Need to go tomorrow and buy two new hoses and finish all the extra laundry. It is a part of the Better or Worse in our vows I took. God willing HE has given us all we can deal with for the day.
    12 points
  2. *** Samson Article: "Iraq ranks fourth in the world in the production of dates" Quote: "raising the production of dates to 735,000 tons, after which Iraq jumped to fourth place in the world in the production of dates, and other achievements in the sector." *** Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: We see the United States of America money department has put 14 of our banks on a black list. They are being investigated for corruption. FRANK: Only because the governor of the CBI did it first... FIREFLY: These banks were smuggling money from the auctions to other countries...this is extremely good for us... *** Pimpy They're not going to tell people when they actually change the rate...they're not going to announce it. It's illegal for them to do this. What we see is a lot of articles speculating. *** Kaperoni Iraqi Parliament is not passed a significant law in over 4 years. There are close to 100 outstanding laws that are related to the economy that need to be passed. They are encouraging investment, but investors are staying away until those laws are passed. *** Nader From The Mid East Don't be surprised if the rate is not in the budget. If they don't pass the budget from here to December it's gonna take them 2 or 3 months to try again...I'm 99% sure they're going to pass the budget before 2023 *** Samson Article: "Parliamentary Finance expects the date of the 2023 budget to arrive in Parliament and confirms: the 2022 budget is a creature that was not born" Quote: "We expect that the general budget law for the year 2023 will reach the House of Representatives either at the end of this month or early next month."
    9 points
  3. They must stop mcp……only way end auctions remove zeros from rate make equivalent to 1 usd or slight greater!
    9 points
  4. 9 points
  5. From WRAL-TV Winning Powerball Numbers Saturday, November 19, 2022 07 28 62 63 64 PB 10 Powerplayer 3X Congratulations Markinsa and Hockey1 ! Markinsa matched the powerball plus one! Hockey1 matched tonight's powerball #10 ! We had no other winning matches tonight.
    8 points
  6. An expert reveals a “suspicious” American meeting with 35 Iraqi banks November 19, 2022 Time: 11/19/2022 22:24:44 Read: 1,287 times {Economic: Al Furat News} The economic expert, Abdul Rahman Al-Sheikhly, revealed that the representative of the US embassy met with 35 Iraqi banks to warn their owners without the knowledge of the Central Bank of Iraq. The useful summary.. On important news, you can find it on Al-Furat News channel on Telegram.. To subscribe, click here Al-Sheikhly said; For the “Unannounced” program, broadcast by Al-Furat TV channel this evening, it says: “It is supposed to start fighting corruption in state institutions from the top of the pyramid or below, and big personalities involved in stealing the century.” He added, “The US Federal Reserve addressed the Central Bank to stop the work of 14 private banks and audit them, and the representative of the US embassy met with 35 banks to warn their owners without the knowledge of the Central Bank of Iraq.” Al-Sheikhly said, “The banks that the representative of the US embassy met with leaked money to internationally sanctioned countries,” noting that “sales at the currency auction have decreased remarkably in the past two days.” He continued, “Iraq is not the only country that suffers from corruption, and the previous governments did not seize the opportunity to combat corruption, and the people stand by the Sudanese Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia’a, in the steps to combat corruption.” Al-Sheikhly indicated, “The state system has become a norm for transferring money illegally, and part of the money for goods does not go to buy them, but to smuggle them, and control is the responsibility of taxes and customs, not the central bank.”
    8 points
  7. Malarki's name better be on the top of the list. Otherwise I don't think this will have a good ending for the Iraqi people. Here's a hope-in. Thanks RJG
    8 points
  8. 7 points
  9. here's another article related to the above...Al-Sudani - no immunity from prosecution of former high ranking officials... TNT via Tishwash: ARTICLE: Al-Sudani issues a package of decisions affecting high-ranking positions in Iraq. The Iraqi Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia’a al-Sudani, announced the withdrawal of the protections of former presidents & ministers who assumed their duties after 2003. The decision also included canceling the allocations for the three presidencies for President Abdel Latif Rashid & Speaker of Parliament Muhammad al-Halbousi, in addition to al-Sudani himself. He also withdrew protections from the former presidents of the republic, Fuad Masum & Barham Salih, & the protections of former prime ministers Iyad Allawi, Ibrahim al-Jaafari, Nuri al-Maliki, Haider al-Abadi, Adel Abdul-Mahdi & Mustafa al-Kazemi. These decisions, which seemed shocking to senior Iraqi officials, come in an attempt by the prime minister to restructure state institutions & pressure government spending.
    6 points
  10. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in, take everything with a grain of salt... RON *** Mnt Goat Article: "CENTRAL BANK INITIATIVES.. WIDE ACCLAIM AND TANGIBLE RESULTS FOR IRAQ’S ECONOMY" There is no doubt that the CBI has a long-term plan that began with the devaluation in 2021. It is in the White Paper. But will they continue with the progress they have made or will Al-Sudani give up on the White Paper? He has not mentioned it at all since taking office. Let’s see what he does. He does seem to have some good policies so far, if he carries them all out.
    6 points
  11. Oh No no no time for that little fella to meet MOAB the one with his name on it. He can meet up with his predecessor.. 🙄 sad
    6 points
  12. The Central Bank has lost confidence internationally.. The US Treasury is holding a closed meeting with Iraqi private banks regarding “currency smuggling” 2022-11-19 Baghdad A banking source revealed Friday, a closed meeting that took place between the representative of the US Treasury and representatives of 35 Iraqi private banks, to warn them of issues of dollar smuggling from Iraq and adherence to instructions regarding hard currency transfers for the purpose of import. The source said, “Thursday 11/17/2022, the representative of the US Treasury at the US embassy met with representatives of 35 Iraqi private banks represented by the authorized director with the compliance director of each bank, warning them of the importance of adhering to the instructions regarding transfers in the currency auction and adhering to the anti-money laundering instructions, otherwise it will be affected.” The sanctions affected other banks, as well as the four banks that were finally sanctioned by the US Treasury. The source explained that “the representative of the US Treasury touched on that most of the imports fixed in the currency auction, especially those related to foodstuffs, sugar and others, are exaggerated,” stressing “the importance of auction transfers being correct and pertaining to the last beneficiary, who must be carefully scrutinized by the banks.” According to the source, “the meeting lasted for two hours, from one o’clock until three o’clock in the afternoon, in the guesthouse,” noting that “it is strange that no representative of the Central Bank was invited to attend this meeting, noting that the Central Bank is the institution responsible and supervising the work of Iraqi banks.” And the source considered that “not inviting the Central Bank is evidence that this institution is losing confidence internationally because of the service between its management and some corrupt banks, such as the four banks sanctioned by the US Treasury.” YESIRAQ.COM يس عراق | Yes Iraq
    5 points
  13. With an unprecedented operation.. Qaani threatens to invade Iraq during a meeting with the leaders of Baghdad 19th November, 2022 The commander of the Quds Force in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Ismail Qaani, threatened, during a recent visit to Baghdad, a ground military operation in the Kurdistan Region, if "the Iraqi army did not fortify the common borders against the Kurdish opposition groups." And the American Associated Press reported, quoting a number of Iraqi and Kurdish officials, as saying that "such an operation, if implemented, will be unprecedented in Iraq, and will exacerbate the regional repercussions in light of the turmoil in Iran, which it considers an external conspiracy." And the American agency indicated that “the Iranian threat was conveyed by the commander of the Quds Force of the Revolutionary Guards, Ismail Qaani, who arrived in Baghdad last Monday on an unannounced visit that lasted until Friday, and came one day after an Iranian missile attack targeted an opposition base in Erbil, killing three people.” The information indicates that "Qaani met with the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia' al-Sudani, and other leaders of the Coordination Framework Coalition, and the new President Abd al-Latif Rashid, in addition to the armed factions backed by Iran." Qaani's demands were twofold: "disarming the Kurdish groups opposing Iran in northern Iraq, and fortifying the borders to prevent infiltration," according to the US agency. The sources confirmed to the Associated Press that Qaani said, "If Baghdad does not meet the demands, Iran will launch a military campaign with ground forces and continue bombing opposition bases." The agency's report indicated that the Iranian threat "puts Baghdad in a dilemma," as this is the first time that Iranian officials have openly threatened a ground military operation.سیاسة/بعملية-غير-مسبوقة-قا-ني-يهدد-باجتياح-العراق-خلال-لقا-قادة-بغداد
    5 points
  14. Any sign of Hunter Biden at the meeting? j/k 😁
    5 points
  15. Noone surprises for sure cause most of us believe there won't be a rate change in the budget for almost 19 years. A rate change should show up in the cbi site firstly , not in the budget.
    5 points
  16. Vice: Recovering the looted money is the beginning of the end of the ember of corruption 11/19/2022 12:38:16 The representative of the coordination framework, Muhannad Al-Khazraji, confirmed today, Saturday, that the process of recovering the money stolen by some government officials represents a step in the right direction to change the wrong paths in order to get rid of corruption and the corrupt. Al-Khazraji indicated in a statement, of which {Euphrates News} received a copy, that "the thefts that were recently revealed by some employees of the Al-Kazemi government reveal the extent of the destruction that befell state institutions," calling at the same time the Sudanese government "to hold all those involved accountable and recover the looted money according to the methods legal.” The deputy pointed out that "the control of the corrupt over the sources of the economy indicates a catastrophic danger threatening the lives of citizens, who are now suffering from an imminent poverty level created by the corrupt." Al-Khazraji added, "The Iraqi judiciary must take more responsible positions in the issue of recovering the looted funds and confiscating the property of all parties involved in this file," noting that "the legal prosecutions must be at a high level, including the people who fled abroad." Al-Khazraji explained, "The coming days will witness the discovery of more corruption files with personalities who worked in the caretaker government cabinet."نائب-استرداد-الأموال-المنهوبة-بداية-لنهاية-جذوة-الفساد
    5 points
  17. Actually I don't mind if Adam doesn't post but sure do miss yota
    5 points
  18. I’m glad your wife got through the operation. OK eventually. We always have to remind each other about how lucky we are. It can be better, but it could be worse too. Take care
    4 points
  19. Thanks for the kind words. This goes for all who have responded. The home itself has been great. My daughter actually went in every room and on the door header wrote a scripture that most closely pertained to that room. Then the drywallers put dry wall up and enclosed these scriptures. I like to think the Good Lord watches over us when he sees those scriptures. It was the hot water hose oh the washer machine that separated from the fitting. First one in ever for me. I replaced it this morning and got the laundry and wet towels going again. My wife can't figure out where I get the energy to do this stuff. I just teller it is what I do and the Good Lord helps by pushing me.
    4 points
  20. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in, take everything with a grain of salt... RON *** Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: There was a two hour program on our Channel 1 news...they said they did an oil exploration and it has confirmed Iraq is basically floating on oil. FRANK: NASA did aerial shots of the territory...and they were able to find out Iraq sits on a lake of oil bigger than Lake Michigan. Bigger than Lake Eire. The whole country is nothing but oil...everywhere you walk the oil squirts out of the sand...oil makes the world go round. Wow...that's one of the reasons why I invested in the Iraqi dinar... *** Sandy Ingram Article: "30% trading volume increase in Iraq Stock Exchange in October 2022" ...the percentage of foreign shares in total trading volume increased from 8.2% in September to 11.3% in October. What this statement means is there was a lot more international money reaching the doorstep of Iraq other than the oil industry.
    4 points
  21. Wow so that is what they look like! Perfect it will fit nicely in his shirt pocket. Thank you CSM Thack
    4 points
  22. Hang in there, nstoolman. You have our prayers going up for you, and your family.
    4 points
  23. I told my wife if I wanted patience I would have been a Dr.
    4 points
  24. November 22 is only a couple days away. Let's hope he's right! pp
    4 points
  25. Check out this post from Reddit. Interesting breakdown.
    4 points
  26. More proof that Central Banks are going down. The QFS system is closer.
    4 points
  27. It's a MYSTERY alright ! Ya know, I'm no Columbo or a Kojak ( don't ever change, who lovs ya baby ), & I don't need to stay at a Holiday Inn Express ( although I have ) to figure THIS MYSTERY out !! The absolute ABSURDITY of it all.
    3 points
  28. First, May the Lord bless you and your Wife. And grant her a speedy recovery. Secondly, isn't this the home you built just a few years ago? I remember seeing the pictures you posted and thinking about retirement myself. Seem far too soon for breakdowns.
    3 points
  29. Al-Rafidain: Our priorities are to simplify banking procedures and introduce modern technology Sunday 20 , November 2022 18:04 |EconomicalViews: 103 Al-Rafidain: Our priorities are to simplify banking procedures and introduce modern technology ( Baghdad/NinaThe Director General of Rafidain Bank, Mohammed Samir, said on Sunday that the priorities of the bank's work are to simplify banking procedures and introduce modern technology. The media office of Rafidain Bank said in a statement, "Samir received the General Manager of Rasheed Bank Bassem Abdul Ali Youssef and during the meeting they discussed the mechanisms of joint cooperation between the two sides with regard to banking work and its development." "The two sides stressed keeping pace with modern banking technology and promoting the banking sector in the country, which will reflect positively on the growth of the national economy," he said. According to the statement, Mohamed Samir stressed "the need to improve the level of service performance provided to citizens and simplify banking procedures and facilities in line with the ministry's directions to overcome all obstacles and routine procedures that would hinder the completion of transactions."
    3 points
  30. Yup. I been saying this for many years. The Budget & the RV are two separate identities. Iraq is very good at writing laws but are very piss poor at enacting such laws. What good are laws if they are never implemented or put into action? Iraq don't need new laws. They just need to implement the laws they do have. IMHO.
    3 points
  31. Or else what? No one goes into a negotiation, without a threat. Was is it?
    3 points
  32. Thoughts and prayers 🙏🙏🙏, hoping for a speedy recovery of your better half!!!👍🇺🇸
    3 points
  33. Ive been waiting for this date for months. Just forgot exactly why though. Thanks for helping clear things up.
    3 points
  34. Very Interesting Keylime. Thanks ! Here are 2 parts that I found quite exciting. This is kind of the 10 cent breakdown for those Interested in this. pp Here's the fun part, the APE dividend was supposed to be settled on the same day (T+0) as it was issued, however market makers Failed to Deliver nearly 100 million shares of APE within the ordinary T+0 and T+2 parameters. Meaning "syndicates" were created upon public offering, hence the shills pressuring everyone to sell their APE dividend. As a result, by the 22nd of November, those who issued APE as a "syndicate" (FTD) will be margin called, their funds will be frozen, and their shorts on APE & AMC will be liquidated. We've seen this happen on Overstock and Newegg Commerce around 90 days after their dividends, and APE will almost-certainly follow suit. and secondly- So in conclusion, AMC is on the verge of MOASS because market-makers and hedge funds can no longer use tokenized AMC securities to print and inflate the amount of shares that can be borrowed, nor keep the borrow fee rates down. APE's T+90 day is rapidly approaching and market-makers, HFs will face short-position liquidations resulting in the price of APE to rocket with AMC following suit. Plus they can no longer hide their short-interest within these tokens and must start buying back all the synthetics they've created because of the skyrocketing costs to short AMC, and because of the tokens that no longer exist.
    3 points
  35. Parliamentary finance is likely to approve the budget during this period 19th November, 2022 The Parliamentary Finance Committee suggested, on Saturday, that the draft budget be approved within a two-month period, indicating that there is a general desire among members of the House of Representatives to pass the budget law. Cougar said in a statement to Al-Maalouma, "The approval of the budget for the next year will not face many difficulties, as in previous budgets, especially since the understandings of the political forces before the formation of the government have determined many of the financial entitlements of the governorates in general." He added, "The size of the budget for next year is not less than 150 billion dollars, especially since oil is sold at a good price in global markets, as the country relies on financing budget revenues from selling oil." Cougar suggested that "the budget bill will be approved within a period of two months or a little more, due to the general orientation of Parliament, which has become one orientation, and through the desire of most political blocs to pass it." Member of Parliament Ali Al-Bandawi revealed, in a previous statement, the approval of the Baghdad Electricity Directorate to install all the ministry’s contracts within the capital during the next year’s budget, indicating that there is a need to appoint 850,000 job grades for daily contracts and procedures in the 2023 budget.المالية-النيابية-ترجح-إقرار-الموازنة-خلال-هذه-الفترة
    3 points
  36. Why would they smuggle dollar? Is dollar going to rv anytime soon? I was hoping they smuggled iraq dinar out of iraqi country.
    3 points
  37. Roflmao, to be honest, in the summer I rarely wore more than a shirt with boxers and socks during the Teams or Zooms. I forgot once and answered the door like that, thankfully it was my buddy across the street that's active duty, but he wouldn't stop laughing for several minutes. Now I'll often just stay in my PJ's and leave the camera off. On the flip side, they get well over 8 hours a day out of me. Also, thankfully, don't have to attend those bs organizational ones. Mine are strategy and problem solving, don't know if I could even tolerate one that didn't require constant brainstorming. Still, if real, that was funny.
    3 points
  38. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: There's been less and less from the Framework. We really don't see the negativity like we used to before. FRANK: That alone is encouraging ...the pendulum is swinging...the Iraqi citizens and the whole world are realizing what Sudani the new Prime Minister and Mustafa Ghaleb the CBI governor are doing and saying. Oh, dear me it's impressive.
    3 points
  39. here's an article from Dinarland... The Iraq economy is off & running. Treat as a rumor. Not verified. Your opine. Sandy Ingram: Article: “30% trading volume increase in Iraq Stock Exchange in October 2022” The percentage of foreign shares in total trading volume increased from 8.2% in September to 11.3% in October. What this statement means is there was a lot more international money reaching the doorstep of Iraq other than the oil industry.
    2 points
  40. Oh boy what a time were in ! I sure hope the pin gets pulled and forces the Hedgies to rue the day they shorted AMC ! Come on Tuesday ! Get here already pp
    2 points
  41. People ask if they can wriggle out of the T+90. From what I have read they cannot. However, the crime has been so deep and wide, that I would not be surprised if they have already figured out a way to kick the can, but if they can't, between November 22nd and the beginning of December may very well witness the MOASS we've all been waiting for. This guy makes an amazing case for why it will happen. I hope he is correct. Christmas could come early, and Thanksgiving could be the most Thankful of all! I look forward to see what this week brings. Prayers going up!!!
    2 points
  42. Thanks to all for the prayers and good will.
    2 points
  43. It's not like they have to buy back a thousand shares. They have to buy back millions of shares, if not billions and they won't be sneaking anything in because no one will be selling until the prices go ballistic and even then it will take them weeks to buy back all the synthetics. They won't be creating or borrowing any fake shares to buy back so that game will be over. Once they throw in the towel they are doomed and they know it. I don't care what time or when they start buying back, the price is going to skyrocket.
    2 points
  44. Guess the status quo is alright for you? Fundamentally there are so many issues that need to be addressed in the US. The Government is being weaponized. Personal rights are being trampled on and many seem to believe the Constitution would be better used as toilet paper! That might just create passion in a persons thinking. There is no evil in being passionate for the well being of this country. While you're in prayer.....pray for the is in some peril right now. CL
    2 points

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