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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/2014 in all areas

  1. So why did they print up the same 10k and 25k notes if they were planning on a simple LOP?, they wouldnt need them. Why didnt they go live internationally with the ISX with 1166 if that is indeed the TRUE value of the dinar to the U.S dollar? why are they waiting so long to make a move for a neutral event? also why did they specifically say the process would take 5 years of the deletion of 3 zeroes? how could a LOP take 5 years? un less it means phasing out the 3 zero notes over a period of 5 years while they gradualy introduce he smaller denoms to the public These are serious questions BTW
    5 points
  2. The only thing people burn in hell for is rejecting JESUS CHRIST as their LORD and SAVIOR....everything else JESUS paid for on the cross....that is the "sin unto death" spoken of in the New Testament. Just as you cannot earn your way into heaven, you cannot earn your way into hell....It is God's Grace and Grace alone that allows you into Heaven, and that Grace is imparted fully in the death, burial, and resurrection of JESUS and nothing else. So if you reject JESUS, your "sins stand against you" and your name is "stricken from the Book of Life", thus you must pay the price for those sins which results in being separated from God in hell for eternity.
    4 points
  3. So we now have a fully seated Government. Mohammed Salem Ghaban interior minister, and Khalid al-Obeidi as defense minister ​Its good to see real forward momentum.
    4 points
  4. Mrs. Donovan was walking down O'Connell Street in Dublin when she met up with Father Flaherty. The Father said, 'Top o' the mornin' to ye! Aren't ye Mrs. Donovan and didn't I marry ye and yer hoosband two years ago?' She replied, 'Aye, that ye did, Father.' The Father asked, 'And be there any wee little ones yet?' She replied, 'No, not yet, Father.' The Father said, 'Well now,I'm going to Rome next weekAnd I'll light a fertility candle for ye and yer hoosband.' She replied, 'Oh, thank ye, Father...' They then parted ways.. Some years later they met again. The Father asked, 'Well now, Mrs. Donovan, how are ye these days?' She replied, 'Oh, very well, Father!' The Father asked, 'And tell me, Have ye any wee ones yet?' She replied, 'Oh yes, Father!Two sets of twins and six singles, Ten in all!' The Father said, 'That's wonderful! And how is yer loving hoosband doing?' She replied, 'E's gone to Rome to blow out yer damn candle.
    4 points
  5. THANKS BUTI - TO ME THIS IS ONE HECK OF AN ARTICLE/FIND. Cabinet approved Wednesday the dismissal of the Government by the withdrawal of half of its members and three fifths of the votes cast to pass major decisions Author: AHF Editor: AHF 2014/11/02 19: 05 Hits: 264 "The range" get his semi final. Cabinet approved Wednesday the dismissal of the Government by the withdrawal of half of its members and three fifths of the votes cast to pass major resolutions Range/Baghdad I got the "range" on the revised final draft of the rules of procedure of the Council of Ministers which will be submitted to a vote on Wednesday, according to the Tourism Minister, and include restructuring the Secretariat and the Office of the Prime Minister and important changes was sidestepping the former Prime Minister. Meanwhile the Liberal bloc confirmed that the amendments are in accordance with the political agreement and the commitment of Haidar Al-Ibadi, minor repairs and is not significant to the draft rules of procedure which included the votes within the Council of Ministers, and to require a three-fifths majority to pass major decisions, and not counting the Minister acting as the reign of Nouri al-Maliki, and more effective powers to Deputy Prime Minister. The Cabinet decided on 16 September 2014 preparation and adoption of the rules of procedure by the formation of a Government Commission to review and modify. The draft consists of the rules of procedure of the Council of Ministers (41) article spread over nine chapters. Article (7/1), of the draft, the meetings by following "quorum the Council held in the presence of a majority of the membership decisions.. A majority of the votes of those present when the tie is likely to side with the Prime Minister. " Draft rules of procedure found in article (7/3) that "the Cabinet decisions taken by a majority of three-fifths of the number Present in subjects of a strategic nature, as well as on national sovereignty, including the presence of foreign security forces in Iraq and how they were organized, and the international borders of the Republic of Iraq and international relations strategy and approve the State budget and the general development plans. " Articles (26, 27, 28), responsible for defining the functions of the State Ministers, stating: "prime cost any Minister of State Ministers to accomplish a specific task or assigned in the membership of the temporary or permanent ministerial committees, as well as that of each of these Ministers Office is managed by a Director, officer, assisted by a number of staff". The draft concludes the nine chapters of the final provisions article 38, which obliges the Cabinet to submit an annual report to the House of representatives including government programme. Commenting on this, says Adel Al cherchab, Minister of tourism and antiquities, the Cabinet will draft rules of procedure for voting at the meeting next Wednesday ". The cabinet holds its weekly, usually on Tuesday which coincided this week with the tenth of Muharram holiday. Cherchab said, in an interview for "the range", the "Ministerial Committee completed its work on amending the draft rules of procedure of the Council of Ministers and reviews the political partners, so the draft is ready for the vote at any meeting of the Council of Ministers". For his part, says Amir Al-kinani (thinking this is Prince Kanani), leader of the Liberal bloc (Sadr's bloc) vest, "a Ministerial Committee which reviewed the rules of procedure, consisting of Deputy Prime Ministers and it ended all controversial points." Al-kinani, said in a statement to "range" yesterday, "the modifications were minor and is not significant to the draft rules of procedure which included the structure of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and the Prime Minister's Office and voting mechanism inside the Cabinet." The former MP for the Liberal bloc that "the Agency has no right to vote two votes and vote for his Ministry only, as well as the strategic decisions are taken by absolute majority of the members of the Council of Ministers". Kinani confirmed that "the amendments to the new draft granted Deputy Prime tasks more effectively, not only formal markup", pointing out that "If half of the members of the Cabinet resignations would be an article on the President of the Council (API) choose someone else to form a Government."
    3 points
  6. I understand your point "keylime" & don't really wish to dispute it . . . rather point out that in my work in the military in some not so savory places; I have dealt with "people" who have earned the right to go directly to the head of the line of folks waiting to fry in Hell.
    3 points
  7. NASDAQ OMX and IBM ", which ended in accordance with the tests a success, he said I am loving this part tests are done they were a success now its time Iraq let the ISX GO international.
    3 points
  8. The ISX is an indicator for me because it follows in certain aspects and leads in others. In this case, the ISX is operating as usual and makes it daily reports. However, I am noticing that the Iraqi Investor appears keener to capitalizing off of market happenings than before the update. I am watching a couple of plays and the traditional plays that I would expect due to people “not knowing” or “speculating” have not occurred. This leads me to believe that the system is providing increased knowledge disbursement or Brokers are knowledgeable of an impending change for the better. I also note that the ESX was said to launch this November. What is interesting, is the delays in reporting should not be occurring since they have tested, retested, and tested the system for months and Sundays now. Remember, this is NOT a New SYSTEM, it is simply a new Platform for Iraq. Which NASDAQ has updated for their other member countries time and time again. Remember, the ISX was already running a previous Nasdaq System. So… all I can say is that I am expecting something good to come out of this because the lack of news about the new system, the lack of PR for international clients, the impending launch from the ESX in the next thirty days… all implies something is up. What is also interesting, why is the ESX waiting to announce their upcoming IPO’s for their market opening??? My best guess, is that the ISX/ESX is preparing for a BIG BOOM to coincide with another BIG BOOM. I’m not worried one bit, they are up to something and I’m calling it good!
    2 points
  9. CNN. Broadcasting While A Confused Frankie Goes Fishing For Elephants ! KTFA: James123: What happened to the algorithm...... I thought it was out of human hands? Frank26: Friend ......... THINK.......... You do not know the date of algorithm completion in the same manner that You do not know when the CBI Gov will be put in legally.... Do You? Yet I will share ........ THIS ........... They replace him now. Tell You more on M's CC ........... Or ask Your TEAMS. Just as Your qt ......... This was said in love ........ Wink KTFA, Frank .... ********** Tx721: Sir, I'm still totally confused. If it is a algorithm that is entered for a currency rate change, why does it take the IQD rate now days to change while other currencies change regular throughout the day in seconds??? I'm very confused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Frank26: Hmmm......... Fascinating. YOU.......... Need to Learn that the algorithm of the IQD's MR is in motion (a function) as the CBI prepares the Governor's Position to be LEGALLY filled ( a function) by the NEW GOI/PARL to use this new rate data. This IS where the GOI and CBI marry on the MR. REGULAR currency functions that You state are not RECIEVING LAYERS of MR DATA at the moment allowing their movements to flow normally ....... Quickly. Frank26: You compare Elephants to Fish. You need to study THIS IQD reform ......... Better. Or You will remain with the Orient........ Confused as Confucius. I Know where my TEAMS are with our studies. A set of our TEAMS is reading our postings right now ....... They smile. Why? Because they cannot tell You that they are following "IT''........ From E to W. THEY CAN SEE IT !!! So................... I just did. Take care ...... KTFA, Frank ********** Delta: YES BROTHER ...NOT THAT MUCH LEFT..ANY DAY NOW!!! DELTA ********** LanceKS: Good evening Frankie Frankie and the forum....... It sounds like the name of a band. Two to three years ago, I heard that the Kuwaiti Dinar when it revalued, took ten days to appear from its release date. Assuming that the information is accurate, Wednesday November 5th would be the 10th day. This would be based upon the release date of Sunday October 26. I surmise that the process would be very similar and possibly take less time due to the advancement in today's technology. I'm not sure how to research this and thought I would share with the forum. ********** Frank26: Yes ! Bravo !! "IF" ........ last week or today I gave my opinion on the definition of the algorithm EST or compared it with KW's MR of 90's then "some" would bombard me with ...... WHEN?! .... WHERE?!! .... WHAT?!!! .... WHY???!!! Yes ......... The Spirit says to my Soul ... Frank ... You are done. Let it go. You all have a wonderful day KTFA FAMILY ........" Be of caution in what ......... You doubt". KTFA, Frank LoveThisFamily » November 2nd, 2014, 8:38 am Good morning, Family. Here is the last post from the previous thread. Huge news about the ISX connecting with the stocks clearing house (market maker) coming AFTER October. They are saying even tho they were international last Monday, they were still "testing" the system and training staff. WOW! And, thank you, Walkingstick! ********** by walkingstick » November 1st, 2014, 5:43 pm • RE.... The launch of an electronic trading system in the stock market 2/11/2014 0:00 BAGHDAD thank Fatlawi Executive Director of the Iraqi market for securities in Iraq: that the market is said for the first time in the Iraqi Stock Exchange Date launched a new electronic trading system X-stream being more electronic trading systems advanced in the world as well as being a high flexibility and performance of advanced and meets the needs of the market growing. and between the Executive Director of the Iraq market for securities, Taha Ahmed Abdul Salam, in an exclusive interview with "morning" that the Iraqi Stock Exchange from the first five stock exchanges in the Middle East that have been used this new system through the development of study design and implementation plan by the market experts in collaboration with the company. " NASDAQ OMX "as well as the market work on the development of Hardware - software with global companies," NASDAQ OMX and IBM ", which ended in accordance with the tests a success, he said. He said Abdul Salam that the market has to conduct technical tests on the beta versions of the system as well as the its training and testing of a group of employees and brokers as trainers for the purpose of training intermediaries and authorized stressing make amendments to the filing system to comply with the "X-Stream" system , said Abdel-Salam said the market was operating in accordance with the electronic trading system Horizon until the end of October 2014, pointing out that the user and system in place by most Arab and European bourses returned him a success according to electronic trading rules. He said the stock market managed according to this system of building a data center Data Center as the first information and the data center in Iraq, which became the basis for the deployment of circulating information in stock prices and increasing stock turnover and attract Iraqi, Arab and international investments for trading on the Iraq Stock Exchange, he said.
    2 points
  10. Some Interesting Trivia: We use these words and phrases every day! But do you know how they came into being? Some of these might surprise you: A SHOT OF WHISKEY In the old west a .45 cartridge for a six-gun cost 12 cents, so did a glass of whiskey. If a cowhand was low on cash he would often give the bartender a cartridge in exchange for a drink. This became known as a "shot" of whiskey. THE WHOLE NINE YARDS American fighter planes in WW2 had machine guns that were fed by belts of cartridges. The average plane held belts that were 27 feet (9 yards) long. If the pilot used up all his ammo he was said to have given it the whole nine yards. BUYING THE FARM This is synonymous with dying. During WW1 soldiers were given life insurance policies worth $5,000. This was about the price of an average farm. So if you died you in battle you "bought the farm" for your survivors. IRON CLAD CONTRACT This came about from the ironclad ships of the Civil War. It meant something so strong it could not be broken. PASSING THE BUCK/THE BUCK STOPS HERE Most men in the early west carried a jack knife made by the Buck knife company. When playing poker it was common to place one of these Buck knives in front of the dealer so that everyone knew who the dealer was. When it was time for a new dealer the deck of cards and the knife were given to the new dealer. If this person didn't want to deal, he would "pass the buck" to the next player. If that player accepted then "the buck stopped there". RIFF RAFF The Mississippi River was the main way of traveling from north to south. Riverboats carried passengers and freight but they were expensive so most people used rafts. Everything had the right of way over rafts which were considered cheap. The steering oar on the rafts was called a "riff" and this transposed into riff-raff, meaning low class. COBWEB The Old English word for "spider" was "cob". Thus Cobsweb or Cobweb. SHIP STATE ROOMS Traveling by steamboat was considered the height of comfort. Passenger cabins on the boats were not numbered. Instead they were named after states. To this day cabins on ships are called staterooms. SHOWBOAT These were floating theaters built on a barge that was pushed by a steamboat. These played in small towns along the Mississippi River. Unlike the boat shown in the movie "Showboat", these did not have an engine. They were gaudy, and attention grabbing, which is why we say someone who is stealing the attention or being the life of the party is "showboating". OVER A BARREL In the days before CPR a drowning victim would be placed face down over a barrel and the barrel would be rolled back and forth in a effort to empty the lungs of water. It was rarely effective so if you were ever over a barrel you were in deep trouble. BARGE IN Heavy freight was moved along the Mississippi in large barges pushed by steamboats. These were hard to control and would sometimes swing into piers or other boats. People would say they "barged in". HOGWASH Steamboats carried both people and animals. Since pigs smelled so bad they would be washed before being put on board. The mud and other filth that was washed off of them was considered useless "hog wash". CURFEW The word "curfew" comes from the French phrase "couvre-feu", which means "cover the fire". It was used to describe the time of blowing out all lamps and candles. It was later adopted into Middle English as "curfeu", which later became the modern "curfew". In the early American colonies, homes had no real fireplaces so a fire was built in the center of the room. In order to make sure a fire did not get out of control during the night it was required that, by an agreed upon time, all fires would be covered with a clay pot called-a "curfew". HOT OFF THE PRESS As the paper goes through a rotary printing press friction causes it to heat up. Therefore, if you grab the paper right off the press it is hot. The expression means to get immediate information.
    2 points
  11. Bang! Show up and be counted...or you don't count. Keep the forward progress going. Sandfly to ya ladies.
    2 points
  12. Nadita File – 10/31/2014 Good evening everyone, thanks for watching Nadita File where the spin starts here J Fighting ISIS : Sandfly has patrolled the air for Kurdish fighters from Iraq begin entering the Syrian border town of Kobani to join the fight against the ISIS terror group. Britain based Syrian observatory for human rights says 10 vehicles carrying Iraqi peshmerga fighters have crossed the Turkey – Syria border. ISIS launched its attack on Kobani in mid September, causing more than 200,000 people to flee to Turkey. More than 800 people have died in the fighting between ISIS and Kurdish forces. UN says growing numbers of foreigners joining terror groups are terrifying. 15,000 from Europe and US and West. This is an evidence war on terror is not over. Ebola Outbreak : Chess heard Maine Judge allowing nurse Kaci Hickox to travel without restrictions. Judge rejected efforts by the state to limit the movements of the medical worker who recently treated Ebola patients in Africa. Judge says Hickox has to continue daily monitoring of her health, and coordinate her travel with state health officials. Umbertino reported Pentagon exempting its civilian employees who return from Ebola missions in West Africa from the 21 day quarantine required of most returning US military members. Civilian employees may opt for the quarantine or choose to follow less stringent monitoring under CDC or state guidelines. The civilian workers must pick an option before leaving West Africa. Thriver gives thumbs up for Canada joining Australia in suspending entry visas for people from Ebola stricken countries in West Africa. Canada’s government says it’s suspending visa applications for residents and national of countries with widespread and persistent intense transmission of the virus. Canada has not yet had a case of Ebola. WHO has criticized Australia’s travel ban, saying it’s out of proportion to the risk and not supported by evidence. Other News : Boosterbglee reported Virgin Galactic space tourism rocket explodes during test flight in NE Los Angeles, killing one person aboard and seriously injuring another. Spaceship two’s wreckage reportedly fell in the desert of Mojave air and space port, where the flight originated. Company says it’s working with authorities to determine the cause of the accident. Virgin Galactic intended to launch space tourism flights once it finished developing its rocket ship. Incident comes less than a week after an unmanned commercial supply rocket bound for the international space station exploded moments after liftoff in VA. Our prayers to the families of the crew tonight. May God give them peace and show them mercy and cover them with grace. A-J516 almost falls out of his chair to hear Homeland Security Dept employees put $30,000 worth of Starbucks on Government credit cards. Fed employees who are issued so called purchase cards are allowed to make $3,000 in micro purchases and are not required to disclose those purchases publicly. DHS employees reportedly put 30,000 of starbucks on the cards in 2013, spending about 12,000 at one Starbucks in Alameda, CA. Several of those purchases were for just under $3,000 micro purchase threshold. DHS spox says the Starbucks purchases were made for various reasons, following standard purchase card policy and guidance. Calkid11 can’t believe what he hears, Houston area woman sentenced to three years in prison for putting her boyfriend’s gun in his son’s backpack to get the child in trouble at school. 28 year old Heather Hodges pleaded guilty to unlawful carrying of a weapon on restricted premises in 2012 case. Hodges confessed to planting the gun in the 13 year old boy’s backpack for bullying her own children, ages seven and four. Eburt heard the founder of Mormon’s women’s group who was excommunicated after being found guilty of apostasy this summer loses her appeal. Kate Kelly’s appeal was denied by regional church leaders in VA. Ordain Women was founded in 2013 to push for women to be allowed in the all male lay clergy. Kelly says she’ll appeal to the worldwide leaders of the church of jesus Christ of latte day saints. Captl1 read Israel reopens contested Jerusalem holy site amid heavy security. The site was closed Thursday following the attempted assassination of a prominent Jewish religious activist and the killing of his suspected Palestinian assailant by police. The site, known as Temple Mount to Jews and the noble sanctuary to Muslims, is the holiest place in Judaism and the third holiest in Islam. Genx4me is praying for Srilankan people. Srilankan authorities warning of more landslides at a tea plantation where scores of homes were swept away this week. Monsoon rains on Wednesday unleashed a mudslide that’s killed at least 100 people. Officials say the death toll could exceed 200, some 1,600 people in Badulla district are currently in shelters. Dow climbed 195 points to close at an all time high at 17,390 today. S&P 500 also reached a record, gaining 23 points to 2,017, while Nasdaq rose 63 points to 4,630. Large gains comes just two weeks after the US market had its biggest slump in two years. Precious metals take a hit at trading today, with gold closing at $1,171, silver at $16.11 and copper at $3.05. Crude oil also slips and slides today, closing at 80.54. Visa (V) has gained some momentum and was responsible for Dow going green yesterday by adding 125 points. The stock closed at $241.43 and gained 2% more today. Google is faster in housing data. Google says they can predict monthly home sales in a month faster than MLS. Google uses your search data and power of public surge for insight on consumer trends. Association of Realtors says their program MLS pull data 40% from all markets and more accurate than google. Wiljor is doing the happy dance as GoPro (GPRO) surged after beating the street earnings. The stock gained 13%, closing at $77.10 today. Pandora (P) is downgraded and target price is $16/share. Atmel Corp (ATML) is upgraded with target price $9.00. Atmel is possible being eyed for acquisition. Paccar Inc (PCAR) is also upgraded by UBS with target price $75/share. Coty Inc (COTY) is also upgraded with price target $20.00 Citi Bank’s holiday pick list is William Sonoma and Best Buy. Southwest Airlines (LUV) is also flying up with upgrade to buy from neutral with target price $42. Ryan Riess,a pro poker player who won $8.4M in poker last year, cleared $2M after taxes. He is 24 years old and a savvy investor. He invested in Apple, Union Pacific, Facebook and Disney. From Dinar Land : Reports are surfacing that ISIL is attracting recruits from at least eight countries. Those are mostly young disillusioned men that were promised money and a better life. ISIL is well funded and has sophisticated propaganda campaign using the internet in promoting its misguiding message of radical islam. ISIL fighters reported to attack Iraqi security forces in Abu Ghraib district in West Baghdad with casualities in both sides. US led coalition airstrikes has resumed to help pave the way for Iraqi peshmerga forces to enter the city with their heavy arms to support Kurds in Kobani. 160 Peshmerga forces timing could not have been better as the Kurds in Kobani are outgunned and outnumbered. The peshmerga brought with them cannon and truck mounted machine guns. ISIL terrorists are killing Sunni tribesmen who resist joining them and it is reported they are targeting former policemen and military personnel in areas they control s they may have some experience in fighting them. Hundreds of tribesmen bodies were uncovered in Anbar province. They were executed for resisting ISIL which has prompted US to consider sending American advisers to Anbar. Norway is reported to prepare to send 110 troops as part of the coalition to fight ISIL in Iraq. The soldiers will not engage in any ground combat but will provide training to Iraqi security forces. Okane likes Iraqi Defense Minister Obeidi said Anbar province will be liberated within a month. He has supervised operation and airstrikes which led of the destruction of ISIL weaponry and artillery. He told the Iraqi armed and air force commanders that more sophisticated arms, warplanes and attack helicopters are on their way to Iraq. Obeidi added the most urgent task now is protecting and arming the tribes who are resisting ISIS in Anbar province. The representative of religious authority, Karbalai praised the Iraqi security forces, peshmerga and volunteers for their efforts in fighting ISIS. He urged all Iraqis to stand united to stop the cancer of barbaric criminals from spreading. Basra province is one of the fastest growing provinces in Iraq and it is attracting local, regional and international investors. A member of Basra Provincial council said there are 100 projects behind schedule in the areas of water and sewage projects, housing, industrial complexes, road and bridges. Wbuse984 reported Oil Minister Abdul Mahdi said it is difficult to present an accurate 2014 budget with oil price sliding down until the end of the year. Mahdi added Iraq can increase oil exports but it has to be coordinated with OPEC. Even though the demand of crude oil is expected to increase especially from countries like China and India. Lower oil prices will have a direct affect on Iraq’s budget and its deficit. The governor of CBI will attend a special parliamentary session next week along with the ministers of finance and oil to discuss 2014 budget. European industrialists meeting in Dubai said Iraq is and will always be a lucrative market as the country is rich with natural and human resources. They expressed their confidence in Iraq’s ability to turn the tide against ISIL soon. From Rumor Land : Delta says the rate will come out at $0.25-$0.35 and gradually increase. Poppy3 thinks rate will be higher than $1. Frank26 thinks the rate will come out at 1-1. Millionday says you should be dancing on the streets. Enorrste sees the currency rising quickly. OOTW thinks it will be a while yet for rv. TD still believes there won’t be any rv/ri/rd but LOP. DC says Iraq is ready for currency reform. TNT Tony says they promise to have it done by weekend. The spin stops here J send your comments to #naditafile, Dinar Thug is next, good night everyone J
    2 points
  13. I like Israel's policy.. all senior go to military training.. they will learn respect, honor and discipline. Our kids are bombarded with technology and internet.
    2 points
  14. Luckily, I am on my to Church so I can pray for myself and these people. Some are truly going to burn in hell for their nonsense.
    2 points
  15. Christ’s Sufferings in Us Our WORD for Sunday, 2 November 2014 "Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ's afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church." (Colossians 1:24) Christ has prepared a love offering for the world by suffering and dying for sinners. It is full and lacking in nothing — except one thing, a personal presentation by Christ himself to the nations of the world. God’s answer to this lack is to call the people of Christ (people like Paul) to make a personal presentation of the afflictions of Christ to the world. In doing this, we “fill up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions.” We finish what they were designed for, namely, a personal presentation to the people who do not know about their infinite worth. But the most amazing thing about Colossians 1:24 is how Paul fills up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions. He says that it is his own sufferings that fill up Christ’s afflictions. This means, then, that Paul exhibits the sufferings of Christ by suffering himself for those he is trying to win. In his sufferings they see Christ’s sufferings. Here is the astounding upshot: God intends for the afflictions of Christ to be presented to the world through the afflictions of his people. God really means for the body of Christ, the church, to experience some of the suffering he experienced so that when we proclaim the Cross as the way to life, people will see the marks of the Cross in us and feel the love of the Cross from us. Have a great Sunday everyone...I hope you set your clocks back one hour, and that you'll all Vote on Tuesday or before..! Be Blessed, RON
    2 points
  16. Yes denis, it is so nice to finally see a lawfully fully seated government. It's been a long time coming.
    2 points
  17. Shammari calls for the government to get out of the circle of the rentier economy and work to diversify imports 02/11/2014 12:15 | Number of Views: 193Font Size: BAGHDAD / Source News / .. called MP for the National Altaf Mohammed al-Shammari Sunday, the government has to get out of the circle of the rentier economy and work to diversify the economic imports, stressing the need to adhere to the constitutional Baltoukitat submit a draft federal budget law for next year. Al-Shammari said, in a press statement Agency / Source News / received a copy of the "delayed ministries and government institutions in the preparation of its budget within the constitutional timings prescribed, hampering the result of all the stages of preparation of the budget, within the constitutional mechanism for approving the budget law," noting "the importance of re-prioritize spending in the 2015 budget, and the rationalization of expenses is necessary for the ministries and other institutions, "stressing" the need to get out of the circle of the rentier economy and work to diversify the economic imports. " Shammari said, "We will not have the budget balanced stable, unless rethink economic policy as the country, and work on the transformation of the economic system of the multi-yield and diverse resources." He expressed "hope that the Constitutional timings committed to providing the general budget for the year 2015, according to the financial and public debt to Law No. 95 of 2004, which provided for the budget passage through the numbers with four stages of the period, starting from the ministries and other institutions that are setting up in the month of September and the end to submit to Parliament mid-November to be passed at the end of December of each year. " He explained that "the constitutional obligation Baltoukitat is important, will contribute to the speed of the federal budget legislation law in record time, which dates back positively on the citizens, government departments and even the national economy" .anthy / 19 T. Infallible issued a decree appointing Abadi and his deputies and ministers History of edits:: 2.11.2014 12:43 • 66 visits readable {Baghdad: Euphrates News} President of the Republic issued today Fuad Masum, a decree to appoint the prime minister Haider al-Abadi, and his two deputies Bahaa al-Araji, and Rose Nuri Shaways, and government ministers. A statement by the Presidency of the Republic Agency {Euphrates News} received a copy of it today, "The President Fuad Masum, issued a Special Republican Decree appointing the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister."According to the text of the decree, "according to the provisions of Articles {72} and {76 } of the Constitution and based on Presidential Decree No. {152} at 8/11/2014 included assigning Haider Jawad al-Abadi, the formation of the Council of Ministers and the House of Representatives after the grant of the confidence of the Iraqi government and its performance was sworn in front of him. decreed as follows: First: appoints Jawad Haider al-Abadi - president The Council of Ministers. Secondly appoints Saleh al-Mutlaq - Deputy Prime Minister. Third: appoints Bahaa al-Araji - Deputy Prime Minister. IV appoints Rose Nuri Shaways - Deputy Prime Minister. V. appointed gentlemen and ladies listed below positions the cursor towards them.Ibrahim al-Jaafari and Minister of Foreign Affairs. Hoshyar Zibari- finance minister.Adel Abdul-Mahdi Hassan, minister of oil. Salman Ali Hassan Aljamila- minister of planning. Hussein Ibrahim Saleh Alchehrstana- and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Mohammed Iqbal Omar, Minister of Education. Mohammad Mehdi Albeati- Minister for Human Rights. Falah Hassan Zeidan- minister of agriculture. Naseer Kazim Obaid Alisawi- minister of industry and minerals. Qassim Mohammed Abdul Fahadawi- Minister of Electricity. Tariq Ktifah Kikhany - Minister of Reconstruction and Housing. Bayan Jabr - Minister of Transport. Mohammed Xiaa Sudan - Minister of Labour Affairs social. Adila Hammoud Hussein - Minister of Health. Raundozi - Minister of Culture. Qutaiba Ibrahim Turki al-Jubouri - Minister of Environment. Haider spokesman Zamili - Minister of Justice. Ahmed Abdullah al-Jubouri - Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs and Provincial Affairs. Knight Joseph Jajo - Minister of Science and Technology . Abdul-Hussein Abdul Redha Abtan - Minister of Youth and Sports. Hassan Kadhim Al-Rashed - Minister of Communications. Abdul Karim Younes Eilan - Minister of Municipalities. Mlas Mohammed Abdul Karim Alexanzana - trade minister. VI: This Decree shall be from the date of issuance in 08.09.2014 and published in Gazette official. Written in Baghdad in the twenty-eighth day of the month of November of the year 1435 AH. , corresponding to the twenty-second of the month of October for the day for the year 2014 AD. Fuad Masum, President of the Republic and the voice of the House of Representatives in the eighth from last September to give confidence to the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, and government ministers and government program, with the exception of a number of ministers to give them confidence in the {18} of November last, whom Rose Nuri Shaways for the post of deputy prime minister, and Mohammed Salem Ghaban interior minister, and Khalid al-Obeidi as defense minister, and Hoshyar Zebari, Minister of Finance, and Jassim Mohammed Ali, Minister of Migration and Displacement, and just Alhurcab Fahad, Minister of Tourism, and the statement of the Minister Nuri al-Tawfiq women, and Saman Mohammed Abdullah and Minister of State, in addition to Faryad Roandozi Minister of Culture .anthy Zebari reveals the procedures for the adoption of non-oil economic sources 2014/11/2 11:45:35 AM BAGHDAD / Wi-News Detection and Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari, for his ministry to discuss some of the measures aimed at maximizing the financial resources of the state in the near future and in accordance with the necessary legislation, which would be endorsed by Parliament for this purpose. Zebari said in a press statement that "the ministry is waiting for the House legislation, laws and regulations to maximize the financial resources in the country and find other economic resources will complement the general budget is oil, which is a source approved by the president fully in the preparation of the state budget over the past ten years." He added, "The competent ministerial committee of financial and economic affairs discussed the fiscal policy in the country and provided insights into the Council of Ministers on this issue, which has been reviewed a number of ideas and practical suggestions to overcome the current crisis," the government's measures came against the backdrop of the significant decline that hit returns financial state as a result there has been a striking decline in oil prices on the global as well as local production of crude oil due to the volume of material security and emergency conditions. He explained Zebari, said the ministerial committee mentioned a meeting in which he stressed the need to "reduce non-core expenditures in ministries and state bodies allocations and pressure on spending as much as possible to avoid the aggravation of the financial crisis and low liquidity," he said, adding that the meeting discussed a number of options available to the government to finance the deficit of sources available during the remainder of the current fiscal year period.
    2 points
  18. Look at you rock answering easy riders question which was never addressed to you but your fellow troll keepem - your important rocky
    2 points
  19. Thanks Moose (+1)...LOL...!
    2 points
  20. Show me those magic beans! They're not real til you see them.
    2 points
  21. hey ya rocky aka lopsters which one of the past shills are ya! I bet rockstar you have the whole of the usa following you oh great important one!
    2 points
  22. Ewingm: I agree. But admitting a mistake , especially when you may have caused others to be taken by it , is a hard thing to swallow. It sort of becomes a thing of honor, sort of a religion...It is going to be a difficult thing to unwind . I wince when I read things like DELTA can interpret Iraqitv!.. The Iraqis have a Mafia like government , the poor will continue to be opressed. They themselves are being deluded that OIL will solve all their problems.
    2 points
  23. The IQD is undervalued and thats a fact Jack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And keep on quoting your (boring) forbes article ewingm LOL how is your family; let them know they can join my gang on FB I forgot to add this ewingm _ the dinar is not just undervalued but actually grossley undervalued-me thinks your the foolish one!
    2 points
  24. Family spokesman Jonathan Franks said the judge released him without making a determination on the charge against him. The family issued the following statement: "It is with an overwhelming and humbling feeling of relief that we confirm that Andrew was released today after spending 214 days in a Mexican Jail." The Florida man said he got lost on a California freeway ramp that sent him across the border with no way to turn back. His long detention brought calls for his freedom from U.S. politicians, veterans groups and social media campaigns. Members of Congress were quick to react. Rep. Ed Royce, R-Calif, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, immediately issued a statement saying, “I am elated that Sgt. Tahmooressi has been ordered released from jail in Mexico. This is great, but overdue, news. I am pleased that both Attorney General Jesús Murillo Karam and the judge on the case recognize that Sgt. Tahmooressi did not intend to violate Mexican law, and that his combat-related PTSD should be treated by specialists in the United States.” In Florida, Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who represents the district where Tahmooressi’s’ mother, Jill, lives, said in a statement, “I am thrilled that Sergeant Tahmooressi has been released from prison in Mexico. We have waited long enough. As a mother, my heart is with Jill Tahmooressi tonight and I can only imagine the many emotions she must be experiencing, namely the relief in knowing her son is coming home and that they will soon be reunited without prison bars, without handlers and without unnecessary travel.” Rep. Matt Salmon, R-Ariz., chairman of the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, said, “I am truly overjoyed to hear the news that our Marine Sgt. Tahmooressi is finally coming home to America. During my last visit with Andrew in a Mexican prison, I told him the next time I saw him would be during his release to America; I am grateful that I will be able to keep that promise and be with him and (his mother) Mrs. Tahmooressi as he returns to the United States tonight.” The Associated Press contributed to this report
    2 points
  25. I'm sure Obama will send his support as Americas "Commander in Chief"...ever notice how much he enjoys stating that he is "Commander in Chief"! What a pathetic POS! Cant wait till he is ousted and we get some real leadership...hope he's banned from all golf courses too when he finally leaves office!
    2 points
  26. YES people don't fear, big daddy CBI is gonna fix everything. $3.33 PRAY FOR REVIVAL EVERYDAY another day closer
    2 points
  27. Tony said it should've happened last week. Well what was wrong with the next day? I say if it's ready it's READY!! ---------------------- Meanwhile, here's the biggest "OH PUHLEEEEZE" from the EXOGEN camp: Vinman U.S. private exchanges at Wells Fargo and Chase now! 1000% double confirmed!!! You are NEXT....GET READY! Oh look!'s Santa :-) And it's snowing!! UST on lockdown...lockdown! Double secret lockdown...Right now Oops! The cat is out of the bag now! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ By the way people, you should get a multiple currency account once the dinar becomes tradeable on a global scale no matter what the rate.
    2 points
  28. Oh how I wish you would go find a hobby!
    1 point
  29. Currency Auctions Announcement No. (2805) The latest daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq on Saturday, the 01-11-2014. The Post on Sunday, 02-11-2014 the results were as follows: DETAILS ---------------- & ---------------- NOTES Number of banks 10 Auction price selling dinar / US$ 1166 Auction price buying dinar / US$ ----- Amount sold at auction price (US$) 116,757,000 Amount purchased at Auction price (US$) ----- Total offers for buying (US$) 116,757,000 Total offers for selling (US$) ----- Announcement No. (2806) The latest daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq on Sunday, the 02-11-2014. The results were as follows: DETAILS ---------------- & ---------------- NOTES Number of banks 17 Auction price selling dinar / US$ 1166 Auction price buying dinar / US$ ----- Amount sold at auction price (US$) 168,388,000 Amount purchased at Auction price (US$) ----- Total offers for buying (US$) 168,388,000 Total offers for selling (US$) -----
    1 point
  30. What? Can you not understand what they say? Or is it simply that your incapableof intellectually digesting anything that doesn't fit your preconceived opinions? "ISLAMIC STATE OF IRAQ AND SYRIA" Pretty much explains it all. And I'm not even gonna try and educate you on what the Koran says. PRAY FOR REVIVAL EVERYDAY Another day closer
    1 point
  31. The ISX is supposed to be closed Tuesday for a public Holiday. I am seeing we are still sitting on the runway with the ISX's major moves. nevertheless, there is still plenty of opportunity to make that money while we wait!!! Iraq Stock Exchange Suspended Trading session for Tuesday Nov 4 2014 because its religious holiday - tenth of moharam -
    1 point
  32. tank... It IS a major concern as far as our FUTURE defense strength goes! AND, what it says of the culture and the state of our young men, age 18 to 25!
    1 point
  33. Wipe out ISIS and watch iraq move into the international scene of business, finance, commerce and finally a life of peace for all who live there. Thanks Adam for the video, it's nice to see things moving forward no matter how gruesome some of the events are.
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. ummmm ok it was a joke but ok she knows what i think and she is mine, called a little humour but ok
    1 point
  36. "Luke, I'm Ur FatAss Uncle Who Orders Everything With Bacon On The Side !"
    1 point
  37. Thank God We Have Captain Underpants Walking The Beat To Save The Dinar Universe !
    1 point
  38. It is national black cat day celebration
    1 point
  39. 10-20-2014 Intel/Newshound Guru Tlar IF I AM WRONG THIS IS MY LAST POST Rather rude ,no goodbye no thanks for listening to all the BS I've spouted Still wonder what name he will surface as next
    1 point

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