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Tomorrow Morning .. Abadi Announce The Private Sector Development Strategy !


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Parrot so sorry. Davis is right. I was the one that mentioned to him to write down all the little blessings each day In a journal. No matter how small they are. Try not to focus on the bad stuff. I know how hard that may be. Been there myself. I've got a friend that is facing the same thing right now. Her husband has been out of work for 6 months and the house they just had built and moved into back in May they are about to lose. They put it up for sale last week. Problem is they put a pool in as well. Even if they sell it I don't think they will get what they owe on it. It breaks my heart. She has 3 kids as well 12-17.

Parrot your in my prayers.


Only wheaties for breakfast,....ok? Promise me . ...

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Better days ahead Mr Parrot...Been there myself...Lost a lot more than the house but I can tell you ... Things can be replaced..and they will be. Faith Brother Faith hold on and see....We are under fire now but ever firefight ends...You will live to fight another day! Blessings!

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Mrparrot,  my prayers are in your direction.  Been there and done that once, and hanging on again.  Keep your chin up, we care, and praying for you and your family.  I pray for peace in your direction, and a good nutritious breakfast to give you the energy to lean on Jesus Christ.  :angel:


COME ON RV!!!!! 

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Parrot so sorry. Davis is right. I was the one that mentioned to him to write down all the little blessings each day In a journal. No matter how small they are. Try not to focus on the bad stuff. I know how hard that may be. Been there myself. I've got a friend that is facing the same thing right now. Her husband has been out of work for 6 months and the house they just had built and moved into back in May they are about to lose. They put it up for sale last week. Problem is they put a pool in as well. Even if they sell it I don't think they will get what they owe on it. It breaks my heart. She has 3 kids as well 12-17.

Parrot your in my prayers.


Only wheaties for breakfast,....ok? Promise me . ...

No Wheaties.


Bland and tasteless.


I'll stick to my 2 lb breakfast burrito's...

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Soooo, it's just an announcement of the strategy for the implementation of the development of the Private Sector ? Now I am definitely NOT going to hold my breath. I'll reserve my comments for after the "announcement". . .


God, this could go on & on for how long ? 

Edited by 10 YEARS LATER
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Mr. parrot , ask them to provide you with the original signed documents , if you ask they have to provide them . most servicers don't transfer the original docs but

robo signed  ones and if you request they they provide proof the have the original ones . about two years ago a judge in florida tossed some foreclosure cases

as the woman stood up in court and said prove to me you have my original documents and you have the loan.  they could not provide the docs

so she won .

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Mrparrot just remember, if your going through hell, keep going. Life is cyclical and it sounds like you are at the bottom of the cycle. You have to hang in there to ride it back to the top. Don't ever give up! As you can see there are a lot of people who don't know you that are pulling for you so stay the course and things WILL get better

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There is no beef.


Beef is bad for you.


We have Tofu.


Tofu is good for you.


Never heard of anyone contracting

Mad Bean Curd Disease, have you...?


And to those of you offering prayers

and words of encouragement,

thank you.


I know it's hard to understand how

someone with my troubles can keep

posting some of the stuff that I post,

poking fun at this crazy ride, but let

me try to explain.


If I don't try to hide behind the humor,

and try to find a reason to laugh,

I would probably just end up having

a bullet for breakfast one morning...

Sorry to hear about your hard times, try to stay strong and keep the faith. I know its hard to, but belive in yourself because i belive in you.
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Mr. perrot, sorry to hear all your problems. You are not alone. I have been there many times, not just once and I am still here. Back in 1990, I was loosing my first house, my wife was pregnant with twins, I was so down, I told her, I feel like killing myself. She was so upset with me I felt bad for her. She said, how could you said this, I am pregnant with two kids.


I snapped out of it and said to myself; sh...t, what am I saying?.  I wasn't thinking about her raising two kids without a father, I was thinking about myself and all of my problems. I said, oooh sh...t I can't do this leaving her by herself with two kids to raise.

Well, long storry short, I am still living with my wife and I am now a grand-father, still envolve in real estate dealings. 2008, I lost much of my holdings in real estate eccept the house I live in (knock-on-wood) but I will not quit. Quiting is for loosers. I just need to play the game a little much smarter now than I have been in the past.


There are things you could do to buy times while you stay in the house without paying a dime to the mortgage holder depending at which statge the foreclosure precedings is. 

Lawyers charge between $1500 to $2000 to help you stay in the house while delaying the process through the court system.


I helped my brother, sister, even a friend to stay in their house for a period of 1 year or more while they working out their problems with the mortgage holder.


P. S. I am not a lawyer and this is not a legal advice from me to you. I am just stating some of my experiences and dificulties I went through.

So, hanging there buddy, wait for the RV or RI what ever those terms means to you.


You are not alone, they are many more like you out there.


Look at it this way, "everyday you spend obve the earth is a good day no matter how bad it is" because the alternative is much wost.

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I lose my house in two days.


Can't really get excited about

anything at this point.


The RV is a moot point for me

at this point.

now at last I understand why Countrywide (crooks that they were) sold our mortgage to sure where we are but I can appreciate your position MrParrot...our communication with OCWEN has been the PITS from day 1


He can hold a press conference,

have a huge button connected to

the CBI, push the button at the

beginning of the conference, and

it still wouldn't make a difference

for me. My mortgage servicer isn't

going care if I call them and say,

"Hey, can you hold off on taking my

house for ( insert timeframe here ) ?

I'll be paying it off in ( insert timeframe

here ) .".


Any other lender, you can work with.

But GMAC bundled a bunch of us,

and sold us to a COLLECTION

AGENCY. That's right, I did a little

research into the companies that

GMAC sold their mortgages to,

right before they did the banckruptcy

thing. Ocwen isn't a mortgage company.

They're a collection agency. And they're

owned by another company that runs

a property management company.

Can you say conflict of interest?


Ocwen doesn't want to help the home

owners. They want you to lose the house

so they can take your house, hand it over

to the property management side, and then

they flip it into a rental.


Sweet deal for them, huh?


Ocwen has been hauled into court by just

about every State A.G. in the US, but because

paying the fines is cheaper then changing their

business plan, they continue to do business

their way, and just pay the fines.


Ain't America great...?


But hey, for those of you still afloat,

congratulations on this upcoming

great news...

Well, looks like we have another three years to wait...

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Brother Yota Got The Scoop ! B)


Read more:




Abadi called strategic support of the private sector and confirms: Iraq is not bankrupt

THU, FEBRUARY 12, 2015 10:54 M P


Twilight News / fired Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said Thursday, a strategy to support the private sector in the country.


Ebadi said in a speech Rasheed Hotel in Baghdad, "We are determined to develop and support the private sector in Iraq."

Seeks Iraq, which is directly dependent on oil by 95% to finance imports of the budget, and after oil prices tumbled to below $ 50.

Abadi said the need to reduce dependence on oil revenues.

He added, " We need to develop our banking. That will be key to the development of the private sector. "

Abadi Turning to the financial crisis in Iraq and said "Iraq is not bankrupt, but goes with his fortune and his sons.We reduce dependence on oil revenues, then we will come out of this crisis stronger. "

The announcement of a strategy to support the private sector with the support of the United Nations Development Programme in Iraq.




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Did not Iraq just lift the curfew that was hanging over the city this week(effective this weekend)? I think it was lifted in preparation, so that the citizens of Iraq can celebrate in the likes which has never been seen before not ever will again! Go RV (RI)! Something's brewing and I know it ain't my coffee!

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Mr. Parrot- I can't add much buddy to what's been said besides many of us here have been singed by the flames and smell of smoke! It doesn't matter if it's serious financial or health issues, a family crisis or a variety of others stresses life throws at us...believe when I say...there is always hope! I don't know from where but believe that there is always a way. I moved to Music City around 5 yrs. ago and to make a long story short it all seemed to cave in on us...we ended up homeless for about 7 months. If it wasn't for a very sweet couple who took pity on us and took us in we wouldn't have known what to do! I'm not one to let grass grow beneath my feet esp. In those circumstances and so I pitched in wherever I could. I finished a long unfinished deck, some roof work, and several other projects...but mostly I just listened to my new friend and we had lots of long talks. When we finally got on our feet so we could rent our own place his wife expressed how much we had helped them...then the husband told me I had saved his life!!! How the heck could a couple homeless folks do all that??? He said every day before I came he had thought of "eating lead" as you put it...and between just talking with him and helping get those long undone projects around his place he started to get hope. He was struggling with some medical issues and the medicine was making him a little more emotional than usual. Bottom line matter how bad it looks there is always a way around, under, over or through the problem...keep the faith my feathery friend! And by all means keep finding ways to laugh so you don't cry!!! We are pulling for you and keepin' you in our prayers!!!

Edited by RodandStaff
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Parrott...kenshin is right. These loans get bundled and packaged and may be somewhere off in China!

ASK to see the docs that you signed. Foreclosure can take awhile before the Sheriff comes around.

What FINAL stage do they say you are at? As said above, an attorney can stall it.

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MR PARROT, I am in the real estate business and have been in this exact situation myself years ago so I can relate. PLEASE REQUEST CASH FOR KEYS before you walk away from that house. This is a little known fact many homeowners do not know about and end up walking away from their homes with no moving expenses and the banks get your keys while you find ways to get moved etc. The banks will not tell you about this nor offer it. If you or anyone in your household is in the Military or recently separated within the last 9 months you are protected by the SCRA (Servicemembers  Civil Relief Act) and they can't foreclose on your home. Anyways I got $3500 when I moved out of my home 2 years ago. This is an incentive the banks give you for not trashing the place and taking appliances and cabinets etc. If they tell you they won't do it then you tell them they won't get any keys and you can't guarantee the home will be in good condition. The only requirements are that the home must be left in "broom swept condition". I just helped a dear friend of mine a month ago who's mother was loosing her house in 3 days. She called the bank and surprised them when she requested cash for keys. They gave her $3000 and she was able to move into a new place and the transition was easy. Hang in there man, it will only get better. 

Edited by chris2028
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A guy who works with my husband just did the same thing "cash for keys".  He walked away with $4000 and all he saved by not paying his mortgage for 2 years.  His was a totally different situation...he had gotten divorced and knew he couldn't afford the house on his own so just stopped paying on it. The foreclosure process took 2 years and like I said...he walked out with the 4000.  

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A guy who works with my husband just did the same thing "cash for keys".  He walked away with $4000 and all he saved by not paying his mortgage for 2 years.  His was a totally different situation...he had gotten divorced and knew he couldn't afford the house on his own so just stopped paying on it. The foreclosure process took 2 years and like I said...he walked out with the 4000.  

Yeah mine took a while to go through and we just enjoyed our home for what it was and saved up what we could. The house was so far under water and the banks knew it and so did the appraisers who inflated the property values. But we have moved on and I'm happier now than I was then. Don't ever let the banks manipulate you or take advantage of you. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. 

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Never heard of anyone contracting

Mad Bean Curd Disease, have you...?


Umm do brain eating amoeba's count? As beans left out do grow amoeba's and other organisms you'd rather not hear about.


Sorry about your situation. Some of us keep bailing out the water to keep our little row boat afloat. 

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