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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2023 in all areas

  1. Oil and Gas Law on the Table of Hakim and Chairman of the Oil Committee Politics | Today, 19:59 | Oil and Gas Law on the Table of Hakim and Chairman of the Oil Committee » Baghdad Today News Agency Baghdad Today - Chairman of the Oil and Gas Committee meets the Chairman of the National Wisdom Movement to discuss the political scene and approve important laws The Chairman of the Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee, Haibet Al-Halbousi, met on Sunday, in the presence of members of the committee, the head of the National Wisdom Movement, Mr. Ammar Al-Hakim, to discuss developments in the political scene. The two sides discussed the role of the House of Representatives in approving important laws to complete the structure of the political system, in addition to laws that are in direct contact with the concerns of citizens, and the need for integration between the work of parliamentary committees and ministries. During the meeting, Mr. Al-Halbousi stressed the need to invest in the political climate to approve the oil and gas law, which has been suspended in the Iraqi parliament since 2005, revealing the desire of most parliamentary blocs to approve this law, which will reflect positively on the promotion and development of the reality of the oil sector in Iraq. Media Office Chairman of the Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee MP Haibet Al-Halbousi 26/3/2023
    13 points
  2. You know what your post is absolute BS!!! This is not some guru posting nonsense over and over like Frank or Pimpy or pick any name you want! This is a DV team member who is trying to share legit knowledge to help us so your post is pure nonsense and BS so if you have nothing more to ADD to a legit conversation you would be best served to keep your ridiculous posts to yourself! Sell sell sell if it’s too much for you to handle!!!
    10 points
  3. The Iraqi economy similar to the economies of other countries cannot flourish and grow without achieving financial stability in the general budget, and reforming the financial institutions and infrastructure that enable effective management of such reforms. Therefore, the first axis in this paper focuses on achieving sustainable financial stability, which requires: (i) rationalizing expenditures by taking immediate and medium-term measures applicable to the Iraqi environment; (ii) increasing revenues, improving cash flow, and providing the necessary liquidity to meet expenditures; and (iii) reforming financial management systems, to lay the foundations for reform and empower the institutions to effectively and sustainably manage public finance. Go Iraq Go reforms Go stronger dinar $1+
    9 points
  4. Sorry I can’t be more specific. But the cbi Governor I think just watched the video it’s on Twitter about possible something happening with the markets in two weeks him warning people to get rid of USD and then telling people that changes are coming to their forex! This coming off the back of PUTIN wiping all the debt of west African countries in the amount of 40 billion dollars last week…not rumour live on TV…I am quire sure someone can find it…
    6 points
  5. Part of the problem for rvmydinar is, in my opinion... 1 he doesn't read things properly and there fore misunderstand what is said / implied. 2 he has tunnel vision where the dinar is concerned 3 he doesn't know enough or understand the whole process, like many of us, myself included. However, I am willing to learn and take on board what is said. 4 I am acutely aware this was never going to happen overnight and sadly some people still buy into that. 5 he is constantly passive aggressive in his posts regardless of whether it is a member of dv or a guru. 6 when you reach that point it is time to take a step back from post, responding or reading anything on this site. Go live your life for a while and come back in a few weeks / months.
    6 points
  6. RVMyDinar ... you're totally missing the point. This is about the US Dollar, and the role it might play in other countries; and the potential negative effect it will have on the US Dollar. Screwball only alluded to the CBI Governor may have just watched the video clip of the President of Kenya's speech. You seem to want to automatically make it about the IQD & Ramadan. I hope you rethink what has been said. Have a good sunday - Blessings..! RON
    6 points
  7. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt .... RON Mnt Goat They have...fully de-pegged from the US dollar, meaning the program rate will soon no longer apply. The dinar is now on an “informal” managed float inside Iraq. They have changed the entire structure of the currency auctions with the new Electronic Platform. They have moved the rate from 1450 to 1320 and now to 1132... if you read the 5 years redevelopment plan issued 5 years ago, they are right on track. Sorry Goat, but I don't see that anywhere...The CBI website today still shows 1310...RON
    6 points
  8. I would add it’s the president of Kenya speaking. He says first that those holding dollars are going to experience losses, I think implying the Kenyan shilling will be increasing in value vs the usd. He also says that Kenyan fuel companies will no longer be buying energy in dollars but instead Kenyan shillings. Now imagine countries no longer need dollars to buy oil from Mideast countries but instead have to deal directly with their currencies. What happens to the value of the usd? We could be in for some very turbulent times but it also may be the of our wait on the dinar
    6 points
  9. Rebaz Hamlan: There is a good understanding with Baghdad to continue selling Kurdistan region's oil K24 - Erbil: An aide to the KRG's president assures kurdistan region's employees of the continuation of the salary distribution process and revealed that they are in ongoing discussions with the federal government to continue selling kurdistan's oil, he explained. The previous understanding, the kurdistan region's oil sales revenues are placed in a fund that the Central Bank of Iraq will know about, describing this step as transparent in the work of the KRG, which was previously an international company. he was ordered to audit that income. On Saturday (March 25, 2023), while participating in the latest Kurdistan News Trip24, Rebaz Hamlan, the KRG's assistant president for economic affairs, said the court's decision was not "Unfortunately, some parties in the Kurdistan Region are pleased with the court's decision, while the salaries of their armed forces, parliamentarians and media workers receive oil revenues," he said. "The Kurdistan Region has been opposed in Iraq and its surrounding countries, so these parties should have taken into account their national issues, and then brought forward their political concerns and differences," said the KRG's assistant president for economic affairs. Rebaz Hamlan also explained that the decision was not new and that Iraq had long filed the request, and that Baghdad and Ankara had previously agreed that if they did not reach an agreement on the oil pipeline, they would settle the issue in court, and that the decision was now in iraq's interest and against Turkey. Regarding the positive aspects of the decision, Rebaz Hamlan also said that the court's decision comes at a time when relations between Iraq and Turkey are now at a good stage, and a few days ago, the Prime Minister visited Turkey and had a good understanding between the two sides. Sudan's visit to Erbil and a meeting with President Barzani, the krg president and krg president also emphasized a budget agreement, which included the issue of oil and non-oil revenues in the budget. Rebaz Hamlan also pointed out that there is good progress in the discussions between Erbil and Baghdad on the oil and gas case, saying that there is a good understanding and that only a few technical issues remain to reach a final agreement, so that, like the budget bill, the oil and gas bill can be approved by the Iraqi council of ministers and sent to the Iraqi house of representatives. Rebaz Hamlan also said that so far the KRG has sold oil on the basis of the Kurdistan Regional Government's oil and gas law, which has had a legal basis and has not done anything illegal or unconstitutional. Regarding the contracts made by the KRG's Ministry of Natural Resources with international companies, Rebaz Hamlan stressed the commitment of Somo and the Iraqi government to the contracts, saying they were based on international standards, laws and applicable guidelines. Following the French court's decision, the KRG's assistant president for economic affairs said that through negotiations, new ways to sell Kurdistan's oil would be agreed and that there was a common understanding with Baghdad. The issue of salary distribution was another part of Rebaz Hamlan's explanations, saying that the work on the krg's ninth cabinet from the beginning of its establishment, as the prime minister emphasized, was to provide salaries, and then other services. He said that the reconstruction and projects that have been carried out so far in the Kurdistan Region have been made with oil revenues. The KRG's assistant president for economic affairs assured kurdistan's citizens and salaries that the distribution of salaries will continue and will continue to discuss with Baghdad a solution to continue selling kurdistan's oil until the budget and oil and gas bill are approved. Rebaz Hamlan reiterated that the French court's decision was to reject the charges previously brought against the KRG regarding the 50-year agreement with Turkey, saying that if it had existed, Turkey would not have abided by the court's decision in this way. Rebaz Hamlan spoke about the KRG's president's efforts to take all responsibility and oversee government affairs and negotiations with Baghdad, while the cabinet is a coalition government and other parties must come forward to take responsibility for the issue, which is related to the people's power. The sale of Oil in the Kurdistan Region is scrutinised every three months by Dilott and is not hidden to Somosh, so the fund for the region's oil sales revenues will no longer be based on understanding and agreement between the two sides, and the Central Bank of Iraq will have information on how it will be collected and how it will be spent.
    6 points
  10. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt .... RON Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: They have economists, CBI and parliament finance all on Channel One all day...talking about the lower notes and the fils. They say they're bringing them back to give the citizens purchasing power.
    5 points
  11. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt .... RON *** Dinar News Update *** Three days ago various news outlets from Iraq suggested that the exchange rate of the Iraqi Dinar has experienced a significant increase to its highest value in several years, at 1132. Boots on the ground reports confirm the CBI and goverment offiicals made reference to this sudden change in value. However, it is important to note that despite these reports, the CBI has yet to officially change the rate of the Dinar, which currently stands at 1310. In the past, discrepancies of this nature typically clarified within 24 hours. However, as of now, no such clarity has been discovered. We enourage you to stay alert as we keep a close eye on this peculiar situation as we await the gurus insights and updates on what the heck is going on here. Militia Man The next stage of the game is the final stage. That's my view. When they reveal, 'the direction and the plans of the central bank for the next stage to advancing the banking sector.' What are they trying to do? They're trying to get deposits. They want to lend money. They've got to a bottleneck IMV that suggests that they've got to a stage when...they need to lend money. Banks have a liquidity issue. They have to get deposits so they can lend. They need to get that money that's out there not-circulating, circulating. Pimpy It [the Iraqi dinar rate] used to be 1190 dinars for every 1 dollar. Obviously 1132 is lower than that. So we have now passed where we were at the start of all this...The market rate is 1155 or 1158 over the 1132? That margin is much smaller than where it was before. That's maintainable. Samson Article: ”Abdullah congratulates the advent of Ramadan and confirms that the House of Representatives will continue to perform its tasks and work". Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: TV is showing the Central bank director of currency window and the CBI is on Channel One News...they're saying the CBI is training licensed banks on the electronic platform. It's a big deal. It's been going on all morning... FRANK: The CBI is educating you and training all the banks and their employees not only for internal use but right now they are preparing them for the float also. To be honest with you education is done it is the float they are teaching them... Friday's Opinions & Rumors - I was out of town Nader From The Mid East Whatever the CBI is gonna do ... the CBI make a decision everybody's gonna have to agree with it because this is a trust whatever the CBI is going to decide everybody else is going to decide it's going to be happy. They're gonna have to sign off on it and that's it... Mnt Goat Is the IQD going to be reinstated on FOREX...? We now see that they told us recently this is where they are heading very shortly... Militia Man The triple zeros on our currency we have today...we believe...that's gonna of the reason why I believe it's going to change is because Iraq is openly talking about coins. They're talking about smaller denominations. Those are the types of things that made me go, 'hmmmm, why did that happen?' Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: The rate in the budget is going to exchangeable. They said it's going to start off at 1300 to 1 or whatever. It has room to play and change... FRANK: This is the RV phase...that's why there are multiple exchangeable rates for your budget but they're mainly for the float...This is massively huge for you to understand...It is not only exchangeable in the budget it will be exchangeable for you to be able to exchange the 3-zero notes to the new national currency they are bragging about. Clare Article: "An economic institution indicates a rise in the inflation rate, which is the "highest" in Iraq in years" Quote: "The Future Iraq Foundation for Economic Studies and Consultations announced, on Friday, that the annual inflation rate for January 2023 has increased, reaching more than 8.2%, which is the highest rise in Iraq in years." Nader From The Mid East The smaller notes in the ATM not true. The ATMs are not allowed it with the small categories ...for sure I know...They can't put small category in the streets and I know because I asked somebody very close to me to get some money...from the ATMs in Baghdad and there's still the same categories notes. This happened yesterday. nt pricing inside of Iraq...the only way of doing this is through having a strong currency...he is telling us how we are getting away from a dual currency and only deal in the Iraqi dinar in our nation for now on...the dinar will be strong and the reconstruction revolution is coming...All day the television Channel One has been educating us... FRANK: Monetary reform education! That's what you're getting buddy. And it's going to get louder. Pimpy What is the real exchange rate? ...the official rate is...1300...There's a discrepancy between the official rate and the market rate. When you read this article there's confusion and I can understand why. Article: "Ali Al-Alaq for Shafaq news: Wait for a decline at the parallel dollar exchange rate." Quote: "the parallel rate means the exchange are of the dollar in the market and not the official price set at 1132 dinars for every dollar." [Post 1 of 2] Pimpy I've been out of the loop for 3 days but I went back and I did not see any article that I could find that said the official rate for the Iraqi dinar moved from 1300 dinars to 1132 dinars. I think this is a typo. I might be wrong...1132...would be phenomenal...If this is truly the new exchange rate, 1132, that's a huge jump in the value of the Iraqi dinar... The lower this number becomes...the better it is for us who have invested in the Iraqi dinar. [Post 2 of 2] Militia Man What you and I and everybody else are waiting for is for the private sector. You're not going to get into the private sector without having an international acceptable exchange rate. They didn't do it at 1360 or 1166, 1192, 1460, 1310. What are they going to do when they change it to 1132? Really are they going to an international compliant currency at 1132? ...They're not going to go to the International market and be article VIII compliant at 1132. Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Channel One News just did an interview with the Finance Minister he's saying soon the dinar will be parallel with other middle eastern currencies in the region. FRANK: Are you kidding me? That's absolutely fantastic! That's insane for him to say that. In other words he's telling you that when they reach the REER of the float the dinar will be parallel with other middle eastern exchange rates...everyday they are telling you more and more. It's getting ridiculous with the excitement of the monetary reform! You are inches away from receiving your new small category notes and new exchange rate... Mnt Goat Article: "THE RECONSTRUCTION OF IRAQ WITHIN A CLEARLY DEFINED VISION AND A DRAWN ROAD MAP BASED ON SEVERAL STAGES." ...the key phrase here is “several stages”...This reinstatement could not just pop out one day...But now we are in the stage of progress to get the dinar reinstated and then there are many more stages to work on the Iraqi economy. Folks they are following the plan as outlined in the “White Paper”. There is no secrets to what they are doing. yada ...Cant be stressed enough that the budget needs the rate, not the rate needs the budget. The budget is going through the motions and once the rate is released, it will sort itself out.
    5 points
  12. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt .... RON Frank26 Question "Should we exchange one smaller 3-zero note first or our 50,000 dinar note first?" It depends on how many dinars you have. If you have a lot you have a lot of depends on what you have so I can't really answer that because we don't know what the variable are. [NOTE: Consult your financial advisor at the appropriate time to create an exchange plan suitable to your unique circumstances.] Mnt Goat Are they conducting the project to delete the zeros to coincide with the reinstatement? They moved to taking the dollars out of the ATMs and they will only now dispense dinars. Rumors tells us they already recalibrated for the newer lower denominations and loaded them but I have to [no?] real proof of this occurring yet. Nader From The Mid East It's good if something happened in the month of Ramadan. Why? Because it will give you more time to change your money instead of give you one week, two weeks, 30 days. They will give you more than that. Why? Because they know in Ramadan the Muslims they're not going to bing their money to the bank. They're not going to make any profit from that money. They know if they make a profit of that money they're going to give it away... Frank26 You see an article that says there's 70 trillion dinars out there. No. The article is wrong. It's translated wrong. They collected over 70 trillion 3-zero notes. That's what caused all the confusion.
    5 points
  13. Market is going to be different….two weeks
    5 points
  14. ATTENTION.. Please join me in Remembering YET ANOTHER great icon of the entertainment community. The Pillsbury Doughboy died yesterday of a yeast infection and trauma complications from repeated pokes to the belly. He was 71. Dough boy was survived by his wife Play Dough, three children, John Dough, Jane Dough, and Dosey Dough, plus they had one in the Oven. The Funeral was held at 3:50 for about 20 minutes. *R*I*P
    5 points
  15. My opinion is the past cycle was needed to have all the Deep State actors show themselves. Much broader and deeper now when the Dragnet is deployed! Keep yer powder dry!!! NO tellin' what the Snowflake AND Buttercup Idiot Brigade Volunteer Forces will do!!!
    5 points
  16. I did not hear anything about Iraq or the IQD. This might be a indicator of things to come once the digital currency platforms take place worldwide for each and every country, and thereby Iraq. Time will tell. Keeping in mind that USA currency policies are such that they are withdrawing USD from circulation. Therefore there are less USD available to transact international business with. Forcing Iran to pay even more for USD on the black market. While the SWIFT system in now receiving competition from the likes of Russia and China, the swift system currently remains supreme to their new currency systems. When the dust settles, and Trump gets re-elected and sets up our Cultrual Centered Economic zone, linking the USMCA countries. Not only will the US rise again on this new economic playing field, The Americas, Canada, Mexico and the USA ,will dominate with our combined raw material sources, cheap labor, and re-shoring of key vital industries into the US , the rest of the USMCA, or minimally away from China and into Pacific Rim countries. That brand new advanced computer chip manufacture plant in Texas is scheduled to open up within a year or 2.5 .
    4 points
  17. It’s literally the president of Kenya talking about a new system there, in Kenya. Of course we’re hopeful this is a global change and our timing in Iraq is similar but you’re not even making sense.
    4 points
  18. REMEMBER, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt .... RON Frank26 Every day they're telling them more and more...they made another exchange rate change. And as we predicted it, it would happen before it takes them to an international float...[NOTE: The official CBI rate is still listed as 1310.] Militia Man [Boots on the ground report] Guest: PompeyPeter has a business relationship and friendship with people from some of the ministries over in Iraq and his brother, they own a business there that deals in banks...PompeyPeter got in contact with him again yesterday morning...they have a good conversation for about 10-15 minutes which is a pretty long the end he says, 'Peter, get with me. Bring me something before the 31st of March.' We know what that means because he's expecting something just like we are. The man dealt with currency and he's a professional. He's a smart man/educated ...He's kind of brilliant in the way he acts and reacts to Peter because that's their culture...
    4 points
  19. So we'll said... constant negativity. Got to a stage I just scroll past these posts.
    4 points
  20. Oil and gas law on the table al-Hakim and Chairman of the Parliamentary Oil Committee Sunday 26 March 2023 20:13 | EconomicalNumber of readings: 46 Oil and gas law on the table al-Hakim and Chairman of the Parliamentary Oil Committee ( Baghdad / NINA / - The head of the Parliamentary Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee, Haibat al-Halbousi, met today, Sunday, with the head of the National Wisdom Movement, Ammar al-Hakim, in the presence of the members of the committee, to discuss developments in the political scene. The media office of Representative Hibat al-Halbousi stated, in a statement today, that "the two sides discussed the role of the parliament in approving important laws to complete the structure of the political system, in addition to laws that have direct contact with the concerns of citizens, and the need for integration between the work of parliamentary committees and ministries." During the meeting, Al-Halbousi stressed "the need to invest in the political climate to pass the oil and gas law that has been stalled in the Iraqi parliament since 2005, revealing the desire of most parliamentary blocs to pass this law, which will reflect positively on strengthening and developing the reality of the oil sector in Iraq." / End 8
    4 points
  21. This after TRUMP in Waco tell people April will be a crazy month….if anyone knows what about to happen it’s a a country and offical who has just had their debts wiped clean….shields them from market collapse..
    4 points
  22. From WRAL-TV; Winning Powerball Numbers Saturday, March 25, 2023 15 17 18 47 57 PB 19 Powerplayer 2X Sorry; We had no winning matches tonight.
    4 points
  23. The Gurus, the intel & the rumors are all over the charts, the last couple of days. We don't know what or who to believe. Stay grounded, folks. We were told of mass confusion right before the RV. That's seems to be where we are right now.
    4 points
  24. Parliamentary Finance discusses with the World Bank the submission of a full budget and its final accounts Time : 2023/03/26 17:02:35 Parliamentary Finance discusses with the World Bank the submission of a full budget and its final accounts - Al-Furat News ( The Parliamentary Finance Committee discussed with the World Bank delegation the follow-up of loans for projects financed by the Bank within the Federal Budget Law for the year 2023, and the mechanism for automating the financial system in the country. At the beginning of the hosting at the House of Representatives, the committee welcomed the World Bank delegation, "appreciating the Bank's role in supporting the Iraqi government to finance spending sections with loans necessary for the implementation of projects according to spending units, and joint cooperation between the two sides." The Finance Committee also discussed finding appropriate solutions to implement the projects that have been signed with the World Bank and how to finance spending units, in addition to reviewing the acceleration of the implementation of projects throughout Iraq, as well as the need to maximize revenues by switching from the paper system to the electronic system. The Committee listened to the World Bank delegation on its visit to the Ministry of Finance related to project financing for expenditure units and disbursement of loans in this regard, as well as reviewing the vision of the Ministry of Finance on completing the agreed points in accordance with the new vision of the Ministry, where the delegation indicated the existence of the appropriate ground to achieve the steps of implementing projects, stressing its full commitment to provide support and assistance to automate public financial management in Iraq and achieve progress. The Committee discussed with the International Bank the possibility of benefiting by providing assistance in preparing an integrated financial system (IFMS), submitting a full budget and preparing final accounts reports for the draft budget. At the end of the meeting, the committee affirmed its aspiration to shift from the paper system to the electronic system to make progress in modern financial transactions and prepare an integrated project in this regard.
    3 points
  25. Financial Management Information Systems (FMIS) support the automation and integration of public financial management processes including budget formulation, execution (e.g. commitment control, cash/debt management, treasury operations), accounting, and reporting. FMIS solutions can significantly improve the efficiency and equity of government operations, and offer a great potential for increasing participation, transparency and accountability. Whenever FMIS and other PFM information systems (for example, e-procurement, payroll, debt management) are linked with a central data warehouse (DW) to record and report all daily financial transactions, offering reliable consolidated platforms can be referred to as integrated FMIS (or IFMIS). The World Bank is a leading provider of financing and technical assistance for FMIS development. Go White Papers Go reforms Go open market economy Go Stronger Dimar $1+
    3 points
  26. No it is not good . BUT you never know.. maybe they are waiting to pass the oil n gas law at the same time as the budget. We can hope.
    3 points
  27. US Dollar to Iraqi Dinar: Today's Live USD/IQD Exchange Rate Data, Chart, Statistics, Volumes and History Latest USD/IQD Exchange Rate: 1311.2 Set Alert Bid: 1283.3 Ask: 1339.2 Market Status: Settled Percent Change: 0% Today’s Open (00:01 GMT): 1311.2 Today’s High: 1311.2 Today’s Low: 1311.2 Previous day’s Close (23:59 GMT): 1459.5 Current Week High: 1459.5 Current Week Low: 1311.2 Current Month High: 1461 Current Month Low: 1311.2
    3 points
  28. In the presence of the World Bank team. Finance discusses IFMIS implementation challenges Time : 2023/03/26 21:18:49 In the presence of the World Bank team. Finance Discusses IFMIS Implementation Challenges - Al-Furat News ( Today, Sunday, Finance Minister Taif Sami chaired the coordination meeting of the members of the Steering Committee for the implementation of the IFMIS project. A statement by the Ministry of Finance, a copy of which was received by Al-Furat News, said that "the meeting took place in the presence of the World Bank team and a number of general managers of the departments concerned with the project." According to the statement, the meeting discussed "the most important challenges in the implementation of the IFMIS system, and the pilot and comprehensive stages of the project for all expenditure units." "The implementation of the Public Financial Information Management System in Iraq represents support for the processes of government administrative and financial reform, by providing an integrated system to manage the financial operations of all government departments and replacing them with a unified and integrated government accounting information system that complies with international accounting standards," the statement said.
    3 points
  29. Resolving The Oil File Between Erbil And Baghdad. What Does America Have To Do With It? (Video) 26/03/2023 Resolving the oil file between Erbil and Baghdad. What does America have to do with it? (Video) - Earth News ( Resolving the oil file between Erbil and Baghdad. What does America have to do with it? (Video)
    3 points
  30. Assurances from the World Bank to help Iraq with automation and financial management Today 18:15 World Bank Assurances to Help Iraq with Automation and Financial Management | Information ( Information/Baghdad... The World Bank affirmed on Sunday its full commitment to providing support and assistance to automate public financial management in Iraq. The media department of the House of Representatives said in a statement received by Al-Maalouma that “the Finance Committee, headed by MP Atwan Al-Atwani and attended by a number of its members, hosted the World Bank delegation to follow up on loans for projects financed by the Bank within the Federal Budget Law for the year 2023, and the mechanism for automating the financial system in the country.” She added that "the committee welcomed the World Bank delegation at the beginning of the hosting at the House of Representatives, praising the role of the World Bank in supporting the Iraqi government to finance the spending sections with loans necessary to implement projects according to expenditure units." , and joint cooperation between the two sides.” She added that "the Finance Committee discussed finding appropriate solutions to implement the projects that were signed with the World Bank and how to finance spending units, in addition to reconsidering to speed up the implementation of projects throughout Iraq, as well as the need to maximize revenues by switching from the paper system to the electronic system. She pointed out that "the committee listened to the World Bank delegation on its visit to the Ministry of Finance related to the project financing for expenditure units and disbursing loans in this regard, as well as reviewing the vision of the Ministry of Finance on completing the agreed points in accordance with the new vision of the ministry, where the delegation indicated that there is the appropriate ground to achieve the steps of implementing projects, stressing its full commitment to provide support and assistance to automate public financial management in Iraq and achieve progress. "The committee discussed with the World Bank the possibility of benefiting by providing assistance in preparing an integrated financial system (IFMS), submitting a full budget and preparing final accounts reports for the draft budget," she said. Finished 25n
    3 points
  31. Great to have you back @screwball.
    3 points
  32. Well it's just my opinion but the US has one hell of a nerve telling other countries what and how to run theirs when this same government is destroying it's own. 🙄
    3 points
  33. Hey screwball, is their anymore 'insight' that you have gained from your savvy investor friends who finally got into the IQD? That was one of the most positive things I've heard about this since I got into it. I understand if you can't mention anything, in order to keep their confidence. Just thought I'd ask. Thanks.
    3 points
  34. Actually, you are a child of the Most High God. You are the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath. Your youth is renewed like the eagle's. We've all had challenges - it's all about perspective. It gives God pleasure and Glory when His children speak victory. Speak who the Bible says you are.
    3 points
  35. Forgot your passwor Fortune Article Says Ripple and XRP Could Succeed Regardless of SEC Case Outcome DATE: MARCH 25, 2023 WRITTEN BY: OKOYA DAVID XRP - Advertisement - Roberts taps Ripple’s ODL as its key to sustainable success. In a recent newsletter, Fortune Crypto Editor Jeff John Roberts asserted that Ripple has finally found a long-term value proposition for the company and XRP, the native token of the XRP Ledger. In the newsletter titled “Ripple and XRP may finally be for real,” Roberts reveals that he has always been skeptical of the value proposition of the cryptocurrency until he met with Ripple President Monica Long this week. Notably, the “Kings of Crypto: Coinbase and the Next Generation Finance” author now believes Ripple and XRP have found their niche with Ripple’s On-Demand Liquidity (ODL) product. As highlighted by Roberts and previously reported by The Crypto Basic, the ODL product has grown rapidly in the last two years from just three countries in 2020 to 40 payout markets today, representing nearly 90% of the foreign exchange market. Roberts disclosed that Long explained that Ripple achieved this growth by focusing on partnerships with small and medium-sized banks that appreciated the lower transaction costs. For context, Ripple’s ODL utilizes XRP as a bridge currency to allow for near-instant cross-border payments at low cost. Consequently, the author expressed the belief that with this model, the company may be positioned to succeed regardless of the outcome of its legal battle with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). “All of this is to say that Ripple, more than ever before, has figured out a long-term value proposition for both the company and XRP—and that it may be poised to succeed regardless of how its big court case turns out,” Roberts surmised. Recall that the blockchain payments company remains locked in a legal battle with the SEC that has spanned over two years. The SEC claims that Ripple’s sales of XRP to fund its business violate securities law, arguing that XRP is an unregistered security. - Advertisement - As reported by The Crypto Basic yesterday, Long recently expressed that she is confident of a positive outcome in the case. Pundits have predicted that a ruling could come between now and the middle of April. - Advertisement - TAGS RIPPLE XRP Author Okoya David Okoya David Kio is a crypto enthusiast passionate about understanding what makes the nascent market tick. When he's not pondering about cryptocurrencies, you might find him in a BP debate room trying to proffer solutions to age-old societal problems.
    3 points
  36. There's still people driving alone wearing a mask, the depth of their stupidity is truly astounding.
    3 points
  37. IQD Rates - Updated: Saturday - 3/25/2023 ) Official Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) Dinar Rate: 1310 IQD to 1 USD The buying and selling prices dropped slightly in exchange shops in the local markets in Baghdad; the correspondent reported the selling price reached 156,000 dinars for every 100 dollars, while the purchase price reached 154,000 dinars. Shafaq News Have a Blessed Weekend - Almighty GOD is Faithful..! RON
    3 points
  38. National Bank: Capital increase to 300 billion and the opening of 11 new branches Economic News Agency - National Bank: Capital increase to 300 billion and the opening of 11 new branches ( National Bank of Iraq logo Economy News Baghdad The National Bank of Iraq announced that it will discuss at the next general assembly meeting the increase of its capital to 300 billion dinars and the opening of 11 branches during the current year. The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the bank, Bassem Al-Salem, said in a statement reached by "Economy News", that the General Assembly will hold on April 16, a meeting at the station hall in Baghdad to discuss the report of the Board of Directors on the bank's activity for the past year, and the report of the auditor and final accounts. He added that the meeting will discuss the dividend of profits for the past year, in addition to discussing the increase in the bank's capital from 270 billion dinars to 300 billion dinars. He confirmed that it will also include the approval of financing the opening of 11 branches during 2023 from the rounded profits. The bank achieved profits of 27.5 billion dinars during the year 2022. 10 views Added 2023/03/26 - 9:25 PM
    2 points
  39. I second you on that PP. Have a good Sunday up there in Canada - Blessings, RON
    2 points
  40. IQD Rates - Updated: Sunday - 3/26/2023 ) Official Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) Dinar Rate: 1310 IQD to 1 USD The buying and selling prices in exchange shops in the local markets in Baghdad; the correspondent reported the selling price reached 155,000 dinars for every 100 dollars, while the purchase price reached 153,500 dinars. Shafaq News Have a Blessed Sunday - Almighty GOD is Faithful..! RON
    2 points
  41. After the decision of the Paris Court.. Baghdad and Erbil are looking for new mechanisms to export Kurdistan's oil 2023-03-26 06:20 Shafaq News / On Sunday, the Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs, Minister of Oil, Hayan Abdul-Ghani, chaired a meeting with the delegation of the Kurdistan Regional Government, in the capital, Baghdad. The Kurdish government delegation included Kamal Muhammad, the acting Minister of Natural Resources, Omid Sabah, the head of the Cabinet of the Kurdistan Region Council of Ministers, and Faris Issa, the head of the regional government representative in Baghdad. On the part of the federal government, the Undersecretary for Extraction Affairs, the Undersecretary for Distribution Affairs, the Director General of the Oil Marketing Company, the Director General of the Economic and Legal Department, the Director of the Government Information and Communication Office, and a number of officials in the relevant departments attended the meeting. The meeting discussed, according to a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, the new mechanisms and data for the region's oil exports, after the decision issued by the Arbitral Tribunal of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris, last Thursday, March 23, 2023, in the arbitration case filed by Iraq against Turkey. This lawsuit was filed due to a violation of the provisions of the Iraqi-Turkish pipeline agreement signed in 1973, which stipulates that "the Turkish government must comply with the instructions of the Iraqi side regarding the movement of crude oil exported from Iraq to all storage and disposal centers and the final station." Yesterday, Saturday, the Ministry of Natural Resources in the Kurdistan Regional Government commented on the decision of the arbitral tribunal of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris, which ruled that the Federal Ministry of Oil would win a lawsuit against Turkey regarding the export of Kurdistan Region's crude. The ministry stated, in a statement received by the agency, that "the decision of the French court in favor of the Iraqi government against Turkey will not hinder our relations with the Baghdad government, and in this context we will visit Baghdad for dialogue and resolving related issues."اقتصـاد/بعد-قرار-محكمة-باريس-بغداد-و-ربيل-تبحثان-عن-ليات-جديدة-لتصدير-نفط-كوردستان
    2 points
  42. All these gurus claiming the rate has changed again... but no solid evidence! 🤣🤣
    2 points
  43. A Kurdish negotiating government delegation will visit Baghdad tomorrow Time: 03/25/2023 21:09:23 Read: 1,742 times
    2 points
  44. Ministry of Wealth of the Region: The decision of the French court will not hinder our relations with the Baghdad government Time: 03/25/2023 19:47:36 Read: 2,938 times {Politics: Al Furat News} The Ministry of Natural Resources in the Kurdistan Regional Government announced today, Saturday, that the French court's decision in favor of the Iraqi government against Turkey will not hinder our relations with the Baghdad government. The ministry stated in a statement, which {Euphrates News} received a copy of, that: “The Kurdistan Regional Government has conducted, in recent months, continuous dialogues and negotiations with the federal government, the latest of which was regarding the budget and oil and gas files, and the two sides reached at that time an initial agreement and a good understanding under the umbrella of the constitution.” and the constitutional rights and entitlements of the Kurdistan region. And she added, "The President of the Kurdistan Regional Government is in constant contact with the federal prime minister, and after his recent visit to the region, the importance of solving problems based on the constitution was emphasized." The ministry stated, "The French court's decision in favor of the Iraqi government against Turkey will not hinder our relations with the Baghdad government, and in this context we will visit Baghdad for dialogue and resolving related issues." And the statement concluded, "As the Kurdistan Regional Government affirms its firm position not to give up the constitutional rights of the Kurdistan people, it renews its coordination with Baghdad with the aim of reaching a radical, legal and constitutional solution in this regard."
    2 points
  45. After the decision to stop exporting oil from Kurdistan. Parliamentarian reveals the amount of money that Iraq will earn Today 16:20 After the decision to stop exporting oil from Kurdistan. Parliamentarian reveals how much money Iraq will earn | Information ( Information/Private. A member of the parliamentary oil and energy committee, Intisar Hassan, on Sunday, the decision of the International Court to end the smuggling of Iraqi oil from Kurdistan to Turkey is a mighty step for the Ministry of Oil, while confirming that the volume of funds that will be recovered after the decision is $500 million. Hassan said in an interview with the agency / Information /, that "the decision is an achievement calculated to the Ministry of Oil at the present time after the long period that continued in the region in the smuggling of oil to Turkey and Israel," pointing out that "it was understood with the Turkish side on not receiving any oil supplies from the regional government except with the approval of the central government through the port of Ceyhan." And the member of the House of Representatives continued: “The central government’s resort to international arbitration decisions came after the regional government’s persistence in the file of smuggling crude oil and non-compliance with the decisions issued by the Baghdad government,” noting that “the international decision will be applied duly during this period with a guarantee of recovery.” 500 million dollars to the central government. And he added: "Parliament will seek to include the amount that will be recovered to the central government in the flagged budget for the purpose of benefiting from it for the benefit of the Iraqi people." The arbitral tribunal of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris had issued a decision that the Turkish government must comply with Iraq's instructions regarding the movement of crude oil exported from Iraq to all storage and disposal centers and the final destination. The economist Diaa Mohsen, has confirmed in an interview "Information", that "the decision to win the arbitration lawsuit filed by Iraq against Turkey over the export of crude oil from the Kurdistan region through the Turkish port of Ceyhan is positive and fair, pointing out that the regional government will not be able to export its oil only through the company Sumo anymore.”
    2 points
  46. Everything you said is common sense logic. This kind of news is what Iraq was only talking about in the past several years. Now it is reality. All this banking infrastructure is setting the stage for implementation of a comprehensive strategy to move Iraq into the modern world of international banking and trading. Really vital progress! We’ve gotta be close.
    2 points
  47. “The First Bank of Iraq launched instant money transfers to other banks around the world.” Financial openness to the World.! Go CBI Go new monetary policy Go international Go stronger dinar $1+
    2 points

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