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Monday Late Night Opinions @ 11:35 PM CDT - 9/25/2023


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REMEMBER, no one really  knows what will happen, or when.  They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... :twothumbs: RON 



Pimpy  After the past week we're seeing a lot of things happening fairly quick over there in Iraq...You guys want to know if I'm excited about what's going on?  Of course I am.  Is it good news?  Of course it is.  But what do I always say?  Stay grounded because when it comes to Iraq they have a habit of doing a lot of great things and doing something that screws it all up.  But this time around I'm more optimistic than I am pessimistic. :twothumbs:


Militia Man   Article: "The invitation to the organization to attend the introductory symposium on Iraq's entry into the World Trade Organization which is being held on 4th of October The showcasing of them having had an international exchange rate has got to be coming because the WTO is not going to allow IMO ascension to the WTO without having a valuation of their country...:twothumbs:


Jeff   You might want to go see what day of the month Kuwait reinstated the value of their currency because history is about to repeat itself between Iraq and Kuwait...they're going to revalue on the same day of the month that Kuwait did.  :twothumbs:


MarkZ  Article: Iraqi Central Bank to restrict internal trades to Dinar”  From Bloomberg…. They are de-dollarizing. Payments in dinar only …they cannot do that and handle trades without the dinar having a more meaningful value and is international…also they are expected to formally announce this on October 4th. There is a lot happening on Oct 4th. To me this means they need a new value by October 4th. I am hearing they really do expect that dinar rate change by Oct. 4th. :twothumbs:




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6 hours ago, ronscarpa said:

Jeff   You might want to go see what day of the month Kuwait reinstated the value of their currency because history is about to repeat itself between Iraq and Kuwait...they're going to revalue on the same day of the month that Kuwait did.  :twothumbs:

Jeff hasn’t mentioned any date, so not sure….could be October 28? When did zeros go on Iraq….? September or october? Not sure what he’s thinking 

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45 minutes ago, Luigi1 said:


The IQD is internationally trade-able.  

Many nations are paying for Iraq oil in IQD right now.

That's the plan all along.

What I mean is it isn't on forex like the rest. There isn't a bank in the uk that deals in this at the minute. But if I wanted dong I could walk into any bank or post office and purchase it. So even if countries are paying for oil in IDQ it isn't freely available out with iraq unless through a currency dealer or ebay. 

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hes still in controll! this is a shiiit show with the deepstate players! they would love to get rid of Trump but the military and people you dont see on the news has controll ! they wont kill him like they did kennedy !  they wont stop this train, this was a show to wake up fools! you will see thank GOD!  but first people have to be woke up from all these years of satan people, the deepstae players!  GOD HAS CONTROLL NOW! KEEP THE FAITH AND STAY PREPARRED UNTIL ITS OVER!   OH YES! BE BLESSEDq😀

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i just hope people dont fall for the cult that has tried to controll the world! yes we all know them! i dont have to tell you! its been going on for many many years now!  its time to be blessed and love all!  GODS WORD TELLS US SO! DONT BE A FOOL!  WAR IS A TOOL AND FOOLS NEVER LEARN!  THERES NO FEAR BUT WHAT YOU LET BE IN YOUR HEAD! OH YES, PAW PAW IS TIRED, GOTTA GO TO BED!   TRUST GOD AND SLEEP WELL! AND PLEASE BE BLESSED! OH YES ITS COMING! LOVE YA ALL, ALL THE WAY TO HEAVEN!😍

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