Racheal Posted April 12, 2011 Report Share Posted April 12, 2011 keepmsteady! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
magicchris Posted April 12, 2011 Report Share Posted April 12, 2011 Keep, Thanks for the post. I think it is great news! If I remember correctly it was not long ago that you were repeatedly saying that there was 27 trillion in IQD out there that was as of December I think?. If I’m wrong please accept my apologies. Now you have shown us that there is 24 trillion out there in circulation. To me this shows that they are following the plan to remove the zero’s from circulation. Maybe not as fast as we all may want, but they in fact are. I'm sure we can agree that it would not be an overnight process. With that said. I personally would prefer and RV later this year or next year or even 2013 if that meant no LOP. It appears they are sticking with their plan. Maybe they will be able to speed up the process with Visa cards that are coming online. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LAWRENCEOFDINARIA Posted April 12, 2011 Report Share Posted April 12, 2011 Thanks for the realistic info and hard work Keep. Never thought you were a "negative Nancy" just a, "if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is" and "just show me the proof "kind of guy. Agreed! Oh yeah and stay thirsty my friend! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
keepmwlknfny Posted April 12, 2011 Author Report Share Posted April 12, 2011 Good find ^^^ I just havent been able to figure out why Keepm is even still here on this site or why he even cares to own IQD with his logic. Bottom line.......No one knows a thing........Not Keepm, not me, not you.....nobody. I presume Keepm is still in this investment because he also believes he doesnt know for sure and its just his opinion.....Or he wouldnt be here. Hey Keepm...... BTW, are you a scorpio by chance? Because you seem to have a really negative attitude on everything you bring in here. Something on a show I saw the other night........Scorpio's are supposed to have a very negative ora. Im here because no matter what the outcome its a good investment.....anything that you can triple ur amount invested even with a worse case scenerio is pretty damn good considering everything......I guess you think that being realistic and looking at the facts is negative.....so be it...I guess that makes me negative then Sorry that I cant stand it that alot of people repeat over and over things that they base why this investment is going to make people millionares off of false facts and things that just arent true.....just shining some light on those myths....cant help it you dont wanna hear it.... Keep, Thanks for the post. I think it is great news! If I remember correctly it was not long ago that you were repeatedly saying that there was 27 trillion in IQD out there that was as of December I think?. If I’m wrong please accept my apologies. Now you have shown us that there is 24 trillion out there in circulation. To me this shows that they are following the plan to remove the zero’s from circulation. Maybe not as fast as we all may want, but they in fact are. I'm sure we can agree that it would not be an overnight process. With that said. I personally would prefer and RV later this year or next year or even 2013 if that meant no LOP. It appears they are sticking with their plan. Maybe they will be able to speed up the process with Visa cards that are coming online. Its because they say there is 27 trillion or so total....but the link to the graph I provided shows that 24 trillion of that 27 is outside of the banks....so that would leave 3 or so being held up in the banks.... keepmsteady! Thanks for all your input Keeps. I share similar - if not - identical views on this whole affair. Answer me this - how do you keep your cool? I would like to respond to various pipedream opinions but my patience is short and my temper gets the best of me. LOL I have had to try my best to keep cool....doesnt always work hahaha but I have gotten better then when I first came around these boards 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wgb52 Posted April 12, 2011 Report Share Posted April 12, 2011 Excellent post keep. The amount of Dinar in circulation is the single most important factor in determining a future value. I think reasonable expectations call for a RV in the low pennies...which would still be an incredible return. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DOUBLESCORPIO Posted April 12, 2011 Report Share Posted April 12, 2011 I could not pull up your spread sheet so I am just going to adress a couple of questions/concerns that I have. I have been in this investment since 2004 and have heard these same arguments since then. This 24 trillion dinar in circualtion is what I am concerned about, lets go back to 2003 when the first dinar was exchanged for the Saddam Dinar.... The original order of 2 billion notes filled more than twenty-five 747 airplanes... Now I am not real good at math....but if the orginal amount was 2 billion and it took them several months to print and filled 25 747's.....how the H*LL did they get to 27 trillion???? There would have to be 747's landing day and night and they would have had to been printing NON-STOP!!! We have seen no evidence of this and with all the "boots-on-the-ground" don't you think someone would have mentioned this??? All I am trying to say is I do not beleive the M1, M2 are being reported accurately or we are mis-interpeting them . I do not beleive we will see anywhere close to a $3.00 RV, but I also do not beleive they will have to LOP for them to add value to the IQD. All this information is availble on the web if you think I am making it up.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
keepmwlknfny Posted April 12, 2011 Author Report Share Posted April 12, 2011 Y do the banks want to loan $$ to the people for small biz' or a home loan if they cant pay them back? I think the dinar will rv but not this month..or maybe this yr. You ever heard the term you have to spend money to make money?? Who says that the citizens cant pay anything back? Yes they arent the wealthiest nation right now but they do work and find a means to live.....if they put the money out there its like a stimulus type deal.....it promotes growth by lending and loaning out money.... I could not pull up your spread sheet so I am just going to adress a couple of questions/concerns that I have. I have been in this investment since 2004 and have heard these same arguments since then. This 24 trillion dinar in circualtion is what I am concerned about, lets go back to 2003 when the first dinar was exchanged for the Saddam Dinar.... The original order of 2 billion notes filled more than twenty-five 747 airplanes... Now I am not real good at math....but if the orginal amount was 2 billion and it took them several months to print and filled 25 747's.....how the H*LL did they get to 27 trillion???? There would have to be 747's landing day and night and they would have had to been printing NON-STOP!!! We have seen no evidence of this and with all the "boots-on-the-ground" don't you think someone would have mentioned this??? All I am trying to say is I do not beleive the M1, M2 are being reported accurately or we are mis-interpeting them . I do not beleive we will see anywhere close to a $3.00 RV, but I also do not beleive they will have to LOP for them to add value to the IQD. All this information is availble on the web if you think I am making it up.... Well re-analyze what you just said.....an order of two billion notes.....that doesnt tell you that it was only two billion dinar....cause two billion dinar wouldnt take 25 747 airplanes to fill....I think if you go back and research it somemore you will find that the original order amount was in the trillions of dinar....Iraq sine being under sanctions has been required to keep everything they do and ALL of their finances transparent to the world.....scooter can back me up on that one....they actually have outside sources auditing their assets.....the visa cards is a good way to start bringing in the physical notes and destroying them or pulling them out of circulation but even that will take some time.....in order to see a higher return the physical money supply has to be handled 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spy Posted April 12, 2011 Report Share Posted April 12, 2011 anti-pumper 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
caz1104 Posted April 12, 2011 Report Share Posted April 12, 2011 Sir,very good and thought out post. Speculation & opinion on a speculative investment,thats cool. I wish all the very best................................................GO RV 2011 BABY!!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Niko Posted April 12, 2011 Report Share Posted April 12, 2011 Great post Keep Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ex-wingnut Posted April 12, 2011 Report Share Posted April 12, 2011 As usual there are two sides to every argument. So instead of taking sides, I'm just gonna sit back, enjoy the ride and wait until this investment plays out. Sure I would love to become a millionaire overnight but making any kind of a profit would still make me tinkle in my Spiderman Underoos. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tjmunson Posted April 12, 2011 Report Share Posted April 12, 2011 Keep....excellent post. Well thought out. Links to back up your theories. It all makes perfect sense. This is exactly what every person involved in the plan wants and needs the world to think. Otherwise it would never work. You are very book smart and well read. However the plan is so deceiving that the people who are only focusing on what is in black and white are not seeing the full picture. I somehow doubt that the authors of the plan would announce...."yes...we have destroyed all but 100 billion dinars and they are currently available for 1170 on the USD." Iraq would be eaten alive by the big boys and this entire thing would be dead in the water. They are ONLY going to say there are 24 trillion in circulation. They are ONLY going to say the excess liquidity was redistributed and not destroyed They HAVE to or else the plan dies. Don't get me wrong. I believe you to be 100% correct based on the printed facts that have been supplied to the world. The 24 trillion dinar question is who is to say those facts are correct and not facts that are being released by the authors of the plan? IMO this plan has been place for years and years and the people at the helm are in total control of EVERY figure that is released to the world. They have to be or else the plan dies. The one thing that was taught to me by DOC31 at the beginning of my journey in this investment was LOOK AT WHAT THEY DO NOT WHAT THEY SAY. For me, this includes the printed word as well. Keep....I am in no way bashing you. I respect the heck out of the time and energy you have put into this. I wish all the people in this investment had your energy and fortitude. I am simply here to say that there are two sides to every story and only time will let us know if either of them are correct. LOL. Peace 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mfasel Posted April 12, 2011 Report Share Posted April 12, 2011 (edited) Good find ^^^ I just havent been able to figure out why Keepm is even still here on this site or why he even cares to own IQD with his logic. Bottom line.......No one knows a thing........Not Keepm, not me, not you.....nobody. I presume Keepm is still in this investment because he also believes he doesn't know for sure and its just his opinion.....Or he wouldn't be here. Hey Keepm...... BTW, are you a scorpio by chance? Because you seem to have a really negative attitude on everything you bring in here. Something on a show I saw the other night........Scorpio's are supposed to have a very negative ora. Agreed! And I hate to say it but these forums have gotten rather messy - many people come on here and there are really 3 types of users - 1) Pumpers, 2) Bashers, 3) People looking for Quality Source in their Investment....for the pumpers and bashers, I would like to know what qualifications you have to give "your advice" - I do apologize, but having a status as "Advanced Member" because you have posted xyz number of posts, really means nothing - I am here for quality information and don't pretend or try to act like I am an expert in any of this - sure I can read articles too and give my explanation of that, but it doesn't mean I actually know what I am talking about. I read posts like from Keep, and others and I just wonder what validity they have - do they have any actual education in any of this - or are they like the rest of us with a status on the site.... At the end of the day, if I am going to trust someone (that is not an expert, by realistic standards)....it's going to be the person that is positive. Sorry but your negative think is just ridiculous. I will also mention one last thing - I love reading posts from these so call experts on here - especially when MOST of them have spelling errors...come on people if you are an expert - or at least have some form of education in this, at least learn proper grammar - BTW the text editor on this forum is smart and when a word gets underlined in red, it probably means you should right click on it and check for proper spelling. It's just like MS Word. Now let the basher's come and strike this post down and let's see how many people give me a negative. Just like you, I am just giving you the truth Edited April 12, 2011 by mfasel 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stenz68 Posted April 12, 2011 Report Share Posted April 12, 2011 When they (CBI) talk about removing the zero's 000, I thinks it is us the speculators outside of Iraq that are removing all the big bills out of circulation from Iraq, when I hear people buying and buying millions at a time month after month it has to add up as the months move along, and soon the CBI will reach its goal of removing the 000's, and then it would really be bad for us if they closed borders for Dinar and redemoniated in country or somthing crazy like that, and people will say Iraq woud never screw us and the whole world over, well I don't think they care a whole lot about US. just a thought, I will try to get it out of my head. lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inbedded HorseHead Posted April 12, 2011 Report Share Posted April 12, 2011 I like both Keep's and Scooter's rational analysis.....I'll fall somewhere in the middle, probably a safe bet. Then, if there is an rv it should be a quarter shy of a dollar. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drunken Irish Posted April 12, 2011 Report Share Posted April 12, 2011 I sent the spread sheet to Space Cowboy. Do you think he will change his tune. I doubt it. He will continue to lie for his own gain. 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
breault Posted April 12, 2011 Report Share Posted April 12, 2011 Great post, Keep. I enjoy your posts, think you have a realistic view of things here. Good job! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
keepmwlknfny Posted April 12, 2011 Author Report Share Posted April 12, 2011 Agreed! And I hate to say it but these forums have gotten rather messy - many people come on here and there are really 3 types of users - 1) Pumpers, 2) Bashers, 3) People looking for Quality Source in their Investment....for the pumpers and bashers, I would like to know what qualifications you have to give "your advice" - I do apologize, but having a status as "Advanced Member" because you have posted xyz number of posts, really means nothing - I am here for quality information and don't pretend or try to act like I am an expert in any of this - sure I can read articles too and give my explanation of that, but it doesn't mean I actually know what I am talking about. I read posts like from Keep, and others and I just wonder what validity they have - do they have any actual education in any of this - or are they like the rest of us with a status on the site.... At the end of the day, if I am going to trust someone (that is not an expert, by realistic standards)....it's going to be the person that is positive. Sorry but your negative think is just ridiculous. I will also mention one last thing - I love reading posts from these so call experts on here - especially when MOST of them have spelling errors...come on people if you are an expert - or at least have some form of education in this, at least learn proper grammar - BTW the text editor on this forum is smart and when a word gets underlined in red, it probably means you should right click on it and check for proper spelling. It's just like MS Word. Now let the basher's come and strike this post down and let's see how many people give me a negative. Just like you, I am just giving you the truth Im no different then most people on these sites except I dont believe everything I hear and I verify things said for myself....I spent the past year reading up on anything and everything I could get my hands on....you dont need to be any kind of financial or economic guru to learn these things and to think for yourself....its really not that difficult I promise....just takes a little dedication.....and again....its me being negative because I can disprove some myths flying around that people take as fact?? How is that negative?? For seeing it how it is and not being stuck in disney land all day long?? Sheesh.....is this how you take on normal everyday life?? Keeping your head in the clouds and feet off the ground?? Just asking.....I dont see how me making this post is being so freakin negative....I just want to put these things out there and see if anyone can prove it wrong...have a good ol debate about it all....thats what I like doing...provoking thought....do you not like that?? Do you like for people to do the thinking for you? Just curious..... 6 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tjmunson Posted April 12, 2011 Report Share Posted April 12, 2011 I sent the spread sheet to Space Cowboy. Do you think he will change his tune. I doubt it. He will continue to lie for his own gain. Well, you are certainly not one of those happy drunks are ya? 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
keepmwlknfny Posted April 12, 2011 Author Report Share Posted April 12, 2011 I sent the spread sheet to Space Cowboy. Do you think he will change his tune. I doubt it. He will continue to lie for his own gain. Space Cowboy? You mean frank from KTFM? lol Great post, Keep. I enjoy your posts, think you have a realistic view of things here. Good job! Thank you!! At least a few people like what I bring to the table!! Even if it isent RV's every monday at 6 dollars! 3 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TimS Posted April 12, 2011 Report Share Posted April 12, 2011 I see a lot of people are nrevous since Ali came out with his latest saying the IQD will rise in value very very slowly. Ouch, nobody wants to hear, but it doesn't make it any less of a possibility. Come on people, even Adam's target for RV was somewhere in between $0.10 and $1.15.....and he leans toward the lower side in any real discussion, so why get all over those that agree with Ali? The instant overnight millionaire bs is all pumper garbage....let it go. Quit comparing Iraq to Kuwait, it's apples to watermelons.....they are NOT in the same situation, there is nothing alike about the two economies and governments except the pre-war post-war thing and that's what everyone plays on. Kuwait did not print 1000 times more money post invasion than they had in circulation pre-invasion. (this is a huge difference) Kuwait is not a democracy. The kuwaits dinar value fell because the country was ravaged by invaders who stole currency from their banks and even took the printing plates to counterfeit more if they had a chance.....Iraqs dinar value fell because of the war AND the sanctions put on them by the UN (world) which restricted their every economical move. And the list of differences goes on and on..... Reality check.....the IQD will rise in value, eventually. But there are too many problems in the country for it to go to $3 overnight. It could takes years and much dinar would have to be removed from circulation before we would see $3. NO complete GOI......no trust between the GOI members........no security in the country so workers are not safe to build anything yet......no HCL......parts of chapter 7 still in place.......no external security, the country is ripe for Iran and others to interfere as soon as the US pulls out in December.....they have Sadr.......50% unemployment.........still no basic services for everyone and how long has the war been over? Don't quit your day job....that's all I'm saying........we've got a few more years before we see any big windfalls from this. Sorry, but the truth hurts And to Keep.....nice post, you could be right. I said same thing 8 months ago, but everybody bashed the heck out of me. Your premise is all good if the basic item is correct? How much dinar is actually in circulation.......if it is 24 trillion today, don't see anything wrong with your figuring. If it is less, let's say 6 trillion...we could see an RV around 10 cents....IMO 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drunken Irish Posted April 12, 2011 Report Share Posted April 12, 2011 Well, you are certainly not one of those happy drunks are ya? I just found out I have a baby on the way so I'm happy but normally no I would not be considered happy go lucky. I have a very stressful life 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Legolas Posted April 12, 2011 Report Share Posted April 12, 2011 Well done Keep. Level headed and analytical as usual. Some people are finally beginning to see the reality. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
imgesing Posted April 12, 2011 Report Share Posted April 12, 2011 Im no different then most people on these sites except I dont believe everything I hear and I verify things said for myself....I spent the past year reading up on anything and everything I could get my hands on....you dont need to be any kind of financial or economic guru to learn these things and to think for yourself....its really not that difficult I promise....just takes a little dedication.....and again....its me being negative because I can disprove some myths flying around that people take as fact?? How is that negative?? For seeing it how it is and not being stuck in disney land all day long?? Sheesh.....is this how you take on normal everyday life?? Keeping your head in the clouds and feet off the ground?? Just asking.....I dont see how me making this post is being so freakin negative....I just want to put these things out there and see if anyone can prove it wrong...have a good ol debate about it all....thats what I like doing...provoking thought....do you not like that?? Do you like for people to do the thinking for you? Just curious..... Other than the people who PUMP or give out repetitive bad dates and taimes of an RV with Rates... The rest is all of us (I would hope) trying to help one another. SO my fellow dinarian holder, you are doing a great service if even sometimes we are or aren't in agreement. I think some of us want to KEEP a good or more inflated idea of how this will go. In truth I can include myself in this group at times... Why? Because it is fun to fream of a much nicer outcome than less. Yet, as the saying some times goes, reality can suck. LOL KEEP your head up brother. As for LOP... Ohhh I wont ruin this little post with once again explaining that it wont happen due to the definition and use of the term (LOSS OF PROFIT)! Nope. I am so tired of the term. Have a great day and thanks for the intelligent insight. please excuse my typos edit isnt working... LOL Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jim1cor13 Posted April 12, 2011 Report Share Posted April 12, 2011 I just found out I have a baby on the way so I'm happy but normally no I would not be considered happy go lucky. I have a very stressful life Congratulations DI My best wishes to you and your new baby. I also understand the stressful life comment... especially working in these kind of markets we see today All my best my friend Jim --- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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