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Addressing some myths....


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Dont bet your whole life on this RV....take steps to have a plan IF this doesnt turn out the way we all want it to.....dont make the situation worse on yourself by not being prepared for any and all outcomes of this investment.....I get a feeling some people are putting so much blind faith into this that if the worse case scenerio happens, they will be worse off then before they even got started with dinar.....

Good advice.

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Keep, I enjoy your posts because they are realistic. The reason you have all the haters is because nobody wants to hear that they are not going to be millionaires overnight. It's like telling the kids there is no Santa Clause. When they get mature enough to accept it, you can go ahead and tell them and it don't hurt so bad. I wish it would RV at these ridiculous rates too, just like everybody does. But it's more likely that we will hold this paper for years and it will gradually increase in value. But most of the people who bought Dinar are holding on to the overnight millionaire pipe dream. You will always get the comments like . . "If you don't believe it, then why are you here?" Most of the people on these sites are not INVESTORS. They spent a couple thousand dollars on a get-rich-quick scheme and they can't accept reality. And yes I own Dinar. I bought a few million and said "what the hell". Maybe it hits one day, maybe it don't. But if it don't, it aint gonna break me. I think too many people have bought into this deal and didn't actually calculate the RISK vs. RETURN aspect of it, and now they are desperate for an RV. Emotions are high, intel is crap, nobody knows who to believe, and everybody is mad. Anybody who posts anything contrary to their frenzied, desperate belief in the unlikely, gets bashed.

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REDONKULOUS! NICE! Could not agree with your post more based on my reading. +1.

I would be nice to get a article that stated they were pulling back the money because that is what I would like to hear before we even talk about an RV.


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Not bashing but your printed article is dated May 21 of 2010. And you do talk loop in every statement you make. JMO

If the his information is accurate what would be the rebuttal? I would love to have a change of heart.

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Not bashing but your printed article is dated May 21 of 2010. And you do talk loop in every statement you make. JMO

HMMMM... I do? I think you have me confused with someone else. Sorry, don't know what article you are talking about and find me one post where I talk LOP. You got the wrong guy.

Edited by Yogi-Donnie
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Thank you for the effort keep, and taking the

time to help spell out both sides. Let's hope

it turns out great for everyone, but also understand

it may just fall far short of our expectations initially...

and take much longer than most were prepared for

or lead to believe.

You are consistent, and I for one appreciate that.

All my best! :)



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The problem is that we don't know exactly how many dinar are in circulation. CBI says 27 trillion. Is this how much was printed or how much is on the street? Much of what was printed may have never left the banks. If this is true, much of it may have been retrieved in the "removing of the three zeros" project.

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After reading alot of the posts lately it seems that alot of people have a little misunderstanding about a couple of things that they might have heard and took as fact because it sounds good.......Not to mention the whole LOP thing is coming up almost everyother day now and there are a few things that people might not know......Im just going to explain the reality of it and what the truth is, since there are so many twisted truths or facts put out there from the gurus......Not to mention alot of you have been asking me over and over where Im getting this 24 trillion in PHYSICAL CURRENCY from so instead of posting it over and over on multiple topics Ill just make a new post all together and attatch the link......and for all you smart arses, yes i made the spreadsheet up by myself, spent over 48 hours on it to make it seem like I knew what I was talking about laugh.gif .....anyways about the link, its the most recent financial indicators from the CBI...tells you where ALL the money is....if you scroll down and look on the left side where it says currency outside the banks (aka physical currency)....if you look to the right it gives you a number of like 24,XXX.....that number is in the when you convert that number, its 24 TRILLION......Darin I know you were asking where I was getting that from and wanting to see facts.....there it is bro......Had to get scooter to send it over to me because I lost the previous ones I had from him but oh well!!!

Alot of you say well that just cant be you must be wrong Keep cause Shabibi stated he removed 70-80% of the 000's from circulation right?? Nope.....that was another twisted article taken by the gurus to mean that we were in good shape for the RV to happen at anytime.....What they did was take the money, and put it right back into the marketplace to promote growth in different sectors.....the money never went anywhere except for right back into the hands of the people.....they were not destroyed or taken out of circulation like the many gurus said over and over and over.....removing excess liquidity actually refers to ADDING to the already current amounts in adds money...doesnt take it is the link for that article.....

And for those who swear Im all about the LOP and thats all I want to happen because Im mister negativity laugh.gif listen carefully.....cause I end up having to say this over and over and over....thats NOT the case.....Of course I dont want that to happen......who in their right minds wants to only make a fraction of what they could on purpose?? Thats just redonkulous....yea thats right....REDONKULOUS....thats my new word lol......Do I think the LOP is a possibility??? OF COURSE!!! Its just that...a possibility....which you all should have been aware of before you bought into this say its impossible or it wont happen is just turning a blind eye and could mean the difference of not being prepared for any and all outcomes......I dont profess to know every move of Iraq, but it doesnt take a economist with 37 degrees in that field to figure out and realize that something must be done with the physical currency supply for Iraq to be able to come out at a high rate.....Hell even Adam has stated that many many times and which is why he doesnt see a 3 dollar RV......they could just slowly let the dinar appreciate without lopping but dont expect to be able to retire from it.....thats the more realistic view on the dinar RV anyways.......

Just to throw a little bit of perspective on the amount of currency Iraq has in circulation......

the US has over 800 BILLION in circulation and its one of the most widely used currencies in the you really think that little old Iraq with 30 million people and a currency that even if internationally recognized, isent going to be used worldwide (seeing as their is no purpose) at an RV of even 50 cents will have a higher physical currency value then almost the entire world put together and still have value??? laugh.gif Not likely......Dont bet your whole life on this RV....take steps to have a plan IF this doesnt turn out the way we all want it to.....dont make the situation worse on yourself by not being prepared for any and all outcomes of this investment.....I get a feeling some people are putting so much blind faith into this that if the worse case scenerio happens, they will be worse off then before they even got started with dinar.....ok Im done rambling.....lets have a good clean debate!!! NO LOW BLOWS!!! laugh.gif LETS GETR DONE!!!

Woops....there is the link to the CBI audit of its financial assets

Keep,..If I did my math right,..based on the figures you have posted,..if the dinar RV'd at three and a third cent US,.. it would equal the total amount of USD in circulation,...that paints a very bleak picture !

I think it is time to drop back and punt !

Did I figure that right ?

Thanks for pushing the ENERGIZE button to beam us space cadets back down to earth !

It may not be what we want to hear, ..but common sense has to be used sometime !

Thanks for the post !

Good Things To All !

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Keep, I enjoy your posts because they are realistic. The reason you have all the haters is because nobody wants to hear that they are not going to be millionaires overnight. It's like telling the kids there is no Santa Clause. When they get mature enough to accept it, you can go ahead and tell them and it don't hurt so bad. I wish it would RV at these ridiculous rates too, just like everybody does. But it's more likely that we will hold this paper for years and it will gradually increase in value. But most of the people who bought Dinar are holding on to the overnight millionaire pipe dream. You will always get the comments like . . "If you don't believe it, then why are you here?" Most of the people on these sites are not INVESTORS. They spent a couple thousand dollars on a get-rich-quick scheme and they can't accept reality. And yes I own Dinar. I bought a few million and said "what the hell". Maybe it hits one day, maybe it don't. But if it don't, it aint gonna break me. I think too many people have bought into this deal and didn't actually calculate the RISK vs. RETURN aspect of it, and now they are desperate for an RV. Emotions are high, intel is crap, nobody knows who to believe, and everybody is mad. Anybody who posts anything contrary to their frenzied, desperate belief in the unlikely, gets bashed.

Quoted for truth. Excellent analysis jlymonstone. Greed trumped realism for a lot of people in this.

It's a brutal truth. It is why when we do get a return sometime down the road I hope many people who bought into this as a pipe dream (or got snookered) as a way to become an overnight Millionare take that money & go invest in a few classes so they have some real understanding of what they got themselves into this time & what they could get themselves into next time. Intelligence, hard work, & comprehension of your skill/trade will get you closer to the riches & success we all crave in life.

Don't bank on your playing of the lottery; in this case, the IQD RV lottery, to get you where you want to go in life. Yes, there's always a chance, but statistically I (personal opinion) place the odds of becoming an overnight millionaire off the few grand I kicked into the IQD as about the same as winning the Powerball/Lotto Supermax/<insert your national lottery name here>. You wouldn't go out and spend thousands of dollars you don't have on lottery tickets (vis a vis buying dinars on reserve) hoping to win the big one... I hope.

And as always Keep, I applaud your efforts to keep people grounded & bringing their expectations back to the realm of reality.

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The problem is that we don't know exactly how many dinar are in circulation. CBI says 27 trillion. Is this how much was printed or how much is on the street? Much of what was printed may have never left the banks. If this is true, much of it may have been retrieved in the "removing of the three zeros" project.

Deenar.....look at both of the links I put on my is the article that all the gurus went crazy about saying that meant they removed 70% of the zeros.....when in fact they didnt....they put it right back into the marketplace...back into the hands of the citizens.....the other link is an audit of the CBIs assets as recent as March of 2011 that shows there is 24 trillion in physical currency outside the banks....that means in circulation...its all in black and white bro...

Not bashing but your printed article is dated May 21 of 2010. And you do talk loop in every statement you make. JMO

Yes, it is dated 2010....I am well aware of is the article that started all the nonsense of Shabibi supposedly saying that he removed 70% of the 000's....that was my point of posting it....because its exactly the opposite of what really happened......and yes FYI alot of my comments lately have been about what a lop is or does or its possibilities because number one alot of people have been asking questions about it, and number two, it seems alot of people are misinformed about the realities and the truth behind redenominating and I figured it was best if they knew the truth instead of believing a bunch of bad.....

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Keeps, I am impressed with your post, and thanks for posting. I think you took a crash course from Dale Carnegie and RonSkilbeck on how to win friends and influence enemies. This is the first post of yours I really enjoyed reading the whole way through. Very nice and thought provoking. Again thanks for the post.

"If we run such [government] debts, as that we must be taxed in our meat and in our drink, in our necessaries

and our comforts, in our labors and our amusements, for our callings and our creeds, as the people of England

are, our people, like them, must come to labor sixteen hours in twenty-four, give earnings of fifteen of these

to the government for their debts and daily expenses, and the sixteenth being insufficient to afford us bread,

we must live, as they now do, on oatmeal and potatoes, have no time to think, no means of calling the mismanagers

to account; but be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains on the necks of our fellow-suffers."

~ Thomas Jefferson

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I thought Shabs started removing the 3 zero bills in 2005.

Shabibi: Delete the zeroes from the Iraqi dinar will be gradually

Shabibi: Delete the zeroes from the Iraqi dinar will be gradually

أخبار عاجلة - 24/06/2010 - 12:00 am

Breaking News - 24/06/2010 - 12:00 am

بغداد/ الملف برس

Baghdad / file Press

نفى محافظ البنك المركزي العراقي سنان الشبيبي تعرض

Denied the Iraqi Central Bank Governor Sinan al-Shabibi exposure

مستندات البنك او ملفات الارشيف المتعلقة بتعاملاته الداخلية

Document bank or archive files on the internal Ptamlath

والخارجية لاي ضرر

And external to any harm

During the latest offensive by the militants on the Bank, confirming the continuation of the Bank's work and support for all banks, Iraqi civil and governmental organizations. He Shabibi at a conference yesterday in the Rashid Hotel in Baghdad, and also attended a number of experts from the central bank and security chiefs that "the burning of the central bank did not produce destruction of memory and archive the bank, there are additional memory reservation, and spoke on a daily basis and is housed in our safe locations, very protected and can not be accessed by any party whatsoever, and all documents burned a few do not reveal the secret dealings of the bank, but he returned and the bank has been affected significantly by the killing 12 of his bodyguards. In response to questions from journalists, and if affected other banks as a result of this attack, Shabibi said the CBI is a bank banks do not deal with individuals, but government institutions, banks and third-party Wi those three were not affected by the fire on the contrary, trading his next morning any day 13 / 6 and the work was carried out banking until it comes to the staff Pavtrash the ground to complete their duties for fear Mnhsol acts of speculation in the price of the dollar, and received the instruments of banks and held off. and about the extent of the damage he said was significant not Ntzerr any degree and published in the media is incorrect and exaggerated and on the lifting of the zeroes of the dinar Shabibi said the process would not affect the strength of the dinar and these zeros will be removed gradually. in response to a question on the problems of banks and misappropriations .. Shabibi said that unfortunately, we find that the officials at the Ministry of Finance launched an attack, specifically Ministry adviser, said that the banks would go bankrupt for not tackling properly and non-compliance with the laws of the bank, this is not true Many banks have contributed to the progress of the sector banker, and there is no violation occurred of any bank here can not charge the banks arbitrarily. For his part, Director General of banking that banks Iraqi civil particularly ancient Kabtal Alorca and Iranian banks have credits and name of the banking and capital great, and we reject any accusations because the bank is responsible for the transactions of these banks, and we are now and then to freeze certain sections and keep revisiting the open actions from transactional banking and there was no reproach to any bank and especially against by some quarters recently.

2/10/10 CBI begins the end of the year and gradually replace the currency now in circulation a new currency which zeroes deleted within the strategy to reform the monetary system started in 2005.

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Good find ^^^

I just havent been able to figure out why Keepm is even still here on this site or why he even cares to own IQD with his logic.

Bottom line.......No one knows a thing........Not Keepm, not me, not you.....nobody. I presume Keepm is still in this investment because he also believes he doesnt know for sure and its just his opinion.....Or he wouldnt be here.

Hey Keepm...... BTW, are you a scorpio by chance? Because you seem to have a really negative attitude on everything you bring in here. Something on a show I saw the other night........Scorpio's are supposed to have a very negative ora. :D

Edited by Spoolin
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Good Post, Keep.

Appreciate the good logic, common sense, & links.

I doubt very much that we're going to be overnite millionaires.

(tho I too would love that to happen).

I am hoping for a decent ROI (return on investment) --

--maybe double or triple what I invested.

I feel sorry for all those VIP's who put the cart before the horse &

bought Seychelles corporations, Name Reserves, etc. :(

So Keep, keep on posting...we need the REALITY CHECKS! :D


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Way to help keep the community grounded Keep. I always enjoy reading your comments! :D

For those who are negative towards keeps comments, please do your own research. Once you buy into this investment because of a friend or something you read online that you have based your decision on, it never feels good to find out that the info you based your decision on was or might be wrong. In fact it hurts because you may feel like you got played...

But despite that, you should look at what others say negative or not, and research it for yourself and come to your own conclusion. I find it best to keep an open mind on this investment and do your best to understand all of the possibilities that are out there. Take a little time and do this; don't be lazy... Its your money.

and sometimes the simplest outcome is the most likely.... :)

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