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    Full endorsement on this opportunity - but it's limited, so get in while you can!

AMC to the MOON!


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Anyone into AMC theaters stock on here? I'm so excited about it's potential I got my family and friends in it. It has the potential to change the stock market and transfer insane wealth from the top 1 percent to anyone willing to buy and hold it. I really don't want anyone to miss out on this opportunity of a life time.

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  • keylime changed the title to AMC to the MOON!
30 minutes ago, AJ 37 said:

Hi Keylime,

AMC has actually drop in value? In Jan 2021 it was nearly $ 20 and now only $ 9.00 . Am I right. Why do you think this will go up a lot? Just explain what you know.


Hi AJ 37. It has nothing to do with the fundamentals of the company which are actually stronger than they've ever been. For the first time in their history they have over 1 billion dollars in liquidity according to their financial report today. Their stock price has been manipulated down. It is the largest movie theater chain in the world. Easily worth 35 dollars a share without all the extras it now tows.

It has eveything to do with the fact that it is the most shorted stock on the market, and the synthetic (illegal) shares are more than 3 times the float. This means the hedgefunds that have been shorting it are going to have to buy them back. Unfortunately for them, the retail investors are holding over 90 percent of the float and aren't going to sell them back to the hedgefunds until this thing goes to the moon. This is a world wide movement that will make the "Occupy Wallstreet" sit in look like a Saturday morning kindergarten class. 

More than likely it will bankrupt funds such as Citadel who keep doubling down on shorting. You can look up Trey's Trades, Lou VS Wallstreet, and Roensch Capital on Youtube, as well as go to Reddit and r/amcstock sub on there to educate yourself on this. The SEC has put in new laws and are adding another on Friday to make sure this illegal shorting to bankrupt a company doesn't happen again. In the meantime, those same rules are going to Margin Call the hedgefunds and they will have to cover over a billion fake shares that will skyrocket this stock into the stratosphere. You will never see a situation like this again. Ever. 

Do your DD. But don't kick yourself for not buying 10 shares that could go to 100,000+ each for a 100 dollar investment.


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As Keylime stated above the Fed's are stepping in with New Laws to Protect the Players so the little guys can't get even in this Market.....Same will happen to Silver as the Player are in a Bind now that they have Over sold......


So Go Figure what the Huge Shortage in these days so the Banksters can make the Funds Back....Lumber for any and everything from new Homes to that Addition you wanted to add just went up $10,000 to $40,000 for a Home. All the time the Missing Lumber is sitting on R/R Cars out of site for the Time Being until they get enough back to cover them on Silver.



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By the end of the Weimar Republic in the late 1920s the Mark (their currency) was beginning to loose the confidence of the German people. So much so that EVERYONE down to the elevator operator was in the stock market. People were looking to invest in anything but the Mark. 


Sound familiar?:rolleyes:.

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11 hours ago, keylime said:

Hi AJ 37. It has nothing to do with the fundamentals of the company which are actually stronger than they've ever been. For the first time in their history they have over 1 billion dollars in liquidity according to their financial report today. Their stock price has been manipulated down. It is the largest movie theater chain in the world. Easily worth 35 dollars a share without all the extras it now tows.

It has eveything to do with the fact that it is the most shorted stock on the market, and the synthetic (illegal) shares are more than 3 times the float. This means the hedgefunds that have been shorting it are going to have to buy them back. Unfortunately for them, the retail investors are holding over 90 percent of the float and aren't going to sell them back to the hedgefunds until this thing goes to the moon. This is a world wide movement that will make the "Occupy Wallstreet" sit in look like a Saturday morning kindergarten class. 

More than likely it will bankrupt funds such as Citadel who keep doubling down on shorting. You can look up Trey's Trades, Lou VS Wallstreet, and Roensch Capital on Youtube, as well as go to Reddit and r/amcstock sub on there to educate yourself on this. The SEC has put in new laws and are adding another on Friday to make sure this illegal shorting to bankrupt a company doesn't happen again. In the meantime, those same rules are going to Margin Call the hedgefunds and they will have to cover over a billion fake shares that will skyrocket this stock into the stratosphere. You will never see a situation like this again. Ever. 

Do your DD. But don't kick yourself for not buying 10 shares that could go to 100,000+ each for a 100 dollar investment.


Okay...I jumped on this!!!🤞🙏🤞🙏👍🇺🇸

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49 minutes ago, CSM (R) Thack said:

Okay...I jumped on this!!!🤞🙏🤞🙏👍🇺🇸

Congratulations! Now just hold on for dear life because it is going to be a wild fun ride to millions. Stay informed with the youtubers I listed above and the reddit folks. Glad to have you in the Ape family!

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18 minutes ago, 3KINGS said:

what is the best way for someone that has never bought stock to do so? where do you start?

Join Webull. Make a deposit and start trading. They are very helpful and easy to use. Online or on app phone

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4 minutes ago, keylime said:

Congratulations! Now just hold on for dear life because it is going to be a wild fun ride to millions. Stay informed with the youtubers I listed above and the reddit folks. Glad to have you in the Ape family!

Appreciate the info!!! 👍🇺🇸👍🇺🇸

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33 minutes ago, txwWrestling said:

Keylime you know I am always riding with you! I have a few shares already and bought 35 more I hope. My problem is I don't know when to hold them and when to fold them. lol GO RV and GO AMC!

This stock is like other stocks that have squeezed, but the difference is the amount that the hedgefunds have to cover coinciding with the number of retail investors(over 3 million easy) who are willing to hold their shares until they see 100,000 dollars a share. Because if they don't sell, the computers have to keep raising the price, raising the price, raising the price until finally they can buy some. Then they go again, and raise the price, raise the price, raise the price until they can get some more.

With the untold number of fake shares out there that have been sold by the hedgefunds, they have to make good on them. They have dug themselves a hole that could take a couple weeks to get out of, and it very well may bankrupt them. Then the buying back still doesn't stop, because they have a 63 trillion dollar insurance policy. 

In any case, the shares have to be bought and covered and the retail investors own over 90% of the float. And these retail investors are all ganged up together from all over the world to hold and make this happen.

Here's a link to another good guy on Youtube who explains how huge this is. His name is Jackson Hunter.

Also when this thing starts to happen you can hit me up. You can set alerts with your stock broker like at 100 dollars, 1000 dollars, etc. This is going to change millions of lives all over the world.


(587) AMC Poolside Honesty - YouTube


I'm glad you're in it and anyone else that wants to jump in, I wouldn't miss this.

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2 hours ago, CSM (R) Thack said:

I  have an account with Robinhood!

If you can open the Webull account because when GME squeezed, Robinhood was part of the folks who stopped trading on it. They are in with the hedgefunds. You can transfer your account to Webull as well or just have both accounts and start buying through Webull and leave what you have with RH

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14 hours ago, Longtimelurker said:

Same concept as the Gamestop short squeeze we saw a month ago.

Yes only at that time nobody but Redditors sub WallStreetBets heard of it. Now with AMC all the bought and paid for financial outlets including the Motley Fool are shills for the Hedgefunds and are telling everyone not to buy. Meanwhile, the "Apes, Gorillas" (which is what this movement calls themselves, now the movement in South Korea calls themselves the "Ants".) are buying up everything in sight, in fact the float is estimated to have been bought up at least 3 or 4 fold. It is crazy. So the kind of movement behind this, as well as having the CEO of AMC coming out embracing the movement and speaking directly to the shareholders via Trey's Trades on Youtube is laying the foundation of what the are calling the MOASS. The Mother of all Short Squeezes and the greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen.  Now GME is still a good play as well, but not the potential of AMC.

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2 hours ago, keylime said:

If you can open the Webull account because when GME squeezed, Robinhood was part of the folks who stopped trading on it. They are in with the hedgefunds. You can transfer your account to Webull as well or just have both accounts and start buying through Webull and leave what you have with RH

How do I transfer?

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20 minutes ago, CSM (R) Thack said:

How do I transfer?

You set up an account on Webull. Then they have an area called Transfer where you can transfer money, or stock or crypto...and you initiate it through them. It's not hard but you just have to navigate through it.

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KEYLIME you are a darling.  I have an ameritrade that safe to buy this stock on? I don't understand how to navigate it. Somehow I managed to buy 5 shares just now, and will buy more once my friend shows me how.  Thank you for the info!!! What is your guess on timeline?/ reach 100,000?

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47 minutes ago, keylime said:

You set up an account on Webull. Then they have an area called Transfer where you can transfer money, or stock or crypto...and you initiate it through them. It's not hard but you just have to navigate through it.

Am in it right now!!! 👍🇺🇸

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