Markinsa Posted July 18, 2021 Author Report Share Posted July 18, 2021 AZ State Senator Kelly Townsend At Senate Hearing: “IT’S A COME TO JESUS MOMENT – I Wouldn’t Want To Cooperate Either” By Jordan Conradson Published July 15, 2021 at 5:45pm Leftist Journalists Breakdown as 74,000 Ballot Discrepancy Is Announced Today, The Arizona Senate held a hearing with audit officials and revealed some bombshell findings including over 74 THOUSAND mail-in ballots that have no evidence they were even mailed to a voter, and MORE. The very revealing hearing showed that computer systems could have been hacked, possibly confirmed “Sharpiegate”, reemphasized chain of custody issues, and called for new subpoenas for information withheld by Maricopa County. The Gateway Pundit’s Jordan Conradson spoke with Arizona State Senator Kelly Townsend after the meeting to get her thoughts on the County’s utter failure. TRENDING: TODAY'S DOUBLE STANDARD JUSTICE SYSTEM: Dem Rep Joyce Beatty STORMS US Capitol, Arrested and Released Soon After While Trump Supporters Languish in Isolation in Prison for 6 Months for Same Offense Conradson: we heard of the failures by Maricopa County and their election department. Missing chain of custody, missing documentation of mail in ballots, duplicated serial numbers on three or more ballots, it’s insane. Can you tell us a little bit about the terrible job done by Maricopa County? Townsend: Okay, well it’s a come to Jesus moment. They’re accusing cyber ninjas of not being credible, and you know this information that’s going to come out, I’ll be very interested to see what their reaction is. But if they’re not credible, then come forward with this information and prove them wrong. But instead they have done nothing but obstruct, deny, distract and mock us, so the county supervisors and Adrian Fontes and his team, what we heard today we learned, and we’re not surprised that it was an absolute failure. And it answers the question as to why they are obstructing if I were them, I wouldn’t want the public to know this information we learned today either. So, two choices. Either come forward and help us put all of this to rest and not on Twitter, and not on Facebook or other places but let’s sit down in an actual meeting and work through this like professionals. And if you can’t do that, then I’m calling on all of you to resign as county supervisors, and to the public, please. Adrian Fontes is running for secretary of state, and if you see the information that we learned today, under his watch, what does that mean for the future of Arizona? So, either it wasn’t true what we learned today and you need to come forward and prove us wrong, by working with us in a professional way or resign, one or the other. Conradson: If Maricopa County officials continue to try to cover up the big lie. What do you foresee will happen to them in the future? Townsend: Well I see indictments in their future if we are able to establish this if we go forward in court. I see, perhaps the public coming forward and doing recalls, and at the very least, I don’t see them ever winning another election again. It’s very sad, we didn’t have to go through it in this manner, even if none of that was true today, the way that they handled today was a Twitter feed, that’s their response to the Arizona State Senate is replying to us on Twitter. And that is not appropriate. That is not a functioning government that is high school. So bring it up a notch, several notches and come sit with us and cooperate, provide the facts. Show us why you don’t have logs for these early ballots being mailed out but not requested. Show us why you removed the 10s of 1000s of people who registered to vote, voted and then remove them. Show us, show us why you didn’t follow the law, and put the serial numbers matching the duplicated ballots with each other, why you took the stamp and put it over the black mark so you can’t see the serial number. Show us why you did that, explain to us why you broke the law. You know, and then throughout this whole entire meeting, I kept talking to my colleagues saying, “we had a bill to fix this”, and “we had a bill to fix this issue”, I had number of bills that would have fixed a lot of these issues the chain of custody, the duplicated ballots, the bleed through of the permanent markers on the other side, you know, many of these bills and we had our own colleagues in the Senate that fought us to try and fix these issues in particular the chairwoman of the government committee, Michelle Ugenti Rita, who is also running for secretary of state needs to explain why she killed good election security bills. It’s frustrating, it’s frustrating seeing people in our own party, and people on the other party, Just, just blatantly ignore the law, blatantly killed good election bills blatantly just act like high school children, and actually make a mockery of our election system. What little confidence that Arizonans had in the election system after watching this today must be non existent. So we have a lot of work to do. We need to fix this, and we need to hold those accountable who broke the law, ignore the law, you know, things like checking signatures to match on the voter registration you need to check twelve points on that signature with one on file, and they just went down to ten points, and they went to eight, then the four and then to zero. That’s what was claimed today. Come forward county supervisors and explain to us, Adrian Fontes if that’s not true, prove it. So, these things are unacceptable, unacceptable and criminal. Conradson: That’s right in Maricopa County, they came back with a stupid tweet, tweeting out some algebra equation talking about how you need to follow the order of operations to get the correct answer. My response to that is two plus two equals four, you add up the totals, you get the total number of ballots. Besides that, why do you think it is that they didn’t just cooperate from the beginning, and show the Arizona Senate, the correct order of operations for counting the ballots? Townsend: If you knew that this was going to come out today, the information that we learned today. If I were them, I wouldn’t cooperate either because this is shameful. This is illegal. This is something that should have them indicted if true, because ultimately the county supervisors are responsible, they did sign and certify, anyone who signed and certified this election is responsible. So, come to the table. Don’t put out a tweet, come to the table and prove us wrong. they’re too afraid to come to the table. Maricopa County officials know they screwed up. The County had every opportunity to perform this audit with the Senate and protect themselves by protecting our vote. Now, they will be held responsible for their noncompliance and obstruction of justice. The final report will be EARTH-SHATTERING. 7 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
miraj Posted July 18, 2021 Report Share Posted July 18, 2021 Even a Popsicle stick has 2 sides. 1 1 1 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nstoolman1 Posted July 18, 2021 Report Share Posted July 18, 2021 4 minutes ago, miraj said: Even a Popsicle stick has 2 sides. Yes it does. One side is the very group that have been fighting the audit and certified said results, the other is the group that found the fraud. I don't know about you but I believe the ones that found the fraud not committed it. 1 1 1 6 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MyLadiesDaddy Posted July 18, 2021 Report Share Posted July 18, 2021 Which is worse, the THIEF who stole your most prized possession or the SCUMBAG that praises him? This entire election event should have shown the rest of America how pure evil liberals are. You simply cannot be friends with that kind of evil. 1 4 1 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
miraj Posted July 18, 2021 Report Share Posted July 18, 2021 Nothing is proven yet from either side. Religion and politicsmixed always ends badly. I never considered myself evil nor you. I am happy you have found an outlet to vent your frustrations and a pulpit to preach from. 🙂 1 1 1 1 6 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
md11fr8dawg Posted July 18, 2021 Report Share Posted July 18, 2021 5 hours ago, miraj said: Even a Popsicle stick has 2 sides. What the hell do you think these cheating Rats are gonna do miraj, come clean and admit they stole the election by committing election fraud. They are like your child who got caught in a lie, he's gonna deny until he is shown the evidence. And the Rats will go to jail still screeming that they did nothing wrong even though the evidence says differently. This fraud occurred and it occurred in many states with enough fraudulent votes to swing the election. Eventually all of this evil will be exposed and hopefully it will destroy the Rat party. 2 3 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
miraj Posted July 18, 2021 Report Share Posted July 18, 2021 45 minutes ago, md11fr8dawg said: What the hell do you think these cheating Rats are gonna do miraj, come clean and admit they stole the election by committing election fraud. They are like your child who got caught in a lie, he's gonna deny until he is shown the evidence. And the Rats will go to jail still screaming that they did nothing wrong even though the evidence says differently. This fraud occurred and it occurred in many states with enough fraudulent votes to swing the election. Eventually all of this evil will be exposed and hopefully it will destroy the Rat party. I hope for your sake as well as many others that this madness is resolved soon. August is almost here, and March was a dud. I am not certain truth is what most are seeking, I think God might be wondering the same at this point. He always seems to be the last one approached for opinions in politics but either gets credit or blame depending on your personal political views. I have read a lot regarding the Old Roman Catholics and their approach to demanding the correct mindset...glad I was not living in that day and age. However...there appears to be a resurgence of similarities of that and many other religious extremist views. You seem desperate for the truth to be your view of the truth regardless of fact. I have seen no facts that give merit to your view as yet. 1 2 8 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
caddieman Posted July 18, 2021 Report Share Posted July 18, 2021 20 minutes ago, miraj said: You seem desperate for the truth to be your view of the truth regardless of fact. I have seen no facts that give merit to your view as yet. 1 billion POWs……..I can do that…….right?😂😂😂 1 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
miraj Posted July 18, 2021 Report Share Posted July 18, 2021 40 minutes ago, caddieman said: 1 billion POWs……..I can do that…….right?😂😂😂 Yes can. Thankfully its still America 1 1 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nstoolman1 Posted July 18, 2021 Report Share Posted July 18, 2021 1 hour ago, miraj said: I have seen no facts that give merit to your view as yet. Then you have not read or listened to the reports coming out. 1 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
md11fr8dawg Posted July 18, 2021 Report Share Posted July 18, 2021 1 hour ago, miraj said: I have seen no facts that give merit to your view as yet. So a batch of mail-in ballots in Georgia that have NO creases in them is not odd to you. It does not make you pause and ask how that could happen and that possibly could be evidence of fraud. But with guys like you the caddieman, you could be shown video of people voting 2-3 times or a room with people filling out blank ballots and it still would not convince you. But hey your guy is in the WH and the destruction of our constitutional republic has begun by the radical commies, so all is good. Enjoy the show, 1 2 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bigwave Posted July 18, 2021 Report Share Posted July 18, 2021 1 hour ago, miraj said: I am not certain truth is what most are seeking I am sure you are right on this point. A lot of people are enjoying their internet, fishing, gambling, jet skiing etc to have heard the merits of it all. If the MSM and "big tech" were to lay it all down for all to see it would wake way more people up- maybe you as well. As it stands now the MSM and big tech have been pretty good at smothering the facts. Once the facts come out - there will be another false flag operation to flood the cycle with "new nooz" distracting the sleepers again. 1 3 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
miraj Posted July 18, 2021 Report Share Posted July 18, 2021 44 minutes ago, nstoolman1 said: Then you have not read or listened to the reports coming out. AHHH..But yes. I have sir (N)(s)toolman. Again, they are one sided..both sides..but one sided. The listening part is difficult. It usually entails enduring someone that a like or subscribe button being pushed and presenting no legal fact, just parroted statements, or someone else's opinion. I have long ago eliminated MSM as an option for either. 1 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
miraj Posted July 18, 2021 Report Share Posted July 18, 2021 48 minutes ago, bigwave said: I am sure you are right on this point. A lot of people are enjoying their internet, fishing, gambling, jet skiing etc to have heard the merits of it all. If the MSM and "big tech" were to lay it all down for all to see it would wake way more people up- maybe you as well. As it stands now the MSM and big tech have been pretty good at smothering the facts. Once the facts come out - there will be another false flag operation to flood the cycle with "new nooz" distracting the sleepers again. Vietnam was a big lie..Iraq was a huge lie..We taught the Afghans how to defeat the Russians and after 10 years they left..our dumbasses stayed for 20 years so bigwave, you have a valid point in the mind of a little person amongst this big world 1 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
miraj Posted July 18, 2021 Report Share Posted July 18, 2021 1 hour ago, md11fr8dawg said: So a batch of mail-in ballots in Georgia that have NO creases in them is not odd to you. It does not make you pause and ask how that could happen and that possibly could be evidence of fraud. But with guys like you the caddieman, you could be shown video of people voting 2-3 times or a room with people filling out blank ballots and it still would not convince you. But hey your guy is in the WH and the destruction of our constitutional republic has begun by the radical commies, so all is good. Enjoy the show, My "guy" is not in the Whitehouse dawg, and evidently neither is yours. I could also be shown a video of rain outside but unless I actually see the evidence I will choose if I take an umbrella outside. Really, a video?? In this day and time with so much technology to create and edit so well. How about your Cracken Lady that is now facing various degrees of misery and in the end she insults you by saying no sane person would have believed what I was saying?? Have you not called her out yet?? Its very sad that a "video" matters. 1 1 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yota691 Posted July 18, 2021 Report Share Posted July 18, 2021 1 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
miraj Posted July 18, 2021 Report Share Posted July 18, 2021 4 minutes ago, miraj said: My "guy" is not in the Whitehouse dawg, and evidently neither is yours. I could also be shown a video of rain outside but unless I actually see the evidence I will choose if I take an umbrella outside. Really, a video?? In this day and time with so much technology to create and edit so well. How about your Cracken Lady that is now facing various degrees of misery and in the end she insults you by saying no sane person would have believed what I was saying?? Have you not called her out yet?? Its very sad that a "video" matters. Dawg, I need to tell you..not a Communist, much to your dismay..actually a Nam Vet. And as to your "constitutional republic" comment, I am not certain you could actually define that. Not since Eisenhower who warned us long ago. That is now an illusion. 1 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MyLadiesDaddy Posted July 19, 2021 Report Share Posted July 19, 2021 6 hours ago, miraj said: Nothing is proven yet from either side. Religion and politicsmixed always ends badly. I never considered myself evil nor you. I am happy you have found an outlet to vent your frustrations and a pulpit to preach from. 🙂 There is none so blinded as those who choose not to see. You don't like the truth so you attempt to change the subject and attack me on the issue of my faith. Never fully understanding why it is you feel the way you do. 1 1 1 1 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
patrickgold Posted July 19, 2021 Report Share Posted July 19, 2021 2 hours ago, bigwave said: I am sure you are right on this point. A lot of people are enjoying their internet, fishing, gambling, jet skiing etc to have heard the merits of it all. If the MSM and "big tech" were to lay it all down for all to see it would wake way more people up- maybe you as well. As it stands now the MSM and big tech have been pretty good at smothering the facts. Once the facts come out - there will be another false flag operation to flood the cycle with "new nooz" distracting the sleepers again. You're absolutely correct in your statement. Another note to help the blind... when we have one side unwilling to cooperate and the other side wanting to resolve this issue, it sure paints a guilty picture of possible wrongdoing. If anyone is one-sided, that would definitely be the media and the socialist demons. Just a thought, it may take a false flag... and it going so wrong for them that the people will then see something isn't adding up. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
miraj Posted July 19, 2021 Report Share Posted July 19, 2021 50 minutes ago, ladyGrace'sDaddy said: There is none so blinded as those who choose not to see. You don't like the truth so you attempt to change the subject and attack me on the issue of my faith. Never fully understanding why it is you feel the way you do. Contrary to what you wish to spew..I love the truth. You have just spewed parroted statements and opinion with a video now and then. You spew out your rhetoric mingled with God and love..kinda like the old Haight Ashbury nonsense. If you truly believe in your God, you would not fancy false witness, nor divisiveness, nor lies. We seem to have a lot of that going on at the moment. Even as Christian-faith-in-your-god as you claim to be, I think you may have backsliding as they say in certain circles. I never attacked you nor did I claim any truth. What I stated simply have not provided any as yet. Be safe on your journey to the truth. 1 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
patrickgold Posted July 19, 2021 Report Share Posted July 19, 2021 59 minutes ago, ladyGrace'sDaddy said: There is none so blinded as those who choose not to see. You don't like the truth so you attempt to change the subject and attack me on the issue of my faith. Never fully understanding why it is you feel the way you do. I saw that distraction of change and to be so bold to attack your faith. Sad indeed. I guess when all else fails, attack the faith... is the new strategy. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yota691 Posted July 19, 2021 Report Share Posted July 19, 2021 Revolution: Even Jesus Chased The Bankers (Money Changers) Out of The Temple and Overthrew Tables 1 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
miraj Posted July 19, 2021 Report Share Posted July 19, 2021 17 minutes ago, patrickgold said: I saw that distraction of change and to be so bold to attack your faith. Sad indeed. I guess when all else fails, attack the faith... is the new strategy. I suppose reading into something that does not exist is your mantra. Sad indeed. Differences of opinions can no longer exist side by side it seems. I have no problem with LGD nor you, but again..politics mixed with religion never ends well. You still have no verifiable fact on either side. August is soon upon us .. pray too shall pass and all of this madness will as well. 2 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
patrickgold Posted July 19, 2021 Report Share Posted July 19, 2021 1 minute ago, miraj said: I suppose reading into something that does not exist is your mantra. Sad indeed. Differences of opinions can no longer exist side by side it seems. I have no problem with LGD nor you, but again..politics mixed with religion never ends well. You still have no verifiable fact on either side. August is soon upon us .. pray too shall pass and all of this madness will as well. " no verifiable fact" keep believing that. The truth and facts are there, but the MSM is blocking it from coming out. Covid is their narrative, pushing the vaccines stories is used to distract. Controlling the narrative is the agenda. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Markinsa Posted July 19, 2021 Author Report Share Posted July 19, 2021 20 minutes ago, miraj said: You still have no verifiable fact on either side. There are 1,000's of facts, video, even from Georgia's own Audits. It seems you tend to believe the MSM, I would think you being a Viet Nam Vet you would know not to trust them. 1hey screwed you while you were in Viet Nam, along with Hanoi Jane, and they're screwing you again. Perhaps you have Stockholm's syndrome.... . . 1 1 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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