pleasantvalleySunday Posted April 8, 2011 Report Share Posted April 8, 2011 i DON'T KNOW WHY YOU ARE SO CRITICAL OF HIM. hE TRRIES TO GIVE US THE BEST INTEL HE CAN... BUT IT NOT OCCUR AT THE TIME SPECIFIED BECAUSE THEY ARE MANY FACTORS OUTSIDE OF HIS CONTROL. Did he not state the before this RV the CBI will have another site up and running. When the RV the current site will become defunt. well check out You'll just get the home page and when asked to click on english it states... Opps link broken. Patience everyone. i DON'T KNOW WHY YOU ARE SO CRITICAL OF HIM. hE TRRIES TO GIVE US THE BEST INTEL HE CAN... BUT IT NOT OCCUR AT THE TIME SPECIFIED BECAUSE THEY ARE MANY FACTORS OUTSIDE OF HIS CONTROL. Did he not state the before this RV the CBI will have another site up and running. When the RV the current site will become defunt. well check out You'll just get the home page and when asked to click on english it states... Opps link broken. Patience everyone. Dear ... I am going to make the assumption that you are rather new to this investment??? Welcome to dinarvets! Allow me to share that we do NOT drink ANY flavor of koolaid here ... we allow this drivel to be posted on this site for entertainment purposes only... so please do NOT expect many, or any folks to find this a positive post. These claims have been being made for at least the year I've been around oh and just so you know there are others at other sites who would have you believe things about this investment that have little basis in fact. This is a risky speculative investment!!! Keep it real - stay grounded - don't drink the koolaid. 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aquaman907 Posted April 8, 2011 Report Share Posted April 8, 2011 My question is simple. If you didn't have someone to bash what can you bring to the forum? When you can add to the info or debate then add to it otherwise your comments are a waste of time and of no value to the conversation. The Bashing is giving DV a bad rep for what is a very good and well meaning forum. So add if you can and read what you want and believe what you want I for one am real tired of trying to wade thru the stuff with no value and bashing is just that! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paramedic_usa Posted April 8, 2011 Report Share Posted April 8, 2011 Do you really think that paramedic_usa ? Even Iraq can not be that slow, knowing what is at stake !!!! To many countries involved in this. This is just my opinion, it's worth about one dinar "lol" I am a black and white person. It's either yes or no, I steer clear of grey. If it's not official and announced it's not done. Now could their be something behind the scenes going on? Of course it's Iraq but if it's not been delivered to the masses people back out of all sorts of deals . I have been there and gave blood sweat and tears in Iraq, lost friends and almost a divorce. I also have sat at a table and broke bread with Iraqis and talked about our families and future. So their is a wide spectrum of life going on there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Curt0166 Posted April 8, 2011 Report Share Posted April 8, 2011 AMEN!!!! I agree, do not responed to or read anything this pompous, egotistical poor excuse for humanity, with an attitude, has to say. Okie, stand behind your poor excuse for a person's word, and LEAVE!!!! A response is not needed, just leave! Okie's response, it will follow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BJinMontreal Posted April 8, 2011 Report Share Posted April 8, 2011 I wonder how long it is going to take for him actually stop posting. He keeps saying this is my last post ... and then a few hours later he's back with another post and another this is my last post ...and then a few hours later he's back with another post and another this is my last post ... Maybe he just needs a few more people to doubt him - because obviously a few thousand isn't enough !!! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cocklebur Posted April 8, 2011 Report Share Posted April 8, 2011 Your time would be better spent flogging a dead horse than it will trying to get Okie the village idiot to stop posting his nonsense and drivel. Reason why? Just doing a little observation of Okie and his posts I would surmise that Okie is over 65 years of age, he has had a mediocore job all his life, possibly in the oil related business, or possibly not. He is either a widower who has no children, and if he does he doesn't get along with them, or he is simply a crusty old bachelor. Either way, he sees this in his mind as a way to once in his life to be someone important, a mover and a shaker like those he always dreamed of being, He will die trying to predict the Rv and be a hero before he ever stops posting. Just my humble opinion gleaned from dealing with others with the same mentality. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SNDERS Posted April 8, 2011 Report Share Posted April 8, 2011 Thanks for your service there, sorry about your losses . I was in the army in 1981 I also lost a friend in Granada Nicaragua in 1983. I just hope all come out well for all, So to all a good night and may we wake to great fortunes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
powerpager Posted April 8, 2011 Report Share Posted April 8, 2011 Go Okie Go !!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sheik Posted April 8, 2011 Report Share Posted April 8, 2011 Okis is a "B.S. artist" and a scammer. Guy's like this deserve every single negative comment that comes their way. . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rrupple Posted April 8, 2011 Report Share Posted April 8, 2011 [quote go forty-two! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DinarChiTown Posted April 8, 2011 Report Share Posted April 8, 2011 Your time would be better spent flogging a dead horse than it will trying to get Okie the village idiot to stop posting his nonsense and drivel. Reason why? Just doing a little observation of Okie and his posts I would surmise that Okie is over 65 years of age, he has had a mediocore job all his life, possibly in the oil related business, or possibly not. He is either a widower who has no children, and if he does he doesn't get along with them, or he is simply a crusty old bachelor. Either way, he sees this in his mind as a way to once in his life to be someone important, a mover and a shaker like those he always dreamed of being, He will die trying to predict the Rv and be a hero before he ever stops posting. Just my humble opinion gleaned from dealing with others with the same mentality. I have to agree with your post. Has anyone noticed that the flurry of postings, retorts, rebuttals have been from people new to the investment after Jan 1st? The pumpers obviously did their job! Might I say I'm no veteran of this investment either, bought last June. Okie, Comrade's Dinner, G.E.T. team, Frank, MTT, and the like all spew the same garbage. I mean really, how many times must one post that NOBODY knows anything on how this will play out. I like a good rumor just like the rest of us, but Okie is something special. A little insight to those of you that are new. There are countless numbers of Alias subscribers of each one of these sites. BELIEVE ME! They are tasked to drum up great fervor and enthusiasm for this investment to pump the sales. Is it a fact? ABSOLUTELY! Do I have proof, obviously not but common sense prevails. Think about it. You're a Dinar trader. What better way to drum up sales than to either task other individuals to pump and fabricate, or simply do it yourself. That's the beauty of the internet, ANONYMITY! Have you noticed that there was a flurry of activity regarding rumors but have since dissipated? You see, they simply corroborate each others posts and stamp it as fact. One guys says this, the other guy says that, and viola, you have a fact. I've been active in posting but have since grown tired. I'm going to fade back and just wait on this pig to come home. IF it does. Although I am an admitted Dinaraholic, time to cut back... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zaborniake Posted April 8, 2011 Report Share Posted April 8, 2011 Only God can stop the RV...and keep Okie from spewing bullish!t everyday. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mr john Posted April 8, 2011 Report Share Posted April 8, 2011 Whisky...Tango...Foxtrot......"Wingnut" has left the building. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
texus Posted April 8, 2011 Report Share Posted April 8, 2011 Look how meany posts were posted because of okie...With out him we wuold have a lot less humor in our lives..i love okie,,, great intertainment !! So if you are going to keep reading his posts try,,, I know it's hard,,,,,but don't bash him to much. Just remember no one liked Gilligan but he was the captains little Buddy !! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
quadraph0nic Posted April 8, 2011 Report Share Posted April 8, 2011 No one has the bawls to say it...I guess I will Okie is a liar. yep. any decent person with a conscious would have stop putting out info the second they realized that the info they are getting is false. a good person will apologize if he or she was wrong. i have seen that on this site. i really respect people like that but this guy okie, he is not like that. He's a liar. You want to defend this liar go ahead under the premise that what he puts out are "rumors" and "u dont have to read it" and blah blah (insert typical rumor defense rebuttal here) ....okay no problem...i mean that would be the politically correct stance to take. yes but im borrowing a page from my grandfathers book and I'm calling this Okie dude a straight up liar. Now of course I understand what Okie does and why. I don't like it but the real responsibility falls on the audience. So if your that stupid to keep believing his garbage and buying more dinar because he made you feel good, well you have a problem and no one here can help you with that. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DinarChiTown Posted April 8, 2011 Report Share Posted April 8, 2011 No one has the bawls to say it...I guess I will Okie is a liar. yep. any decent person with a conscious would have stop putting out info the second they realized that the info they are getting is false. a good person will apologize if he or she was wrong. i have seen that on this site. i really respect people like that but this guy okie, he is not like that. He's a liar. You want to defend this liar go ahead under the premise that what he puts out are "rumors" and "u dont have to read it" and blah blah (insert typical rumor defense rebuttal here) ....okay no problem...i mean that would be the politically correct stance to take. yes but im borrowing a page from my grandfathers book and I'm calling this Okie dude a straight up liar. Now of course I understand what Okie does and why. I don't like it but the real responsibility falls on the audience. So if your that stupid to keep believing his garbage and buying more dinar because he made you feel good, well you have a problem and no one here can help you with that. The lies actually hurt people. Dupes them into buying on the basis this is imminent. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DinarChiTown Posted April 8, 2011 Report Share Posted April 8, 2011 No one has the bawls to say it...I guess I will Okie is a liar. yep. any decent person with a conscious would have stop putting out info the second they realized that the info they are getting is false. a good person will apologize if he or she was wrong. i have seen that on this site. i really respect people like that but this guy okie, he is not like that. He's a liar. You want to defend this liar go ahead under the premise that what he puts out are "rumors" and "u dont have to read it" and blah blah (insert typical rumor defense rebuttal here) ....okay no problem...i mean that would be the politically correct stance to take. yes but im borrowing a page from my grandfathers book and I'm calling this Okie dude a straight up liar. Now of course I understand what Okie does and why. I don't like it but the real responsibility falls on the audience. So if your that stupid to keep believing his garbage and buying more dinar because he made you feel good, well you have a problem and no one here can help you with that. The lies actually hurt people. Dupes them into buying on the basis this is imminent. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TRERUMPH Posted April 8, 2011 Report Share Posted April 8, 2011 here is his newest post.... [OKIE_OIL_MAN] BACK ON–BEEN COVERED UP–HAVE MANY CONFIRMATIONS–WON’T BE LONG BEFORE WERE ALL AT THE BANK [soul Searcher] OKIE_OIL_MAN you beleive that in your heart Okie? [OKIE_OIL_MAN] SOUL–WHAT KIND OF A QUESTION IS THAT?–CAN’T YOU GUYS ACCEPT IT YET? [OKIE_OIL_MAN] YOU GUYS ARE TOO IMPATIENT–I STATED DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY IT WOULD TAKE A DAY OR TWO TO GET THRU THE SYSTEM—WELL IT HAS AND IT DID-==YOU KEEP WANTING MORE–THERE ARE NO MORE–WHAT DO I HAVE TO STATE TO MAKE YOU UNDERSTAND THAT IT IS COMPLETED—DO YOU WANT ME TO GO TO THE BANK SOON AND CASH IN FOR YOU ALSO— 11:35> [OKIE_OIL_MAN] I HOPE TODAY OR TOMMOROW IS MY LAST DAY ON THIS SITE–IT IS REALLY GETTING TO ME—BASH SOMEONE ELSE—DOUBT SOMEONE ELSE–BUT IT WON’T BE ME You know what okie, I've excepted that your intel sucks and you desperately want to be the one to say "I told you so!!", and thats fine. But after your absolute absurd history of being completely wrong, how dare you get so defensive and angry at someone asking if you TRULY belive this is it. I have only been following the Dinar world for like 6 or 7 months, and I sh*t you not, Ive heard you post that it was DEFINATELY done more times than I can count on both hands and feet... seriously. Remember when you said that only God could stop it from happening in the next day or two? How'd that turn out? Show a little humility and people might respect the time and effort you put into this, and give you some slack for being so incredibly wrong so often. My God man! WOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMBO..... YOU SAID A MOUTH FULL BUT IT ONLY MAKES FOR ENTERTAINMENT AND YOU SAID GOD DID STOP IT...LOOOOOL 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shinnidan Posted April 8, 2011 Report Share Posted April 8, 2011 wow...thats the first....the poster of Okies crap...wasnt defending! you get spared from being shot by me, fortytwo! +1 for you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JuryPicker Posted April 8, 2011 Report Share Posted April 8, 2011 Okie hasn't had a foot put up his A$$ lately it would appear. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dinarlady Posted April 8, 2011 Report Share Posted April 8, 2011 I agree with OKIE! People are so ignorant. They keep asking the same question over and over and over. Maybe change a word or two here and there and ask again. How many times can u tell someone the same thing over and over? Do you have kids? Then you know what its like when the say why? why? why?... Cut him some slack. At least he has the nads to try and post. If you dont like him or his posts, dont read them! No one is forcing you....... YOU DO KNOW HE IS LYING AND COMPLETELY MAKING EVERYTHING UP RIGHT? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MBarker Posted April 8, 2011 Report Share Posted April 8, 2011 Okie makes for some fun reading...............whether you like it or not. I dunno if I classify it as fun as as it is painful... kinda like watching a one legged man try to compete in a butt kicking contest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MSgt of Marines Posted April 8, 2011 Report Share Posted April 8, 2011 here is his newest post.... [OKIE_OIL_MAN] BACK ON–BEEN COVERED UP–HAVE MANY CONFIRMATIONS–WON’T BE LONG BEFORE WERE ALL AT THE BANK [soul Searcher] OKIE_OIL_MAN you beleive that in your heart Okie? [OKIE_OIL_MAN] SOUL–WHAT KIND OF A QUESTION IS THAT?–CAN’T YOU GUYS ACCEPT IT YET? [OKIE_OIL_MAN] YOU GUYS ARE TOO IMPATIENT–I STATED DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY IT WOULD TAKE A DAY OR TWO TO GET THRU THE SYSTEM—WELL IT HAS AND IT DID-==YOU KEEP WANTING MORE–THERE ARE NO MORE–WHAT DO I HAVE TO STATE TO MAKE YOU UNDERSTAND THAT IT IS COMPLETED—DO YOU WANT ME TO GO TO THE BANK SOON AND CASH IN FOR YOU ALSO— 11:35> [OKIE_OIL_MAN] I HOPE TODAY OR TOMMOROW IS MY LAST DAY ON THIS SITE–IT IS REALLY GETTING TO ME—BASH SOMEONE ELSE—DOUBT SOMEONE ELSE–BUT IT WON’T BE ME You know what okie, I've excepted that your intel sucks and you desperately want to be the one to say "I told you so!!", and thats fine. But after your absolute absurd history of being completely wrong, how dare you get so defensive and angry at someone asking if you TRULY belive this is it. I have only been following the Dinar world for like 6 or 7 months, and I sh*t you not, Ive heard you post that it was DEFINATELY done more times than I can count on both hands and feet... seriously. Remember when you said that only God could stop it from happening in the next day or two? How'd that turn out? Show a little humility and people might respect the time and effort you put into this, and give you some slack for being so incredibly wrong so often. My God man! Amen!!! I just hope that Okie isn't really from Oklahoma where i live! If he is please don't judge all Oklahomans because of his constant Pumping/lies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jericho Posted April 8, 2011 Report Share Posted April 8, 2011 Everybody bashes the guy while secretly hoping he is right. How exactly is he different than all the other incorrect gurus that have come and gone? Well, he's still around. I don't think he'd have stuck it out this long just for entertainment. Does he just want the attention, good or bad? I hope not. That would be sad. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jack Posted April 8, 2011 Report Share Posted April 8, 2011 (edited) You wanted the juice so he gave the juice. He brings the juice you drink the juice. Now you say it's bitter juice. You wanted it, you drank it! Nuff said Edited April 8, 2011 by jack 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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