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About BJinMontreal

  • Birthday October 8

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  1. News flash umbertino - NOT many Canadians do like Turdhole!!! The little brainwashed millennials and the illegal immigrants do, but that's about it. Our school system is as screwed as the American one with all these lunatic liberals convincing the kids that carbon dioxide is bad for the world and socialism and communism are good things and Justine has our news media licking his boots for the government handouts he gives them to keep him in power. How's that for a ****-tator?
  2. ummm - ain't nothing wrong with the CBI site ... it's business as usual ...
  3. Please forgive my Canadian counterpart - he don't do math good!!! It's our progressive liberal loonatic dictator's fault for destroying our country's health and welfare 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 16!!!
  4. Yes I did - thanks Thuggy - it worked like a charm!!! They finally dropped!!! Problem was - they dropped right out the bottom of the sack - just like a wet paper bag!!
  5. One has to wonder what the conversation that led to that video was ... Hey Luigi - wanna test your ability to stretch your understanding of physics? OMG - wait ... is he wearing a Montreal shirt?
  6. I did ... but sadly it worked as well as my get away wings ...
  7. Hey Rod and everyone for that matter. Yes you can start small - $25 - $50 in crypto. I moved $25 into verge when it was under a penny in early December ... transferred $100 into Etherium in my Binance account and bought and sold DOT DON CFC CJ and XLM over the past few weeks gaining 15 to 150% on each one. Not making millions, but the right timing had turned that $25 into almost $1000 before the latest drop. I'm still holding about 6 different coins worth $500 now just waiting for the next wave.
  8. Really - Corker who hid millions in income - until he got caught and had to file an amendment? Like he's a reliable source?
  9. Really? Do you even know what you linked to? Trump's NFL stance ... Few people have stronger conservative bona fides than Rush Limbaugh, but even the paragon of right-wing radio is starting to have doubts about the way President Trump is tackling NFL players' national anthem protests. Limbaugh, of course, thinks the players are disrespecting the anthem, the flag, the cops and the military. But he expressed fears Wednesday that Trump is leading America toward a slippery slope by using the power of the presidency to demand the NFL force players to stand for the anthem. "Trump is in the right, don’t misunderstand," Limbaugh said on his show. "But no president should have dictatorial power over individual behavior. A president should not be able to tell the owners of a business how their employees are gonna act and what they’re gonna swear allegiance to and all that. That’s up to the owners to do, and it’s up to the owners to come up with a system of punishment if their employees violate company policy, like it is in any other business." Limbaugh stressed that he thinks Trump's "motives are pure" but he said he doesn't "think that it is useful or helpful for any employee anywhere to be forced to do something because the government says they must. That scares hell out of me." "We don’t want the president being able to demand anybody that he’s unhappy with behave in a way he requires," he added. "That’s scary to me, even if the president’s somebody I happen to like." Limbaugh believes Trump's intervention worked, however. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell sent a letter to all 32 teams Tuesday that said players "should stand" during the national anthem, and that the NFL would present a plan next week aimed at moving "past the controversy." Limbaugh hailed the news, saying "I don't care how you slice it, it constitutes a Trump win." "I’m not so sure that if Trump had not applied pressure, that they would have changed," Limbaugh said.
  10. It's beginning to look more and more like an F.B.ISIS job .... Remember the Draw Mohammed Contest in Texas? Where the F.B.I. sold the weapons to the ISIS terrorists and goaded them into "shooting up Texas" ... even had one F.B.ISIS agent accompany them to the event where they went to spread automatic weapon fire into the crowds of infidels ... Victim of 'Draw Muhammad' ISIS-inspired terror attack sues FBI, accuses James Comey of cover-up by Todd Shepherd | Oct 2, 2017, 5:35 PM The security guard wounded in a 2015 ISIS-inspired terrorist attack at the "Draw Muhammad" event in Garland, Texas, is suing the FBI, and argues the bureau is liable for his damages because an agent "solicited, encouraged, directed and aided members of ISIS in planning and carrying out the May 3 attack," according to court documents filed Monday. If the plaintiff, Bruce Joiner, doesn't settle with the bureau, the case could shake loose hundreds of documents from both local and federal officials about what happened that day, and could answer the question of why an FBI agent was in a car directly behind the attackers and did nothing as the events unfolded. In May of 2015, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi drove from their home in Phoenix to the Curtis Culwell center in Garland where the "Draw Muhammad" contest was being held, in a car loaded with three rifles, three handguns, and about 1,500 rounds of ammunition. The two never made it inside, as guards, including Joiner, stopped them outside at a perimeter checkpoint, at which time Simpson and Soofi opened fire. Because the event was heavily guarded, the two were quickly shot and killed and barely made past the checkpoint where they opened fire. Joiner was the only victim that day. He took a bullet to the left leg, and ISIS would later claim credit for orchestrating the attack, making it the first ISIS-backed terror event on U.S. soil. Joiner's lawsuit is seeking just over $8 million in damages, and argues that the FBI essentially allowed the attack to happen. "The FBI helped the terrorists obtain a weapon that was used in the attack by lifting a hold during a background check, incited the terrorist to attack the Garland event, and even sent an agent to accompany the terrorists as they carried out the attack," the court filing said. The filing also alleged that former FBI Director Jim Comey lied in a "post-attack cover-up" about the bureau's knowledge of how the attack unfolded and what Comey and the bureau knew about what was likely to transpire. "In the aftermath of the attack, former FBI Director James Comey lied to the American people by claiming that Simpson was a needle in a haystack' that was 'invisible to us,'" the filing alleged. "Even after it had come to light that an undercover FBI agent had been communicating extensively with the terrorists during the week prior to the event and had accompanied them as they carried out the attack, the FBI continued to assert that "[t]here was no advance knowledge of a plot to attack the cartoon drawing contest." The FBI did not respond to a request for comment. Since the attack, a separate court case and a "60 Minutes" report in March revealed that an undercover FBI agent was in the car directly behind Simpson and Soofi when they opened fire, and was even taking pictures of the car about 30 seconds before the first shots were fired. That case even revealed that the agent had texted Simpson just weeks before with the message, "Tear up Texas." Shortly after the first shots were fired, the agent fled, and was briefly detained by Garland Police, as seen in a video still from WFAA TV in Dallas. Because of a separate court case tangentially related to Simpson and Soofi, it's known that the FBI had been monitoring Simpson for years, and that the FBI agent was undercover in the Phoenix ISIS cell had direct contact with them routinely in the months leading up to the attack. Joiner's attorney, Trenton Roberts told the Washington Examiner this year that he now believes the FBI might have been willing to let the attack unfold to even greater lengths. "It seems like it had to have been one or the other," Roberts told the Washington Examiner in April. "Just a complete botched operation where they [the FBI] don't want the attack to actually take place, or, it's something where they need the attack to take place in order for this guy [the agent] to advance in the world of ISIS." "And that's really what I think. I think that they thought, 'he's undercover and in order to advance, he needed to get pictures or video of this attack,' and then that would bolster his street cred within ISIS," Roberts said. The events have even unnerved some congressional elected officials, as both Sen. Ron Johnson, Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee and Senator Chuck Grassley, Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, have both made inquiries to the FBI in an attempt to get to the bottom of the story. Additional details of the court filing outline the facts that thus far loosely support a theory that the guns purchased by Simpson and Soofi may have been connected to the botched "Fast and Furious" operation by the Department of Justice, but the FBI and DOJ have been stubborn in their release of information that would clarify that issue. The Washington Examiner has recently requested documents from the Garland Police Department. Many of those documents were not released, however, because the department claimed that the investigation into the event was ongoing, despite the fact that the "case status" indicator in the reports for both Simpson and Soofi are marked as "closed/cleared." Open records advocates in Texas have called the use of the "pending" status to deny documents as a loophole that many police departments have used in the last twenty years after a minor change was made in the state's open record laws in the mid 1990's.
  11. He's NOT attacking the First Amendment - he's attacking the continuing MSM lies that are being used to tell the sheeple what to think!!! IF the MSM would just report the TRUTH - there'd be no problem - but the Democrat-controlled media knows that the lies are the ONLY thing keeping the Dems relevent to the American sheeple!!
  12. A made-up document is going to be the basis for continuing this collusion delusion ... Come on already!!! It's been almost a year now and they haven't found squat!!! GIVE IT UP !!!
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