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    Full endorsement on this opportunity - but it's limited, so get in while you can!

Deleting the zeros is not what you want!


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Ohhhhhh Goldiegirl.  That picture is way more enjoyable than listening to the old cow stomper yakking about swiss dinar.  HE gets his shorts all in a twist when it comes to the swiss dinar.  Let's send him to Zurich on a 777.  

Now don't you go talking about Dontlop yanking and things all twisted now...Bumper will be here to shut you down.  Besides, I don't want to know what he does in his private moments. ;)

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I negged you back for negging me. Bring your relatives on the site for a discussion why don't you?

And a chest.

Ya ewingm bring yo delusional relatives over like she says

These are all too difficult for a lopster to discuss. it takes thought and expansion of the mind. Something they can't do. They can only continue to repeat themselves like a broken record. :lol:

Yep ewingm is a broken record all right

Boy she sure did help you out ewingm

Your lucky

Ah ha ha ha ha ha

Another air head to your rescue

Ah ha ha ha ha

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Your way too funny ewingm

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha




Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Here's this is for you Goldie ewingms new mate

ewingm, on 16 Aug 2014 - 4:09 PM, said:

Talk about having NO credibility. Anyone who bought dinar has no fi ancial credibility.

ewingm, on 16 Aug 2014 - 4:27 PM, said:

You have NO fiscal credibility if you bought dinar. Period.Salivating over every rumor of an RV spouted by criminal gurus. You have NO credibility . Period.


I think he likes you too

This is sweet

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Ah ha ha ha ha

That's the biggest lie you told yet

You never showed anyone any official exchange rates for the Swiss dinar from anywhere before the exchange in 2003

You can't because there wasn't any

It was certainly not 150 to one

First of all Iraq had one currency code IQD

They didn't have two exchange rates at the cbi for IQD

So keepliar your caught again lying as usual

Lies on top of lies from keepliar

You didn't read the link I provided....The chart is there I'll post it again for you....

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Right off the first paragraph of your blog link oh brilliant one

Swiss Dinars" circulated in northern Iraq between 1993 and 2004 despite having been demonetized and discredited by their issuer, the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI).

So what was the official exchange rate at the cbi keepliar?

Demonetized means zero

Is that the best you can do

Ah ha ha ha ha ha

Your dismissed

Ah ha ha ha ha ha

The central bank of Iraq had one currency code IQD

That's funny it took you two years to post a blog that tells us the Swiss dinar was demonetized to back your claim that the cbi had an official exchange rate for their demonetized currency

That's pitiful

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Same blog keepm

Saddam Hussein disowned the Swiss dinar in a manner calculated to maximize his return. On May 5, 1993, the regime announced that all Swiss dinars had to be turned into the CBI for an equivalent amount of post-war currency over a six day exchange period ending May 10, 1993. After these six days had passed, the CBI would cease to honour the Swiss dinars as their liability. The entire issue of Swiss dinars was comprised of 25 dinar notes, so these were to be exchanged for 25 new dinars

I understand the entire article I've posted this article myself and do have it on my desktop

It does not talk about the "official exchange rate "of the Swiss dinar at the central bank on October 14, 2003

Or on October 15, 2003

If you remember how this entire discussion started

It started because of you and your defense of the Kuwait dinar not revaluing because you said the " official exchange rate at the central bank never changed "

So I moved to talk about the "official exchange rate of the Swiss dinar changing during the exchange"

But you keepm swear it didn't

Which it did

Remember keepm

" official exchange rate at the cbi"

So don't pretend like your not aware , you been arguing with your bs for two years that the "official exchange rate "at the cbi never changed because of a market rate in Kurdistan

I've asked you to show me the "official exchange rate " before and during the exchange and you have failed to produce it even to this day

Your campaign is finished keepliar

You cannot produce it because it didn't exist prior to the exchange because it was demonetized at the central bank of Iraq

There fore you can't "ever" produce it




It doesn't exist

So since the "official exchange rate "of the Swiss dinar " was "changed

Unlike the Kuwait dinar which is your reason for saying the Kuwait dinar did not rv

Do you concider the Swiss dinar to be a revaluation?

And if you say no because the purchasing power didn't change

How about the Kuwait dinar because it's purchasing power did change from 5 cents to $3.45 over night

And don't forget this

revaluation of a currency is a calculated adjustment to a country's. " official exchange rate "relative to a chosen baseline

only a decision by a country's government (i.e. central bank) can alter the official value of the currency. Contrast to "devaluation


Official exchange rate is the rate the country's govt is liable for

And they were not liable for one penny of the Swiss dinar on October 14 ,2003

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Apparently you can't even has a picture graph for illiterate people such as yourself and you couldn't even understand that...

There is no help for you if you were unable to comprehend the information in the link. It proves that you, like most other times, are wrong about the misinformation you are spreading....

The Kurds were given the same value for their swiss as they had been using it.

Can anyone help that tired old horse dontknow drink the water? I led him to it but he is having a real difficult time digesting the facts. Poor feller....

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I copied and posted it keepliar

Those are not the official exchange rates

The official exchange rate after 1993 was zero

It was demonetized

Your the one who can't read

Their Swiss dinar was not backed by anyone , not even the Kurdish govt

No one

The cbi new official exchange rate was backed up by real money in the central bank of Iraq

Where that money came from is a mystery

Saddam did not back the Swiss dinar at the central bank 150 times more than his own currency

Like you explained the Kuwait dinar keepliar the market rate doesn't matter , only the official rate counts

That is what you said about the Kuwait dinar right keepliar?

The market rate doesn't count ?

Now you want to be a hypocrit saying the market rate is what counts in Iraq

But in Kuwait the market rate doesn't count

You have lied so much you can't figure out how to cover your lies

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They are not the official exchange rates of the cbi keep

Do i need to post the definition of demonetized currency

I guess if someone starts using the saddam notes again that means it has an"official exchange rate "at the cbi

Use your head

And bang it against the wall a few more times

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Do I think you should go buy your dinar back because of what they did with the Swiss dinar ?

Absolutly not

I think you should buy it back so I can laugh at you

I think forcing the govt of Iraq to back the Swiss dinar 150 time what they backed the rest of the IQD in Iraq was not on the level

I think they did it as a reward because the Kurds were our allies

And they deserved it because they were essentially robbed and kept out of the exchange in 1993

Those Sunni Baathist are animals they chose to rip them off and gas the Kurds

Now the iraqi govt is being forced into inclusiveness of those savages into the Iraqi govt

Obama let the terrorists do as they please till they let someone take the pm job that would let those Sunni bass turds inside the halls of parliament

Now they will be demanding their way at the same time they are suicide bombing Baghdad just like they have been for the last ten years

I personally would of said no to the Americans and asked Russia for help

And shut down the American embassy till the USA govt was changed

But that's just me

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It sure doesn't say central bank official exchange rate

Keep banging your head on the wall soon you will see the light

Go get some saddam dinar notes and take them to the cbi and exchange them in at its official exchange rate keep

You would be better off doing that then trying to convince me the Swiss dinar had a official exchange rate at the cbi from 1993 thru 2003

I'm sure you still think the saddam notes are good to go at the cbi

Who cares if they are demonetized

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Here go read what the bis site says

Read at the bottom of page 9 underneath the pink chart

The Kurds were hoping that once the regime change took place that a new institution would be set up that would back the value of the Swiss dinar

It led to the assumption that their currency would have value

Now why would they say that if it already had value ?

No official exchange rate at the cbi for the Swiss dinar till after the regime change

Its a fact

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Owwwww!  My heads spinning.  One minute I'm flirting with Goldiegirl, and the next I'm dragging through 900 pages of dontlop's swiss dinar flatuations.  You've given me a brain freeze like you wouldn't believe!  Enough already.  Please.  I'm beggin ya. Quit the swiss, miss.

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Dontlop why are you responding in blind despiration???? Hang it up.  It was demonitized by Sadam had no official backing except the faith of the Kurds that it was exchanged among themselves... Ultimate fiat currency.

The BOE recognized that and were not going to screw-over the Kurds and they KNEW what it was worth to them and honored it.

NO RV just a fair value trade.


KEEP , I GOOGLED it . Sorry I dont know how to tag a find . But, I will research it and post the search argument.


I know it wont fend off DOGLOP , He still thinks only OFFICIAL rates count.

another lopster to stir the pot - how's your master Sam I am. His prediction that Maliki would be prime minister is wrong. I'm looking forward to more of his predictions becoming wrong ha ha ha lol
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Owwwww!  My heads spinning.  One minute I'm flirting with Goldiegirl, and the next I'm dragging through 900 pages of dontlop's swiss dinar flatuations.  You've given me a brain freeze like you wouldn't believe!  Enough already.  Please.  I'm beggin ya. Quit the swiss, miss.

Its obvious you don't read anything

If you did you would realize half of the posts are from you and keepm crying about dontlop

But for so e reason you went through 800 pages of keepms bs and need to blame it on me

See what you started by lying to every one about never before has anyone rvd more than 30%

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The Swiss chart shows the market rate of the Swiss dinar moving from 100 to 300 notes for one Swiss note In a year with no new notes added or subtracted from the money supply and back to 150 again

So it isn't based on reserves or money supply

It's just speculation that drove the Swiss dinar market rate up

And down

Based on the regime change and the perception the Swiss dinar would regain its value with new institutions that would come with regime change and the fact that the Swiss dinar would be backed by the new govt

But its value was just a perception and not based on any value of reserves or any govt that backed it because no govt backed it and no reserves backed it

Nor did the Kurdish govt back the Swiss dinar or lay any claims to it

It was the same deal we have today with the new dinar except the new dinar is restrained by the fact it is backed by reserves and the integrity of the govt of Iraq to maintain its stability and not allow its value to fluctuate all over a grid

As long as its stablized other country's will respect the value behind the new dinar

Any movement beyond 2% up or down from the official exchange rate would indicate instability

There's only one way to add to the value to the new dinar and that's going to come from more reserves per dinar

So one way is to add more foriegn currency to its reserves the other is to remove some of the number of dinar from circulation

In order to do it instantly they have to have a pile of foriegn currency sitting somewhere in hiding or delete the zeros and remove the number in coordination with the value increasing

If you remove one in ten dinar from circulation you can increase the value by 10%

That formula can be applied to any amount of dinar that is removed from circulation



So they based the value on perception

Not actual value since nothing backed the Swiss dinar

Bremmer ordered the re-monetization of the Swiss dinar and gave it an official exchange rate based on its perceived value by decree

And that's how the cbi came up with its new official exchange rate on October 15, 2003

Ordered by decree of the government

And if any changes are to come of the new dinar they will come from the govt of Iraq just like when the govt of kuwait by decree ordered the reinstatement of the official exchange rate in kuwait

The central bank doesn't make those decisions they only formulate and impliment what is ordered by the govt of Iraq

Mainly the ministry of finance

What does the ministry of finance say

Well that depends on who you are talking to within that ministry

We have heard they want to delete zeros and that they do not want to delete zeros because the Iraq economy is dependent on oil

What ever that means

I think what it means is it doesn't matter either way what they do it will still have the same value to the dollar when they are done

To delete the zeros would just simplify the book keeping

Just like if you were asked to write down two numbers




Which one would be easier to write down

I would say one you only need to write down one figure and the other you would need to write down 4 figures

So in my opinion writing down one figure is easier than writing down 4 figures

It's not rocket science

It's just going to get real boring around here if we come to a conclusion

So you blobsters can stick it up your tank

Were gonna be rich

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

So now we know why it's important to see how and why they did what they did with the Swiss dinar

It gives you some perspective on the perception of value against the real value

What's the real value of the new dinar

It's what the goi says they will back it at

1166 dinar for one dollar

Or they can just throw all the dinar into a pot and stir it up every day and let everyone think what ever they want to think

That should be real stable

So what do the experts say

They way it is right now even a war can't perceive any instability of the dinar value because it is backed 100% by foriegn reserves

Unless the United States dollar completely goes under then the Iraqi dinar as well as anyone using dollars to back their currency would also lose its value

But if the dinar moved its peg to a basket of currency like the sdr

That would indicate even more stability

So any talk of moving from the dollar to anything usually ends up with your country in some kind of a war

Libya did it

They depegged from the dollar and they ended up with regime change

It's amazing how one can stir the pot backwards when someone else starts stiring the pot

Russia wants to do away with the dollar , look at them

These guys are monsters


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Owwwww!  My heads spinning.  One minute I'm flirting with Goldiegirl, and the next I'm dragging through 900 pages of dontlop's swiss dinar flatuations.  You've given me a brain freeze like you wouldn't believe!  Enough already.  Please.  I'm beggin ya. Quit the swiss, miss.

Is that what you were doing flirting with a screen name

Are you sure who you were flirting with?

Ah ha ha ha ha

For all you know that was your idle tony TNT

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha

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I'm pleading with the dinarian community.  Please, Please,  take your deluded brother Dontlop upstairs and welcome him with open arms.  He is like you.  He walks, talks, and eats like you.  He drinks daily from the koolaide pitcher just like you.  He believes he will wake up one morning to discover that he is a millionaire, just like you.  He hides his dinars in his mattress, just like you.  He completely believes in the scam, just like you.  He believes in the 100,000% overnight RV of the iraqi dinar, just like you.  So take him home.  Upstairs.  To the koolaide community.  He does not belong in the crustacean pot.  We are non-believers in the dinar.  We think the dinarian is a delusionally loyal victim of a huge SCAM.  We do not yell "GOOORVVV" with every twitch in iraq's dismal news.   Please take Dontlop back.  Please.  We are very tired of his mindless rantings.   Please.

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I'm pleading with the dinarian community.  Please, Please,  take your deluded brother Dontlop upstairs and welcome him with open arms.  He is like you.  He walks, talks, and eats like you.  He drinks daily from the koolaide pitcher just like you.  He believes he will wake up one morning to discover that he is a millionaire, just like you.  He hides his dinars in his mattress, just like you.  He completely believes in the scam, just like you.  He believes in the 100,000% overnight RV of the iraqi dinar, just like you.  So take him home.  Upstairs.  To the koolaide community.  He does not belong in the crustacean pot.  We are non-believers in the dinar.  We think the dinarian is a delusionally loyal victim of a huge SCAM.  We do not yell "GOOORVVV" with every twitch in iraq's dismal news.   Please take Dontlop back.  Please.  We are very tired of his mindless rantings.   Please.


You're wrong.......The RV will happen sometime after lunch.   :P 


GO RV, and NO BV

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The Swiss chart shows the market rate of the Swiss dinar moving from 100 to 300 notes for one Swiss note In a year with no new notes added or subtracted from the money supply and back to 150 again

So it isn't based on reserves or money


holy sh*t your just now figured that out? What did that take? Like a year? After numerous people explained it to you over and over and over.....

So the rest of the babble is how your gonna be rich? But you sold which is it? If your gonna a lie at least keep your story straight.

just a other reason why people don't want you here or even in the forums upstairs. are neck deep in your own bs...and it takes you months to understand information provided. By the time you finally comprehend something, the topic is a year old lol

Not only that but you once again are acknowledging the Swiss has value before the exchange. It only took you like 8 hours on that to finally digest the link provided and to realize how ignorant you really are about anything pertaining to the dinar

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What are you stupid keep liar

That's not the official exchange rate exactly what I've been saying

The official exchange rate for the Swiss dinar between 1993 and 2003 was zero anything for a Swiss dinar

Your the one that's not getting it

You said the Kuwait dinar did not rv because the official exchange rate didn't change

Which by the way it did

So I told you the official exchange rate at the cbi went from zero to 150 over night October 14 2003

You lied and said it did not

I proved you been lying for 2 years and are still lying evidently

In case you didn't know the market rate is not the official exchange rate at the central bank

And incase you aren't smart enough to know who is and who isn't wanted upstairs keepm

Look at the tag below your picture

It's you

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After evaluating our latest poll, the results are overwhelming.  98% of the dinarian community want to receive  their brother Dontlop back upstairs into their koolaide forums.  They agree with me that Dontlops "insights" would be welcomed in the Rumors and Discussion threads.  They are mesmorized by his intellect just as they are mesmorized by TNT's truthful predictions.  Thank you so much, dinarians, in taking Dontlop back upstairs.  He belongs with you.  He is a believer. He sleeps on his dinars.  We, in the pot, are NOT believers in the "big" RV.  In fact we scoff at the whole RV scenario as ludicrous and pure nonsense.  Thank you for taking him "home".  He's been gone from your family too long.  Thank you.

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It really pains you to be proven wrong doesn't it ewingm

And it must really bother you that your hero has been proven wrong also while trying to fight your battle for you

Of course you want me gone so you can continue your charades

The only reason your on the pot ewingm is because your not welcome anywhere else

That's the only reason

Me on the other hand am welcome anywhere on this site

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