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Deleting the zeros is not what you want!


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The banks are not obligated to exchange any currency unless they choose to do so

There has to be a demand for that currency if not it will be sold at a discount then it would be in demand if they can make money by using it to buy petro dollars to buy Iraqi oil

Iraq would need to pass legal tender laws for anyone doing business in Iraq that they have to convert to dinar before buying anything from any iraqi business

Then there would be a demand for dinars

But not until

There won't be a demand to purchase any dinar from anyone until Iraq is set up and ready to do business globally

They don't even possess a sovereign credit rating yet

So until the private sector is unleashed , nothing will happen

That includes tariffs , and trade policy , and legal tender laws

Without legal tender laws in Iraq there will not be a demand for dinars

Why would someone convert to dinars and pay the fees if they can just use dollars or euros or rupees or yen ?

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The currency will be discounted until it teachs the point that you can make money off it

Look at the currency dealers right now

If someone under cut their prices

They would get all the business

So no matter what

Until there a demand for dinar it won't change

The Iraqi govt can create that demand

But how big a demand can they create

And how much debt is the rest of the world willing to hold ?

That depends on a stable government

How stable is Iraq ?

They know they have assets to back trillions of dollars worth of dinar

But what are the regulations and conditions for recovery of your money

Do ya got to have stealth bombers to get your money back?

They did after the Swiss dinar was demonetized

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What's the matter Goldie

Should I tell lies about you for the next couple years and you just say nothing

Then others like you can go call you names for posting the truth?

You got to be some kind of air head because you surely don't add much knowledge or wisdom to any topic

I wouldn't doubt it if someone said you were keepm

It's his style

And to think ewingm is flirting with you

Discusting behavior

I save my intellectual comments for the "paying" portion of this site.


Obviously something you don't get to see or you wouldn't make those comments.


You spew your so called truth and constant babbling to the "free" portion of this site and I might add, nobody even reads or listens to your rant.


You comments about my character and who I might be shows your level of intellect. What a fool you must be to live with.


Do you have any friends on this forum because from what I've seen in any of your posts, you don't seem to add any value to anyone reading them?


And...for your information I have known Keep for quite a while, long before you joined here, back in the days when the news articles were discussed with intelligent conversation, not the insults you seem to want to inflict here and outside of the lopster tank.

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I save my intellectual comments for the "paying" portion of this site.

Obviously something you don't get to see or you wouldn't make those comments.

You spew your so called truth and constant babbling to the "free" portion of this site and I might add, nobody even reads or listens to your rant.

You comments about my character and who I might be shows your level of intellect. What a fool you must be to live with.

Do you have any friends on this forum because from what I've seen in any of your posts, you don't seem to add any value to anyone reading them?

And...for your information I have known Keep for quite a while, long before you joined here, back in the days when the news articles were discussed with intelligent conversation, not the insults you seem to want to inflict here and outside of the lopster tank.

Preach it girl! Lol....your only stating the obvious!!

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What will it take in Iraq to make the CBI revalue the dinar?  That's the million dollar question.  That's what will determine whether the dinarian will be vindicated, or the lobster pot denizens have been correct.  What will be necessary for the CBI and the Finance Office to petition the world financial governing bodies for acceptance of a significant rate change.  Anybody in dinarland have an idea?  This is the ONLY factor which means anything.  Without world acknowledgement AND acceptance, any new RV of the dinar will be useless to you.  Saddam tried to proclaim a $3 dinar but the world rejected it as fanticiful.  It was only accepted within the iraq borders, which is meaningless.  What will it take?  Sound off you lemmings. 

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Keep, I've decided not to respond to him anymore. I think just poking fun at him will be much more enjoyable. :lol:


How about this for an avatar?





Or maybe this one. After you have beaten him down with logic and he runs home screaming.



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I save my intellectual comments for the "paying" portion of this site.


Obviously something you don't get to see or you wouldn't make those comments.


You spew your so called truth and constant babbling to the "free" portion of this site and I might add, nobody even reads or listens to your rant.


You comments about my character and who I might be shows your level of intellect. What a fool you must be to live with.


Do you have any friends on this forum because from what I've seen in any of your posts, you don't seem to add any value to anyone reading them?


And...for your information I have known Keep for quite a while, long before you joined here, back in the days when the news articles were discussed with intelligent conversation, not the insults you seem to want to inflict here and outside of the lopster tank.

You have no intellect

My statement about you stands

I'm sure you would like comments from a liar it seems to fit your mo

Have keepm tell ya more about how if the cbi doesn't revalue the dinar that the United Nations would do it for them

Trust him Goldie

He's locked down for a reason

Oh I known keepm since he was the biggest liar on dv

I'm so proud

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Keep, I've decided not to respond to him anymore. I think just poking fun at him will be much more enjoyable. :lol:

How about this for an avatar?


Or maybe this one. After you have beaten him down with logic and he runs home screaming.


Lol super swiss it is!!! Cape and all!!

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You are no different then your two lopster buddy's screen names

Do you think you irritate me

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha

Like I said if its revealed that you are just another one of keepms screen names it wouldn't surprise me

Your " friend is a liar " that is proven numerous times

So go do your thing Goldie

And then explain your intellect to them

I know better

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I'm with dontlop on this one - goldie girl do you really think keepem is the man for all the logic on the dinar, also have you sold out like keepem has?

You are a foolish monkey. I never said Keep was the man for all logic. I just don't think he fights dirty like Dontlop and you do sometimes.


I can't stand the spewing of Dontlop's garble all over the site.  You have also taken a few shots at me and I never did anything to you, so why the fist fight with me?


You jump to conclusions and you think I have sold out...where do you get that load of crap?  You are not even worth my time.

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I'm with dontlop on this one - goldie girl do you really think keepem is the man for all the logic on the dinar, also have you sold out like keepem has?

Did you even read what she wrote? No where did she say that I'm the man to listen to in regards to logic on the dinar lol....classic case of twisting words and hearing only what you want, not what's actually being said...

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Did you even read what she wrote? No where did she say that I'm the man to listen to in regards to logic on the dinar lol....classic case of twisting words and hearing only what you want, not what's actually being said...

Sorry Keep, I tried to visit here for a bit, but this place is just too full of ADHD Brain Farted little boys.


Hope your little girl is bringing you much joy and that you're enjoying the summer with her. I'm off...workday is over. :wave:

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You are a foolish monkey. I never said Keep was the man for all logic. I just don't think he fights dirty like Dontlop and you do sometimes.


I can't stand the spewing of Dontlop's garble all over the site.  You have also taken a few shots at me and I never did anything to you, so why the fist fight with me?


You jump to conclusions and you think I have sold out...where do you get that load of crap?  You are not even worth my time.

you have quite the sharp tongue goldie girl - I respect dontlop more than I will ever respect keepem. I will leave it at that peace !

You are a foolish monkey. I never said Keep was the man for all logic. I just don't think he fights dirty like Dontlop and you do sometimes.


I can't stand the spewing of Dontlop's garble all over the site.  You have also taken a few shots at me and I never did anything to you, so why the fist fight with me?


You jump to conclusions and you think I have sold out...where do you get that load of crap?  You are not even worth my time.

I can point you to loads of times where keepem has fought dirty - of you need examples let me know and I will post the various threads that pissed tons of people off!
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Goldie knows keepm can't fight the battles he starts

Why do ya think goodies screen name is here

Keepm needs a side kick ewingm does it but not smart enough , they think three might be enough

But liars never win over the truth

Both ewingm and keepm are proven liars

Goldie may be the next to lie to cover up the truth

Edited by dontlop
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Sorry Keep, I tried to visit here for a bit, but this place is just too full of ADHD Brain Farted little boys.

Hope your little girl is bringing you much joy and that you're enjoying the summer with her. I'm off...workday is over. :wave:

No worries...The kids in here gang up on anyone who doesn't like them. The truth hurts their feelings...

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I keep coming back to the single important issue for this forum.  What will it take for the CBI and the Financial Office to petition for a revalue of the 1166 peg?  It is the only question.  Without movement towards that event, there is no payday for dinarians.  Any takers?,  or do you want to continue another 10 pages of meaningless BALONEY.

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