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Deleting the zeros is not what you want!


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Oh and by the way

The fact remains the same , The official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

The official exchange rate at the cbi was zero for the Swiss dinar on October 14 , 2003

A monkey can beat you lopsters in a debate

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After evaluating our latest poll, the results are overwhelming.  98% of the dinarian community want to receive  their brother Dontlop back upstairs into their koolaide forums.  They agree with me that Dontlops "insights" would be welcomed in the Rumors and Discussion threads.  They are mesmorized by his intellect just as they are mesmorized by TNT's truthful predictions.  Thank you so much, dinarians, in taking Dontlop back upstairs.  He belongs with you.  He is a believer. He sleeps on his dinars.  We, in the pot, are NOT believers in the "big" RV.  In fact we scoff at the whole RV scenario as ludicrous and pure nonsense.  Thank you for taking him "home".  He's been gone from your family too long.  Thank you.


He lives upstairs.....but does his dirty laundry down here.   :shrug: 


GO RV, and NO BV

I've often said that you can learn an awful lot about a person's true character by either playing golf with him or looking at what avatar they choose.  Yours is obvious!!


Well judging from your avatar and the fact that I've never kicked your butt on the links.......I can only assume you're hiding something.   :D 


GO RV, and NO BV

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You are correct, Shabs.  My avatar shows a complete lack of creativity, which is an indicator of low intelligence.  Therefore you are safe to assume that I am an unimaginative neanderthal who couldn't pass a 2nd grade IQ test.  But........I was smart enough to not have been sucked into the Dinar Scam.  While your "investment" money is stagnant and unavailable to you, mine is growing everyday and is as accessible as a phone call.  Ahhhhhhhhh.........the joy of unfettered finances!   I think I'll just keep my avatar.

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What are you stupid keep liar

That's not the official exchange rate exactly what I've been saying

The official exchange rate for the Swiss dinar between 1993 and 2003 was zero anything for a Swiss dinar

Your the one that's not getting it

You said the Kuwait dinar did not rv because the official exchange rate didn't change

Which by the way it did

So I told you the official exchange rate at the cbi went from zero to 150 over night October 14 2003

You lied and said it did not

I proved you been lying for 2 years and are still lying evidently

In case you didn't know the market rate is not the official exchange rate at the central bank

And incase you aren't smart enough to know who is and who isn't wanted upstairs keepm

Look at the tag below your picture

It's you

Oh so getting rate information from the UN and the Central bank of Iraq isn't official? Lol....your a clown....where are the millionaire kurds???

But only yours is official cause it was set by the CPA which isn't even a central bank....hahaha you are hilarious

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The official exchange rate was set at the cbi keepm on October 15, 2003

And you know it

Go tell your family your lies keepm

And you know for a fact if you read the article that you posted

The cbi had demonetized the Swiss dinar in 1993

There are no other records of any official exchange rates at the cbi until the cbi exchanged the dinar in 2003

You sure can't produce any

All you can produce is market rates based on speculation of a regime change in Iraq

But you cannot produce any official exchange rates from the cbi.

I posted the bank of international settlement link where all the information from your blog link originated

Its up to you to read it

The CPA was the govt of Iraq at the time they reset the rate for the central bank of Iraqs exchange in 2003

You want to learn

Go read the bis link I provided for you

Start on page nine under the pink graph

That way you can see right away the Swiss dinar had no value it says that right there on the bis site

It had no value because no one backed it

Here keepliar.

Bank of international settlement link where your blog link got its information

You know the link you provided that spells it out for ya that the Swiss dinar was demonetized in 1993 by the central bank of Iraq

Start right below the pink Swiss dinar chart on page nine

I'm sure everyone else will read it and know you are a liar

5 pages of proof keep is a liar just like he was when he said in 2010 the rv is done and if the cbi doesn't rv it the United Nations will

And he told every one to trust him right here on dinar vets

He hasn't stopped lying yet

The fact remains the same , The official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

Unless keepm can show two currency codes at the cbi on October 14,2003 which he can't


One official exchange rate at the cbi on October 14,2003

Oh here ya go

Iraqs exchange rate history back thru 1980 to present day

Show us keepm where the Swiss dinar is on the United Nations exchange rates

Edited by dontlop
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Hey Keeps.  Have you voted yet?  We're sending Dontlop and his swiss dinar upstairs where he belongs.  Those people up there will believe every word that comes out of his mouth.  Heck, they still believe in the "big" RV don't they?  Yep.  They still do. Dontlop is their kind of people.  He belongs with "them".  The  koolaide drinking, guru believing, dinar buying scam loving, TNT honoring, sheeple.  And Dontlop belongs with them.  Come on Shabs,........take your cousin home.  He needs a rest up there in la-la land after we crustaceans beat the tar out of him.  Poor Dontlop needs healing time.   Thanks.

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You been trying your crap for two days ewingm

Your a failure

Someone has to keep you from lying to people

I volenteered

So as long as you tell the truth I'll just smack ya around a little

But if you start your lying I'll just bury you like always

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Dontlop just needs to vacation with his own people for a change.  We lobsters rattled his cage once to often and he lost touch with reality, descending into a "swiss dinar" relapse.  Like an out of control belt drive.  Just keeps recycling the same monotonous theme.  Old dontlop needs healing time for his methane induced , koolaide saturated , guru believing  scam loving  poor self.  We cooked him, broiled him, and served him up with butter.  Just like we do with all the "dreamers" that dare enter the "tank".  I think we scared Caz, the bread man, into the next county!  I heard we drove DB into hiding out in Ireland!

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Dontlop just needs to vacation with his own people for a change.  We lobsters rattled his cage once to often and he lost touch with reality, descending into a "swiss dinar" relapse.  Like an out of control belt drive.  Just keeps recycling the same monotonous theme.  Old dontlop needs healing time for his methane induced , koolaide saturated , guru believing  scam loving  poor self.  We cooked him, broiled him, and served him up with butter.  Just like we do with all the "dreamers" that dare enter the "tank".  I think we scared Caz, the bread man, into the next county!  I heard we drove DB into hiding out in Ireland!


I'm your huckleberry.    :eyebrows:   I don't know a thing about the the chances of you scaring me are slim, Slim.   :D  And I still exchanged for some, you say?  You bet your sweet bippy.   :P 


GO RV, and NO BV

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I held my own fairly well

I welcome you to poke holes if you can

Here ewingm

Start poking

The fact remains the same , The official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

What is not the truth about that ?

Keeps been trying for years

He can't produce anything but a market rate

He can't stand even saying the words "official exchange rate "

Except when he explains the Kuwait dinar did not rv

Then he can't say it enough

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Poor Dontlop.  He should have got out of the tank sooner.  Now its probably too late.  His brain has liquidized.  Swiss! Swiss? Swiss#%<@/$  Where am I?  Who am I?  I need to go home.  Back to koolaideville.  I need to join my buddies Shabs, Caz, DB, wherever they are.  Shabs, please come save me from the cruel, but very well informed, lobsters.  They debunk everything I say.  Only Shabs, Caz, and DB still believe me.  They're just like me.........lemmings.  

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Who the heck cares about the Marshall Plan.  Are you stuck in 1946, DB?  We're not going to rebuild Iraq like we did europe.  How come every avatar that represents a monkey has to come to the pot?  We ain't selling bananas in the tank, so all you koolaide drinkin, guru spewing, dinar lovin'  chimps just take it back upstairs.

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Two monkey avatars.  You gotta be a chimp to have bought dinars.  Keeps, we gotta get us some bananas to feed these boys.  I bet we can teach dontlop and db to do tricks for a banana treat.  If you can teach a monkey how to fly a space capsule, we oughta be able to educate them on the nonsense of the dinar.  Probably not.  The monkeys that flew the space capsule didn't drink guru koolaide. 

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