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Deleting the zeros is not what you want!


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You and all your dinarian buddies are STILL looking for the 100,000% RV.  Its what keeps you coming back everyday.  It made you re-finance your house mortgage.  It made you cash-in your kids college fund just so you could by more koolaide paper.  Its an addiction.  Like cocaine.  You won't admit it, but your little dinarian heart pumps purple juice instead of blood.  Keep the dream alive, dontlop.

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What dream is that ewingm ?

Your dream about me having a mortgage ?

You know your out of your league over here at dinar vets yet you remain

Why do you remain?

Because you learn from us every day that's why

Like shabs said

You rail against the dinar to attract the dinarians so they can teach you what they know

I have noticed you don't add anything to the topic

You just ridicule people

Yet your allowed to remain a member

I do own a hundred dollars worth of Iraqi dinar

I know that really bothers you since you can't afford that much money

I can easily spend 150 on a night out

The hundred dollars I spent on dinar allows me to hang around here unrestricted

You are locked up because of your mouth

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha

I don't think their going to lop so to you that means I am a pumper pumping a 100,000% rv

Ah ha ha ha ha ha

Ya your real smart

My neighbors dog is chained up to his dog house

My neighbor tells me his dog is smart

I look at it chained up to his house and I just respond ya he's real intelligent

Kinda like you ewingm

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I keep seeing this number over and over again.  I can't get it out of my head. It's like a brain worm.  1166.  1166  1166  1166  1166  1166.  Its the best speculation of the 21st century.!!!!   My guru told me so.  He told me over and over and over and over that my dinar would make me  RICHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!   I still believe him.  I do.  I can't help myself, I have an addiction to the dinar.  I know its toilet paper, but I'm a guru addict.  Please help me ewingm.  I know you have the answers.

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I'm really happy for your relatives ewingm

You should cosign for them so they can buy some more dinar and more dong

Though it's looking kinds bleak for you to be named in your elderly relatives last will testament

That's the best part about it

If they do leave you anything it's going to be Iraqi dinar

I know

I know

That's your biggest concern

You were hoping for a nice check when they take their dirt nap but your going to get toilet paper instead

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Dontknow you can stop with the make believe swiss cheese......we get it, you haven't the slightest idea of what happened with the Swiss dinar. But your gonna bring other members down to your intelligence level and that's just not fair to them. Keep your misguided history to yourself.

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Dontknow you can stop with the make believe swiss cheese......we get it, you haven't the slightest idea of what happened with the Swiss dinar. But your gonna bring other members down to your intelligence level and that's just not fair to them. Keep your misguided history to yourself.

Here ya go oh brilliant one

Who cares how or why it was revalued ?

You ?

The fact remains the same the official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

It is what it is no matter how many screen names say it isn't

Go sit in the corner with the jackabutts

You have no credibility keepm according to ewingm

Oh and you are a criminal too according to ewingm

Edited by dontlop
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Here ya go oh brilliant one

Who cares how or why it was revalued ?

You ?

The fact remains the same the official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

It is what it is no matter how many screen names say it isn't

Go sit in the corner with the jackabutts

You have no credibility keepm according to ewingm

Oh and you are a criminal too according to ewingm keep forgetting one thing swiss, the central bank of Iraq didn't set the 150 to 1 was set by the technically what you are calling an "official" new exchange rate, isn't at all cause it wasn't set by any central bank lol....

Your a clown....Stop trying to change history...

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Oh k genius

The central bank official exchange rate was changed it doesn't matter if it was the goi or the CPA

Who cares


It doesn't change a thing

The fact remains the same the official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

Over night rv

Written all over it

Big bold letters

Edited by dontlop
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The CPA set it....not a bank....therefore, unofficial....just like most of your banter...belongs in the dumpster.

Let me ask you this, we're the Kurds also suddenly able to purchase 150 times more stuff then before? We're the Kurds suddenly rich beyond belief? I mean if their currency was worth absolute zero then they couldn't buy anything at all right? Lol....dang those guys survived years without having to buy anything at all huh? Lol...

Still a clown...

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Yes in Kuwait the purchasing power rose along with the revaluation

And yes the Kurds were able to convert their currency to use any where in Iraq they wanted to after that so yes their purchasing power was increased

You can't handle the truth

It was the " official exchange rate at the cbi"

Not at the CPA

Your just upset because all your intel has been proven false since you joined this forum

The fact is behind closed doors there was talk of a revaluation of the Iraqi dinar

But it was not completely out in the open

And bits and pieces of that information was leaked out

Then the gurus were born

It's where you came from keep

You and your intel

There was going to be a rv but they were talking about rving the Swiss iraqi dinar and that has already taken place

But the bs was already half way around the world

What you heard was misinformation with a twist of 007

Double o seven

Bs intel

After the rv was over the morons took over and kept it alive and dinar sales took off on that bs intel and passed around by people like you

Now you know why you were misled

It was someone who thought they had some inside info

But they didn't know the whole story

I know one thing for a fact

You can't deny this fact

The fact remains the same , The official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

I will give you this

Deleting the zeros is not what these people want to see

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Lol wait a minute, so you just unconsciously admitted that it didn't happen like that with the Swiss dinar and the kurds, and switched it to a different situation all together with another currency just debunked yourself about the Swiss dinar. How does that feel? should probably stop while you're ahead!

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And all I'm talking about is the official exchange rate at the cbi

Not the market rate

Unlike Kuwait where they both moved simoultanously with the govt of Kuwait reinstatement of their dinar

Where both the official exchange rate and the market rate both increased

Now how do you reasearch your information when you look back through out history to see if a country has ever revalued their currency

You look at the official exchange rate of the central bank

You don't look at the market rate

The official exchange rate is the rate that the currency is guarenteed at by the government of that country

When the country goes broke so does the central bank

The central bank of Iraq is owned 100% by the central government of Iraq

Not by share holders

Say it

" Official exchange rate "

Lol wait a minute, so you just unconsciously admitted that it didn't happen like that with the Swiss dinar and the kurds, and switched it to a different situation all together with another currency just debunked yourself about the Swiss dinar. How does that feel? should probably stop while you're ahead!

Big bold letters keep

Over night rv of the official exchange rate of the Swiss dinar

The fact remains the same , The official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

They couldn't go anywhere and spend their Swiss dinar before October 15 2003

It was worthless every where in the world

Until the cbi gave it its value back and backed it up with reserves through a exchange

They couldn't buy a piece of gum with it

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This should all work out great now since chalabi dropped out so his votes could go to a daddyo

Chalibi is such an upstanding citizen and believes in the rule of law

Here read this paragraph

It is common knowledge that much Iraqi money was counterfeited after the illegal U.S. invasion of 2003. Both the new Saddam-less dinars and the former currency with the Iraqi president were fair game for copiers.

The biggest culprit was Ahmed Chalabi, everyone’s favorite crook. He had warehouses full of counterfeit bills of both eras. Eventually, he was caught, but he never was tried or fined for the crime of which the magnitude was staggering. Being of the same crooked mentality of the stooges now in power in Iraq, Chalabi was named as Minister of Energy. Instead of disavowing such actions, the quislings held Chalabi in high esteem because he was able to rob much more than they could.

In sure chalibi will have his hands in deep into the bowl of corruption

He surely didn't drop out for free

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You debunked yourself about the Swiss and your still babbling? Lol....give it a rest. You can't go back now and any remaining credibility you had on the topic just went out the window...

You are about the equivalent of a TV repair man trying to tell a brain surgeon how to perform his operations....clown....that's all you are now.

Your just like all the dinar get proven wrong about one thing you say but then we are supposed to believe your remaining statements on the same subject? Haha fat chance burned yourself....The rest of what you say is now deemed irrelevant.

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The fact remains the same , The official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

Rvs do happen

Its plain as day

You can't say the official exchange rate didn't change because it did

And you even admitted it keep

You said they changed it because if the market rate

And you also said they changed it because the CPA ordered it

So there's no denying it keep even you admit it

The official exchange rate fro the Swiss Iraqi dinar at the central bank of Iraq was revalued October 15 2003

I don't care if Santa Claus was the one who told the cbi to revalue the official exchange rate of the Swiss dinar

None of that matters

What matters is that they did do it and you admitted it many times even before this conversation

So why lie ?

The fact remains the same , The official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

Edited by dontlop
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The fact remains the same , The official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

Rvs do happen

Its plain as day

You can't say the official exchange rate didn't change because it did

And you even admitted it keep

You said they changed it because if the market rate

And you also said they changed it because the CPA ordered it

So there's no denying it keep even you admit it

The official exchange rate fro the Swiss Iraqi dinar at the central bank of Iraq was revalued October 15 2003

I don't care if Santa Claus was the one who told the cbi to revalue the official exchange rate of the Swiss dinar

None of that matters

What matters is that they did do it and you admitted it many times even before this conversation

So why lie ?

The fact remains the same , The official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

If that's your argument your case is dismissed....which you even proved lol

Again there was never any "official" exchange rate set by the was the CPA, again making your point wrong and irrelevant...

Another swing and a miss!! You wanna say your were actually talking about the Kuwait dinar now? Hahaha

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Two pages of dontlop ranting about the swiss dinar.  Who cares.  Nobody made money on it.  It was just another adjustment made due to Saddam's manipulations.  We're not saying that currencies in the world haven't rv'ed.  They have.  But none higher than 30% and still recognized  by world financial organizations.  So lets look at the MOST important point here.  For dinarians to be able to cash in their dinars in the US, the banks and the FED will have to redognize and HONOR the dinar as an international currency with a universally accepted and HONORed ISO code and exchange rate.  I'm not talking IN COUNTRY of IRAQ, I'm talking in the US.  None of you koolaide drinkers are going to fly into Baghdad with a suitcase full of dinars and fly out with three suitcases full of dollars without being arrested.  IT IS AGAINST IRAQI LAW TO DO SO. I am not yelling, I am emphasizing.  No currency in the history of mankind has EVER RVed to the tune of 100,000% overnight.  NOT a single time.  And that is EXACTLY what every dinarian believes in their little koolaide hearts will happen.    Its a scam people.

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You made a false statement ewingm

I corrected you

Obviously I was talking to someone

So someone cares

Especially you I see

You had the most responses

Keepm came in second

All responding to dontlop

Not to each other I might add

Nothing you said could change the fact

The fact remains the same , The official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

Over night rv

Plain as day

While your back was turned

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