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The most the official exchange rate at the cbi could of been on october 14, 2003 could of been was one Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar because Iraq only had one currency code IQD

But then on October 15 2003 the official exchange rate at the cbi for the Swiss dinar was 150 times the saddam dinar

Just like that an over night rv

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Dontlop, you continue to try and misdirect the important point.  Actually THE only point of importance to dinarians.  In order to get rich, (which is the only reason anyone bought dinars for), the US financial organizations must ACCEPT and HONOR the new exchange rate. You surely must concede this point.  Right now, NO bank in the US recognizes the iraqi dinar even at a paltry 1166 to 1 exchange rate.  What on God's green earth makes you actually believe that the US would EVER honor a 100,000% RV of the iraqi dinar?  You seriously can't believe this can you?  The ONLY people in the ENTIRE world who belive this are the brain-washed koolaide drinking , guru believing gullible DINARIANS.!!

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I'm not talking about the dinar we hold today ewingm so I'm not " mis directing "anything am I

Your just trying to steer this conversation away form a fact about the Swiss dinar aren't cha ?

The fact ewingm

The fact that you cannot change

The fact remains the same , The official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

Just aknowledge that fact and it all goes away doesn't it

But you want to make it about dontlop even if you must stray from the facts to do it

The important point is showing you that your statement was incorrect ewingm about there never being a revaluation over 30% before in history

Two times the exchange rate would be 100% revaluation

150 times is a lot more than that

Its 15,000% increase in the official exchange rate at the cbi for the Swiss dinar over night by decree and decree only , it has to be by decree or they would have to put 150 times the reserves into the cbi for each Swiss dinar to back up the peg to the dollar as they had for the saddam dinar in reserves at the cbi to back its peg to the dollar

Unless you can prove this statement false it stands as a fact

The fact remains the same , The official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

I think that just about raps it up

Stick that up your " proven false a thousand times "

You can't prove it false one time let alone a thousand times



Now go get all your scientists and college professors and financial wizards and prove it false

Email it out around the globe to all your article writers

Here it is send it out to " your intel sources"

The fact remains the same , The official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

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The dinar "speculation" has absolutely NOTHING to do with the swiss dinar.  Absolutely nothing.  People bought the IRAQI dinar for one reason, and it had nothing to do with the swiss dinar.  You're throwing out a "straw man" to deflect proper discussion on what REALLY matters, which is the IRAQI dinar RV.  Nobody on this forum gives two dangs about the swiss dinar.  They are only focused on the IRAQI dinar.  Its the IRAQI dinar which would make them millionaires (gag) if it were to RV at 100,000% overnight.  So try and stay on subject cow stomper.  Quit trying to muddy up the waters with useless straw men that nobody cares about.  How about discussing your thoughts on 1166 as the number that hasn't budged in nearly a decade of guru salivating, lie spewing  koolaide drinking.  Discuss that for a change.

Oh, that's right.  That discussion makes you "uncomfortable" doesn't it?

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 The largestrv in history was only 30%.

I tried to correct you and the lopsters went haywire again for three pages attacking dontlop

I never said the Swiss dinar had anything to do with anything

Just correcting your mistake you made in the above quote

You should be thanking me for educating you ewingm

According to you ewingm your only here to learn about the dinar so you can protect your delusional elderly relatives who bought dinar

But all you do here is cause havoc and ridulicule the members

You are the one trying to make a point using false information to make it

So make your assumptions without the made up bull chit or you risk the possibility of getting hammered again

The fact remains the same , The official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

Two times the exchange rate is 100% increase

The Swiss dinar increased by 150 times over night on October 14 2003

Look it up

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Dontlop, you're like the energizer bunny.  You just keep on ticking on the swiss dinar which has NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING to do with the iraqi dinar RV.  Dinarians don't care about the swiss dinar.  So why do you contine to come back to it?  Because you believe the swiss dinar PROVES that a 100,000% iraqi dinar is possible.  It isn't, it never has been, and it NEVER will rv like that.  Only the koolaide, guru believing, deer in the headlights believers still believe that.  And you know what?  I think YOU believe it too, or you wouldn't keep defending the dinar speculation.  Dontlop, you've got that purple stain all over your mouth.   Sad.  Very sad.

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Hey Keep looks like the Ravens are making all the right adjustments. Good game last night.

I missed that game!'s hard to catch all the preseason because of regional blackouts depending on where you live. I Def won't miss my boys today though lol....let's go panthers!

You made a false statement ewingm

I corrected you

Obviously I was talking to someone

So someone cares

Especially you I see

You had the most responses

Keepm came in second

All responding to dontlop

Not to each other I might add

Nothing you said could change the fact

The fact remains the same , The official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

Over night rv

Plain as day

While your back was turned

You admitted you were wrong earlier about the Swiss dinar, and now your backtracking again and saying now that it did revalue again? Lol....

There was no official exchange rate by the CBI....The CPA set it...that's not a central bank, therefore no official exchange rate.

Do we also need to go over again about how the Kurds got no more money in return during the exchange then what they had prior? You even admitted that unconsciously in your babbling.

So let's break it down change in exchange rate (were simply offered an exchange for a different currency) and they didn't receive any more money (in value) then what they had basically your saying that if the value of a currency stays the same, then its a gigantic revaluation? ??

Hahaha your still a clown....guess I can say that the USD I hold revalued by 1000 percent last night cause today its the same and I can't buy any more goods and services then I could yesterday....

Are you beginning to see how ridiculous and ignorant you sound when you babble?

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I missed that game!'s hard to catch all the preseason because of regional blackouts depending on where you live. I Def won't miss my boys today though lol....let's go panthers!

You admitted you were wrong earlier about the Swiss dinar, and now your backtracking again and saying now that it did revalue again? Lol....

There was no official exchange rate by the CBI....The CPA set it...that's not a central bank, therefore no official exchange rate.

Do we also need to go over again about how the Kurds got no more money in return during the exchange then what they had prior? You even admitted that unconsciously in your babbling.

So let's break it down change in exchange rate (were simply offered an exchange for a different currency) and they didn't receive any more money (in value) then what they had basically your saying that if the value of a currency stays the same, then its a gigantic revaluation? ??

Hahaha your still a clown....guess I can say that the USD I hold revalued by 1000 percent last night cause today its the same and I can't buy any more goods and services then I could yesterday....

Are you beginning to see how ridiculous and ignorant you sound when you babble?

Your the same liar you always were keepm

No wonder your in the situation your in

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The fact remains the same , The official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

Over night rv

At the cbi who did the exchange in 2003

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Let's see

The fact remains the same , The official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

Nope no holes yet

It still stands

Go ahead keep show us that the official exchange rate for the Swiss dinar at the central bank of Iraq was always 150 to one before October 15 2003

Then you have shot a hole thru it

Until then you are a liar

Edited by dontlop
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Let's see

The fact remains the same , The official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

Nope no holes yet

It still stands

So now your saying the central bank of Iraq set the exchange rate for the Swiss dinar when history shows it was the CPA who set it?

Did you call them already and demand the history books be changed because dontknow has the real scoop? Lol....clown

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I said what I said right here keepm

Stop your lying

Here keep put holes in it if you can

The fact remains the same , The official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

I don't care if Santa clause told them to set it keep

The fact is this

The fact remains the same , The official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

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I said what I said right here keepm

Stop your lying

Here keep put holes in it if you can

The fact remains the same , The official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

I don't care if Santa clause told them to set it keep

The fact is this

The fact remains the same , The official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

You already admitted you were wrong....history dictates you are wrong....The "official" exchange rate dictates you are wrong because there was no official exchange many more wrongs till it makes what dontknow says right? Lol...Unfortunately it doesn't work like that swiss....and your the only one on these forums that doesn't understand this stuff.

Your dismissed...

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If anyone admitted they were wrong keep its you

Your the one who's presenting the reason why the cbi official exchange rate was changed over night by 15,000% by decree of the CPA on October 15th 2003

You explained it

I don't care how they did it or if the easterbunny gave the rate to the cbi or the govt of Iraq gave them the rate

I don't care its insignificant

The fact is and always will be

The fact remains the same , The official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

And you keepm have not nor ever will be able to change that

Its history now

It's over

You admit it happened because you can't disprove the facts I presented

Here keep disprove this

The fact remains the same , The official exchange rate at the central bank of Iraq for the Swiss dinar was not 150 Swiss dinar to one saddam dinar note on October 14 2003 and on October 15 2003 it was

You cant

Here's the link keepm

Disprove it

The official exchange rates are listed in section 5 keepm that you say didn't exist

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Dontlop,  you are the quintessential example of a brainwashed dinarian.  You're like a record stuck on "repeat".  Noone cares about the stupid swiss dinar.  Nobody cares about the stupid iraq dinar either, except you koolaide kids.  Delusional loyaty to a scam is......well......delusional.

When facts no longer matter, and only the delusion exists, then you are in need of serious psychotherapy.  And I'm just the man to help you.  See how I helped Caz and DB?  I cured them.  They sold their toilet paper and have disappeared from the forums.  Thank goodness my methods work.  Well at least for a few lemmings.  Most are still going over the edge with TNT and Blaino.

Don't worry Bumper,  we're only helping dontlop see the light.  My therapy tactics are well proven.   smile

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Not many people are with you and your statements

ewingm, on 16 Aug 2014 - 4:09 PM, said:

Talk about having NO credibility. Anyone who bought dinar has no fi ancial credibility.

ewingm, on 16 Aug 2014 - 4:27 PM, said:

You have NO fiscal credibility if you bought dinar. Period.Salivating over every rumor of an RV spouted by criminal gurus. You have NO credibility . Period.

Why are you here ewingm ?

Read more:


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